Human Female Battle Sounds, Specifically Guardian w/ Greatsword
I noticed exactly the same thing, in fact I reported it as well with a video that demonstrates how bad some of the combat sounds are. Let’s hope for a fix!
Yeah, as a female asura I get male asura, female human/norn etc sounds when I use buffs and such.
It isn’t too game breaking for me, but this has been happening for me since headstart.
Had similar things with a female Sylvari Ranger, when she got hit or attacked with melee weapons (sword or greatsword specifically), she’d make these super high pitched noises that don’t match the normal voice at all. Ended up rerolling her to a female Charr just because of that. Would be nice if they tweaked some of those combat noises.
Seems we get Asura female sounds mixed in. Seems someone got their wires cross :P
Been having this problem and it just makes playing my warrior way too goofy.