(edited by Tenelia.9035)
Constant Crashes after HoT Update
my wife is running the 32 bit client and it is crashing for her about every 10 mins or so. A few have posted that there is a memory leak which may account for this crash, but so far anet has only said that people with 32 bit systems need to upgrade to 64 bit systems… which for us isnt an option right now. She has run the game fine since release on this pc… and the beta also was fine. It has just started crashing since release. She cant even play in the regular zones without the crashes, so it isnt just the new zone, its the client itself.
Please fix asap… or start giving people refunds.
i’ve got similar problems as well. i crash roughly every 10 mins or 2-3 loading screens(whichever comes first). i am unable to finish the quest that brings you to the new zone.. paid $100 dollars to have my favorite mmo go from waiting on new content to unplayably crashy.. very disappoint.
[SLVR] [blb]
I am having the same problem as well. Also on a 32 bit system.
Had the same issue, fixed it by reinstalling. I think one of the patches may have corrupted some game files. Repairing the client didn’t work for me but considering I couldn’t play properly anyway a full reinstall was an option.
- Crash <—*
Assertion: parentModel
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 8640
BaseAddr: 013D0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54555
When: 2015-10-25T21:23:16Z 2015-10-25T22:23:16+01:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:58
Flags: 0
- System <—*
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
- System Memory <—*
Physical: 918MB/ 4077MB 22%
Paged: 3585MB/ 8152MB 43%
Virtual: 2012MB/ 4095MB 49%
Load: 77%
CommitTotal: 4566MB
CommitLimit: 8152MB
CommitPeak: 5311MB
SystemCache: 1047MB
HandleCount: 29704
ProcessCount: 80
ThreadCount: 1208
- Process Memory <—*
Private: 1390MB
WorkingSet: 1231MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1232MB
PageFaults: 1220265
- Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 755.28 928808
Programmer Data 331.96 302390
Art Assets 308.92 6993
VRAM 269.77 30495
Anim Import Models 153.05 387
Anim Import Packfile 153.05 387
Game 150.17 115829
Engine 102.85 153442
Content 96.49 37301
Character Models 80.87 1000
Uncategorized 74.81 566680
Map Assets 70.54 4836
VRAM – Gr Postproc 70.39 17
Gr 67.49 98889
Prop Models 62.93 3240
Prop Packfile 60.59 376
Collections 57.61 5964
Dictionary 56.23 1095
Composite Models 48.93 617
Text 42.26 7612
VRAM – DDI Shader 40.57 26813
Collide 39.59 52745
Composite Tex Pool 32.39 120
Composite Tex 32.39 120
- Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Anim Import Packfile 153.05 387
Content 96.49 37301
Uncategorized 74.81 566680
VRAM – Gr Postproc 70.39 17
Prop Packfile 60.59 376
Dictionary 56.23 1095
Text 42.26 7612
VRAM – DDI Shader 40.57 26813
Gr 39.21 6355
Composite Tex Pool 32.39 120
Character Packfile 31.76 169
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
VRAM – Prop Tex 24.68 977
Collide Havok 17.17 40945
Composite Packfile 16.53 kitten
Collide 16.42 11074
VRAM – Composite Tex 16.10 51
VRAM – Character Geo 12.91 471
Archive 11.20 39
Audio FMOD 10.02 2230
VRAM – Terrain PgdImg 10.00 40
Audio 9.98 1243
VRAM – Gr Img 9.52 7
VRAM – World Map Tex 8.81 36
- Game Context <—*
MapId: 1043
Flags: 0×241
ElapsedTime: 00:00:33
- World State <—*
<WorldState BufferCapacity="41222144" BufferUsed="16478948" DrawCalls="624" Fps="52" EffectLights="0" Lights="40" Materials="271" Particles="2560" Submodels="638" TextureLoadsPending="5" TextureMemory="223826196" Triangles="740783" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="100997376" CameraPos="-2466.89, 8128.2, -865.767" CameraFwd="-0.722961, -0.473146, 0.503449" MapName="tboUv.PTVVE" MapNamespace="KAhpw" MapSector="IJwR+.6dSoc" MapType="Public" MapFloor="0" MapId="1043" MapGuid="7330127D-AB56-4592-BA0A-135CAEAC8B2C" MapTimeOfDay="1.000000" PlayerFacing="-0.508132, -0.860564, 0.0350848" PlayerPos="-2900.49, 7844.35, -427.324" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, -0" />
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
- ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×1cac <—*
- Trace <—*
Pc:0221aecd Fr:075ef77c Rt:021fc7b0 Arg:617eeed4 617eee80 04bf0e7c 075ef7b0
Pc:021fc7b0 Fr:075ef790 Rt:018f3322 Arg:791aca10 00000000 1191d4d7 791aca50
Pc:018f3322 Fr:075ef7b0 Rt:019a9041 Arg:01ac26e0 075ef7d0 791aca50 791aca10
Pc:019a9041 Fr:075ef7c8 Rt:019a97a3 Arg:791aca10 075efb70 4779f010 77b3fb77
Pc:019a97a3 Fr:075ef7e4 Rt:02164b67 Arg:075ef840 075efb54 4779f010 02b7b648
Pc:02164b67 Fr:075ef834 Rt:0216544c Arg:075efb70 02da02b9 002d3bf0 df9a1112
Pc:0216544c Fr:075efb38 Rt:019cb997 Arg:07b3f048 000002bd 00000000 075efb70
Pc:019cb997 Fr:075efb80 Rt:019cbb5b Arg:075efbac 019cfd73 000002bd 07b3f048
Pc:019cbb5b Fr:075efb88 Rt:019cfd73 Arg:000002bd 07b3f048 457c9030 0783aa18
Pc:019cfd73 Fr:075efbac Rt:0188c07b Arg:00000023 04f4d010 07b3f038 00000002
Pc:0188c07b Fr:075efc4c Rt:0188a51f Arg:04f4d010 00000002 00000023 000002cd
Pc:0188a51f Fr:075efc98 Rt:0188a5e7 Arg:000002cd 07b3f038 00000010 00000000
Pc:0188a5e7 Fr:075efcec Rt:01889edd Arg:00374990 00000001 027d7805 97f7e4b9
Pc:01889edd Fr:075efd50 Rt:0188b1d2 Arg:5cca118f 01d10f6b b15836e0 00000001
Pc:0188b1d2 Fr:075efd90 Rt:018897a1 Arg:04bf2d30 00374990 016def58 00000000
Pc:018897a1 Fr:075efdb0 Rt:01830220 Arg:04bf2d30 b1583698 00000000 00374990
Pc:01830220 Fr:075efde8 Rt:01830348 Arg:00000000 075efe00 773f33aa 00374990
Pc:01830348 Fr:075efdf4 Rt:773f33aa Arg:00374990 075efe40 77a29f72 00374990
Pc:773f33aa Fr:075efe00 Rt:77a29f72 Arg:00374990 728d4ba0 00000000 00000000
Pc:77a29f72 Fr:075efe40 Rt:77a29f45 Arg:018302cc 00374990 00000000 00000000
Pc:77a29f45 Fr:075efe58 Rt:00000000 Arg:018302cc 00374990 00000000 00000000
- Thread registers <—*
eax=075ef334 ebx=630ed1d0 ecx=075ef6ac edx=00000000 esi=773f588e edi=00000000
eip=0221aecd esp=075ef750 ebp=075ef77c
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246
eax-32 075EF314 00000000 773f588e 00000000 075ef384
eax-16 075EF324 76e4c40d 075ef384 76e4c41f 075ef334
eax 0 075EF334 80000003 00000000 00000000 76e4c41f
eax16 075EF344 00000002 00000002 5660be60 00000000
eax+32 075EF354 075ef370 0184d3a7 000000bc 075ef378
eax+48 075EF364 075ef36c 00000000 000000c0 075ef3d8
ebx-32 630ED1B0 630ed110 630ed070 630ed160 630ed0c0
ebx-16 630ED1C0 00000000 00000000 00756275 00000000
ebx 0 630ED1D0 026b0d1c 00000001 00000000 00000000
ebx16 630ED1E0 633d4494 633d4490 00000015 00000008
ebx+32 630ED1F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000040
ebx+48 630ED200 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx-32 075EF68C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx-16 075EF69C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx 0 075EF6AC 80000003 00000000 00000000 76e4c41f
ecx16 075EF6BC 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000
ecx+32 075EF6CC 075ef370 0184d3a7 000000bc 075ef378
ecx+48 075EF6DC 075ef36c 00000000 000000c0 075ef3d8
esi-32 773F586C 0239eee9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 773F587C 909005eb ff909090 3f0b9825 90909077
esi 0 773F588C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 773F589C 3f0da425 90909077 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 773F58AC 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 773F58BC 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c
- Code <—*
0221AEAD 8b40feff ff565752 ff507883 7de80075 .@…VWR.Px.}..u
0221AEBD 1468fe07 0000ba88 0d6b02b9 080e6b02 .h…….k….k.
0221AECD e85ebd4c ffc745ec 0516cec8 c745f057 .^.L..E……E.W
0221AEDD eb734dc7 45f4aca3 d83dc745 f83b443e .sM.E….=.E.;D>
0221AEED 56f30f6f 45ecf30f 7f45ece8 d302cbff V..oE….E……
0221AEFD 8d4dec51 8bc88b10 ff52348b f885ff74 .M.Q…..R4….t
- Stack <—*
075EF750 0221aed2 000007fe 630ed03c 00001377 ..!…..<..cw…
075EF760 04bf0e7c 00000000 e9be3156 44a0f1d0 |…….V1…..D
075EF770 21e57ba2 e55594d5 b1583c0c 075ef790 .{.!..U..<X…^.
075EF780 021fc7b0 617eeed4 617eee80 04bf0e7c ……~a..~a|…
075EF790 075ef7b0 018f3322 791aca10 00000000 ..^."3…..y….
075EF7A0 1191d4d7 791aca50 4779f05c 617eeeb0 ….P..y\.yG..~a
075EF7B0 075ef7c8 019a9041 01ac26e0 075ef7d0 ..^.A….&….^.
075EF7C0 791aca50 791aca10 075ef7e4 019a97a3 P..y…y..^…..
075EF7D0 791aca10 075efb70 4779f010 77b3fb77 …yp.^…yGw..w
075EF7E0 000001bf 075ef834 02164b67 075ef840 ….4.^.gK...^. 075EF7F0 075efb54 4779f010 02b7b648 02167037 T.^...yGH...7p.. 075EF800 000002da 075efb54 4779f010 00000000 ....T.^...yG.... 075EF810 487edeea 487edee1 1954e010 000002da ..~H..~H..T..... 075EF820 ffffffff 487edee6 00000000 1191d4d7 ......~H........ 075EF830 075efb14 075efb38 0216544c 075efb70 ..^.8.^.LT..p.^. 075EF840 02da02b9 002d3bf0 df9a1112 aa83434b .....;-.....KC.. 075EF850 02088188 3c010156 fa418324 72436c5b ....V..<$.A.[lCr 075EF860 1841ae7f 003c9a5a 2ee48101 6260f0c1 ..A.Z.<.......`b 075EF870 80b7a040 3429063d 2500003b e1bf74f6 @...=.)4;..%.t.. 075EF880 003e94b9 67000000 0073fc03 1631002d ..>....g..s.-.1. 075EF890 8f410046 4680cb92 e00ff000 2b413e80 F.A....F.....>A+ 075EF8A0 8c43709b 2441b170 003d4298 d0839001 .pC.p.A$.B=..... 075EF8B0 428e0d3e 9159aec1 910038bf 27a00000 >..B..Y..8.....' 075EF8C0 20133da9 90000e7f ae0a0c10 a1002d00 .=. .........-.. 075EF8D0 32004614 8c95f5f4 e00ff000 b3c23dd9 .F.2.........=.. 075EF8E0 1542b7b7 82beff03 003d9bc6 ef31bf01 ..B.......=...1. 075EF8F0 aaf1d440 aaf1d4c0 a0004434 d8200000 @.......4D.... . 075EF900 63553f7e 000cbdc2 000031f0 1a00fc21 ~?Uc.....1..!... 075EF910 9a191300 ff114bdf 0448d691 03030d63 .....K....H.c... 075EF920 ffff4100 3301c856 9a1c8300 b1004bdf .A..V..3.....K.. 075EF930 be44a305 56458060 00c4324c d2e902ac ..D.`.EVL2...... 075EF940 00d90001 d2e92ef9 000dbe01 b70505f1 ................ 075EF950 c876b502 040004db f900c600 0076b52e ..v...........v. 075EF960 0008ca76 02ac0152 002c90e4 0190e440 v...R.....,.
075EF970 f4000dbe 02000597 c379c91e 9147418d ……….y..AG.
075EF980 ca000017 f986e579 0009f993 9079cb00 ….y………y.
075EF990 4e1fa9e7 ff000002 167cff7b 001ef775 …N….{.|.u…
075EF9A0 747c8000 83213eac 81000011 01eb2a7c ..|t.>!…..|*..
075EF9B0 001d1030 e446ca00 f7778fb5 cb00000e 0…..F…w…..
075EF9C0 a6f20c46 000e0f1d e546cc00 da2d4fea F………F..O-.
075EF9D0 84000009 ac6a5d49 00165d96 a7498500 ….I]j..]….I.
