Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Engineer Turrets are ignoring large World Bosses (with yellow names), such as the three Dragons and Fire Elemental. I have video evidence of turrets failing to attack Dragons, but my software is rubbish at compression; it may be difficult to see. My apologies for that, but it’s not like it’s especially difficult to test for yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms3w2fEPTYk

Detailed description of bug: When Engineer Turrets are placed near the Fire Elemental, Claw of Jormag, Shatterer, and Tequatl the Sunless, they will not attack the World Boss, whether said World Boss is the only enemy in their attack range or merely the nearest. They will attack nearby mobs, such as the Fire Elemental’s Embers, Claw’s Veteran Icebrood, Shatterer’s Veteran Branded, or Tequatl’s Risen minions, but never the boss themselves.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015

Thanks for the report, Anymras. I’ve forwarded this along.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anymras.5729


About bloody time somebody actually starts acknowledging these bugs. This has been an issue for quite some time.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

An actual response? You mean we’re not just being flat out ignored?

Pardon me, I need a moment….

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anymras.5729


They haven’t responded to any of my other turret bug threads, so don’t get too hyped.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Progress is progress. It is a good sign, even though I don’t expect much more here.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well, Josh Davis saw the Bug tracker, the compilation list of turrets bug is inside of it, so you can realy expect to see every issue related to turrets beeing solved around the next big patch.

Thank you Josh for looking into every issues related to this forum.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Turrets HAVE been massively bugged since release (some of the issues were fixed and then broken again 3/2013). To be honest, if you are aware of all of them (there’s a thread in the Eng Forum), why would you ever consider using any of them sans Healing? (I don’t think that one is bugged, but only because it doesn’t actually “attack” anything).

I will say that I’ve never seen any public comment from a Dev that acknowledges these myriad of skill bugs, but the above might indicate they are thinking of fixes the broken turrets.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Turrets HAVE been massively bugged since release (some of the issues were fixed and then broken again 3/2013). To be honest, if you are aware of all of them (there’s a thread in the Eng Forum), why would you ever consider using any of them sans Healing? (I don’t think that one is bugged, but only because it doesn’t actually “attack” anything).

I will say that I’ve never seen any public comment from a Dev that acknowledges these myriad of skill bugs, but the above might indicate they are thinking of fixes the broken turrets.

I don’t think we can realy speak about buged sinds release. There was indeed a bug with the deployable turret trait that remained for a while, but the powers themself were working as intended, even if these were badly concepted to start with. The arrival of new dayly achievements and adjustements to their damage and healthpool made this change. Traits weren’t working anymore, cooldowns and rate of fire were buging out, and condition/interupt achievements weren’t updated for turrets. When they finaly fixed some of the broken stuff, the overcharge abilities got hit instead, and very hard. Making turrets now even harder to play.

I don’t remember a single day sinds march 2013, while I have got a single occasion to play my Turrets engineer without suffering from a single game breaking bug, and thats pretty sad in my oppinion. :/

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Turrets HAVE been massively bugged since release (some of the issues were fixed and then broken again 3/2013). To be honest, if you are aware of all of them (there’s a thread in the Eng Forum), why would you ever consider using any of them sans Healing? (I don’t think that one is bugged, but only because it doesn’t actually “attack” anything).

I will say that I’ve never seen any public comment from a Dev that acknowledges these myriad of skill bugs, but the above might indicate they are thinking of fixes the broken turrets.

I put the thread on the Engineer boards so prospective Turret Engineers would know what they were getting into before they specced into Turrets. They’re still a usable skilltype, but one must be aware of the issues.

Deployable Turrets was the only particularly striking issue I can recall at release (and for six, seven months after), but I didn’t notice whether Turrets attacked World Bosses (simply wasn’t looking) and the Fire Rate issue seems to have been caused by a later patch, as well as the Overcharge malfunctions.

On the Healing Turret: Healing Turret used to have a Fire Rate of 3 seconds, I believe; it, and the rest of the turrets, have a fire rate issue, if this is true. This is documented in my thread specifically regarding it, though Healing Turret no longer lists the fire rate, making it difficult to ascertain what it’s supposed to be.
Healing Turret also does not contribute to Condition Remover, and neither it nor any other Accelerant-Packed Turret Detonation will contribute to Skill Interrupter.

