Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I’m not entirely sure this is a bug but if it’s not it’s terrible game design. There is an event which spawns in Harathi Hinterlands where you have to kill a giant spider inside a cave. The spider’s name is Gargantula. You also have a timer to kill the spider.

When I played it I encountered some really odd behaviour. While fighting, Gargantuala would be at around 25-35% health and suddenly it would turn invulnerable (despite no-one strafing or pulling it – I actually had a pet tanking it in the one stationary spot for the entire fight, so I don’t believe the trigger has anything to do with location or distance from spawn/aggro point). While invulnerable it would regenerate all of it’s health and a bunch of small spiders would spawn around it. Gargantula eventually returns to normal and you can kill it (it doesn’t matter if you kill all the additional spiders) until it turns invulnerable again. This exact process repeated three or four times before I was able to finally kill the spider without it turning invulnerable. I had no idea what was going on during the fight – the invulnerability made me think it was bugging out on me but the spider adds seemed to be intentional and part of the design, making me think someone intended for this to happen.

If this is intentional I think this event is terribly designed. Not because it’s “hard” but because it changes the goal posts in the middle of the fight (you ration your resources judging on the health bar only to find it has no relevance to reality – why have a health bar at all) and it’s really confusing to players. I had a couple people leave the fight in after it became invulnerable the second time – they assumed it couldn’t be defeated at all. I asked on map chat and several people said it was bugged. If it’s not bugged, I suggest it be changed to better reflect your progress instead of essentially making people think it’s resetting. If it is bugged, it has nothing to do with pulling it too far away from it’s aggro point – I had it bugging out in the middle of the cave while being tanked by a stationary pet.

Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jezath.7395


Ive had this happen also, from what I can tell he bugs out on the uneven terrain causing the server to think you are trying to perch and shoot, this causes mobs to become invulnerable to stop people perching all the time.

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


From the single time I fought this boss, I believe this is an intentional effect. It seemed to occur the first time you knocked off each increment of 25% of it’s HP – get it down to 75% > regen to full > down to 50% > regen to full > down to 25% > regen to full > finally able to kill.

It may be a problem if you’re trying to solo the mob, considering the timer, and it did seem a little inane compared to just giving it more health to begin with, but it never really seemed like it was bugged to me.

Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


I’d like to bump / necro this thread, seeing as this still feels like a bug and is still happening.

I managed to fight Gargantula twice last night, and it showed these behaviors both times. It would periodically go like this:

-NPC near doorway yells that another NPC (Captain Morris? The person you’re saving from their webbed doom, in any case) is trapped in a cave.
-Gargantula turns invincible, and a small wave of spiderlings are spawned. (About 8-10 for us, when we had around 5 people I think?) Gargantula starts regenerating life similar to mobs that have left combat, there is no visible regeneration boon.
-Captain Morris (Or whatever their name is, the trapped NPC) announces that the baby spiders are shielding it (Gargantula) and that we need to kill them first.
-By the time this audio clip finishes, Gargantula has regained its entire life bar.
-We kill the wave of spiderlings, Gargantula stops being invincible, but still has full health.

This happened multiple times the first time I fought her, and seemed to be at stages further and further down her health bar. (1/4 health missing, 1/2 life, last 1/4 of life)
It really seems to make more sense for Gargantula’s life to remain static while invincible, since otherwise it takes ages to drop her from 100% to 0%, with nothing interesting happening for that last phase of the fight.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkmind.7516


as far as i know this is intended, after each refill she spawns a bunch of bugs while she goes off to regen lol