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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

No it wouldn’t, because they cannot enable the HoM rewards until every single account has been corrected. As for the number of complaints besides the HoM not being accessible, who will still know who legitimately earned the titles from GW1 until all have been fixed?

Nothing will change until every account has been corrected, and the HoM is reactivated, so no, it would not reduce the number of those complaining.

To clarify in case this is a point of confusion. They are not going to manually apply skins, etc., that people have earned in gw1 and didn’t have unlocked in gw2 yet, or earned since.

edited for clarification.

So when you said “In short, they had to choose between finding a million needles in a million haystacks, or create an entire army to do it, both of which would take a very long time.” The finding a million needles in a million haystacks was not referring to individually going account by account and giving people the skins they are supposed to have?

lol. They are not going to manually hand out the skins. Turning on the rewards would be about as simple as typing a command. That isn’t where the problem is. No, the problem that they have to fix first is that many people were given hom rewards that didn’t deserve them. If the HoM rewards were turned back on, they’d then have skins they didn’t earn. Anet has to fix each of those accounts before they can re-enable it.

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Posted by: Kitsune.1902


lol. They are not going to manually hand out the skins. Turning on the rewards would be about as simple as typing a command. That isn’t where the problem is. No, the problem that they have to fix first is that many people were given hom rewards that didn’t deserve them. If the HoM rewards were turned back on, they’d then have skins they didn’t earn. Anet has to fix each of those accounts before they can re-enable it.

Just to elaborate a little further: you’d then have people who were not supposed to have the HOM rewards, but would have skins unlocked, pets unlocked on rangers, minipets unlocked and in use, item skins unlocked, items that use HOM skins that should not be available for them. The magnitude of things that would need to be fixed would explode out of hands. In some cases there might not even be a good solution anymore – because if, say, a sword was set to fiery longsword skin from HOM, there might not be a good way to tell what skin exactly it had prior to change (it might have been original skin, or some other modified skin).

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Posted by: CeNedro.7560


I hope they will find a solution to this soon. Wanted to gaze my GW1 achievements but sadly it won’t let me…

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Posted by: Kallunnah.3201


another day, still no fix, still no ranger pets or skins

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Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yea, I bought GW1 party for the chieves in GW2.. Haven’t touched GW1 since HoM has been down.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

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Posted by: Dante.1763


Yea, I bought GW1 party for the chieves in GW2.. Haven’t touched GW1 since HoM has been down.

You might as well do the Achievements. it will take you while to amass all the points, if you havent already.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

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Posted by: skykingsong.1724


I think GM has used up two months time to repair, but there is no result. I feel very depressed, it took me 300 hours to complete the 30 points. And I only scored 10 points.


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Posted by: skykingsong.1724


GM have said that A definite time to complete the repair work?

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

another day, still no fix, still no ranger pets or skins

There isn’t a need to post things like that. There is no promise of it being any day. In short, it will be ready when it’s ready, and they will announce it.

GM have said that A definite time to complete the repair work?

No. We will not have a time until it is ready to release.

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Posted by: Therodin.2970


another day, still no fix, still no ranger pets or skins

There isn’t a need to post things like that. There is no promise of it being any day. In short, it will be ready when it’s ready, and they will announce it.

GM have said that A definite time to complete the repair work?

No. We will not have a time until it is ready to release.

Why is there not a need to post things like that? What if they say they are working on a fix but really can not spare the work from HOT for it. But if enough people complain they will realize that it is important to get it done sooner?

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Posted by: serenke.4806


There is no need to post anything anymore. They said the fix was coming along with something big… probably the HoT release (or the trait rework before that maybe).

So from Arenanet’s point of view they’ve done everything that they wanted to do and said everything they deemed necessary to say.

You won’t make any progress by posting because they will just ignore it like they do it with every other post too (except that this one will be fixed at least).

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Therodin.2970


There is no need to post anything anymore. They said the fix was coming along with something big… probably the HoT release (or the trait rework before that maybe).

So from Arenanet’s point of view they’ve done everything that they wanted to do and said everything they deemed necessary to say.

You won’t make any progress by posting because they will just ignore it like they do it with every other post too (except that this one will be fixed at least).

So you just assume everything they say is true?

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: serenke.4806


There is no need to post anything anymore. They said the fix was coming along with something big… probably the HoT release (or the trait rework before that maybe).

So from Arenanet’s point of view they’ve done everything that they wanted to do and said everything they deemed necessary to say.

You won’t make any progress by posting because they will just ignore it like they do it with every other post too (except that this one will be fixed at least).

So you just assume everything they say is true?

I’m past trusting Anet in anything, i’m just saying that from their point of view they said all that there was to say.

I’m so far past trusting Anet that i have my doubts about the “fix” to this. I know the Hall of Monuments WILL be back for sure, but i am not so certain they will actually remove the ill-gained things. They might just say so officially while not doing anything just turn on the Hall.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

There is no need to post anything anymore. They said the fix was coming along with something big… probably the HoT release (or the trait rework before that maybe).