075EF9E0 a869a605 86000011 101aa649 0012d93a ..i…..I…:…
075EF9F0 e40e8100 207f2644 8200001e 332cd30e ….D&. ……,3
075EFA00 00053937 db0e8300 0075c7d9 89000009 79……..u…..
075EFA10 02acd042 00180d77 3c428a00 428b2400 B…w…..B<.$.B
075EFA20 7af1003c d70b728d 1cc8ae28 728e0000 <..z.r..(……r
075EFA30 ddedf4a6 00001d35 6eeb728f 0fec0aa3 ….5….r.n….
075EFA40 74cd0000 ff257ddf 0000059c c7da74ce …t.}%……t..
075EFA50 13f524c8 74cf0000 5666af4a 00001b84 .$…..tJ.fV….
075EFA60 0c1b7eb3 05c3fd0a 7eb40000 e62e47a5 .~………~.G..
075EFA70 000019f5 62477eb5 093cfadc 80ef0000 …..~Gb..<…..
075EFA80 a040d201 00060293 0180f000 f92fe191 ..@………../.
075EFA90 00000f33 790180f1 de53ce6e 0c00001a 3……yn.S…..
075EFAA0 01f90002 0c010100 c3af0104 0101b402 …………….
075EFAB0 79b10002 b202b717 049ad03a 01780600 …y….:.....×.
075EFAC0 003ab240 f3017856 013ab20b c6010200 @.:.Vx….:…..
075EFAD0 e20a16f0 0d9a84d5 02af0000 09db38bc ………….8..
075EFAE0 02010010 01a07100 0001c0ed d0003500 …..q…….5..
075EFAF0 7d0038bc 03bf02cc bf02c600 027d7803 .8.}………x}.
075EFB00 000002bd 02165418 07b3f038 075efb70 …..T..8…p.^.
075EFB10 075efbc0 00000026 11c52910 04000000 ..^.&….)……
075EFB20 ffffffff 77a0fe89 76e50dfc 77a0fe89 …….w…v…w
075EFB30 76e50dfc b1583048 075efb80 019cb997 …vH0X…^…..
075EFB40 07b3f048 000002bd 00000000 075efb70 H………..p.^.
- Error Logs <—*
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957040767325209091’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045616343286279’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957044899083747840’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045478904332806’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957037099423138312’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045148191851009’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957102065098457633’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×128ace
Texture missing mip chain: 0×128ad0
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Model ‘0×0f9f95’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Texture missing mip chain: 0×134878
Texture missing mip chain: 0×13487a
Texture missing mip chain: 0×134876
Texture missing mip chain: 0×134877
- DirectX Device Info <—*
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×1244
Version = 10.18.0013.5598
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 1024 MB
Update: The crash reporter keeps hanging. And why does it take 60 seconds to send a report? I’ve missed out on Teq so often simply due to crashes. This is unreasonable.
Crash log can’t even be read.
Same here. Game has become unplayable. Reinstall did not help.
I’ve been getting plenty of crashing…I’ve heard reinstalling might fix it so I’m gonna try that, though I’ve also head that it doesn’t…guess it depends on the player, wish me luck!
Didn’t crash even once before today.
Now I’m crashing every 5-10 mins if I’m on a HoT map, it’s unplayable.
forum dwellers would go nuts about the need to
“grind” to get exp, new swords, new potions etc
yup.. me wife is on a 32 bit system and is getting the crashes still. The game is totally unplayable even in old areas. She cant even finish one vinewrath now without crashing. She logs in, everything looks good, 6-10 mins later (if that) the game just closes and she sends a report, if it will let her.
We have tried reinstalling, running the repair tool, changing winsock etc.. It is the CLIENT crashing and it did not happen until this update.
God i hope they get it fixed soon.. she is steaming that she paid 50$ more for this game and now she cant even play the old stuff.
Having the same problem. Was fine before HoT – now I crash every 15 mins or so making it near impossible to do anything.
- Crash <—*
OOM: Heap, bytes=5600000,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6644
BaseAddr: 00820000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54566
When: 2015-10-26T17:52:37Z 2015-10-26T13:52:37-04:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:09:57
Flags: 0
- System <—*
Processors: 2 [AuthenticAMD:15:11:2]
OSVersion: Windows 5.1 (32 bit)
- System Memory <—*
Physical: 997MB/ 3582MB 27%
Paged: 3833MB/ 7166MB 53%
Virtual: 157MB/ 2047MB 7%
Load: 72%
CommitTotal: 3333MB
CommitLimit: 7166MB
CommitPeak: 3344MB
SystemCache: 1180MB
HandleCount: 38322
ProcessCount: 79
ThreadCount: 1161
- Process Memory <—*
Private: 1526MB
WorkingSet: 1393MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1393MB
PageFaults: 5939881
- Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 808.65 998703
Art Assets 349.66 9235
Programmer Data 349.10 376873
VRAM 230.31 23778
Anim Import Models 175.63 416
Anim Import Packfile 175.63 416
Engine 136.53 207673
Game 134.34 114360
Content 96.49 37301
Character Models 84.00 1111
Gr 82.75 124804
Uncategorized 73.98 564880
Map Assets 73.95 6359
Prop Models 65.09 2692
Prop Packfile 63.19 374
Collections 54.99 8899
Dictionary 52.86 1631
Character Packfile 44.27 172
Composite Models 39.29 392
Collide 35.91 47715
VRAM – Gr Postproc 35.05 17
Composite Tex Pool 31.89 122
Composite Tex 31.89 122
Audio 31.73 9869
- Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Anim Import Packfile 175.63 416
Content 96.49 37301
Uncategorized 73.98 564880
Prop Packfile 63.19 374
Dictionary 52.86 1631
Character Packfile 44.27 172
Gr 38.78 6044
VRAM – Gr Postproc 35.05 17
Composite Tex Pool 31.89 122
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
VRAM – Prop Tex 29.74 1207
Text 25.72 3806
VRAM – DDI Shader 25.08 19485
Audio 20.00 1822
Collide Havok 16.83 38162
VRAM – Gr Geometry 14.81 146
Effect Packfile 13.57 173
Collide 12.78 8815
VRAM – Composite Tex 12.44 43
Gr Cloud 11.73 17838
Audio FMOD 11.73 8047
VRAM – World Map Tex 11.56 49
Archive 11.48 80
VRAM – UI Textures 10.63 282
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 10.0.10240.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]
- ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×1138 <—*
- Trace <—*
Pc:00b2d8df Fr:06eae910 Rt:00b8cd3a Arg:00000010 00000001 017bf860 000005cd
Pc:00b8cd3a Fr:06eae93c Rt:00b8cf6c Arg:00000000 00000000 33790110 57711000
Pc:00b8cf6c Fr:06eae968 Rt:00b8db63 Arg:00000000 06eae9a0 00000005 6818fac0
Pc:00b8db63 Fr:06eae984 Rt:0143f07c Arg:06eae9a0 00000005 437a7e90 00000000
Pc:0143f07c Fr:06eaea40 Rt:0143e984 Arg:3f8962a2 01f84e8c 046b3e14 60b1e954
Pc:0143e984 Fr:06eaf730 Rt:01442f1a Arg:00000001 00000000 06eaf750 000000db
Pc:01442f1a Fr:06eaf7b0 Rt:00b3ba12 Arg:04585c28 000000db 00e6b3e7 04585c10
Pc:00b3ba12 Fr:06eaf7e8 Rt:00e65d4f Arg:06eaf870 0b3fe2b8 04586854 3e604189
Pc:00e65d4f Fr:06eaf814 Rt:00e6812f Arg:3e654a27 00cdc1c3 04586810 04586c60
Pc:00e6812f Fr:06eaf8bc Rt:00cda14e Arg:04586810 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:00cda14e Fr:06eaf938 Rt:00cdb352 Arg:19f3ed06 01d11017 5f3f651f 00000001
Pc:00cdb352 Fr:06eaf978 Rt:00cd9921 Arg:043f2d30 0515bff0 00b2ef58 00c8048c
Pc:00cd9921 Fr:06eaf998 Rt:00c803e0 Arg:043f2d30 5f3f65b7 00c8048c 0515bff0
Pc:00c803e0 Fr:06eaf9d0 Rt:00c80508 Arg:00c8048c 06eaf9f0 7599dea4 0515bff0
Pc:00c80508 Fr:06eaf9dc Rt:7599dea4 Arg:0515bff0 7599de80 2b26ede9 06eafa38
Pc:7599dea4 Fr:06eaf9f0 Rt:77b7055e Arg:0515bff0 29449ae9 00000000 00000000
Pc:77b7055e Fr:06eafa38 Rt:77b7052d Arg:ffffffff 77bb6e33 00000000 00000000
Pc:77b7052d Fr:06eafa48 Rt:00000000 Arg:00c8048c 0515bff0 00000000 00000000
- Thread registers <—*
eax=06eae478 ebx=06eae8cc ecx=00000000 edx=06eae8cc esi=759a8880 edi=00000000
eip=00b2d8df esp=06eae8a8 ebp=06eae910
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246
eax-32 06EAE458 00000004 0001003f fffffd34 000002e4
eax-16 06EAE468 fffffd34 000002cc 00000018 00000000
eax 0 06EAE478 80000003 00000000 00000000 74dc24c2
eax16 06EAE488 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+32 06EAE498 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+48 06EAE4A8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx-32 06EAE8AC 017bf860 000005cd 00000000 4f7e7e4c
ebx-16 06EAE8BC 4f7e7dc8 0000dac0 00000000 00000001
ebx 0 06EAE8CC 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 30303635
ebx16 06EAE8DC 00303030 7f800000 7f800000 7f800000
ebx+32 06EAE8EC 7f800000 ff800000 ff800000 ff800000
ebx+48 06EAE8FC ff800000 3f800000 3f800000 51a9d0d0
edx-32 06EAE8AC 017bf860 000005cd 00000000 4f7e7e4c
edx-16 06EAE8BC 4f7e7dc8 0000dac0 00000000 00000001
edx 0 06EAE8CC 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 30303635
edx16 06EAE8DC 00303030 7f800000 7f800000 7f800000
edx+32 06EAE8EC 7f800000 ff800000 ff800000 ff800000
edx+48 06EAE8FC ff800000 3f800000 3f800000 51a9d0d0
esi-32 759A8860 8b55ff8b 25ff5dec 75a04964 cccccccc
esi-16 759A8870 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
esi 0 759A8880 432025ff cccc75a0 cccccccc cccccccc
esi16 759A8890 8b55ff8b 25ff5dec 75a04968 cccccccc
esi+32 759A88A0 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
esi+48 759A88B0 8b55ff8b 4cec83ec a03000a1 89c53375
- Code <—*
00B2D8BF 806a7801 8d45bc6a 4050e832 69ffff83 .jx..E.j@P.2i…
00B2D8CF c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
00B2D8DF e84c9500 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 .L….U..E..Z..u
00B2D8EF 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
00B2D8FF f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
00B2D90F 68e50300 00bafc69 7801b990 6a7801e8 h……ix…jx..
- Stack <—*
06EAE8A8 00b2d8e4 017bf860 000005cd 00000000 ….`.{………
06EAE8B8 4f7e7e4c 4f7e7dc8 0000dac0 00000000 L~~O.}~O……..
06EAE8C8 00000001 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
06EAE8D8 30303635 00303030 7f800000 7f800000 5600000………
06EAE8E8 7f800000 7f800000 ff800000 ff800000 …………….
06EAE8F8 ff800000 ff800000 3f800000 3f800000 ………..?…?
06EAE908 51a9d0d0 5f3f7577 06eae93c 00b8cd3a …Qwu?<…:…
06EAE918 00000010 00000001 017bf860 000005cd ……..`.{…..
06EAE928 00000027 00000000 4f7e7e4c 4f7e7dc8 ‘…….L~~O.}~O
06EAE938 00000001 06eae968 00b8cf6c 00000000 ….h…l…….
06EAE948 00000000 33790110 57711000 00000000 ……y3..qW….
06EAE958 00000000 00000000 3f800000 33790110 ………..?..y3
06EAE968 06eae984 00b8db63 00000000 06eae9a0 ….c………..
06EAE978 00000005 6818fac0 437a7e90 06eaea40 …….h.~zC@…
06EAE988 0143f07c 06eae9a0 00000005 437a7e90 |.C……….~zC
06EAE998 00000000 06eaf744 3f83a4cd 00000000 ….D……?….
06EAE9A8 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f83a4cd ……………?
06EAE9B8 00000000 c11e12e1 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAE9C8 3f83a4cd 00000000 3f39b8bc 3e194273 …?……9?sB.>
06EAE9D8 bf2bf9a3 44096a9d 00000000 014241d0 ..+..j.D…..AB.
06EAE9E8 57711038 437a7e90 3f8962a2 43d482ac 8.qW.~zC.b.?…C
06EAE9F8 43d48290 43d48300 31b21010 06eaf744 …C…C…1D…
06EAEA08 437a7e90 00000000 06eaea48 00c9ab67 .~zC….H…g…
06EAEA18 00000004 437a7e90 57710ff0 00000000 …..~zC..qW….
06EAEA28 3379016c 57711000 00000000 6818fad0 l.y3..qW…….h
06EAEA38 00000001 5f3f7627 06eaf730 0143e984 ….’v?0…..C.
