I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tzio.5238


This is a bit frustrating, but also kind of funny.
I was playing on my Norn and joined the vigil (it being the last order for me to join, I’ve got characters in the other two). I joined a friend on one of her Order of Secrets story missions and took credit at the end. Now I’ve somehow ended up in the order of secrets and my next story mission is to go and meet tybalt…

The “My Story” section is even more confusing, with the story of how after being initiated into the vigil I went off to recruit the ogres only to end up somehow being promoted to lightbringer of the Order of Secrets.

Is there any way I could get this fixed? I really don’t want to end up following tybalt all the way through the story and I was really looking forward to seeing the vigil side of things…

Especially since even though I’m lightbringer the kittenbag “Asura” guard on the portal into the chantry won’t even let me in. I outrank him as a double agent tenfold!


I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It doesn’t matter which faction you join, you have to finish the battle of fort trinity to use those portals.

Unfortunately the switch is actually a feature. A very poorly explained feature but it is intentional. You’re the first I’ve seen that got the order switched.

They were able to rollback the story for another bug so it might be possible to do it for this as well.

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

You have been asked ‘Do you wish to proceed your story to…..’ and you answered yes. So this is not a bug.

The portals wont be functioning till you finish a level 70 story. After that all portals in all 3 orders are working.

Besides rerolling your character and being more carefull there is nothing you can do.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


I was wondering if this bug/feature would work again.

The OP was in Vigil, did a story part with someone who is in Secrets of Whispers.
How about now try do a story mission with someone else who is in Vigil.
And hope or see if OP gets back in Vigil that way.

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

You found the point in the story where you CAN actually change orders.

If you don’t progress, I’m guessing if you go with someone doing the Vigil portion, you can change back (I think).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tzio.5238


Thanks guys, the thing is though that isn’t the portal guy it’s the guy who lets you into the chantry ( where you can buy the order skins and such ). It still lets me buy all the vigil skins and all the vigil talk to me like I’m vigil while all of the order of secrets people talk to me like an outsider. Not to mention that the My Story summaries make no sense. It definitely seems like a bug of unintended behaviour.

I’ve sent in a support ticket, but have got nothing so far. It’s just like some official word on what to do here.

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Again this is not a bug and not unintended behaviour.
You where asked if you wanted to continue to your friends storypath and you said yes.

The merchants indeed will keep treating you as an Vigil, cause you choose that path. But you changed it halfway when you where offered the option. It’s a free world, but I do think support has better things to do then to tell you that this is not a bug, and that you said yes yourself to this.

Sorry to make it sound harsh, but it is as it is.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

I was Vigil and now I'm the Lightbringer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


All I ever heard on the subject was that “no, you can’t change your order.”

Mercury ranique, do you have any sources at all that state that this is indeed intended? Such as a dev post, in-game description, or other credible source that goes beyond players speculating? I would be very interested to read them.