Disconnecting when entering dungeons

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Naglifar.1684


I am also experienced the error code Waffles posted.

This is a very serious issue—I hope we get a Dev response ASAP. I’ve already logged of early for the night, but I’ll keep my eye on this post.

I made a post on reddit

please get this to the front page asap!

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


have been more then 12hrs man.. still havent fix….

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: huntaa.4978


Yeah i keep getting the same issue. Especially when i use my Guardian to enter a fractal with a group, i keep getting the message in the image posted. Any help with this?


Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: lunyboy.8672


Confirmed for members of parties in both AC and CoE, it hasn’t happened to me yet, but I will be avoiding dungeons for the time being.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Durathor.2605


Same happens to me.
It dc when entering dungeons or FOTM.
Please fix it

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


did arnet ever see this post? 5hrs b4 it say will have update in 3hrs.
still havent happen…

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Backward Sass.6791

Backward Sass.6791

Did AC then Arah. Went to do another path of AC and got this error. I can no longer get into dungeons.


Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I am getting the same issue trying to enter COF I get booted.

As someone who does network trouble shooting I know for a fact the issue is not on my end.

The following games work with out a hitch

Torch Light 2
World of Warcraft
Diablo 3

if it was a connection/firewall issue on my end I be having issues with other games and my network in general.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Slayer Reaver.7845

Slayer Reaver.7845

same issue here. luckily I didn’t lock up any characters. please fix this asap.

it is not dungeon specific, it includes instances of any sort, as well as ones in the tower of nightmares. it is not a network or isp issue. tested on 4 different networks, 3 different isps, on 2 different types of connection, same result


(edited by Slayer Reaver.7845)

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Adonis.1028


Having the same problem. Its worked when the dungeon is hosted from my own server but when its hosted from anywhere else im getting booted to my desktop.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: TheSFC.9582


I’m also having this issue.

To sum up what others have noticed:

Entering a dungeon which someone opened on another server now uses up a guest, then attempting to join your party when they’re in a different server apart from your main server and previous guests will cause a DC. Whoever is DC’d while trying to enter the dungeon first gets a CTD, then the next time they attempt to log on to that character (even after switching to other characters and playing), they’ll CTD once more.

A simple fix would be to just go back to the old guesting system and allow us to enter dungeons opened on other servers without using up a guest.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: MysticHLE.7160


Reporting the same problem. Please fix this…

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


have you guys report the arnet? i report it 8 hrs ago but they still havent reply… any still havent fix the issue

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Green Devil.8210

Green Devil.8210

I have the same issue. So far I am unable to enter Sorrow’s Embrace and Citadel of Flame. I have not tried the other dungeons yet, but I’m guessing it will happen to it as well. Anet please look into this asap!

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: MysticHLE.7160


I think TheSFC.9582 is correct. I can enter dungeon instances from servers I’ve “guested” in – whether voluntarily or involuntarily (through this bug).

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Hystery.8415


Well, logged on 10 hours after I went to sleep because I had nothing to farm, still the same problem, with the same error.

It’s getting very long now…

Piken Square RPer ~ Growl Bladeskin (Charr, Zerk Warrior 80) |
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |

(edited by Hystery.8415)

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Michin.5831


apparently whats happenning is, if you have 2 guests used up already, ie(jq,sor) and you try to join an instance thats based in BG, then its computing as you’re trying to guest on another server, so you get that error. idk if its true, but sounds plausible.


Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Valco.1750


I kept getting error when entering the dungeon or even I am trying to enter a map, it will give you an error message.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Graendall.4765


Same issue i am disconnecting with 2 characters when trying to log in orr enter AC and CoF.Please fix this asap

Zancrow The Red-Elementalist of [ObV]Oblivion-Hardcore WvW guild
Server-Piken Square

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: John Chambers.1059

John Chambers.1059

Before Hotfix, all is OK
After Hotfix, I can’t enter in any dungeon without a crash game.

Otherwise, glad to see how the cash shop works well…

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: dostunuz.3982


Still can’t join any dungeons.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: rottenzombie.4780


me too i cannot join any dung

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: PuteriMayat.8029


you guys also experience 0% map completion?

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brand.1438


I posted the same thing in tech support section but..

Currently, in order to do instances and dungeons it appears the following works:

1. party with people from same server
2. party with people from servers you have guested to in the last 24 hours, or guest to the server of the instance opener (if you can)

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


same issue here

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Splicer.1206


Same problem here but I can enter alone then join a party, but then 2 to 3 of the party member can’t enter cos they disconnect every single time ! So lame actually

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: geokim.9425


same thing..

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Britz.6187


same concern here, can someone from anet adress this issue?

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Lilius.9850


I just got this issue as well

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Tiny Hands.5819

Tiny Hands.5819

Same issue here, cmon Anet please fix this is kitten ing a lot of people and off, not being able to get into instances the fact that, your party can’t get in with you for the love of god fix it is been more than 12 hours already cmon!

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Lilius.9850


lol it’s 3:51AM in california. Anet is not gonna start fixing this thing until 10AM…

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hystery.8415


lol it’s 3:51AM in california. Anet is not gonna start fixing this thing until 10AM…

The thing is, it started a long while ago, they could have started to work on it, but if they indeed wait until the next day hoping it’ll fix itself, then I’m slightly disappointed.