06EAEA48 3f8962a2 01f84e8c 046b3e14 60b1e954 .b.?.N…>k.T..`
06EAEA58 00000000 00000008 02108802 00000000 …………….
06EAEA68 00000000 00000000 3f8962a2 00000000 ………b.?….
06EAEA78 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEA88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEA98 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEAA8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEAB8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEAC8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEAD8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEAE8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEAF8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEB08 06eaeb10 00000000 47b0ef60 00000000 ……..`..G….
06EAEB18 00000000 00000000 00000000 11478004 …………..G.
06EAEB28 00000000 00000000 00000014 0000006c …………l…
06EAEB38 00000000 00000000 00009800 01cd7b20 ………… {..
06EAEB48 00000000 00000000 48b91450 00000000 ……..P..H….
06EAEB58 00000000 00000000 00002ff4 01ccf610 ………/……
06EAEB68 00000000 00000000 01cf4d80 00000000 ………M……
06EAEB78 00000000 00000000 06eaed30 00847dd6 ……..0….}..
06EAEB88 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 …………….
06EAEB98 00000000 00000000 00008000 00000000 …………….
06EAEBA8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 …………….
06EAEBB8 00000000 00000000 c5947b93 c50d1938 ………{..8…
06EAEBC8 00000000 00000000 c6c4ec00 c62c86f8 …………..,.
06EAEBD8 00000000 00000000 443f3f16 45a1bbd0 ………??D…E
06EAEBE8 00000000 00000000 4674104a bf7791e6 ……..J.tF..w.
06EAEBF8 00000000 00000000 45aef0ad 3eca8b35 ………..E5..>
06EAEC08 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 …………….
06EAEC18 06eaec20 00000000 00000000 3f8004db …………..?
06EAEC28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEC38 00000000 00000000 3f800000 00000001 ………..?….
06EAEC48 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f8004db ……………?
06EAEC58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEC68 00000000 00000000 3f800000 00000005 ………..?….
06EAEC78 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEC88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
06EAEC98 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 …………….
- Error Logs <—*
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘KIWQR.F77q2’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (3781.178955, -969.890991, -14856.333984), Completion: 0.000000
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘KIWQR.F77q2’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×00e689
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×118f71
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘KIWQR.F77q2’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
- DirectX Device Info <—*
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×0423
Version = 9.18.0013.4181
Description = NVIDIA GeForce 8300 GS
Compat = 0×00100000
VidMem = 256 MB
Before hot i had a crash every 6 months, and was because was just after pacthes.
Now in the new zones i crash every minute, its just unplayable.
I sent a ticket to anet , and their reply was,that their servers are fine and i need to update to a 64 bit.
Wow its just amazing, i even crashed in LA and www , before it never happen.
Very upseting, looks like or you get a 64 bit system or u just crash over and over.
This must be the worse pacth ever so many bugs.
Before hot i had a crash every 6 months, and was because was just after pacthes.
Now in the new zones i crash every minute, its just unplayable.
I sent a ticket to anet , and their reply was,that their servers are fine and i need to update to a 64 bit.
Wow its just amazing, i even crashed in LA and www , before it never happen.
Very upseting, looks like or you get a 64 bit system or u just crash over and over.
This must be the worse pacth ever so many bugs.
I’ve GOT a 64-bit system, and I can’t do anything without crashing. I was fine on Friday and Saturday, but he latest patches have really screwed me. Game is totally unplayable.
so wait… they are actually telling everyone … they meaning the anet support team… that we should all go out and buy a new PC so we can run the 64 bit client, when they still offer a 32 bit client just because they don’t want to fix it…
You have to be joking… right?
They didn’t officially say that did they?
The kitten game runs the exact specs as it did before the patch and there is a problem with the code.. not the system running it. If they offer a 32 bit client, they need to support that client or they can just start handing out the refunds to all the people still running this on a 32 bit client.
fix it.. OR REFUND MY WIFE HER MONEY for the game AND the expansion she cant play.
Can we get a dev or someone to make a statement on this? This is TOTALLY unacceptable!
(edited by trueanimus.4085)
Bumpty bump bump…. Still crashing
another bump… lets keep this at the top so they will maybe do something to fix it!
I’ve been having two different varieties of the game crapping out on me.
1. Since one of the fix patches to HoT/Halloween (one of the earliest ones), I’ve been crashing. A lot. Usually at -least- once per hour, usually multiple times. Everything’s 64bit, and if my computer is capable of running the unoptimized alpha for Ark: Survival Evolved for hours and hours straight at low-medium settings and 30fps, then dear god GW2 at max and medium should be an absolute breeze, and that’s an understatement.
2. CANNOT CONNECT TO THE LOGIN SERVER. During prime time and night, this awful thing plagues me, and tries to pin the problem on me to boot, which just makes things more frustrating. This started happening last Saturday, and not a thing on my machine has been changed. As well, I can (eventually) get in, usually after 4+ tries. At this time, the Wiki also goes down and the forums run fast as molassas in January. I don’t understand this one because none of my friends are getting it, but nothing has changed about my connection or its speed.
Between these two, I’ll get bouts of getting one of the other sometimes every five minutes, and it’s killing me. I’ve wound up deliberately playing either very late at night or early in the morning to avoid the login server problem, which makes the labyrinth and HoT kinda suck since most other NA players aren’t around and I wind up having to solo things for eternity on my engie.
Lauren did say in the main thread that they are aware of the OOM issues and are looking into it, but no ETA.
Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.
(edited by Kylden Ar.3724)
I’ve even added a list of games that I play with zero issues. It’s getting to be a chore to play GW2. I crash multiple times during Teq and have to wait a ridiculous 60 seconds just to submit a crash report? Do you know that’s enough for me to miss one burn rotation? Is Anet going to compensate me for my time?
Or would Anet rather tease out a class action suit from its paying gamers?
Put me down for this too. I haven’t been able to spend more than about 3 minutes in the game once I load into a map. Often I don’t even get 10 steps of movement in before I DC. I always click the file report button, but where else can we post the crash logs to get someone’s attention? I never crashed before this, but like so many others, the game is unplayable now…
—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=8531564,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6876
Cmdline: -autologin
BaseAddr: 00FE0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54655
When: 2015-10-28T04:55:49Z 2015-10-27T21:55:49-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:08:16
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:14:5]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (32 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 456MB/ 3063MB 14%
Paged: 2501MB/ 6124MB 40%
Virtual: 138MB/ 2047MB 6%
Load: 85%
CommitTotal: 3623MB
CommitLimit: 6124MB
CommitPeak: 3722MB
SystemCache: 578MB
HandleCount: 30780
ProcessCount: 83
ThreadCount: 1092
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1618MB
WorkingSet: 1462MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1512MB
PageFaults: 2870702
—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 611.59 681302
VRAM 332.48 21198
Programmer Data 316.84 287432
Art Assets 207.10 8082
Game 135.53 110613
Engine 108.14 140991
Map Assets 97.81 6531
Content 96.49 37301
Prop Models 91.48 3508
Prop Packfile 88.79 533
VRAM – Gr Postproc 82.82 17
Gr 70.43 89998
Anim Import Packfile 66.21 125
Anim Import Models 66.21 125
Uncategorized 63.90 361615
VRAM – Prop Tex 53.38 621
Collections 50.74 4941
Dictionary 49.29 675
Character Models 38.12 318
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
Composite Models 29.92 198
Text 27.87 4088
Composite Tex 27.22 118
Composite Tex Pool 27.22 118
—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Content 96.49 37301
Prop Packfile 88.79 533
VRAM – Gr Postproc 82.82 17
Anim Import Packfile 66.21 125
Uncategorized 63.90 361615
VRAM – Prop Tex 53.38 621
Dictionary 49.29 675
Gr 38.61 4201
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
Text 27.87 4088
Composite Tex Pool 27.22 118
VRAM – DDI Shader 22.96 17614
VRAM – UI Textures 22.16 555
VRAM – Prop Geo 19.61 302
VRAM – Gr Geometry 12.57 87
Collide Havok 12.23 18524
VRAM – Character Geo 11.79 125
VRAM – World Map Tex 11.56 49
Audio 11.42 809
Archive 11.21 77
Audio FMOD 9.62 3444
Gr Umbra 9.42 1063
Character Packfile 8.15 56
VRAM – Gr Shadow 8.00 1
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0xfb8 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:012ed92f Fr:0627f768 Rt:01beed80 Arg:00000000 00000000 021970f4 000004b3
Pc:01beed80 Fr:0627f9a8 Rt:01befad7 Arg:00000000 04188410 00000030 00000030
Pc:01befad7 Fr:0627f9e0 Rt:01be7148 Arg:00000000 012eee49 00000610 0132ce80
Pc:01be7148 Fr:0627fa30 Rt:016260eb Arg:3d449ba6 3d4370aa 0627fac0 06c6dab8
Pc:016260eb Fr:0627fa64 Rt:0162899f Arg:3d4370aa 0149c393 0434e010 0434e460
Pc:0162899f Fr:0627fb0c Rt:0149a2de Arg:0434e010 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:0149a2de Fr:0627fb88 Rt:0149b4e2 Arg:ea6edb50 01d1113c d9cd27a9 00000001
Pc:0149b4e2 Fr:0627fbc8 Rt:01499ab1 Arg:03ff3d30 00456758 012eefc8 00000000
Pc:01499ab1 Fr:0627fbe8 Rt:014404f0 Arg:03ff3d30 d9cd2041 00000000 00456758
Pc:014404f0 Fr:0627fc20 Rt:01440618 Arg:00000000 0627fc38 757dee6c 00456758
Pc:01440618 Fr:0627fc2c Rt:757dee6c Arg:00456758 0627fc78 76f73ab3 00456758
Pc:757dee6c Fr:0627fc38 Rt:76f73ab3 Arg:00456758 73cf8a65 00000000 00000000
Pc:76f73ab3 Fr:0627fc78 Rt:76f73a86 Arg:0144059c 00456758 00000000 00000000
Pc:76f73a86 Fr:0627fc90 Rt:00000000 Arg:0144059c 00456758 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=0627f2dc ebx=0627f724 ecx=021970f4 edx=0627f724 esi=757cf26a edi=00000000
eip=012ed92f esp=0627f700 ebp=0627f768
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246
eax-32 0627F2BC 00000000 00000004 fffffd34 000002e4
eax-16 0627F2CC fffffd34 000002cc 00000018 00000000
eax 0 0627F2DC 80000003 00000000 00000000 7510812f
eax16 0627F2EC 00000000 3b51e010 00000000 00000000
eax+32 0627F2FC 00000006 3f800000 03810848 4d80d14c
eax+48 0627F30C 01468c34 0627f354 03810864 4d80d144
ebx-32 0627F704 021970f4 000004b3 00000000 3b7383d0
ebx-16 0627F714 0627f79c 3b738410 00000000 00000009
ebx 0 0627F724 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 31333538
ebx16 0627F734 00343635 00000000 000dd0e1 000dd0e1
ebx+32 0627F744 0627f76c 013f4305 00000000 0627f798
ebx+48 0627F754 0627f768 0627f79c 0627f798 00000000
ecx-32 021970D4 65646f4d 7270206c 616f6c65 656c2064
ecx-16 021970E4 20736b61 65746564 64657463 0000002e
ecx 0 021970F4 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
ecx16 02197104 65646f4d 6f4d5c6c 466c6564 2e656c69
ecx+32 02197114 00707063 006f004d 00650064 0020006c
ecx+48 02197124 00690066 0065006c 00250020 00200073
edx-32 0627F704 021970f4 000004b3 00000000 3b7383d0
edx-16 0627F714 0627f79c 3b738410 00000000 00000009
edx 0 0627F724 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 31333538
edx16 0627F734 00343635 00000000 000dd0e1 000dd0e1
edx+32 0627F744 0627f76c 013f4305 00000000 0627f798
edx+48 0627F754 0627f768 0627f79c 0627f798 00000000
esi-32 757CF248 90909090 9825ff90 9075791d 90909090
esi-16 757CF258 909005eb ff909090 791c0c25 90909075
esi 0 757CF268 ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 757CF278 791db025 90909075 186a9090 7cf32068
esi+32 757CF288 da7ae875 4d830000 35ffffe4 75856010
esi+48 757CF298 13a015ff f6337579 33fc7589 7d8947ff
—> Code <—
012ED90F 806af401 8d45bc6a 4050e852 68ffff83 .j…E.j@P.Rh…
012ED91F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
012ED92F e8ac9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 ……U..E..Z..u
012ED93F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
012ED94F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
012ED95F 68e50300 00bafc69 f401b990 6af401e8 h……i….j…
—> Stack <—
0627F700 012ed934 021970f4 000004b3 00000000 4….p……….
0627F710 3b7383d0 0627f79c 3b738410 00000000 ..s;..‘…s;….
0627F720 00000009 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
0627F730 31333538 00343635 00000000 000dd0e1 8531564………
0627F740 000dd0e1 0627f76c 013f4305 00000000 ….l.’..C?…..
0627F750 0627f798 0627f768 0627f79c 0627f798 ..‘.h.’…‘…’.
0627F760 00000000 d9cd2b09 0627f9a8 01beed80 …..….‘…..
0627F770 00000000 00000000 021970f4 000004b3 ………p……
0627F780 0000007c 00000001 00000000 ea6f2972 |………..r)o.
