Emissary of the Mad King
I’m also having this problem. I’ve completed 5 Halloween achievements, but it’s only showing 4.
I’m also on 3/5 when it should be 4/5 (excluding Master Carver and Clock Tower).
Not sure about you guys, but mine likely glitched when I maxed the Trick-or-Treat achievement while inside Reaper’s Rumble.
Hopefully Anet can give this achievement a nudge and kick!
Adding my voice to this issue. I have ALL Special Event achievements completed except for the “Attend the Party” achievement (which apparently is not yet able to completed) and I have only 3/5 for Emissary of the Mad King.
My fear is that Anet will fix the issue that prevents the trigger of whichever achievement is bugged, but not scan the players for those that need it triggered, leaving us with no way for reaching the final goal.
Secondarily, I live in New Jersey, USA. Thankfully I am far from the coast, but there is still a good chance I will lose power at some point tomorrow for an unknown period of time. I, and many others in this situation, will be quite unhappy if we cannot complete all 5 achievements due to circumstances that are completely out of our control. Please make the “Party” something that we will all be able to “Attend”… even if that means a rerun in a week or two.
mine is also stuck at 4/5
i have done all but clock tower
(edited by meltar.4581)
Moderator just merged me into this forum. They are aware of it. =)
My niece is having this issue. We have the same four achievements, but it’s only counted three for her.
Having the same problem. I’ve done all of the events (except for the Attend the party one) and while most of the others have 4/5, I only have 3/5.
I really hope that this get’s fixed in time so we can all complete the Halloween special event and reap the rewards.
I also have all the Special Event achievements completed except for the “Attend the Party” and I have only 3/5 for Emissary of the Mad King. Glad to hear the moderators know of this problem.
Same here, all but ‘attend the party’ done and stuck at 3/5.
Pumpkin carving and the Clock tower do not count towards Emissary.
Same here. Everything except party completed but only 3/5.
Not sure if this is the cause but I got my halloween hunting achievement from one of the bugged doors (that spawned mobs endlessly; I didn’t know it was bugged that the time).
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
This achievement is bugged. I only have credit for 3/5 of the achievements. Even though I have completed all of them except “Attend the Party”.
Thread about it here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/halloween/Emissary-of-the-Mad-King-3-5
I’m also stuck at 3/5 with all achievements completed except the party. I really want that title!
I have everything except for party completed. I been wracking my brain over this not sure what to do I event went as far as doing some things over again. Not sure what I should do at this point. The event is great though just wish the achievement tracker wasn’t bugged. Ill add a screen shot later in another post I did attach one in a bug report.
(edited by Deus.7452)
Quick question and maybe a moderator can help with this but what category does this particular bug fit into when writing out a bug report ? I just want to make sure I’m doing it properly so I can help as much as I can on my side of things.
Same issue, only 3/5 achievements.
Would be nice if we could get a mod reply considering this is drawing to an end now and I expect a lot of people are concerned about not getting the title.
3/5 as well. (why do these weird bugs always happen to me?…)
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We have only a few hours before the last phase can a mod jump in and say something to us ? At least answer my question about how to properly bug report the issue. It doesn’t exactly fit the current options.
Anyone have any new info ?
Still no fix and just hours away from the next phase…
Figured it’d be a good idea to link the two threads on the Halloween Event and the Game Bugs boards.
This is the thread from the Halloween event board: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/halloween/Emissary-of-the-Mad-King-3-5/first#post595054
Seeing as how ‘Pumpkin Carving’ and ‘Mad King’s Clock Tower’ don’t count, and ‘Attend the Party’ can’t be gotten yet, that leaves 4 possibilities. Personally I went from 2/5 to 3/5 after doing the Ascend to Madness dungeon, so I think that ’It’s a Mad King’s World’ works as it should.
That leaves: ‘Halloween Huntin’, ‘Halloween Events Completed’ and ‘Trick or Treat Bags Opened’ as the 3 possible culprits.
I have a feeling it’s either ‘Halloween Huntin’ or ‘Trick or Treat Bags Opened’. ‘Halloween Huntin’ because some people remarked that they didn’t get the mark for it, and the trick or treat bags because of the personalized trick or treat bags that maybe didn’t count towards the achievement. And both achievements had their number requirements upped.
Which one do you think is bugged and what can we do about it?
Also having this problem, completed ALL the achievements and the counter is only at 4 =\
Yeah currently sitting on 4/5 after completing everything
yeah i’m loven it. Now i have done all achivs with halloween and still 4/5 for Emissary of Mad King, Anet wth? are u ignoring us? u added new phase without fixing bugs with previous, i’m adding NEW screen with all achivs here
I’m on the same boat… Everything done except the clock tower and still 4/5 … At least Master Carver is at home
i just attended the party, and have completed 4 other achievements.. no emissary though
oh yes. i recognized now. when i have everything, that one is missing in Emissary…
Too sad, some people do have it. mmmm:(
Stuck at 4/5. Only thing I haven’t done is the clock tower but I hear that’s not needed.
Edit: attached a picture of the achievements.
Double edit: I got the achievements after the requirements got bumped up.
(edited by Maros.8274)
Same here. I have done all the ones in the list but it still says 4/5 completed
Stuck at 4/5 with the Clocktower (all of the event tracks, for that matter) done, so that probably isn’t your problem. :/
All complete, relogged and did not fix issues. I was missing the Halloween Events (5/10) after I finished Attend the Party. Went and finished those up but did not get Emissary.
I’m stuck at 4/5 too even though I have the whole page done. I spent an hour going around carving pumpkins thinking that what was I needed and know I find out that you don’t need that for the emissary title.
I’m only showing 4/5 for “Emissary”, even though I’ve completed 100% of all the achievments. For some reason I believe that when I beat the Mad King for the first time it completed the 4/4 on “It’s a Mad Kings World”, but not giving me the point in Emissary of the Mad King.
I’ve been to all his areas but clock tower and I got no progress past 2 on its a mad king’s world…
I’m currently looking into this. Pumpkin carving and the tower do not count towards the title.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
Same issue here, already posted on https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/halloween/Not-getting-the-Halloween-Title/first#post597042
4/5 here, already did everything and the “thing” that didnt count was the attend to party.
Same problem:
My curser is currently over the Emissary of the Mad king Ach… dunno wether its displaying the correct text.
Thank you Evan, I hope that you can find something soon. I posted this above but perhaps just to make sure: I think the problem lies with the Treasure Huntin’ or Trick or Treat bags opened achievements. Perhaps when the requirements were upped?
I had to visit the Tower for the last mad king world location. The others refreshed on my progress once I left the pvp venues.
My Halloween Events achievement is at 2/3 and I don t seem to be able to find any other event to do at this point. The labyrinth is now a PvP area, the Meta events at starter areas doesn t trigger anymore. I m at lost, any ideas ?
I just hope we will eventually have the title because id rage if its stuck on 4/5 forever with everything completed
It would be helpful to know if any/all of you had completed an achievement before the extra tiers were added.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
I did on the halloween huntin I think… can’t remember to be honest.
i am also having the same issue , stuck at 4/5 , i had completed all the achievements except pumpkin / party before the patch today dropped.
It would be helpful to know if any/all of you had completed an achievement before the extra tiers were added.
I’m stuck at 4/5 with everything completed.
I was stuck at 3/5 with all achievement without “Attend the party”
A guildmate think it’s the “Halloween Events completed” is bugging, he was on the achievement UI when he complete this one and the “Emissary” doesn’t update.