The only people who can get credit for the trek are ones that either activate a point, or are standing extremely close to a point when it is activated. It can be worked around, but the system is unreliable. Large guilds like mine will have to get an entire group to one point and be sure everyone is in range, but the problem extends to any size guild when the entire trek is only five points (easy mission)
In theory the instance is fine, however whereas before it was possible to port people in at certain points if they got left behind and locked behind a door, that system no longer works. The checkpoints are fine, but only seem to work if you die, not if you are behind.
End rewards are buggy, only a few people who complete the puzzle get personal rewards whereas before everyone who ran through was guaranteed a bouncy chest at the end. I haven’t sorted out what the game’s restrictions are for who actually gets credit, but it seems to possibly be tied to how many people are recommended for the puzzle. I do not understand why the system no longer rewards everyone who runs the puzzle to completion.
The instance map puts every puzzle in Lornar’s pass, which removes the minimap of the maze in the Proxemics lab. As this created confusion among my veteran players, I can only imagine what it must do for a guild of newer players.
Some people who didn’t accept/decline credit still got individual bouncy chests.
The rush states a specific time for completion, but does not give the correct amount of time. We were supposed to have 11 minutes for our rush in the PVE opportunities slot, but only received 9. The guild behind us rolled 10 minutes 30 seconds.
On completion of rushes, many players have to run back and forth through the end flag to get popped out of form and receive individual credit toward the rush.
Unlike previously, when guilds could participate in other guild’s rushes, the system no longer allows for sharing. We attempted to go to another guild’s rush and did not receive guild or individual credit for running it.
Some people who were simply afk in LA got rush credit when they hadn’t run it.
WvW missions:
Good luck to any multi-server guilds completing these in an orderly fashion. Otherwise, they seem to work the best out of any of the missions.
PvP missions:
The timer does not stay open until the end to allow for many guild members to get individual credit for these missions. Unfortunately, the only people who get credit are the ones who contribute toward the total needed wins or rank points earned, and then the mission completes and closes, making getting individual completion for PvP missions for large guilds unpleasant. Additionally, there is a cooldown on the missions so they cannot be spam activated if more guild teams are in a match, so that is not a solution.
The solution to this would simply be to leave the timer open and allow anyone who got a win/earned rank points to get individual rewards, but that is not how the system works.
(edited by Lunaleigh.4673)