(edited by KazNaka.4718)
Dodge roll "randomly" fails [video included]
I’ve made a number of threads about this but since people seem to be paying attention to this thread, I’ll post this here. It happens whenever you dodge roll immediately after a certain attack within a 3 part autoattack chain. I’ve had instances of this with ranged weapons (Such as Ranger shortbow) but I’ve had no luck reproducing this on training dummies.
Here’s a list of what I’ve been able to consistently reproduce. I’ve considered making a compilation video of all the classes and which autoattacks bug and how to bug them, but I’ve had my head in the clouds hoping this would’ve been fixed a long time ago, but I digress. Anyway, here’s a write-up.
For the following, if you dodge roll immediately after the listed attack, your dodge roll will fail:
Sword 2nd attack
Axe 1st attack
Mace 1st and 2nd attack
Greatsword 2nd attack
Hammer 1st and 2nd attack
Dagger 1st and 2nd attack
Note 1st attack only seems to occur if you quickly dodge roll after the first attack of the two attacks that are included in Double Strike
Sword 1st and 2nd attack
Sword 1st and 2nd attack
Scepter 1st and 2nd attack
Conjure Lightning Hammer 1st and 2nd attack
Sword 1st attack (So if you’re not content with being rooted in place for the next 2 attacks, you can always bug your own dodgeroll on the first attack, harharhar)
Greatsword 2nd attack
Hammer 1st and 2nd attack
Note This can be exploited to shorten the cast time of Symbol of Protection
Greatsword 2nd attack
Sword 1st and 2nd attack
Mace 1st and 2nd attack
Note This can be exploited to shorten the cast time of Faithful Strike
Special Note For Guardians, this can be exploited to use Selfless Daring as an AOE heal without leaving melee range. It’s also been referred to as “Ninja Skipping” when used to this end. Nothing major, but worth noting if anyone wants to exploit this dodge roll bug for healing.
Toolkit 2nd attack
Dagger 1st and 2nd attack
Note 1st attack only seems to occur if you quickly dodge roll after the first attack of the two attacks that are included in Necrotic Slash
Additional Notes
This can be reproduced with either hotkey dodge roll, or double tapping. This is not limited to the hotkey.
For informational purposes, here are the races and genders I used to recreate the bugs in these attack chains. (Since racial/gender differences can have varying attack animations) I have no idea if this is actually relevant, but here it is anyway:
Guardian – Human – Male
Warrior – Norn – Male
Engineer – Asura – Male
Thief – Human – Female
Necromancer – Human – Male
Ranger – Human – Male
Mesmer – Human – Female
I imagine there are more than what I listed, but this is what I have currently. I haven’t tried it with transformations though I suspect they exist there as well.
Edit The interaction between attacking and dodge rolling in between certain attacks causes the issue. Note that turning off autoattack on your 3 part attack chain reduces the likelihood that the bug will occur, however, Even with autoattack turned off, if you continue to button mash while dodging the bug will occur.
(edited by Negativity.5801)
I’ve seen this too (on my sylvari ranger). It’s doubly annoying when I dodge out of the red “incoming attack” circle and still take damage!
I noticed I have this happen on my characters as well.
This is like THE most annoying bug in the game for me atm. I can’t count how many times I died to bosses because of it, and it pisses the hell out of me when I unjustly lose my 25 stacks…
I turned off the double tap dodge feature on day one (launch day) and remapped it to the shift button.
…when it does and i get 1 shot as a result it really makes me rage inside…
QFT, and…same. Turned off double tap to dodge in beta, never turned it back on. It’s been assigned to L-Shift ever since.
I have this issue on every character I have played thus far. 80 Warrior, 80 Thief, 80 Necro, and now on my leveling 36 Ranger.
It is extremely irritating. And I do mean extremely.
I have dodge bound to mouse 3 (scrollwheel click), and have never experienced this bug. Worth a try for those of you having this issue?
Edit: Oh, now I’ve seen the bug as well. Following the example in the first post triggers this bug every single time. Ranger, greatsword.
(edited by OGDeadHead.8326)
This evening just before the patch I tried to dodge only to skitter forward instead of dodging backward. For some reason the key V which is default bound in game for the dodge is not working. I’ve not keybound any other key for the dodge.
I can confirm this happens on Ranger sword. Jason King, since you can’t use the double tap to dodge with ranger sword and you know this, there is no work around.
I really feel the need to bump this topic.
This is the worst bug regarding combat.
I’m a mesmer and I often go melee, I know well what and how I have to dodge attacks but I can’t predicts when it’s going to bug out, leaving me with half (or zero) endurance left and completely exposed to the attack.
For subject Alpha, which is very predictable, I have to MANUALLY disengage from melee combat BEFORE dodging or I take the risk that it will cancel my roll and I’ll go down.
