Disconnecting when entering dungeons

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


update not helping!!!!! still same issue!!!!!!!

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hystery.8415


Me who thought naively this update would fix the problem, I see I am still too innocent to this cruel world.

Bad bad devs taking advantage of me :c

Piken Square RPer ~ Growl Bladeskin (Charr, Zerk Warrior 80) |
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: David.5216


Ive also notices that after the server kicks, the character that was on when the kick happened, has there ‘Map Completion’ percentage drops to 0%. Hopefully that is just a glitch and doesnt just directly affect our map completion.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: chrisgaj.7539


this is still happening to people!! ugh it just happened for me

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SweetCream.8051


Still happening for me as well.
When i try to enter explorable mode for any dungeon it just crashes(if the dungeon was opened on a different home server), upon reentering the game with the same character, I get another crash.
Same pattern all day.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083


Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

Escalate issue pls, call in emergency staff. Your game is currently BROKEN and 110% UNPLAYABLE!

Invest in a test server with staff to test for a solid week or so before shoving patches down the playerbases throat, please.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rintz.5138


same problem here

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rand.3186


This ‘bug’ just happend to me as well.

I’ll be as detailed as possible with what all happend, just in case any of this helps the developers in finding this bug.

I’ll start off with a leadup of my activities for the day, so that maybe we can find some type of common ground:

I joined someone’s party that was on an overflow for Tequatl while I was in Lion’s Arch. They removed me from party while I was loading into Sparkfly Fen (I assume because it showed me on overflow). I’m on the right overflow, everythings good. 30 minutes of waiting and the game crashes. Thankfully I join someones party and get right back into the same overflow. Eventually I leave party to invite someone else into my party so that they can try to get onto my overflow.

I go back to Lion’s Arch. Chill for an hour. Then the person I invited suggests we go do a few easy dungeons. This is where the road gets bumpy. I go over to Fireheart Rise to join them in the dungeon, and immediately get disconnected within 2 seconds of seeing the “Citadel of Flame” loading screen — with the same disconnection message everyone else has posted here.

I try around four more times all of which are disconnects. (In the same pattern as others have mentioned. First dc is the dungeon, then the next dc is the normal map when trying to load back in. This repeats itself.)

So I decide, hey, maybe I should guest onto the server that they are on (Blackgate). To my astonishment, it says that I am guested to TWO servers already. Neither of which are Jade Quarry — which was the LAST server I guested to, almost 24 hours ago from now.

So there is at least one if not two bugs going on. One that does not let you connect, and another that tries to force you to guest onto a specific server. -_-

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zheng xiong.6148

zheng xiong.6148

problem still existing , Code=19:9:18:1616:101

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brother Brutality.8795

Brother Brutality.8795

I am having the exact same problem. It seems that this issue occurs from dungeons and any other instance for that matter causing a person to guest to that server. when Rand says that he was guested to 2 other servers other than the ones that he had guested to himself. I believe that the 2 guests are from the most recent instances where he joined his group which were on those servers. This, for some reason is causing guest spots to be used. Then when you try to enter an instance that someone else has started on a server that is not your home or the 2 that you are guested to it then goes through the process of trying to guest you to that server and you’re then booted out for not having a guest open.

I was earlier able to get into a dungeon when I was having this problem, but I realized after doing said dungeon that I was guested to the server of the person that had entered and I assumed that one of my previous 2 guests had finished it’s 24 hour timer.

I do not think that the issue resides in the dungeons, but rather the guesting system. For some reason it is using up guest spaces when if should not (or if it is intentional, please correct me).

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boyd.5438


i think its just 1 misconfiguration on the system. they swapped the guesting from worlds to dungeons. now dungeons act like world guesting, and world guesting works like dungeon instances.

or if you dont understand that, ill make it simple. some dude tripped over some wires, randomly plugged them back in and tried to make it work again. it works, just not the way it should.

Disconnecting when entering dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hystery.8415


i think its just 1 misconfiguration on the system. they swapped the guesting from worlds to dungeons. now dungeons act like world guesting, and world guesting works like dungeon instances.

or if you dont understand that, ill make it simple. some dude tripped over some wires, randomly plugged them back in and tried to make it work again. it works, just not the way it should.

This sounds like the most logical explanation so far. Yet, it is a bit disappointing to see Anet doing such a basic mistake =/

Piken Square RPer ~ Growl Bladeskin (Charr, Zerk Warrior 80) |
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |