Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Obly.9243


Just doing dailies this bug severly slows the things down. apart from not even being able to complete my monthly because of this bug, I constantly get stuck in this loading screen, at least 1x every 2-3 matches, depending on the amount of times i die.

wtf…skyham….all is vain

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Ceemo.7431


It has been irritating me lately. I cannot normally participate in tournaments since 1 of 3 maps I mostly will be stick in loading screen. In hot-joins it is even worse. It troubles me on every map.

However I have noticed that it appears by waves. At least for me.

Same for me about the waves. Got 4 endless load screen for 4 games in the morning and now I just played like 8 games without problems

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Yorda.3746


Dying to a thief in spvp seems to make it happen a lot. It happened to me in two maps both from thief’s.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Dying to a thief in spvp seems to make it happen a lot. It happened to me in two maps both from thief’s.

I’m not sure if they are the case, but I somewhat believe it because it just happen to me not too long ago. Two rogues at that lol so yeah.


Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Loyalty.3108


Ya still happening to me in tournaments, I’ve heard a lot of people saying its when a thief kills you but i’ve had it happen when others do as well. And this isnt just once a tournament its about twice per game i have to reload. Trying not to ragequit but this stupid bug is not helping so might take break from gw2 til this is resolved, should be priority bug to fix seeing how it is game changing.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Caino.7130


Won’t let this get bumped down. This needs to be fixed…seriously not cool.
As if getting Heart seek/back stab spammed is not stressful enough it then gets followed up by loading screen of doom.
I can think of better ways to relax ^^

rank 500+ Piken / Rank 60 PvP
Warrior – Teined
Guardian – Nomoreroomformyname

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: SkyTumn.3278


Bump.. yeah, this is really frustrating, been pvp’ing the whole day, and it’s really a thorn in my side. tPvP is almost impossible to take part in now. What I have noticed on my side is I rarely ever get a loading screen bug on Forest of Niflhel, I do, but rare. On the other hand, at Battle of Kyhlo and Legacy of the Foefire, the loading screen bug is so common. If I enter that map, it’s almost a 100% chance of getting the loading screen bug, even if I only get 1-2 deaths in the map. Playing a human female thief on Sea of Sorrows. Looking forward to this bug being fixed as PvP is practically unplayable as of now :/.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Montsegur.6894


For starters, what race, gender, and profession are you? Which server are you on?
Occured in Fractals while changing maps the day before yesturday
Occured while porting to new zone yesturday

I think so I Live!
Do I think?

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: fynyte.6410


Gunnar’s Hold

Seems to be confined to this character, hasn’t affected my Mes or my War so far. It occurs mostly in LA and, most annoyingly, in WvW when initially trying to enter and when trying to switch borderlands.

Seems to happen mostly on an evening for me; 6pm (GMT) onwards.

Piken Square

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


This may just be me, but is anyone else experiencing significantly longer loading time at random times?
Like yesterday when I was loading EB jumping puzzle. it wouldn’t load even after 5 minutes o.O

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Lailendil.1540


This shouldn’t appear anywhere else than on page #1.
After a week, that major bug hasn’t been solved yet!

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: thewho.5841


Today I have experienced loading screen bug in the middle of the game. However I was not killed. It just put me to loading screen for no reason and it would not load a thing. I could hear sounds and stuff. This is a new level.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Morghana.6342


I’m having this issue as well, pretty annoying must say… most of the my respawns ends in a ever lasting loading screen

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Caino.7130


Seems to me like this is beyond Jason Kings and the rest of the teams ability to fix.
Time to suck it up, swallow your pride and call in someone from Blizzard to do some freelance work for you.
This should be #1 priority day after patch was launched…..really not understanding what the problem is……

rank 500+ Piken / Rank 60 PvP
Warrior – Teined
Guardian – Nomoreroomformyname

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


This shouldn’t appear anywhere else than on page #1.
After a week, that major bug hasn’t been solved yet!

Thanksgiving week so not many developers aren’t in the office that will fix it asap. If anything it will be done on Monday or sometime that week or future builds.


Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Helenorz.2547


I just got this, and I was in the middle of Fractals. I ended up had to do a system restore.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Beihai Park.6125

Beihai Park.6125

Norn ranger on Far Shiverpeaks – jewler and leatherworker. lvl 80.
Having the problem in pvp, i guess one in every 10-15 deaths

You could try to alter the code to make us auto-spawn after the countdown in pvp to see if it might be a hidden bug with the waypoint button. – at least that would rule out that part of the code if it dosen’t fix anything.
//Edit: Forgot to add it seem to be happening more often if you are quick to hit the waypoint button when it appears rather than waiting a few sec’s before clicking it. So again to remove the waypoint button and make you/us auto spawn would prove if the problem lies somewhere there. //

I don’t know the structure of your code but it may be a case of the player’s connection “getting lost” and not being able to locate where “home(the current game the player are taking part in)” is – may be a bit far fetched but anyway.

Keep up the work Anet, most of us know you are doing your best to locate and fix it. Next coffe on me :P

(edited by Moderator)

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Aquin.3192


Take some packet captures already and profile what the application is doing… something is happening with game session state and its getting confused when returning to spawn.

This is a pretty serious thing to let fly like this… wow.

Ackwin R53 Thief – Evading like a boss!


Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: BrokenDecoy.9047


Just wanted to say that I switched internet services today and thought I would get on and try to check it out before I got stuck at a loading screen. Well, after a good 3-4 matches (I can’t remember how many :P) I never got stuck at the loading screen. I died several times throughout these matches as well. I just thought it was interesting that I switched and all of a sudden everything seemed peachy. I will try some more matches tomorrow to see if it was just dumb luck.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Yinn.6507


A week already and still …

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Minted.4581


I can be added to this list!
Mostly happens during Foe fire, or I just die more there.

Has Anet promised anything regarding this? Because last mention from them I find is two months ago.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Thunderclouds.2708


When I die in sPvP and try to respawn at the waypoint, the loading screen of the map pops. But instead letting me play again, it gets stuck on the loading screen. This happened to me twice now. Both games we we’re winning, but now we lost them thanks to that bug.
Another player had the same issue. How can I fix it? It’s very annoying, because I want the monthly achievement chest.

A quick response would be very welcome.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Brutilicus.8570


There are several posts regarding this issue.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


It seems to occur more often in Forest and around 375 points. This is the 4th time I’ve experienced this bug this week.

Durrrrr [EU]

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Philyaw.9263


Nearly after ever death or map change I have to reboot the game. Not only is this starting to get old, it just down right blows. Please advise to solve issue !!!

Thank you

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Suzu.4193


stillll getting stuck…..

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Ceemo.7431


Seems to me like this is beyond Jason Kings and the rest of the teams ability to fix.
Time to suck it up, swallow your pride and call in someone from Blizzard to do some freelance work for you.
This should be #1 priority day after patch was launched…..really not understanding what the problem is……

This could be a nice idea…

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Choops.3710


I left the game for a month, came back, and this still isn’t fixed. How?

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Volrath.1473


I have never suffered from this problem although most of my friends have.
After the last patch on November 15th i get 2-4 endless loading per play session and sometimes a crash were everything freezes and the screen turns black, after these crashes when im trying to log back in it crashes again but with a white screen…

Last night was specially annoying since we were trying to do some tournaments and we almost never had the full party up, if it wasn’t me then another of my friends would get an endless loading when pressing the “respawn” button after he had died…

It wasn’t like this before the patch…. can you please fix this asap?! atm we lost all interest in tournaments for obvious reasons….

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Edell.1286


Yes ! I just got one of those (first time doing PvP since the last patch), and I remember they used to be here and got fixed… so, now it’s broken again ?

+ tournament servers are lagging for me. But that’s another topic (which doesnt’ seem to be really important for Anet).

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Thorik.9861


Last days I’ve encountered a bug that after you are killed in legacy of foefire pvp map, you can’t ress and start again. It only shows you the loading screen but nothing happens and you must exit the game.

PLEASE FIX THIS BUG. It very frustrating when you are in pvp tournaments.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Inforus.2835


I agree this is urgent. Has been happening more and more in the last few days, ca be very disruptive during tournament play. If GW2 wants to enter e-sports this is the kind of thing that cannot keep happening.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Inforus.2835


Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720


I’d like to report an issue with the loading screen when playing hot-join PvP. Sometimes (it seems random), I’ll get stuck at the loading screen for any given match, and will eventually be logged out due to inactivity (from sitting at a loading screen).

I only did a cursory check of the forums to see if someone else had reported this issue, so I apologize in advance if this has already been brought up.


Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Infamous NX.6349

Infamous NX.6349

Get this like every 3rd death in spvp… → alt f4 → restart → lose paid/free tours just for sake of this bug…
This issue exists for 2+ months now..
Anet either cant fix that major bug or just doesn’t care..

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Pig.5827


I also have had this problem 3 times tonight. The only work-around I’ve found is closing Guild wars and crying, then starting it back up. Please fix.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

Same – I really wish I knew what caused this. I can only imagine this sucking even more for those who pay for tournaments and whatnot.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Goob.9752


This bug should be fixed by now… This is honestly one of the most annoying bugs… Can’t sure a tourney because you don’t know if someone in the group is going to get stuck and have to relog which means most likely you guys lose… Fix this asap

Lvl 80 Thief

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Aragiel.6132


When this will be fixed? Its a gamebreaking bug thats trully annoing and offten a reason to LOSE games in tPvP.

it has been a week allready.. give us FIX please.

Why do we even need to see LOADING screen when there is nothing to load? Map and everything was loaded at first entry.. if i die – i only need to respawn.. – no need for loading screen at all.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Sampo.9678


Under what kind of rock have you guys been, saying we have load bug for 1-2 months lol…
It’s been 10 days,, it’s since Lost Shores update, not 2 months…
I do agree it’s making sPvP unplayable…

I also had this bug a few times when taking the portal into the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle.

“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Aragiel.6132


the “reloaded” version of the bug is here since Lost Shore. Previously it has been here but it was fixed within 2 days..

so yea, 1-2 month is lie but now its like 10 days and extremly annoying… would say even gamebreaking

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: phyxx.7425


it used to happen before the patch then it apparently was fixed. now it’s back. i’m actually stuck on loading screen right now. really annoying.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


This one seems to happen to me all the time.

If I goto wvw fight for 10-20 mins or so then goto the jp,stuck on loading screen.
(does it every time)
yet if i enter wvw and go straight to the jp i’m ok.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: koenvu.7584


I’m getting really freaking annoyed by this. Happens almost every match in sPvP. Normally I just re-log and start playing again, but since I’m doing my dailies I just wanted to sit the match out to finish it (yep, selfish, I know). And then I got disconnected because an excessive amount of player inactivity. Believe me, if I could have been active, I would.

/end of rant.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Lailendil.1540


Dear dev team,
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving break.
Does anybody have good news (not only “we are investigating”, please understand that for some of us, that game is barely playable…)?

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Leuca.5732


More than 5 times in a half hour of playing is absolutely unacceptable. With the sheer number of people who are buying this game and purchasing additional services, there should be more attention to details like skill balancing and proper loading, and a little less on trying to put new content out when the old content is not properly functioning.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Tristan.7430


are you serious 10 days after last patch we still getting loading screen bug

it’s really impossible fix this bug???

Trist N
Officer in Necro Raiders [NR] | Gandara

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Volrath.1473


it’s not only on pvp… in Fractals for example, if 1 person gets an endless loading screen wile changing instances, we have to RESET the hole thing and star over because when he/she logs back in they will be outside the instance and unable to rejoin the rest of the group…

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Ceemo.7431


now its happening avery game and evry death in spvp.. bb gw2…

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

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Posted by: Masasume.5910


I have had this happen twice to me and both times were weeks apart.

Puts on flame resistant suit

I have yet to see one person in this thread claim to have run the repair and still have this issue.


Runs for the door