0627F790 3b7383d0 03810848 00822e6c 010ddee0 ..s;H…l…….
0627F7A0 01460000 03810848 00000000 06c160b0 ..F.H……..`..
0627F7B0 00000006 00000006 00000000 00000006 …………….
0627F7C0 4d57bdc0 0627f7e4 0146c05a 038102c0 ..WM..’.Z.F…..
0627F7D0 06c160b0 00000006 00000000 00000000 .`…………..
0627F7E0 06c160b0 4d57bca0 0145d997 4d57bca0 .`….WM..E…WM
0627F7F0 00000000 00000060 00000060 042b60c8 ….`…`….`.
0627F800 01f9ac84 00000060 0627f824 0145d3bf ….`…$.‘…E.
0627F810 06c16000 00000060 00000001 0627f870 .`..`…….p.’.
0627F820 042b60c8 0627f854 0145cefa 042b60c8 .`.T.’…E..`.
0627F830 00000000 00000060 00000001 00000001 ….`………..
0627F840 00000048 042b60c8 00000000 00000001 H….`………
0627F850 00000000 0627f874 0145d72c 042b60c8 ….t.’.,.E..`.
0627F860 00000060 00000001 0627f870 00000001 `…….p.‘…..
0627F870 00000060 0627f8e0 012f275c 00000060 `…..’.\‘/.`…
0627F880 00000040 012ed9b3 4bd0cd90 00000000 @……….K….
0627F890 012ed9c2 4d57bca0 00000001 00000000 ……WM……..
0627F8A0 00000000 01f43bcc 00000295 00000008 …..;……….
0627F8B0 4bd0cdc8 00000008 00000080 00000008 …K…………
0627F8C0 4bd0cdc8 4bd0cdb4 4f9fcea0 0627f94c …K…K…OL.’.
0627F8D0 0137af32 0219d228 4bd0cdb4 4bd0cd90 2.7.(……K…K
0627F8E0 4d67e810 00000001 76f5569c 751078a6 ..gM…..V.v.×.u
0627F8F0 0627f938 00000000 024c0270 0627f94c 8.‘…..p.L.L.’.
0627F900 0627f940 0141deb0 03fe7678 000127f4 @.‘…A.xv…’..
0627F910 03fe7648 000127f5 6b4f0d54 6b4f0d54 Hv…‘..T.OkT.Ok
0627F920 03fe7648 00000001 03fe7678 000127f4 Hv……xv…’..
0627F930 03fe7648 000127f5 76f5646c 75107513 Hv…‘..ld.v.u.u
0627F940 000000fc 00000001 00000000 0627f974 …………t.’.
0627F950 012ebf77 000000fc 00000001 00000000 w……………
0627F960 0627f970 0141e551 4d67e810 457ee510 p.‘.Q.A…gM..~E
0627F970 042ac5d4 0627f984 01bf2953 457ee510 ..*…’.S)….~E
0627F980 4bb8e240 0627f9a8 01beee93 00000000 @..K..‘………
0627F990 4d67e810 000023fc 0627f9ac 012eb8cf ..gM.#….’…..
0627F9A0 0627f9a4 d9cd25c9 0627f9e0 01befad7 ..‘..%….’…..
0627F9B0 00000000 04188410 00000030 00000030 ……..0…0…
0627F9C0 1c3be810 01d1113c ea6f2972 3b552e50 ..;.<…r)o.P.U;
0627F9D0 00000000 00002710 00000000 06c3ca90 …..‘……….
0627F9E0 0627fa30 01be7148 00000000 012eee49 0.’.Hq……I…
0627F9F0 00000610 0132ce80 06c75610 00000028 ……2..V..(…
0627FA00 3eb9bb90 0627fa38 0132b6f1 3eb9bb90 …>8.‘…2….>
0627FA10 00000028 02000e2c 00000030 012fcd5a (…,…0…Z./.
0627FA20 00000010 0132121f 04188410 00000008 ……2………
0627FA30 0627fa64 016260eb 3d449ba6 3d4370aa d.’..`b…D=.pC=
0627FA40 0627fac0 06c6dab8 0434e054 3d449ba6 ..‘…..T.4…D=
0627FA50 3d4370aa 3d4370aa 3d4370aa 3d449ba6 .pC=.pC=.pC=..D=
0627FA60 3d449ba6 0627fb0c 0162899f 3d4370aa ..D=..’…b..pC=
0627FA70 0149c393 0434e010 0434e460 00000001 ..I…4.`.4…..
0627FA80 00000002 00000002 00000010 0627faa4 …………..‘.
0627FA90 0627faac 0434e460 00000002 0627fb74 ..’.`.4…..t.‘.
0627FAA0 0000000c 00000000 06c6dac8 00000000 …………….
0627FAB0 0434e054 00000001 0434e010 0627fafc T.4…….4…’.
0627FAC0 06c6dac4 0434e04d 0145ac97 0434e38c ….M.4…E…4.
0627FAD0 0149c6f3 0434e010 00000000 00000000 ..I…4………
0627FAE0 0627fb0c 0627fb24 0149a97f 0434e010 ..‘.$.’…I…4.
0627FAF0 031e816b 00000001 0434e358 00000000 k…….X.4…..
—> Error Logs <—
Download failed for 0×0012cefc:0×0012cefc->0×0013b66b with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 0]
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f8c78
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Texture missing mip chain: 0×010140
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f8de6
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0de030
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0e118a
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ddf7d
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858672930823635485’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858673416154939923’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858672728960172575’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858671719642858008’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858682018974433827’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858681765571363362’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1858680575865422379’
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×1002
DeviceId = 0×68d8
Version = 8.17.0010.1077
Description = ASUS EAH5670 Series
Compat = 0×00000000
VidMem = 2290 MB
yes… this needs to be fixed.. keep these posts bumped so they remain active… hopefully we will get a fix soon.
got an 64-bit system.
Crashing about every 10-15 minutes.
It is not about the system in this case!!!
Before last update it was all fine, now the game client is heavily laggy and crashing frequently, making this game once more unplayable.
Pls Anet, dont force your loyal players to play other games cause this does not work.
Doing Dragon Stand and randomly crashed again, never crashed a single time before this patch in 3 years, so this really needs to be addressed.
and again…. just do something about it, this is not your average client issue anymore
bump bumpidy bump
so wait… they are actually telling everyone … they meaning the anet support team… that we should all go out and buy a new PC so we can run the 64 bit client, when they still offer a 32 bit client just because they don’t want to fix it…
You have to be joking… right?
They didn’t officially say that did they?
The kitten game runs the exact specs as it did before the patch and there is a problem with the code.. not the system running it. If they offer a 32 bit client, they need to support that client or they can just start handing out the refunds to all the people still running this on a 32 bit client.
fix it.. OR REFUND MY WIFE HER MONEY for the game AND the expansion she cant play.
Can we get a dev or someone to make a statement on this? This is TOTALLY unacceptable!
Not necessarily a new PC but instead just a new operating system version. My Windows 7 Ultimate came with both a 64-bit and 32-bit version (Have since “upgraded” to 10…) and choosing 64-bit was the obvious no brainer due to increased RAM capacity at the very least. Upgrading parts can only help anyway and I’m personally saving for a Pascal GTX 1070 or 1080.
As many others have observed I have never had the client crash until the HOT update. Now I get crashes every 1 – 2 hours. Seems worst on HOT maps, but since that is where I spend most of time, its not surprising.
I also crash in LA doing nothing more than interfacing with the bank and sometimes just standing doing nothing.
I have a 64-bit system, Intel Core i7 3770K 16 GB RAM, SSD storage, GTX 980 graphics adapter.
Sent in many crash reports.
Something is very wrong with all these 64-bit systems crashing too…
Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.
nvidia cards seem to trigger the oom errors.. they need to fix this or start refunding peoples money
nvidia cards seem to trigger the oom errors.. they need to fix this or start refunding peoples money
Up for this. Can we get a dev to look at this angle? It seems like the AMD folks are fine? Or get can we get a poll done?
Update: I crashed twice, still failing to send the crash report. Can’t even get back into a decent Teq map. -_- I think the server should prioritize putting people together with their party, or at least put people on a map with guildmates.
Hello, I’m having that same problem as you guys. Crashes, every half-hour my game crash. Most oftenly it happens at world bosses, but it happens also whenever. It doesn’t matter if I’m just running arround or teleporting, game just instantly crash.
I’m still running at 32-bit system, but I had no problem with this game before HoT expansion. I crashed maybe three-four times during 1200 hours. But I can’t now enjoy game, every 30 min (at the better case) I have game crash.
Tomorrow I’ll try to reinstall game and I’ll tell if it worked. Anyway I hope it will be fixed soon, because I really like this game and I would not like to stop because of crash.
(btw – My system specifications)
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
CPU: Intel Pentium E5300 @ 2,60GHz
Graphics: 512 NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
I know it’s not the newest one, but as I said, I had no problem with it before HoT expansion. I did not mean to be rude, I appreciate the efforts of A-net, I just want to play the game as i did.
(edited by MadMaks.5389)
I am having the same issue. I have been playing GW2 for 2 years, no problems. First day on HoT was good. After patches …all i have is crash and more crash. Seems to happen after about 45 min to an hour into play or during an event. Which is very frustrating. Happens in fractals as well. I can’t get much xp for masteries as it crashes before the event finishes. I am really frustrated and tired of it after several days. And having to restart the story because of this is really maddening. I like HoT very much and wish to be able to use the upgrade I paid for. I am on a Mac…27" 16G Ram and have a AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB….So to Tenelia, No AMD folks are not fine either.
The only thing i can say is Anet has been good about trying to fix things and I am counting on that.
(edited by Laniya.9520)
nvidia cards seem to trigger the oom errors.. they need to fix this or start refunding peoples money
Its not just Nvidia…I have a AMD Radeon and have the same issue.
I was fine, but now am crashing during almost every world boss event I try to do. So I have stopped, as it’s not worth the frustration to fight a boss only to DC and not get anything is return. I am running a 64 bit system with an i5 Intel, Asus Hero IV board, 2gb Vram and 32gb ram. Very frustrating.