Here’s another video I just recorded: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um4qeR8KFn8
Ah! So I’m not crazy. >.<
I get this all the time and it drives me nuts. Mostly noticed it on my Ranger (greatsword/sword) but had seen it on others, could never figure out what was causing it, kudos for figuring that out! I leave auto-attack on but still tend to button mash a bit as I find sometimes my character looses her target and just stops attacking.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Ah! So I’m not crazy. >.<
I get this all the time and it drives me nuts. Mostly noticed it on my Ranger (greatsword/sword) but had seen it on others, could never figure out what was causing it, kudos for figuring that out! I leave auto-attack on but still tend to button mash a bit as I find sometimes my character looses her target and just stops attacking.
Yes, it’s a bit crazy on the sword ranger, the “leap” auto-attack cancels every kitten dodge, making the build not viable at all.
And you wonder why all rangers are going full ranged when the most enjoyable weapons are melee…
Give us and answer Anet, you can’t have a game that relies on dodge and something that “randomly” kittens it up, it really drives me mad when I have to double dodge with my mesmer to make sure I dodge a deadly attck.
Yep, using double tap dodge and I get the same issues.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
Bumping this aswell as i feel this is probably one of the most important fixes required right now. Dodging is simply a core mechanic defining the playability of this game.
I reported this through the websites support system 2 or 3 months back. And they blamed it on bad connectivity or bad ping. Felt it was plausible as i did have connection problems at the time. But it is still happening everyday frequently and my connection and ping are fine. Thought i was going crazy but finally a thread with people like me lol. Can completely relate to the 2 youtube links posted cause it looks exactly the same on my screen.
Looked up “how to fix rubberbanding” on google…
Ok, so the most basic thing you can do here is limit your frames, if you haven’t already. You know you should do this, when your PC just ain’t that strong anymore.
Thing is, it helped me limit the frequency of this happening, but I’m not free from that entirely. My only melee character is my thief, and I play d/d. The bug (when autoattack is on) now happens only on the third strike in the chain on 1 (when the skill is charging/the blade making contact with the enemy). Also, Death Blossom reacts much faster now (before, it needed something like half a second to launch up in the middle of auto attack).
Also, ppl who feel they have good connection (the ping is right, et caetera), I read that this might be deceptive. Google what you can do to fix your lag spikes (because this is probably what causes the problem). I’m still going to keep on searching for some more solutions for myself.
+limit frames
→got rid of the problem.
(edited by Onionknight.7186)
I am experiencing this as a Dagger Thief all over the place. It’s can be abused because the first .2s or so does have dodge invulnerability, HOWEVER, I can use this to gain stacks of might/swiftness WHILE auto attacking. This means I can get an extra 3-5 stacks of might that I should not be able to gain. If this is done in SPvP, then Thieves can gain more might than expected, possibly breaking balance.
I use the hotkey(v) while moving with qweasd keys and then quickly change direction and it’s almost guaranteed to work should it be timed right. This could easily be abused for might/swiftness, AND you can dodge skills if it’s timed perfectly. It’s also extremely annoying if you do it accidentally against something that’s going to kill you, because then you die :P.
Is everyone experiencing this using the dodge roll keybind, as opposed to double-tapping a movement key? We’re aware of a bug related to using the keybind, but if you’re not using that to dodge, it could be a separate bug.
I have this severely with my Scepter + Necromancer, and I only use the double-tap dodge. This bug has killed me a few times, it wouldn’t be so bad if it just failed to dodge but when your endurance is gone you’re dead meat in some of the fractals and dungeons…
Not that I expect a quick fix. I mean, people have been posting videos about this since the game came out.
Looked up “how to fix rubberbanding” on google…
The dodge issue is a BUG introduced by Anet in a GW2 patch sometime during the last month or two. It did not exist during the beta phase nor in the release AFAIK, or at least it wasnt anywhere near as common. Its not rubberbanding. If it was rubberbanding, you’d actually dodge, then go back to the original location. This BUG aborts the dodge.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
This really needs a fix in an action MMO that revolves around dodging to mitigate or survive big attacks.
I just finished making my Melee Solo Giganticus Lupicus video and found I was dieing a ton due to “fumble dodges” caused by auto attacks. It was really kitten me off for a while because I was dieing not due to my own mistakes, but because of a game bug. If you’ve played a very precise timing action RPG like Demons/Dark Souls, you know that all deaths are due to your own fault, it’s not because of some cheap trick or bug, so you learn how to naturally play better.