Piken Square RPer ~ Growl Bladeskin (Charr, Zerk Warrior 80) |
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: PuteriMayat.8029


Indeed Hystery, I allready reported it last night. that would be around 6 this morning in US.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Pilarz.3028


lol it’s 3:51AM in california. Anet is not gonna start fixing this thing until 10AM…

The thing is, it started a long while ago, they could have started to work on it, but if they indeed wait until the next day hoping it’ll fix itself, then I’m slightly disappointed.

ArenaNet staff need to sleep? I’m slightly disappointed.
hahaha, really?

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PuteriMayat.8029


Anyone unable to log in on those characters which got the dc too? And map completion @ character select on 0% ?

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zheng xiong.6148

zheng xiong.6148

same problem, with Code=19:9:18:16:16:101, and at the login page, it shows my 80 levl Charr just has 0% map completed, so rediculous.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Dark FQ.1038

Dark FQ.1038

Same here , can t go into TA or CoF

Dark Fq (Desolation and Gandara)all classes condi. http://www.youtube.com/user/FQDark

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Vos.3086


am not sure if the last update was ment to help it but i am still having the problem same error and everything

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hystery.8415


lol it’s 3:51AM in california. Anet is not gonna start fixing this thing until 10AM…

The thing is, it started a long while ago, they could have started to work on it, but if they indeed wait until the next day hoping it’ll fix itself, then I’m slightly disappointed.

ArenaNet staff need to sleep? I’m slightly disappointed.
hahaha, really?

Dude, did you even read what I posted? Because it really doesn’t look like it.

At the time Lilius posted, it says 3:51AM. Thing is, the problem started a long while ago, meaning by that 10 hours ago, which means around 5PM in California. 5Pm is still a working hour, mind you. So YES, they could have started to work on it, especially since it is a very serious problem.

Piken Square RPer ~ Growl Bladeskin (Charr, Zerk Warrior 80) |
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: boomboompow.6185


same here, disconnect when trying to enter dungeons
EU Gandara

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PuteriMayat.8029


lol it’s 3:51AM in california. Anet is not gonna start fixing this thing until 10AM…

The thing is, it started a long while ago, they could have started to work on it, but if they indeed wait until the next day hoping it’ll fix itself, then I’m slightly disappointed.

ArenaNet staff need to sleep? I’m slightly disappointed.
hahaha, really?

Dude, did you even read what I posted? Because it really doesn’t look like it.

At the time Lilius posted, it says 3:51AM. Thing is, the problem started a long while ago, meaning by that 10 hours ago, which means around 5PM in California. 5Pm is still a working hour, mind you. So YES, they could have started to work on it, especially since it is a very serious problem.


Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Satan Blaze.8237

Satan Blaze.8237

same issue, tried to go into dungeon >10 times, keep getting dc’ed
even the login sometimes cant login

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


Until ur guesting time end, u can run 2 times? once you start the dungeon, your will become guest to the opener’s sever. and 2 times guesting a day. That’s y after you will get DC like everyone else. It had been around 24hrs still hasn’t been fix…. Or no one is fixing it.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


My tour night is ruined -_- trying releasing and renewing IP, loading diff chars etc.. nothing works.

Not only this but I have not guested to another server in like a month and yet as soon as the new build hit, the game auto guested me on two random servers.

Ah the sacrifices dungeon goers have to make for the open worlders -_-

I thought someone had hacked my account at first, when I crashed I was going to try and guest onto their server but found I had apparently randomly used up my guests. Haven’t tried FOTM yet but yeah I’m not really going to bother playing till this is fixed. I’m pretty sick of these “polished” two week patches.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

(edited by rfdarko.4639)

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lilius.9850


My tour night is ruined -_- trying releasing and renewing IP, loading diff chars etc.. nothing works.

Not only this but I have not guested to another server in like a month and yet as soon as the new build hit, the game auto guested me on two random servers.

Ah the sacrifices dungeon goers have to make for the open worlders -_-

I thought someone had hacked my account at first, when I crashed I was going to try and guest onto their server but found I had apparently randomly used up my guests. Haven’t tried FOTM yet but yeah I’m not really going to bother playing till this is fixed. I’m pretty sick of these “polished” two week patches.

Yeah someone had randomly used my guests as well…

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: intox.6347


same here.. 2 chars blocked with that..

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

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Posted by: Slvr.2734


its very frustrating

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


Yup, just tried FOTM and its borked as well. You can only join instances with people on your own server.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terranova.2780


This is starting to get to the point of ridiculous. I was unable to run dungeons with any of my friends last night, and when I could actually get into a dungeon 98% of the time someone would not be able to. As someone who primarily runs dungeons this is totally ruining my game play experiance. What’s more it appears everyone from Anet feels that chiming in here to let the 1000+ people who have viewed this post as beneath them.

I am sure some of you will take issue with my stance on this and make excuses for them but as far as I have seen they have not yet admitted to having a problem. I realize that giving and ETA is difficult if not impossible but it would be nice for a little information. I guess I don’t know what I expect though as this pattern of behavior seems more the “norm” when it comes to IT companies. All to often the end user gets the “It’ll be fixed when it’s fixed” standard answer.d

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tsurusennin.4218


Very clearly it uses guesting “tickets” if you go to a dungeon instance that was started by someone on other server than you are on. This can be seen from the World selection window while selecting a character.