Daily: 6 categories complete, no reward
Completed 9/5 Dailies and didn’t get my chest either.
Finished Gathering and Leveler at the same time which was for 6/5 completed. I am guessing this is an issue with not completing only 5 dailies at once.
Illusionary Ally [TFD]
Devona’s Rest
Yep, just happened to me too. Finished daily, gained a level, and bam, no reward chest.
Logged out and logged back in hoping it would fix it.
Nope. Nothing.
add me to the list, daily completed, no rewards
have completed 7 of 9
well done Anet, well done
Same problem; 6/5 no chest
Some one forgot to add an if statement to the daily completions…
bool chest_given = false;
int dailies_complete = 0;
if (dailies_complete <= 5)
if (!chest_given)
chest_given = true;
Illusionary Ally [TFD]
Devona’s Rest
(edited by GamerToukotsu.4219)
Thank you for the reports, everyone! We’re working on this issue now.
— Live Response Embed —
Same as all of the above. Daily done. No chest.
I have gone from 4/5 to 7/5 (dailykills, leveler and daily events).
And like everyone here didnt got chest.
So i guess i can say goodbye to todays laureal
same as all above, finished all daily completations and got no chest, also some ppl got 2 chest with 2 laurels and rewards, hope anet do something about it
Same thing happened to me today and also to some other people in my guild.
I really hope Anet will give us the rewards.. considering the time it takes to get the Laurels… if you have an account full of 80s who all need amulets even one missed Laurel is a bummer of a setback.
This pretty much put a raincloud over the rest of my night of playing gw2 lol.
So glad I’m not the only one this happened too. Same as a lot of the people on here. Reset as normal when i started, then went from 4/5 to 6/5 (event triggered leveler). The daily completion achieve bubble popped up but no completion chest. kinda unfair if you’re trying to save up karma/laurels
Glad someone is working on the problem. I finished 7/5 dailies and didn’t recive chest either.
Ditto here, completed events and champion as the final 2 when they completed, they did at the same time, no chest or laurel. Seems achieving 2 or more in one shot may be the problem.
Same boat as you guys. I got events and a level at the same time, no chest
Same here i finished 7/5 dailies and got nothing
Same boat as everyone here. Completed 6/5, received no loot.
Same problem here, and as with many others it occurred when I completed 2 achievements simultaneously at 4/5 (moved to 6/5, no reward).
Hope it helps.
Yeah i have the same problem, 6/5, im not sure if the last 2 happened simultaneously.. but it might have.
I had 4/5 dailies completed, killed my last needed veteran, which simultaneously allowed me to level up…achieved 6/5 at the same time, and got no reward whatsoever…I would really like to get my missing laurel..the others don’t bother me so much
thank you in advance
i have the same problem right now I have more then 5 dailys completed stating 5/5 done and im not getting a reward at all.
I got a reply from my support ticket.. they told me to come post my thoughts about this issue here in this thread.
Basically they said “We know about this… but oh well.”
I’m not holding my breath about getting the reward. Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen tomorrow. And the next day… and the next day..
Same here. Completed 7/5. No chest.
Same thing happened to me got 6/5 the daily tasks disappeared from the upper right and no chest got the double Veteran and level at the same time
just got a reply from support, saying no worry around and they are sorry for no reward, but they are tracking these comments. Geee thanks, sounds like i took the time to file a report only to be told sorry you are out of luck.
(edited by GaryC.4897)
I just experienced this bug for the first time as well. Earlier today I received my chest from completing 5/5 of the daily events but after the reset I completed 5/5 and no chest was awarded. I then went and completed another task to be at 6/5 and still no chest.
(edited by Goblin Beet Farmer.3045)
It happened to me too. I hope you fix before the next daily, thank you.
Same thing happened. No chest after daily is done!!
i just want assurances that we’ll get the silver/laurel/jug/mystic coin that we were supposed to get.
Same thing here — went from 4/5 to 6/5. Reporting in in the hopes that I can get my chest/laurel/shinies retroactively.
Deírdre ~ Hedy Stonegate ~ Leslie Summerhill
Yep, same problem here. :0
I’m on the same boat :/
7/5 and nothing. I’m glad I’m not the only one though !
Anyone else get a Mystic Forge Stone, instead of Laurel after completing the daily?
I did.
7/5 and still no rewards
Ya’ll may want to work on it a little faster. I just finished my daily with gather, which dinged me in the process. I ended up with two daily chests instead of the none everyone else is here for. I’d post a screenshot as proof but I had kitten moment and opened em.
On the flip side, if you’re wondering where yours went it’s probably to those of us on the opposite side of the luck spectrum.
Adding my two cents, same thing. Went from 4/5 dailies to 6/5 with a double, no chest. Good luck getting this sorted!
Same thing with me, I went from 4/5 Dailies to 6/5 with a double and no chest. I tried switching maps, re-logging, switching characters, completed another set requirement for the daily and nothing happened.
Thank you for the reports, everyone! We’re working on this issue now.
ok then are you giving us 2 chests or bouncing people back that got 2 chests
Reporting that I experienced the same issue. Got gatherer and leveler at the same time to go from 4/5 to 6/5. I’ll keep an eye on the thread, since this seems common!
Didnt get daily chest, got champion slayer, leveler and daily events done at the same time.
Same problem here. Got Ambient Killer and Leveler at the same time for 6/5
6/5 done for me, no chest :/
Some of my guildmates have gotten 2 laurels, one even reports getting three for today….
I completed my 5th and 6th criteria for the daily achievement simultaneously and was not given the reward chest.
I also completed ambient and leveling at the same time for 6/5 and did not get the chest… Only had time to log in tonight to do the daily, sad day.
Same thing. Hit Leveler and Veteran Slayer at the same time, with 6 items complete, and no chest appeared.
I just finished my daily and I also got no chest. I got the daily kills, daily veteran slayer, daily gatherer, and daily champion slayer. When I finished my daily events, I also leveled up so I had 6/5, but I didn’t get a chest for it! I’ve had every laurel so far since their release. I don’t want to miss one now!
I just completed my first daily since the choose your own patch, had 4 completed, and then completed 2 with one kill. It’s now showing 5/5 complete, 100% complete, but no reward. I ended up with kills, veteran, champ, gatherer, and got the ambient killer and leveler in the same kill. Anyway I can get the laurel at least?
same thing here, 6/5 and no rewards at all
i hope we can get these laurels retroactively awarded to us that missed out..
same here. accidently finished daily in 8 out of 9. no chest.