While learning to melee GL this wasn’t the case, a majority of my deaths were due to a bug. I finally realized that this was due to auto attacks (and thus searched this forum before making a thread and found this thread), once I turned off auto attack I never recieved a “fumble dodge” again and was able to make my melee video. The downside is obviously having to constantly click to use your 1st attack, which gets annoying if you’re going to be doing it everytime you play.
This is really a rather large bug since it effects a core mechanic of this game and results in ingame death. It really affects more skilled groups and players that full melee and are trying to challenge themselves or speed run things by using dps builds and using skilled dodges to mitigate damage. I really wish a dev would comment and say that they are looking into it and a fix should come soon since the last post was over a month ago.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
This bug is the worst.
I will often get this on my necro, I have seen it happen both using scepter and dagger mh.
In PvP this is so frustrating… you go to dodge and then you die.
Any news on when they are going to fix this?
This bug needs to be looked at as it’s VERY frustrating especially with a thief, THE MOST SQUISHY CLASS IN THE GAME… I basically have to rely on dodging, and this bug could even cause a wipe, since I get 1 shotted so easily in PvE…..
F11 , disable melee assist thing that prevents you from moving through your target ???? dodge at your leisure.
This bug happens mostly because of lag it seems, game thinks your character is either behind or in front of the enemy or you’re either too close so it messes it up.
Drove me nuts on my thief until I disabled that.
Turning off Melee Assist is one of the first things I did, still get this bug all the time, got it numerous times today in fact. So I don’t think that’s the root cause of it.
Having played on lots of bad connections over the years I know rubberbanding, and this isn’t that either. I don’t roll and then come back, it takes the endurance and if I can get the attack animation interrupted my character walks in the direction she should have dodged, if not it’s like I didn’t even try to dodge (except for the loss of endurance, and since sometimes I mash the V key trying to get her to dodge it uses both “uses” of endurance, leaving me further unable to dodge even if I disengage).
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
I can’t say i’ve experienced this bug after I’ve disabled the melee assist, sorry. That was my issue with failed dodges and everything seems to be working fine now except the occasions when I kitten it myself.
Turning off Melee Assist is one of the first things I did, still get this bug all the time, got it numerous times today in fact. So I don’t think that’s the root cause of it.
This is my opinion as well. I experience this bug all the time with three of my melee characters, with or without Melee Assist. I have actually tested every combination of setting and nothing helps.
This really needs to get to the top of their fix list, since it is a game breaker in many situations, e.g. instant down in CoE against Alpha.
It has nothing to do with Melee Assist, since it also affects ranged weapons and I tested it with many weapons.
It seems that it bugs if you dodge about 0.3 seconds after the skill cycle of the first skill has restarted, e.g. after Triple Chop on the Warrior.
Pressing movement keys (I tried all directions) or none at all does not help.
fix this also …very bad bug
Good news: we have a potential fix for this issue in the next full update! Thank you for your patience, everyone!
— Live Response Embed —
Good news: we have a potential fix for this issue in the next full update!
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
Yay thank god, can finally turn my auto attack back on and save my clicking finger.
Good news: we have a potential fix for this issue in the next full update!
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
Yay thank god, can finally turn my auto attack back on and save my clicking finger.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
About time…seriously. I mean, this is a bugged core mechanic that negatively affects all classes (some more than others), and diminishes QoL when you would have slickly dodged that AoE and yet you eat it, and die.
I guess 4+ months is A.Nets timetable for fixing game-breaking bugs…? You guys really need to get on the ball with this stuff, IMO. This thread alone is over 4 months old, and I have posted in multiple threads about this (about the same age), made my own, and even submitted CS tickets. Forever ago.
Glad it’s getting fixed, but yeah…priorities, people.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Is everyone experiencing this using the dodge roll keybind, as opposed to double-tapping a movement key? We’re aware of a bug related to using the keybind, but if you’re not using that to dodge, it could be a separate bug.
Yes, the dodge keybind continues to fail time and time again.
Guild: Celestial Apocalypse
Mesmer – Krissadi | Warrior – Bloodpriest Rosette
Good news: we have a potential fix for this issue in the next full update!
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
awesome news!!!!!
Thank you for fixing, cant wait. i was so worried teh game would be plagued with this for years, untouched.
I only recently experienced this on my sylvari mesmer, until then I had never had it happen to me. Glad to know there’s a fix because several times it got me killed at dungeon bosses because my dodgefail wouldn’t get me out of red circles of doom.
And yes it was with the doubletap, I rarely, if ever, use the keybind for it.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
update bump,,,,still broken
This bug has not gone away completely in my experience. It happens much rarely than before, but it’s still here.
How does it look? Character performs dodge roll, loses endurance and evades enemy attack, however the character does not roll away, but stays on the same spot. The character performs rolling animation, however it doesn’t look like the old “rubber-banding.” (Tested with a warrior wielding dual axes.)