- Crash <—*
OOM: Heap, bytes=8389088,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4972
BaseAddr: 00F90000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54738
When: 2015-10-30T01:07:24Z 2015-10-29T20:07:24-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:46:42
Flags: 0
- System <—*
Processors: 12 [GenuineIntel:6:13:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
- System Memory <—*
Physical: 25510MB/32744MB 77%
Paged: 57545MB/65486MB 87%
Virtual: 209MB/ 4095MB 5%
Load: 22%
CommitTotal: 7941MB
CommitLimit: 65486MB
CommitPeak: 9144MB
SystemCache: 6725MB
HandleCount: 32799
ProcessCount: 83
ThreadCount: 1283
- Process Memory <—*
Private: 3092MB
WorkingSet: 2893MB
PeakWorkingSet: 2905MB
PageFaults: 23214208
- Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM 1180.28 34163
Root 1056.29 1553627
Art Assets 475.65 18444
Programmer Data 430.57 480518
VRAM – Prop Tex 334.99 1274
Anim Import Packfile 242.80 902
Anim Import Models 242.80 902
VRAM – Character Geo 240.22 710
Engine 199.57 302112
Game 139.28 112677
Gr 130.16 188632
VRAM – Composite Tex 116.00 129
Uncategorized 110.33 1000749
Character Models 109.00 1631
Map Assets 103.38 13042
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Effect Geo 91.93 484
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
Prop Models 87.94 6859
Prop Packfile 82.77 527
VRAM – Gr Geometry 76.13 1292
Composite Models 69.11 1038
Collections 63.89 11238
Dictionary 60.91 2358
- Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM – Prop Tex 334.99 1274
Anim Import Packfile 242.80 902
VRAM – Character Geo 240.22 710
VRAM – Composite Tex 116.00 129
Uncategorized 110.33 1000749
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Effect Geo 91.93 484
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
Prop Packfile 82.77 527
VRAM – Gr Geometry 76.13 1292
Dictionary 60.91 2358
VRAM – DDI Shader 49.17 28302
VRAM – UI Textures 44.69 1557
Gr 41.42 8081
Character Packfile 39.58 216
Composite Tex Pool 35.84 74
VRAM – Terrain Tex 33.50 48
Composite Packfile 33.21 861
Text 30.81 3412
Gr Umbra 27.97 4090
Map Zone 20.57 11741
Effect Packfile 18.00 218
VRAM – Gr Img 17.49 8
Collide Havok 17.28 41922
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
- ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×18ac <—*
- Trace <—*
Pc:0129d92f Fr:07e5f9a8 Rt:0136e2b7 Arg:00000000 00000000 01f3a8d8 0000022c
Pc:0136e2b7 Fr:07e5f9e8 Rt:0136e3fc Arg:07e5fa50 001555a0 0000002a 07e5fae0
Pc:0136e3fc Fr:07e5fa0c Rt:012c14ba Arg:00000000 0000002a a8498964 a8498950
Pc:012c14ba Fr:07e5faac Rt:01335eb8 Arg:07e5fae0 07e5fad8 07e5fad0 07e5fadc
Pc:01335eb8 Fr:07e5fae4 Rt:013361af Arg:07e5fafc 0000002a 04988c10 00000013
Pc:013361af Fr:07e5fb00 Rt:0133692b Arg:015d67f4 07e5fb8c 0886dab8 04989854
Pc:0133692b Fr:07e5fb30 Rt:015d8c5f Arg:3cac2aa9 0144c733 04989810 04989c60
Pc:015d8c5f Fr:07e5fbd8 Rt:0144a6be Arg:04989810 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:0144a6be Fr:07e5fc54 Rt:0144b8c2 Arg:56621d53 01d112af 8bb4c015 00000001
Pc:0144b8c2 Fr:07e5fc94 Rt:01449e91 Arg:047f5d30 0061c8d0 0129ef78 00000000
Pc:01449e91 Fr:07e5fcb4 Rt:013f0660 Arg:047f5d30 8bb4c06d 00000000 0061c8d0
Pc:013f0660 Fr:07e5fcec Rt:013f0788 Arg:00000000 07e5fd04 76ca337a 0061c8d0
Pc:013f0788 Fr:07e5fcf8 Rt:76ca337a Arg:0061c8d0 07e5fd44 776792e2 0061c8d0
Pc:76ca337a Fr:07e5fd04 Rt:776792e2 Arg:0061c8d0 70ca4c94 00000000 00000000
Pc:776792e2 Fr:07e5fd44 Rt:776792b5 Arg:013f070c 0061c8d0 00000000 00000000
Pc:776792b5 Fr:07e5fd5c Rt:00000000 Arg:013f070c 0061c8d0 00000000 00000000
- Thread registers <—*
eax=07e5f51c ebx=07e5f964 ecx=01f3a8d8 edx=07e5f964 esi=76ca585e edi=00000000
eip=0129d92f esp=07e5f940 ebp=07e5f9a8
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246
eax-32 07E5F4FC c5c12e48 00000006 00000006 35545844
eax-16 07E5F50C 00000080 07e5f56c 7564c42d 07e5f51c
eax 0 07E5F51C 80000003 00000000 00000000 7564c42d
eax16 07E5F52C 00000000 00000000 9ed02be0 00000100
eax+32 07E5F53C 00000000 8b8fb0f8 00000020 00000020
eax+48 07E5F54C 00000000 9ed03be0 00000080 00000000
ebx-32 07E5F944 01f3a8d8 0000022c 00000000 07e5fa04
ebx-16 07E5F954 07e5fa50 0000000a 00000000 00000001
ebx 0 07E5F964 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
ebx16 07E5F974 00383830 00000010 00000020 07e5fa04
ebx+32 07E5F984 07e5f9a8 0136de54 00000200 00000000
ebx+48 07E5F994 07e5fa04 07e5fa50 0000000a 00000020
ecx-32 01F3A8B8 6143676d 632e636c 00007070 736d6964
ecx-16 01F3A8C8 2620782e 69642026 792e736d 00000000
ecx 0 01F3A8D8 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
ecx16 01F3A8E8 495c7247 495c676d 654d676d 70632e6d
ecx+32 01F3A8F8 00000070 76656c2a 6c536c65 2073746f
ecx+48 01F3A908 656c203e 736c6576 00000000 6874614d
edx-32 07E5F944 01f3a8d8 0000022c 00000000 07e5fa04
edx-16 07E5F954 07e5fa50 0000000a 00000000 00000001
edx 0 07E5F964 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
edx16 07E5F974 00383830 00000010 00000020 07e5fa04
edx+32 07E5F984 07e5f9a8 0136de54 00000200 00000000
edx+48 07E5F994 07e5fa04 07e5fa50 0000000a 00000020
esi-32 76CA583C 023a0ae9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 76CA584C 909005eb ff909090 ca0b9825 90909076
esi 0 76CA585C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 76CA586C ca0da425 90909076 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 76CA587C 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 76CA588C 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c
- Code <—*
0129D90F 806aef01 8d45bc6a 4050e8e2 68ffff83 .j…E.j@P..h…
0129D91F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
0129D92F e82c9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 .,….U..E..Z..u
0129D93F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
0129D94F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
0129D95F 68e50300 00bafc69 ef01b990 6aef01e8 h……i….j…
- Stack <—*
07E5F940 0129d934 01f3a8d8 0000022c 00000000 4.)…..,…….
07E5F950 07e5fa04 07e5fa50 0000000a 00000000 ….P………..
07E5F960 00000001 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
07E5F970 39383338 00383830 00000010 00000020 8389088….. …
07E5F980 07e5fa04 07e5f9a8 0136de54 00000200 ……..T.6…..
07E5F990 00000000 07e5fa04 07e5fa50 0000000a ……..P…….
07E5F9A0 00000020 8bb4c529 07e5f9e8 0136e2b7 …)………6.
07E5F9B0 00000000 00000000 01f3a8d8 0000022c …………,…
07E5F9C0 0000002a 00000000 00000003 07e5fa04 ……………
07E5F9D0 07e5fadc 001555a0 07e5fa04 00000040 …..U……@…
07E5F9E0 00000020 00000010 07e5fa0c 0136e3fc ………….6.
07E5F9F0 07e5fa50 001555a0 0000002a 07e5fae0 P….U..…….
07E5FA00 07e5fad0 00000001 00000001 07e5faac …………….
07E5FA10 012c14ba 00000000 0000002a a8498964 ..,…..…d.I.
07E5FA20 a8498950 00000013 fec00090 007ffff8 P.I………….
07E5FA30 00800078 00000001 00000000 0140d3e4 x………….@.
07E5FA40 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000002 …………….
07E5FA50 00000200 00000200 00000000 00000003 …………….
07E5FA60 0000000a 00000000 00000000 8701b290 …………….
07E5FA70 00000001 00000080 00000000 00000000 …………….
07E5FA80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
07E5FA90 07e5faa4 012b214e 0886e010 cadcbfec ….N!………
07E5FAA0 00000000 00000000 012b4d12 07e5fae4 ………M…..
07E5FAB0 01335eb8 07e5fae0 07e5fad8 07e5fad0 .^3………….
07E5FAC0 07e5fadc 0000002a 088759b0 a8498950 ….….Y..P.I.
07E5FAD0 00000000 00000000 00000021 00000000 ……..!…….
07E5FAE0 00000000 07e5fb00 013361af 07e5fafc ………a3…..
07E5FAF0 0000002a 04988c10 00000013 00800078 ...........×...
07E5FB00 07e5fb30 0133692b 015d67f4 07e5fb8c 0…+i3..g]…..
07E5FB10 0886dab8 04989854 3c9ba5e3 3cac2aa9 ….T……<..<
07E5FB20 3cac2aa9 3cac2aa9 3c9ba5e3 3c9ba5e3 ..<..<…<…<
07E5FB30 07e5fbd8 015d8c5f 3cac2aa9 0144c733 …..]..*.<3.D.
07E5FB40 04989810 04989c60 00000001 00000002 ….`………..
07E5FB50 00000002 00000010 07e5fb70 07e5fb78 ……..p...×...
07E5FB60 04989c60 00000002 07e5fc40 0000000c `……........ 07E5FB70 00000000 0886dac8 00000000 04989854 ............T... 07E5FB80 00000001 04989810 07e5fbc8 0886dac4 ................ 07E5FB90 0498984d 0140ae97 04989b8c 0144ca93 M.....
07E5FBA0 04989810 00000000 00000000 07e5fbd8 …………….
07E5FBB0 07e5fbf0 0144ad5f 04989810 008652f2 …..D……R..
07E5FBC0 00000001 04989b58 00000000 07e5fbcc ….X………..
07E5FBD0 07e5fbcd 8bb4c759 07e5fc54 0144a6be ….Y…T…..D.
07E5FBE0 04989810 00000002 00000002 00000010 …………….
07E5FBF0 07e5fc40 04989c60 0061c8d0 00000001...`.....a..... 07E5FC00 008652f2 67e85330 00000006 00000000 .R..0S.g........ 07E5FC10 7765fddd 75653bdb 00000000 75653c07 ..ew.;eu.....<eu 07E5FC20 8ba94412 00000001 0000000a 0061c8d0 .D............a. 07E5FC30 00000024 00000001 00000000 00000000 $............... 07E5FC40 56621d53 01d112af 008652f2 00000013 S.bV.....R...... 07E5FC50 8bb4c0d5 07e5fc94 0144b8c2 56621d53 ..........D.S.bV 07E5FC60 01d112af 8bb4c015 00000001 008652f2 .............R.. 07E5FC70 0061c8d0 00000001 0061c8d0 07e5fc64 ..a.......a.d... 07E5FC80 00000001 07e5fcdc 013f09a0 8e7e58e1 ..........?..X~. 07E5FC90 00000000 07e5fcb4 01449e91 047f5d30 ..........D.0].. 07E5FCA0 0061c8d0 0129ef78 00000000 0061c8d0 ..a.x.).......a. 07E5FCB0 00000000 07e5fcec 013f0660 047f5d30 ........`.?.0].. 07E5FCC0 8bb4c06d 00000000 0061c8d0 0061c8d0 m.........a...a. 07E5FCD0 0061c8d0 07e5fcc0 013f5683 07e5fd34 ..a......V?.4... 07E5FCE0 013f09a0 8e7e6cd9 00000000 07e5fcf8 ..?..l~......... 07E5FCF0 013f0788 00000000 07e5fd04 76ca337a ..?.........z3.v 07E5FD00 0061c8d0 07e5fd44 776792e2 0061c8d0 ..a.D.....gw..a. 07E5FD10 70ca4c94 00000000 00000000 0061c8d0 .L.p..........a. 07E5FD20 00000000 00000000 00000000 07e5fd10 ................ 07E5FD30 00000000 ffffffff 776b1a05 00497440 ..........kw
- Error Logs <—*
s missing textures.