Personally, I use Turrets because I like them, to put it simply, and I’m a stubborn son of a kitten. Besides, how am I supposed to find Turret bugs to report and have ignored by the devs without using the skills?

I’ll hope this is the start of them remembering that Engineers have four skill sets. Hopefully this Josh Davis bloke mentioned the list he reported the first item on.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


…, but I didn’t notice whether Turrets attacked World Bosses (simply wasn’t looking) ….

I can confirm you that turrets were shooting like they should, they attacked any types of boss, back in the days. I did a lot of Twilight Harbors with my Guild and my turrets were shooting the Tree of Nightmares until we actualy got a fix on Flame Turret cooldown beeing the old value under deployable turret trait.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Anymras.5729


Thank you for confirming that the World Boss bug wasn’t from-release. According to what other players said when I noticed a similar issue on Necromancer Marks, World Bosses may be flagged as inanimate objects or something.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

So how about we not let this die just because we got one half-hearted dev response?

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Anymras.5729


I was going to wait until the next major bugfix patch and see if it’s addressed in that, actually. I’ll be bumping the turret bug compilation thread every major patch anyway, to inquire whether anybody’s spotted new bugs or been able to confirm fixes to existing issues.

While a hotfix for it would be nice, I doubt it will happen. We just got these things acknowledged, I’m not going to expect hotfixes if it doesn’t give us any kind of advantage.

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

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Posted by: Anymras.5729


You know what? I’m going to go ahead and link you to the list of turret bugs I’ve already posted. They acknowledged them, so I’m only going to bring the thread back to the front-page after actual patches, partially to inquire about new bugs.


Every single Turret bug I’m currently aware of is in that thread. He acknowledged the thread, and it’s a little too early to bloody tell if they’re actually working on fixing the bugs.

Now everybody just chill out for a second so we can see if anything’s actually going to happen. If they’re going to fix the bugs, it’s going to take more than a week – which it will have been from the time of response in a little less than four hours from the time of this writing.

They’ll probably put any Turret bugfixes into the next big bugfix patch after they fix the bugs internally. Trust me, I want these things fixed as much as anybody else, but they aren’t miracle-workers, and they aren’t going to magically prioritize these over all the other bugs just because now they know they exist. Letting them know these bugs existed, and having them be openly acknowledged by the staff so that we know that they know, and therefore that they will work on fixing the bugs was the point of this thread, the thread I linked here, and every other thread listed in that link.

Acknowledgement has been achieved. Trust me, I understand the suspicion and “Yeah, sure, they’ll fix it. Right.” I do, I really do. But I also understand that it’s been almost (this post is being written about three and a half hours before it will have been) a week since they acknowledged the list of bugs. That it’s been a week since they acknowledged this thread. That Josh Davis, who acknowledged both, and presumably added the issues to the tracker, had been running his kitten off, adding bugs to the tracker for at least a day, and thus probably wasn’t going to give any particular thread a particularly personal response.

We have to give them some time.
We have to wait.
I don’t like it, either, but all we can do is hope the wheels are turning, for now.

(edited by Anymras.5729)

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anymras.5729


So, it’s been three months since this was reported, three months since it was acknowledged.
In those three months, World Bosses and Turret targeting both got revamps.

Now, World Bosses are harder. Or at least bigger.
Now, Turrets still won’t attack your target and can get confused, endlessly rotating from target to target without ever firing a shot, if the enemies in the area of effect of Pistol #1: Explosive Shot or any other AoE, Bounce or Pierce in the Engineer’s repertoire don’t stay the same relative distances away from the target, or otherwise modify which one gets hit last.

But this isn’t really about those. They were both perfectly good opportunities to fix this issue, but as far as I know, it’s still extant, and that’s what this is about.
This is just a reminder, really, that this happens. That a quarter of the Engineer’s skillset cannot target the largest enemies.

Is there any kind of possibility of this getting fixed?