This might be a completely different issue though (like a terrain issue), but it’s tough for me to reproduce it on consistent basis since I don’t play as much as before. It has happened for me around a dozen times in few hours of play.
This bug has not gone away completely in my experience. It happens much rarely than before, but it’s still here.
How does it look? Character performs dodge roll, loses endurance and evades enemy attack, however the character does not roll away, but stays on the same spot. The character performs rolling animation, however it doesn’t look like the old “rubber-banding.” (Tested with a warrior wielding dual axes.)
This might be a completely different issue though (like a terrain issue), but it’s tough for me to reproduce it on consistent basis since I don’t play as much as before. It has happened for me around a dozen times in few hours of play.
It’s your character getting stuck on the terrain. You’re still getting your evasion frames. This bug caused your attack to queue in the middle of your dodge, interrupting it, and causing you to not receive those evasion frames.
I frequently dodge into walls or other obstacles to evade large AoE attacks without moving too far from my target.
Still happens to my ranger’s 1hs and 2hs, just not as often as it used to.
It’s not “getting stuck on the terrain,” either. It happens in open fields.
For those who knew that the bug didn’t always exist, but aren’t exactly sure when it started happening, it came with the skill queue update. Back when skills didn’t queue, the dodges worked fine.
Back when skills didn’t queue, the dodges worked fine.
Skills have queued since beta.
Skills have queued since beta.
No, or at least, not to the extent that they do now. Previously, if you were in the middle of one skill, and attempted to use another skill, the first would be immediately interrupted for the second one. Early on, on my ranger, I sometimes accidentally cancelled my Rapid Fire into Barrage and vice versa, or canceled one spirit when I tried to use another one. Then I realized I could use it to cut aftercast/afterattack delays short, and immediately go into the next attack, so I did.
When they changed it so that you couldn’t do that anymore, the dodge rolls bugged, as did ranger 1hs skills 2 and 3 not overriding 1.
The amazing responsiveness of the controls on my ranger and d/d ele early on was one of the things that pulled me into the game (as annoying as it was to accidentally cancel my own skills before I got used to it. XD) I was sad when they changed that. T_T
It’s your character getting stuck on the terrain.
That was my thought also when I first encountered it. But the terrain was perfectly flat with no visible obstacles at all. Now every time it happens, I also perform a dodge roll on the very same spot out of combat to ensure that it’s not a terrain issue.
So yeah, the bug still happens, but much less frequently. Before the last udate, I got it pretty much every second fight or so. Now, maybe twice or thrice per hour. It’s certainly an improvement.
I’ll keep monitoring the issue.
Previously, if you were in the middle of one skill, and attempted to use another skill, the first would be immediately interrupted for the second one.
Not sure what you mean by “in the middle of a skill”. Instant-cast skills are, as the name suggest, cast instantly (or with a very short, uninterruptible animation). Using two of those in very quick succession will generally result in them being queued.
Some skills are channelled, and actually consist of multiple “ticks”. Casting something else during the channelling time will cancel any remaining ticks.
Finally, some skills are instantaneous but have a cast time (i.e., an animation that plays before they are actually cast) and some of those can be interrupted (meaning the skill won’t cast at all), while others will queue. There isn’t a single rule applied to all spells, and several spells have been changed (at different times) since release.
Not sure what you mean by “in the middle of a skill”.
I explained that in the same post. If you used a second skill while another one was still being used, the first got interrupted. I canceled my own spirits by trying to use another spirit. Rapid Fire and Barrage could cancel each other, too. Ranger 1hs skills could cancel each other. Ele d/d skills could cancel each other. Right after they implemented skill queuing, none (or at least, very few) of the skills could interrupt each other (including channeling skills; PBS couldn’t cancel RF or Barrage.)
Though, now I see that they’ve gone back to allowing RF and Barrage to cancel each other. Hadn’t used a long bow in a while, so hadn’t noticed when they changed that back. Makes me happy to see they did it, though.
Not sure what you mean by “in the middle of a skill”.
I explained that in the same post.
If you used a second skill while another one was still being used,
Again, I have no idea what you mean by “while another skill is still being used”. Are you talking about channelled skills? Are you talking about a skill that has a pre-cast animation? They all behave differently, and several skills have changed at different times (ex., some skills that were interruptible stopped being interruptible, and vice-.versa).
And, as I mentioned above, skill queuing has been in the game since before release (although they’ve adjusted the delay a couple of times). It’s basically a way to make the game more responsive to players with high latency (but it doesn’t play along very well with GW2’s auto-attack and auto-targeting, so I’d like to have an option to turn it off).
What you seem to be describing is defined by the behaviour of each skill, it’s not a generic thing that applies to all skills.