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- DirectX Device Info <—*
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×13c0
Version = 10.18.0013.5850
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4095 MB
- Crash <—*
OOM: Heap, bytes=8389088,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 5984
BaseAddr: 01080000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54738
When: 2015-10-30T01:54:04Z 2015-10-29T20:54:04-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:12:57
Flags: 0
- System <—*
Processors: 12 [GenuineIntel:6:13:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
- System Memory <—*
Physical: 25520MB/32744MB 77%
Paged: 57170MB/65486MB 87%
Virtual: 187MB/ 4095MB 4%
Load: 22%
CommitTotal: 8316MB
CommitLimit: 65486MB
CommitPeak: 9144MB
SystemCache: 7299MB
HandleCount: 33283
ProcessCount: 84
ThreadCount: 1286
- Process Memory <—*
Private: 3161MB
WorkingSet: 2911MB
PeakWorkingSet: 2930MB
PageFaults: 4945730
- Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM 1298.43 34441
Root 1031.17 1121114
Art Assets 507.84 10916
VRAM – Prop Tex 422.63 1331
Programmer Data 389.17 383710
Anim Import Packfile 244.70 1105
Anim Import Models 244.70 1105
VRAM – Character Geo 190.41 650
Engine 168.93 212490
VRAM – Composite Tex 144.33 142
VRAM – Effect Geo 140.08 835
Game 136.01 115213
Character Models 119.55 1787
Gr 110.43 135193
Map Assets 106.07 5138
Prop Models 98.49 2505
Uncategorized 98.23 692727
Prop Packfile 96.84 492
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
Composite Models 78.33 1182
VRAM – Gr Geometry 57.06 574
Collections 57.02 10166
Dictionary 54.31 1827
- Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM – Prop Tex 422.63 1331
Anim Import Packfile 244.70 1105
VRAM – Character Geo 190.41 650
VRAM – Composite Tex 144.33 142
VRAM – Effect Geo 140.08 835
Uncategorized 98.23 692727
Prop Packfile 96.84 492
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
VRAM – Gr Geometry 57.06 574
Dictionary 54.31 1827
VRAM – DDI Shader 49.48 28567
Gr 45.62 6875
Composite Packfile 42.08 981
Character Packfile 40.91 215
VRAM – UI Textures 37.36 860
Composite Tex Pool 36.17 74
Effect Packfile 35.16 439
Text 27.07 3584
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 24.75 921
VRAM – Terrain Tex 19.21 36
Collide Havok 15.56 30626
VRAM – Composite Geo 15.35 43
Collide 14.56 2375
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
- ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×181c <—*
- Trace <—*
Pc:0138d92f Fr:0711f92c Rt:0145e2b7 Arg:00000000 00000000 0202a8d8 0000022c
Pc:0145e2b7 Fr:0711f96c Rt:0145e3fc Arg:0711f9d4 001555a0 0000002a 0711fa64
Pc:0145e3fc Fr:0711f990 Rt:013b14ba Arg:00000000 0000002a add15124 add15110
Pc:013b14ba Fr:0711fa30 Rt:01425eb8 Arg:0711fa64 0711fa5c 0711fa54 0711fa60
Pc:01425eb8 Fr:0711fa68 Rt:014261af Arg:0711fa80 0000002a 04d88c10 0000001a
Pc:014261af Fr:0711fa84 Rt:0142692b Arg:016c67f4 0711fb10 0806dab8 04d89854
Pc:0142692b Fr:0711fab4 Rt:016c8c5f Arg:3ccc8d3e 0153c733 04d89810 04d89c60
Pc:016c8c5f Fr:0711fb5c Rt:0153a6be Arg:04d89810 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:0153a6be Fr:0711fbd8 Rt:0153b8c2 Arg:db4b0b04 01d112b5 ed8ac459 00000001
Pc:0153b8c2 Fr:0711fc18 Rt:01539e91 Arg:04bf5d30 00551e18 0138ef78 00000000
Pc:01539e91 Fr:0711fc38 Rt:014e0660 Arg:04bf5d30 ed8ac431 00000000 00551e18
Pc:014e0660 Fr:0711fc70 Rt:014e0788 Arg:00000000 0711fc88 76ca337a 00551e18
Pc:014e0788 Fr:0711fc7c Rt:76ca337a Arg:00551e18 0711fcc8 776792e2 00551e18
Pc:76ca337a Fr:0711fc88 Rt:776792e2 Arg:00551e18 70c0f389 00000000 00000000
Pc:776792e2 Fr:0711fcc8 Rt:776792b5 Arg:014e070c 00551e18 00000000 00000000
Pc:776792b5 Fr:0711fce0 Rt:00000000 Arg:014e070c 00551e18 00000000 00000000
- Thread registers <—*
eax=0711f4a0 ebx=0711f8e8 ecx=0202a8d8 edx=0711f8e8 esi=76ca585e edi=00000000
eip=0138d92f esp=0711f8c4 ebp=0711f92c
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246
eax-32 0711F480 00000003 00000000 7d5f6290 8ce299f0
eax-16 0711F490 01e5d233 0711f4f0 7564c42d 0711f4a0
eax 0 0711F4A0 80000003 00000000 00000000 7564c42d
eax16 0711F4B0 00000000 40000000 00000000 00000000
eax+32 0711F4C0 00000000 42cf0000 41c80000 41900000
eax+48 0711F4D0 00000000 43610000 42480000 4084f4e0
ebx-32 0711F8C8 0202a8d8 0000022c 00000000 0711f988
ebx-16 0711F8D8 0711f9d4 0000000a 00000000 00000001
ebx 0 0711F8E8 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
ebx16 0711F8F8 00383830 00000010 00000020 0711f988
ebx+32 0711F908 0711f92c 0145de54 00000200 00000000
ebx+48 0711F918 0711f988 0711f9d4 0000000a 00000020
ecx-32 0202A8B8 6143676d 632e636c 00007070 736d6964
ecx-16 0202A8C8 2620782e 69642026 792e736d 00000000
ecx 0 0202A8D8 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
ecx16 0202A8E8 495c7247 495c676d 654d676d 70632e6d
ecx+32 0202A8F8 00000070 76656c2a 6c536c65 2073746f
ecx+48 0202A908 656c203e 736c6576 00000000 6874614d
edx-32 0711F8C8 0202a8d8 0000022c 00000000 0711f988
edx-16 0711F8D8 0711f9d4 0000000a 00000000 00000001
edx 0 0711F8E8 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
edx16 0711F8F8 00383830 00000010 00000020 0711f988
edx+32 0711F908 0711f92c 0145de54 00000200 00000000
edx+48 0711F918 0711f988 0711f9d4 0000000a 00000020
esi-32 76CA583C 023a0ae9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 76CA584C 909005eb ff909090 ca0b9825 90909076
esi 0 76CA585C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 76CA586C ca0da425 90909076 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 76CA587C 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 76CA588C 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c
- Code <—*
0138D90F 806afe01 8d45bc6a 4050e8e2 68ffff83 .j…E.j@P..h…
0138D91F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
0138D92F e82c9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 .,….U..E..Z..u
0138D93F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
0138D94F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
0138D95F 68e50300 00bafc69 fe01b990 6afe01e8 h……i….j…
- Stack <—*
0711F8C4 0138d934 0202a8d8 0000022c 00000000 4.8…..,…….
0711F8D4 0711f988 0711f9d4 0000000a 00000000 …………….
0711F8E4 00000001 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
0711F8F4 39383338 00383830 00000010 00000020 8389088….. …
0711F904 0711f988 0711f92c 0145de54 00000200 ….,…T.E…..
0711F914 00000000 0711f988 0711f9d4 0000000a …………….
0711F924 00000020 ed8ac16d 0711f96c 0145e2b7 …m…l…..E.
0711F934 00000000 00000000 0202a8d8 0000022c …………,…
0711F944 0000002a 00000000 00000003 0711f988 ……………
0711F954 0711fa60 001555a0 0711f988 00000040 `….U……@…
0711F964 00000020 00000010 0711f990 0145e3fc ………….E.
0711F974 0711f9d4 001555a0 0000002a 0711fa64 …..U..…d…
0711F984 0711fa54 00000001 00000001 0711fa30 T………..0…
0711F994 013b14ba 00000000 0000002a add15124 ..;…..…$Q..
0711F9A4 add15110 0000001a f8c00090 007ffff8 .Q…………..
0711F9B4 00800078 00000001 00000000 04eb80c8 x……………
0711F9C4 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000002 …………….
0711F9D4 00000200 00000200 00000000 00000003 …………….
0711F9E4 0000000a 00000000 00000000 b68cae20 ………… …
0711F9F4 00000001 1227f810 00000000 00000000 ……’………
0711FA04 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0711FA14 53bda590 9c9508ac 00000006 0711fa38 …S……..8…
0711FA24 0711fa38 00000000 9c9508ac 0711fa68 8………..h…
0711FA34 01425eb8 0711fa64 0711fa5c 0711fa54 .^B.d…\…T…
0711FA44 0711fa60 0000002a 08075780 add15110 `…….W…Q..
0711FA54 00000000 00000000 00000021 00000000 ……..!…….
0711FA64 00000000 0711fa84 014261af 0711fa80 ………aB…..
0711FA74 0000002a 04d88c10 0000001a 00800078 *...........×...
0711FA84 0711fab4 0142692b 016c67f4 0711fb10 ….+iB..gl…..
0711FA94 0806dab8 04d89854 3cd4fdf4 3ccc8d3e ….T……<>..<
0711FAA4 3ccc8d3e 3ccc8d3e 3cd4fdf4 3cd4fdf4 >..<>..<…<…<
0711FAB4 0711fb5c 016c8c5f 3ccc8d3e 0153c733 \….l.>..<3.S.
0711FAC4 04d89810 04d89c60 00000001 00000002 ….`………..
0711FAD4 00000002 00000010 0711faf4 0711fafc …………….
0711FAE4 04d89c60 00000002 0711fbc4 0000000c `……………
0711FAF4 00000000 0806dac8 00000000 04d89854 …………T…
0711FB04 00000001 04d89810 0711fb4c 0806dac4 ……..L…….
0711FB14 04d8984d 014fae97 04d89b8c 0153ca93 M…..O…….S.
0711FB24 04d89810 00000000 00000000 0711fb5c …………\…
0711FB34 0711fb74 0153ad5f 04d89810 00b10c44 t….S…..D…
0711FB44 00000001 04d89b58 00000000 0711fb50 ….X…….P…
0711FB54 0711fb51 ed8ac31d 0711fbd8 0153a6be Q………….S.
0711FB64 04d89810 00000002 00000002 00000010 …………….
0711FB74 0711fbc4 04d89c60 00551e18 00000001 ….`…..U…..
0711FB84 00b10c44 716dbe58 00000008 00000000 D…X.mq……..
0711FB94 7765fddd 75653bdb 00000000 75653c07 ..ew.;eu…..<eu
0711FBA4 ed34761c 00000001 0000000a 00551e18 .v4………..U.
0711FBB4 00000024 00000001 00000000 00000000 $……………
0711FBC4 db4b0b04 01d112b5 00b10c44 0000001a ..K…..D…….
0711FBD4 ed8ac399 0711fc18 0153b8c2 db4b0b04 ……….S…K.
0711FBE4 01d112b5 ed8ac459 00000001 00b10c44 ….Y…….D…
0711FBF4 00551e18 00000001 00551e18 0711fbe8 ..U…….U…..
0711FC04 00000001 0711fc60 014e09a0 e8a55c21 ….`…..N.!\..
0711FC14 00000000 0711fc38 01539e91 04bf5d30 ….8…..S.0]..
0711FC24 00551e18 0138ef78 00000000 00551e18 ..U.×.8.......U.
0711FC34 00000000 0711fc70 014e0660 04bf5d30 ….p…`.N.0]..
0711FC44 ed8ac431 00000000 00551e18 00551e18 1………U…U.
0711FC54 00551e18 0711fc44 014e5683 0711fcb8 ..U.D….VN…..
0711FC64 014e09a0 e8a56819 00000000 0711fc7c ..N..h……|…
0711FC74 014e0788 00000000 0711fc88 76ca337a ..N………z3.v
0711FC84 00551e18 0711fcc8 776792e2 00551e18 ..U…….gw..U.
0711FC94 70c0f389 00000000 00000000 00551e18 …p……….U.
0711FCA4 00000000 00000000 00000000 0711fc94 …………….
0711FCB4 00000000 ffffffff 776b1a05 00b7cad1 ……….kw….
- Error Logs <—*
0), Completion: 0.000000
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×12854e’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1285bb’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘KIWQR.f0qXr’
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fillsys’ not found.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘coresys’ not found.
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorbracers’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×12854e’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1285bb’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fillsys’ not found.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘coresys’ not found.
Model ‘0×0ea52d’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fluxsystem’ not found.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fillsys’ not found.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘coresys’ not found.
Model ‘0×0ea52d’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fluxsystem’ not found.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘KIWQR.F77q2’
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
- DirectX Device Info <—*
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×13c0
Version = 10.18.0013.5850
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4095 MB
ATI Radeon here, same crashes.
every 5 mins. crash
I recently updated my NVIDIA graphics card and the game got patched so I don’t know which is causing the problems. When I log into an account the screen will just keep flashing and I am unable to do anything. If I alt+tab out of guild wars then return to the game, the screen will then update to what it should have been when I alt+tab, but the flashing will still remain. Sometimes when I get in the game it will work fine, but I can tell when I rotate the camaera and do other things I can see brief flashes, so it could do what it did previously at anytime.
Today I was experimenting heavily with various in-game settings and external GPU options. The issue at hand (at least the one which I experience and according to examining crash logs posted by people on this forum) is with the Out Of Memory error which causes GW2 client to terminate.
At this moment I am unable to verify if having 32-bit system will always reproduce this error as both my computers run on 64-bit Windows atm. Is there a chance someone here runs on a 32-bit system and could confirm that he does NOT crash?
I suspect there might be a memory leak issue here, though there is only trace evidence atm to support this. When GW2 client is started and a map loaded, the process uses anywhere between 1.2 GB to 1.8 GB of memory (this depends from settings and area we are in). From there over the process of several minutes or hours it steadily grows. When it reaches values of around 2.5 GB a crash risk starts to appear and when it gets over 2.7GB crash is pretty much imminent. Please note that for example when after one hour the client uses 2.2 GB of memory, loging out to character screen and selecting another map may free some resources, but it will NEVER go to a level at which it was 5 minutes after client startup. The longer the game goes, the higher the “bare minimum” level of used memory sits at. It looks like it never stops.
One setting that may affect the memory used is the option “textures” under the game’s graphic options. The difference between low and medium is about 200-300 MB and it goes further when pushed into high. This seems to help, however only in a way that it pushes ahead the moment when the constantly growing amount of memory used eventually flops the entire process. When I set my textures level to high, game will usually crash after 30-60 minutes. When changed to medium, I managed to keep it going for almost 4 hours at which point I noticed that memory used is already at around 2.6 GB (which can mean that crash is about to happen). I lowered the setting to low which dropped memory used to 2.4 GB, but the game crashed anyway around 15 minutes later (it was at more or less 2.5 GB used).
Conclusion. After monitoring the game crashes for the last 3 days I noticed that crash always happen when the memory used by GW2 client oscilates between 2.5 GB and 3.0 GB. As long as it stays below that, it should be stable. Lowering textures setting may push this moment ahead in time but the game memory usage bloats regardless from this setting. Lower textures just give bigger safety cusion. Other graphic setting seems to have no effect on crash ratio though I will experiment further with various combinations. This DOES look like a memory leak to me but I have no proper tools and expertise to further confirm that. I am a professional programmer but way below the pay-grade and knowledge of experts working for ArenaNet.
I would be grateful if people having issues with constant OOM crashes try to lower textures setting to “low” (yes I know, the game looks like potato in such case, but I am doing this for science and comment if this improves stability at least in some way. I will keep looking around, any further input and observations from other people would be appreciated.
Same problems. Don’t know graphics and all that stuff. Got error code 7:11:3:191:101 twice in a row today. One during pvp. Not cool.
64bit system and it crashes daily. I play 1-2 hours/day and am extremely lucky if I can finish Teq or SW events without one.
If nothing else, they should implement faster bug report and the option to return to the same map on subsequent login. This is the only game I know of, where players are forced to make a “non DC party”.
I am also very unlikely to buy HOT if this continues.
Same, over and over. Just bumping the issue again.
I would be grateful if people having issues with constant OOM crashes try to lower textures setting to “low” (yes I know, the game looks like potato in such case, but I am doing this for science
and comment if this improves stability at least in some way. I will keep looking around, any further input and observations from other people would be appreciated.
Got the same result. Crashing between the same numbers too!
