Ground-targeted abilities retargeting [Merged]
Despite the July 27th patch that stated this:
-Fixed a bug in which certain ground-targeted skills could be retargeted after they had begun executing.
It’s not as bad, but it’s still bugged. Once the circle appears, it’s now set in place. The circle is delayed by about a second, though, so if you start the Meteor Shower cast, then move yourself or change the direction you’re facing before the circle appears, the circle will be moved to the new location.
It’s especially noticeable if you use action camera, check your surroundings while casting, or use Lightning Flash while starting the Meteor Shower channel.
Edit: Allow Skill Retargeting must also be checked for this bug to happen. You do not need to have a target for this to occur.
(edited by Xujir.4067)
I find this really annoying tbh.
The easy solution would be for Anet to seperate the “Allow Skill Retargeting” into one checkbox for regular abilities and one for ground-targeted abilities.
I use “Instant Ground Targeting” and “Allow Skill Retargeting” without the Action Camera. Consequently whenever rotate my camera after starting to cast a ground targeted spell the area of effect gets placed at the wrong spot.
PS. You should perhaps change the title, cause this applies to all ground targeted abilities that are not instant.
(edited by Phobia.9651)
Thanks for letting me know, Phobia. I had only noticed it on Meteor Shower because the cast on that is so delayed.
If cast type is set to “instant” cast in the setting, ground targeted skills that have a cast time (example: meteor shower) will appear where the cursor is when the cast is finished rather than where the cursor was when the skill was pressed.
Yup, I can confirm that. It just happened to me with my mesmer with greatsword skill #3. I hovered an enemy and triggered the skill but 1 sec later I turned around and then I saw the AoE thing at another place and the skill triggered there instead.
Since the last patch if you use instant cast and have “allow skill retargeting” enabled, ground targeted aoes take effect at where your mouse is when the skill completes casting. This goes against the entire point of instant casting and is very difficult to play with if you move your camera a lot.
The issue does not persist if using “fast with range indicator” targeting.
Video of the issue:
Thx. I knew it was weird when some of my ground cast goes all all over the place
Ever since the last content patch it seems there’s either been a change in the way ground targetting works while playing on Instant Cast, or there was a bug introduced.
- It isn’t noticible on instantaneous/no-cast time skills such as Blink, Lightning Flash.
- It is VERY noticible on any sort of ground targetted skills with a cast bar.
Previous Patch: You hit the skill, it casts on where your mouse was at the start time of casting.
Post Patch: You hit the skill, it casts on where your mouse is at the end of the casting bar.
So for example, previous patch you were able to throw down all your wells at your feet then move your mouse away to do other things/onto the boss to prepare to cast other skills.
Post patch, you have to hold your mouse on the area where you want the spell casted for several seconds until the cast bar finishes.
I’m not sure if this is a bug or simply how the game works now, but it does make the fluidity of combat on a lot of classes feel slower. Again, this is only with Instant Ground Targetting on.* I can’t speak for the Normal or Fast w/ Range Indicator modes.
It’s not hard to adapt to hold your mouse in place for several moments but it is hard to get used to after 3+ years of the mechanics working differently.
Kiss Kiss Bang [BANG]
This is happening on Dragonhunter’s Symbol of Energy as well. Seems to be any ground-targetting ability with a cast time. In PvP and WvW, this bug has made the game incredibly clumsy. Instead of firing off quick shots for zone control, and swinging your camera around to re-target, you now have to keep your mouse focused on a position until the casting finishes. Incredibly clunky and has killed PvP for me on a few characters.
Bump. This is still an issue; especially noticeable with engi nades. Had to disable “allow skill retargeting” to fix this..