- Crash <—*
OOM: Heap, bytes=47207508,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6968
BaseAddr: 00C00000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54779
When: 2015-10-31T15:37:59Z 2015-10-31T10:37:59-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:42:39
Flags: 0
- System <—*
Processors: 12 [GenuineIntel:6:13:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
- System Memory <—*
Physical: 25980MB/32744MB 79%
Paged: 57848MB/65486MB 88%
Virtual: 527MB/ 4095MB 12%
Load: 20%
CommitTotal: 7638MB
CommitLimit: 65486MB
CommitPeak: 8340MB
SystemCache: 4580MB
HandleCount: 29786
ProcessCount: 86
ThreadCount: 1336
- Process Memory <—*
Private: 2543MB
WorkingSet: 2243MB
PeakWorkingSet: 2873MB
PageFaults: 12782264
- Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 573.88 448999
VRAM 551.45 31967
Programmer Data 375.94 260358
Engine 162.15 129681
Game 137.81 107365
Art Assets 123.83 1403
VRAM – Gr Geometry 113.40 525
Gr 102.43 104934
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Prop Tex 92.63 414
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
VRAM – Prop Geo 72.63 153
Uncategorized 67.94 187088
Character Models 59.24 107
Collections 49.34 2323
VRAM – DDI Shader 49.11 28257
Dictionary 48.37 978
Composite Models 41.60 90
Map 41.55 18937
Composite Tex 41.17 82
Composite Tex Pool 41.17 82
Map Zone 41.01 14049
Anim Import Packfile 39.27 146
Anim Import Models 39.27 146
- Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM – Gr Geometry 113.40 525
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Prop Tex 92.63 414
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
VRAM – Prop Geo 72.63 153
Uncategorized 67.94 187088
VRAM – DDI Shader 49.11 28257
Dictionary 48.37 978
Composite Tex Pool 41.17 82
Map Zone 41.01 14049
Anim Import Packfile 39.27 146
Gr 38.10 908
VRAM – UI Textures 37.94 871
Text 30.74 4603
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
VRAM – Character Geo 30.31 80
Prop Packfile 24.16 169
Gr Umbra 22.08 3650
Character Packfile 15.64 15
VRAM – Gr Cloud 14.00 56
Gr Font 13.76 839
Gr Model 13.58 25112
Archive 11.20 25
Audio 8.97 1217
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
- ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×1514 <—*
- Trace <—*
Pc:00f0d92f Fr:078ffb84 Rt:0124a2d5 Arg:00000000 00000000 01c21294 00000204
Pc:0124a2d5 Fr:078ffc18 Rt:01249a1a Arg:02d05454 04988c10 04988c10 078ffc44
Pc:01249a1a Fr:078ffc2c Rt:012449b4 Arg:00000010 00000010 00000010 04989810
Pc:012449b4 Fr:078ffc44 Rt:01246379 Arg:00000010 078ffcd0 0886dab8 04989854
Pc:01246379 Fr:078ffc74 Rt:01248dbf Arg:3c833c1e 010bc803 04989810 04989c60
Pc:01248dbf Fr:078ffd1c Rt:010ba77e Arg:04989810 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:010ba77e Fr:078ffd98 Rt:010bb992 Arg:1f3dc9b1 01d113f2 000e7978 00000001
Pc:010bb992 Fr:078ffdd8 Rt:010b9f51 Arg:047f5d30 06808510 00f0ef78 00000000
Pc:010b9f51 Fr:078ffdf8 Rt:01060730 Arg:047f5d30 000e7a90 00000000 06808510
Pc:01060730 Fr:078ffe30 Rt:01060858 Arg:00000000 078ffe48 7597337a 06808510
Pc:01060858 Fr:078ffe3c Rt:7597337a Arg:06808510 078ffe88 771092e2 06808510
Pc:7597337a Fr:078ffe48 Rt:771092e2 Arg:06808510 708a4b8b 00000000 00000000
Pc:771092e2 Fr:078ffe88 Rt:771092b5 Arg:010607dc 06808510 00000000 00000000
Pc:771092b5 Fr:078ffea0 Rt:00000000 Arg:010607dc 06808510 00000000 00000000
- Thread registers <—*
eax=078ff6f8 ebx=078ffb40 ecx=01c21294 edx=078ffb40 esi=7597585e edi=00000000
eip=00f0d92f esp=078ffb1c ebp=078ffb84
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246
eax-32 078FF6D8 00000001 e3803c4c ffffffff a500b9a4
eax-16 078FF6E8 00000001 078ff748 7576c42d 078ff6f8
eax 0 078FF6F8 80000003 00000000 00000000 7576c42d
eax16 078FF708 00000000 cb007564 ffffffff c2413264
eax+32 078FF718 00000001 c9804abc ffffffff c9804abc
eax+48 078FF728 ffffffff c580edd0 00000001 c94068ec
ebx-32 078FFB20 01c21294 00000204 00000000 049893a8
ebx-16 078FFB30 5677c350 00000000 00000000 00000003
ebx 0 078FFB40 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 30323734
ebx16 078FFB50 38303537 00134200 001342e6 078ffb84
ebx+32 078FFB60 010144d5 00000000 078ffc20 078ffb80
ebx+48 078FFB70 049893ac 078ffc20 00000000 00000000
ecx-32 01C21274 0124aff0 006f0057 006c0072 00200064
ecx-16 01C21284 0061004d 00200070 00650054 00000078
ecx 0 01C21294 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 6d61475c 69565c65
ecx16 01C212A4 445c7765 75616665 565c746c 6f4c6664
ecx+32 01C212B4 632e6461 00007070 7274656d 3c206369
ecx+48 01C212C4 72726120 657a6973 6d5f6d28 69727465
edx-32 078FFB20 01c21294 00000204 00000000 049893a8
edx-16 078FFB30 5677c350 00000000 00000000 00000003
edx 0 078FFB40 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 30323734
edx16 078FFB50 38303537 00134200 001342e6 078ffb84
edx+32 078FFB60 010144d5 00000000 078ffc20 078ffb80
edx+48 078FFB70 049893ac 078ffc20 00000000 00000000
esi-32 7597583C 023a0ae9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 7597584C 909005eb ff909090 970b9825 90909075
esi 0 7597585C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 7597586C 970da425 90909075 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 7597587C 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 7597588C 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c
- Code <—*
00F0D90F 806ab601 8d45bc6a 4050e8e2 68ffff83 .j…E.j@P..h…
00F0D91F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
00F0D92F e85c9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 .\….U..E..Z..u
00F0D93F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
00F0D94F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
00F0D95F 68e50300 00bafc69 b601b990 6ab601e8 h……i….j…
- Stack <—*
078FFB1C 00f0d934 01c21294 00000204 00000000 4……………
078FFB2C 049893a8 5677c350 00000000 00000000 ….P.wV……..
078FFB3C 00000003 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
078FFB4C 30323734 38303537 00134200 001342e6 47207508.B…B..
078FFB5C 078ffb84 010144d5 00000000 078ffc20 …..D…… …
078FFB6C 078ffb80 049893ac 078ffc20 00000000 …….. …….
078FFB7C 00000000 000e7f24 078ffc18 0124a2d5 ….$………$.
078FFB8C 00000000 00000000 01c21294 00000204 …………….
078FFB9C 0000003a 00000001 00000010 00000010 :……………
078FFBAC 049893a8 049893ac 3f800000 00000000 ………..?….
078FFBBC 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000 ……………?
078FFBCC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFBDC 3f800000 00000000 66bf9950 00000001 …?….P..f….
078FFBEC 5677c350 00000001 00000001 00000004 P.wV…………
078FFBFC 00f0edf9 000008dc 00f4d040 1383f310 ……..@…….
078FFC0C 11ce9610 5677c350 00000000 078ffc2c ….P.wV….,…
078FFC1C 01249a1a 02d05454 04988c10 04988c10 ..$.TT……….
078FFC2C 078ffc44 012449b4 00000010 00000010 D….I$………
078FFC3C 00000010 04989810 078ffc74 01246379 ……..t…yc$.
078FFC4C 00000010 078ffcd0 0886dab8 04989854 …………T…
078FFC5C 3c83126f 3c833c1e 3c833c1e 3c833c1e o..<.<.<.<.<.<.<
078FFC6C 3c83126f 3c83126f 078ffd1c 01248dbf o..<o..<……$.
078FFC7C 3c833c1e 010bc803 04989810 04989c60 .<.<……..`…
078FFC8C 00000001 00000002 00000002 00000010 …………….
078FFC9C 078ffcb4 078ffcbc 04989c60 00000002 ……..`…….
078FFCAC 078ffd84 0000000c 00000000 0886dac8 …………….
078FFCBC 00000000 04989854 00000001 04989810 ….T………..
078FFCCC 078ffd0c 0886dac4 0498984d 0107af77 ……..M…w…
078FFCDC 04989b8c 010bcb63 04989810 00000000 ….c………..
078FFCEC 00000000 078ffd1c 078ffd34 010bae1f ……..4…….
078FFCFC 04989810 003fa0fc 00000001 04989b58 ……?…..X…
078FFD0C 00000000 078ffd10 078ffd11 000e79bc ………….y..
078FFD1C 078ffd98 010ba77e 04989810 00000002 ….~………..
078FFD2C 00000002 00000010 078ffd84 04989c60 …………`…
078FFD3C 06808510 00000001 003fa0fc 08f3d5a4 ……….?…..
078FFD4C 00000003 00000000 770efddd 75773bdb ………..w.;wu
078FFD5C 00000000 75773c07 0010c441 00000001 …..<wuA…….
078FFD6C 0000000a 06808510 00000024 00000001 ……..$…….
078FFD7C 00000000 00000000 1f3dc9b1 01d113f2 ……….=…..
078FFD8C 003fa0fc 00000010 000e7938 078ffdd8 ..?…..8y……
078FFD9C 010bb992 1f3dc9b1 01d113f2 000e7978 ……=…..xy..
078FFDAC 00000001 003fa0fc 06808510 fffffffe ……?………
078FFDBC 06808510 078ffda8 00000001 078ffe20 ………… …
078FFDCC 01060a70 0677e0f0 00000000 078ffdf8 p…..w………
078FFDDC 010b9f51 047f5d30 06808510 00f0ef78 Q…0]......×...
078FFDEC 00000000 06808510 00000000 078ffe30 …………0…
078FFDFC 01060730 047f5d30 000e7a90 00000000 0…0]…z……
078FFE0C 06808510 06808510 06808510 078ffe04 …………….
078FFE1C 01065753 078ffe78 01060a70 0677d4e8 SW..×...p…..w.
078FFE2C 00000000 078ffe3c 01060858 00000000 ….<…X…….
078FFE3C 078ffe48 7597337a 06808510 078ffe88 H…z3.u……..
078FFE4C 771092e2 06808510 708a4b8b 00000000 …w…..K.p….
078FFE5C 00000000 06808510 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFE6C 00000000 078ffe54 00000000 ffffffff ….T………..
078FFE7C 77141a05 000a7093 00000000 078ffea0 …w.p……….
078FFE8C 771092b5 010607dc 06808510 00000000 …w…………
078FFE9C 00000000 00000000 00000000 010607dc …………….
078FFEAC 06808510 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFEBC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFECC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFEDC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFEEC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFEFC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
078FFF0C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
- Error Logs <—*
n out of space for new bolts.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×102e10
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (-19769.900391, -10905.200195, -20101.500000), Completion: 0.000000
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.pGPgw’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×1346ff
Texture missing mip chain: 0×1346fe
Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.pGPgw’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×1036a0
Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×079941’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×118f71
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (5321.759766, -994.742004, -16930.500000), Completion: 0.000000
Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×1346fc
Texture missing mip chain: 0×134700
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
- DirectX Device Info <—*
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×13c0
Version = 10.18.0013.5850
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4095 MB
- Crash <—*
OOM: Heap, bytes=8388728,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6964
BaseAddr: 01270000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54779
When: 2015-10-31T16:22:14Z 2015-10-31T11:22:14-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:40:14
Flags: 0
- System <—*
Processors: 12 [GenuineIntel:6:13:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
- System Memory <—*
Physical: 25478MB/32744MB 77%
Paged: 57111MB/65486MB 87%
Virtual: 190MB/ 4095MB 4%
Load: 22%
CommitTotal: 8375MB
CommitLimit: 65486MB
CommitPeak: 8429MB
SystemCache: 5283MB
HandleCount: 32349
ProcessCount: 83
ThreadCount: 1292
- Process Memory <—*
Private: 3087MB
WorkingSet: 2822MB
PeakWorkingSet: 2831MB
PageFaults: 13463887
- Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM 1242.84 33467
Root 946.18 1138733
Art Assets 461.41 9249
Programmer Data 359.45 354132
VRAM – Prop Tex 259.97 696
VRAM – Character Geo 240.79 602
Anim Import Packfile 225.16 849
Anim Import Models 225.16 849
VRAM – Effect Geo 159.37 748
Engine 141.19 188467
Game 134.71 120310
VRAM – Composite Tex 112.29 116
Map Assets 104.13 4337
Character Models 97.41 1302
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
Prop Models 90.30 1904
Uncategorized 89.44 741247
Prop Packfile 89.01 326
Gr 83.37 122439
VRAM – Gr Geometry 62.79 658
Composite Models 59.14 843
Collections 56.59 6315
Dictionary 54.76 1606
- Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM – Prop Tex 259.97 696
VRAM – Character Geo 240.79 602
Anim Import Packfile 225.16 849
VRAM – Effect Geo 159.37 748
VRAM – Composite Tex 112.29 116
Content 96.50 37301
VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
Uncategorized 89.44 741247
Prop Packfile 89.01 326
VRAM – Gr Geometry 62.79 658
Dictionary 54.76 1606
VRAM – DDI Shader 49.22 28261
Gr 41.58 6397
VRAM – Prop Geo 40.86 129
VRAM – UI Textures 39.08 801
Character Packfile 38.05 175
Composite Tex Pool 35.84 74
Effect Packfile 32.12 357
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 27.90 878
Text 25.42 3196
Composite Packfile 23.25 675
VRAM – Terrain Tex 23.21 39
VRAM – Gr Cloud 18.00 72
Collide Havok 15.54 31046
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
- ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×2f4 <—*
- Trace <—*
Pc:0157d92f Fr:0818fa2c Rt:01615e50 Arg:00000000 00000000 02215008 00000243
Pc:01615e50 Fr:0818fa6c Rt:016167f7 Arg:00000000 0000002a 0818fab0 00000000
Pc:016167f7 Fr:0818faa0 Rt:01e82b82 Arg:000000a3 00000002 68301c34 c61bc23f
Pc:01e82b82 Fr:0818fb94 Rt:01e7f751 Arg:4d618821 b9509830 0818fbdc 01e8046f
Pc:01e7f751 Fr:0818fba4 Rt:01e8046f Arg:00000000 04d88c10 00000019 00000019
Pc:01e8046f Fr:0818fbdc Rt:01e778d8 Arg:00000000 0157edf9 0000094c 015bd040
Pc:01e778d8 Fr:0818fc2c Rt:018b651b Arg:3ccccccd 3cd59310 0818fcbc 0846dab8
Pc:018b651b Fr:0818fc60 Rt:018b8dbf Arg:3cd59310 0172c803 04d89810 04d89c60
Pc:018b8dbf Fr:0818fd08 Rt:0172a77e Arg:04d89810 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:0172a77e Fr:0818fd84 Rt:0172b992 Arg:4d616111 01d113f8 920992c2 00000001
Pc:0172b992 Fr:0818fdc4 Rt:01729f51 Arg:04bf5d30 06618110 0157ef78 00000000
Pc:01729f51 Fr:0818fde4 Rt:016d0730 Arg:04bf5d30 9209911a 00000000 06618110
Pc:016d0730 Fr:0818fe1c Rt:016d0858 Arg:00000000 0818fe34 7597337a 06618110
Pc:016d0858 Fr:0818fe28 Rt:7597337a Arg:06618110 0818fe74 771092e2 06618110
Pc:7597337a Fr:0818fe34 Rt:771092e2 Arg:06618110 7f469495 00000000 00000000
Pc:771092e2 Fr:0818fe74 Rt:771092b5 Arg:016d07dc 06618110 00000000 00000000
Pc:771092b5 Fr:0818fe8c Rt:00000000 Arg:016d07dc 06618110 00000000 00000000
- Thread registers <—*
eax=0818f5a0 ebx=0818f9e8 ecx=02215008 edx=0818f9e8 esi=7597585e edi=00000000
eip=0157d92f esp=0818f9c4 ebp=0818fa2c
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246
eax-32 0818F580 0818f530 63060610 0818f5c0 00000000
eax-16 0818F590 66ec4810 0818f5f0 7576c42d 0818f5a0
eax 0 0818F5A0 80000003 00000000 00000000 7576c42d
eax16 0818F5B0 00000000 417fb027 00000000 00000000
eax+32 0818F5C0 41c76920 43b5b9d2 044103a4 0818f648
eax+48 0818F5D0 044103a0 8d800000 0818f804 016f6dd8
ebx-32 0818F9C8 02215008 00000243 00000000 95b90024
ebx-16 0818F9D8 95b90010 11d6e950 00000000 00000001
ebx 0 0818F9E8 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 38383338
ebx16 0818F9F8 00383237 000f1efc 000f1efc 0818fa2c
ebx+32 0818FA08 016844d5 00000000 95b9002c 0818fa28
ebx+48 0818FA18 11d6e950 95b9002c 11d6e950 00000000
ecx-32 02214FE8 014dc760 01afd5c0 012c1b70 0133b970
ecx-16 02214FF8 0145a990 0146fb10 0145a9e0 01616cb0
ecx 0 02215008 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
ecx16 02215018 475c7247 78655472 65627543 7070632e
ecx+32 02215028 00000000 26262030 49432220 65547247
ecx+48 02215038 72757478 62754365 74614465 6f702061
edx-32 0818F9C8 02215008 00000243 00000000 95b90024
edx-16 0818F9D8 95b90010 11d6e950 00000000 00000001
edx 0 0818F9E8 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 38383338
edx16 0818F9F8 00383237 000f1efc 000f1efc 0818fa2c
edx+32 0818FA08 016844d5 00000000 95b9002c 0818fa28
edx+48 0818FA18 11d6e950 95b9002c 11d6e950 00000000
esi-32 7597583C 023a0ae9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 7597584C 909005eb ff909090 970b9825 90909075
esi 0 7597585C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 7597586C 970da425 90909075 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 7597587C 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 7597588C 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c
- Code <—*
0157D90F 806a1d02 8d45bc6a 4050e8e2 68ffff83 .j…E.j@P..h…
0157D91F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
0157D92F e85c9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 .\….U..E..Z..u
0157D93F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
0157D94F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
0157D95F 68e50300 00bafc69 1d02b990 6a1d02e8 h……i….j…
- Stack <—*
0818F9C4 0157d934 02215008 00000243 00000000 4.W..P!.C…….
0818F9D4 95b90024 95b90010 11d6e950 00000000 $…….P…….
0818F9E4 00000001 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
0818F9F4 38383338 00383237 000f1efc 000f1efc 8388728………
0818FA04 0818fa2c 016844d5 00000000 95b9002c ,….Dh…..,…
0818FA14 0818fa28 11d6e950 95b9002c 11d6e950 (…P…,…P…
0818FA24 00000000 9209952a 0818fa6c 01615e50 ….…l…P^a.
0818FA34 00000000 00000000 02215008 00000243 ………P!.C…
0818FA44 0000002a 00000000 12080a50 95b90010 *…….P…….
0818FA54 95317208 95317208 0818faa0 015e4d90 .r1..r1……M^.
0818FA64 95317208 00000001 0818faa0 016167f7 .r1……….ga.
0818FA74 00000000 0000002a 0818fab0 00000000 ….………..
0818FA84 939751f4 02257e04 9397537e 00000001 .Q…~%.~S……
0818FA94 00000001 9397537e 00000001 0818fb94 ….~S……….
0818FAA4 01e82b82 000000a3 00000002 68301c34 .+……….4.0h
0818FAB4 c61bc23f 00000068 04eb80c8 0237501c ?…h……..P7.
0818FAC4 00000070 0818fae4 016fcdcf 08416000 p………o..`A.
0818FAD4 00000068 00000000 00000050 00000068 h…….P…h…
0818FAE4 0818fb04 016ed064 04eb80c8 00000000 ….d.n………
0818FAF4 920995fe 0818fb1c 0156ed9b 00000000 ……….V…..
0818FB04 018d496b 04d88c10 025ea8b8 00000019 kI……..^…..
0818FB14 00000000 6b90a5e8 0818fb44 016021af …….kD….!`.
0818FB24 00000008 00000000 00000002 01e82a74 …………t*..
0818FB34 b9509830 797d4f50 00000000 00000003 0.P.PO}y……..
0818FB44 00000020 0818fab0 00000001 00000000 ……………
0818FB54 00000000 00000000 00000040 00000001 ……......... 0818FB64 939750ac 939750fc 00000000 b9509830 .P...P......0.P. 0818FB74 00000020 f7e70550 00000000 00000002 ...P........... 0818FB84 0818fab0 00000000 0818fab0 92099492 ................ 0818FB94 0818fba4 01e7f751 4d618821 b9509830 ....Q...!.aM0.P. 0818FBA4 0818fbdc 01e8046f 00000000 04d88c10 ....o........... 0818FBB4 00000019 00000019 4efedc50 4d618821 ........P..N!.aM 0818FBC4 01d113f8 00000000 00000000 00004e20 ............ N.. 0818FBD4 00000000 0843af10 0818fc2c 01e778d8 ......C.,....x.. 0818FBE4 00000000 0157edf9 0000094c 015bd040 ......W.L...
0818FBF4 1383f310 00000028 52bff910 0818fc34 ….(……R4…
0818FC04 015bb8b1 52bff910 00000028 02290e5c ..[….R(…\.).
0818FC14 00000019 0158cd5a 00000010 015b13ef ….Z.X…….[.
0818FC24 04d88c10 00000008 0818fc60 018b651b ……..`….e..
0818FC34 3ccccccd 3cd59310 0818fcbc 0846dab8 …<…<……F.
0818FC44 04d89854 3ccccccd 3cd59310 3cd59310 T……<…<…<
0818FC54 3cd59310 3ccccccd 3ccccccd 0818fd08 …<…<…<….
0818FC64 018b8dbf 3cd59310 0172c803 04d89810 …….<..r…..
0818FC74 04d89c60 00000001 00000002 00000002 `……………
0818FC84 00000010 0818fca0 0818fca8 04d89c60 …………`…
0818FC94 00000002 0818fd70 0000000c 00000000 ….p………..
0818FCA4 0846dac8 00000000 04d89854 00000001 ..F…..T…….
0818FCB4 04d89810 0818fcf8 0846dac4 04d8984d ……….F.M…
0818FCC4 016eaf77 04d89b8c 0172cb63 04d89810 w.n…..c.r…..
0818FCD4 00000000 00000000 0818fd08 0818fd20 ………… …
0818FCE4 0172ae1f 04d89810 006821ae 00000001 ..r……!h…..
0818FCF4 04d89b58 00000000 0818fcfc 0818fcfd X……………
0818FD04 9209920e 0818fd84 0172a77e 04d89810 ……..~.r…..
0818FD14 00000002 00000002 00000010 0818fd70 …………p…
0818FD24 04d89c60 06618110 00000001 006821ae `…..a……!h.
0818FD34 f75bd490 00000004 00000000 770efddd ..[…………w
0818FD44 75773bdb 00000000 75773c07 926ba48c .;wu…..<wu..k.
0818FD54 00000001 0000000a 06618110 00000024 ……….a.$…
0818FD64 00000001 00000000 00000000 4d616111 ………….aaM
0818FD74 01d113f8 006821ae 00000019 92099282 …..!h………
0818FD84 0818fdc4 0172b992 4d616111 01d113f8 ……r..aaM….
0818FD94 920992c2 00000001 006821ae 06618110 ………!h…a.
0818FDA4 00000001 06618110 0818fd94 00000001 ……a………
0818FDB4 0818fe0c 016d0a70 984c0b56 00000000 ….p.m.V.L…..
- Error Logs <—*
for new bolts.
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×12854e’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×0ea52d’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fluxsystem’ not found.
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorbracers’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×101fb3’: Permutation ‘b’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorbracers’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×0ea52d’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fluxsystem’ not found.
Model ‘0×101fb3’: Permutation ‘b’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×1284b8’: Permutation ‘nopaint’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorbracers’ not found, auto selecting permutation
- DirectX Device Info <—*
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×13c0
Version = 10.18.0013.5850
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4095 MB
Ever since Heart of Thorns my has Guild Wars 2 client keeps crashing constantly and after every update as well. This is very upsetting as I am being jipped out of achievement points,experience points and loot from events every time it crashes during an event I am participating in. It is literately crashing every couple of minutes as of today around 1am est 10/31/15, it is getting a lot worse over the last week to the point I cannot even play the game. I spent good money on this expansion and I would truly like to enjoy it.
Today 10/31/15 I have crashed 4 times in 20 min. at 12:02,12:06,12:11,12:21 est. As I said above, it is getting to point I am unable to play the game. I did not have these crashes before HoT and all the updates.Please fix this.
As many others have observed I have never had the client crash until the HOT update. Now I get crashes every 1 – 2 hours. Seems worst on HOT maps, but since that is where I spend most of time, its not surprising.
I also crash in LA doing nothing more than interfacing with the bank and sometimes just standing doing nothing.
I have a 64-bit system, Intel Core i7 3770K 16 GB RAM, SSD storage, GTX 980 graphics adapter.
Sent in many crash reports.
Radical’s experience and system specs exactly mirror my own, though I’m crashing a lot more frequently than 1-2 hours. Sometimes it’s just a few minutes between crashes. I get a lot of crashes in LA, even just turning the camera or moving from a waypoint to the crafting area.
Being I work in IT I’m used to debugging software and hardware problems, so I’ve tried things like repairing the DAT file, disabling unnecessary services while GW2 is running, lowering my graphics settings to near minimums, etc. Before HoT I was driving a very large monitor with my GTX 980 (4 GiB VRAM) and having no problems with GW2, but I even tried going back to a smaller monitor, to see if it was an issue with HoT having higher VRAM requirements. None of these things have alleviated the crashes.
Every patch that’s the been released since HoT gets my hopes up that the crashes will stop, but so far no joy.
My crash log is tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big to post since getting the expansion, so i’ve uploaded the crash file