So from Arenanet’s point of view they’ve done everything that they wanted to do and said everything they deemed necessary to say.

You won’t make any progress by posting because they will just ignore it like they do it with every other post too (except that this one will be fixed at least).

So you just assume everything they say is true?

I’m past trusting Anet in anything, i’m just saying that from their point of view they said all that there was to say.

I’m so far past trusting Anet that i have my doubts about the “fix” to this. I know the Hall of Monuments WILL be back for sure, but i am not so certain they will actually remove the ill-gained things. They might just say so officially while not doing anything just turn on the Hall.

Well then you won’t care about this either.

If they weren’t going to remove the issues, they would have turned it on long ago. There is a time and place for pessimism, and there is a point where a person can be far too negative for no real reason.

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Posted by: punahou.3986


what the hell is HoM anyhow?

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

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Posted by: Shapeshifter.2815


Ooooooo bit behind the times here, but just logged back into one of my GW accounts and got inspired to try and finish off my HOM. (Currently sitting on 28…)

Reading lots about why this is disabled and glad to know this is being worked on.

BTW what does GWAMM mean?

Looking forward to being able to see the HOM rewards again

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Posted by: canwoop.4597


My opinion is that this is way too low priority. I understand there are other important matters, such as the expansion. However, those of us with thousands of hours invested for exclusive in-game items which are missing can’t be expected to be content with the developer’s priorities.

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Posted by: canwoop.4597


BTW what does GWAMM mean?

God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


My opinion is that this is way too low priority. I understand there are other important matters, such as the expansion. However, those of us with thousands of hours invested for exclusive in-game items which are missing can’t be expected to be content with the developer’s priorities.

Sounds like they’re giving it decent priority. Things just take time sometimes, and having to create something completely new for their system is one of those things.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

My opinion is that this is way too low priority. I understand there are other important matters, such as the expansion. However, those of us with thousands of hours invested for exclusive in-game items which are missing can’t be expected to be content with the developer’s priorities.

Different people work on different things. It takes time to develop the tools, unless people would prefer accounts get royally messed up and lose data…

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Posted by: Huffinator.4598


After finishing up map completion on my Ranger last night, I went on a side quest to collect all the pets and realized that the four pets you can only get via the HoM cannot be tamed because the content is still disabled when I visited my HoM.

More specifically:

Juvenile Black Moa
Juvenile Rainbow Jellyfish
Juvenile White Raven
Juvenile Black Widow Spider

It’ll be nice to be able to claim them as rewards because I had accumulated 30 HoM points back in my Guild Wars days.

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


The content is still disabled for everyone. It’s being fixed, so we just have to be patient.

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Posted by: Kitsune.1902


Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Inb4 everyone realizes the bug was just intended to boost GW sales for 10th birthday.

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Inb4 everyone realizes the bug was just intended to boost GW sales for 10th birthday.

In what world would that make sense?

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Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Inb4 everyone realizes the bug was just intended to boost GW sales for 10th birthday.

In what world would that make sense?

Not saying I agree with him, but maybe HoM awareness and reward awareness. Especially if they take them away, might get people to go back and actually re-obtain them? Not real plausible though. Tin foil matter, really.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

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Posted by: OZisREAL.4908


The whole reason I bought GW2 was to get the rewards I worked on for years in GW1. Now its been months of just sitting here. I really hope they end up giving people who waited some serious extra rewards. Buying this game feels like a waste now.

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Posted by: OZisREAL.4908


I think everyone would agree that it’s better to go through a brief period of disabled access rather than allow the acquisition of a whole lot of unearned titles.

It hasn’t really been brief though, Gaile. I bought GW2 months ago to gain the rewards I spent years earning in GW1. Feels like a waste of time at this point, since this summer was the main time I had open to play.

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Well, if you think that buying GW2 was a waste then you haven’t explored it too much, there are a lot of things to do in it. Anyway, here is some update:

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: serenke.4806


There is no need to post anything anymore. They said the fix was coming along with something big… probably the HoT release (or the trait rework before that maybe).

So from Arenanet’s point of view they’ve done everything that they wanted to do and said everything they deemed necessary to say.

You won’t make any progress by posting because they will just ignore it like they do it with every other post too (except that this one will be fixed at least).

So you just assume everything they say is true?

I’m past trusting Anet in anything, i’m just saying that from their point of view they said all that there was to say.

I’m so far past trusting Anet that i have my doubts about the “fix” to this. I know the Hall of Monuments WILL be back for sure, but i am not so certain they will actually remove the ill-gained things. They might just say so officially while not doing anything just turn on the Hall.

Well then you won’t care about this either.

If they weren’t going to remove the issues, they would have turned it on long ago. There is a time and place for pessimism, and there is a point where a person can be far too negative for no real reason.

Oh, i am not saying they would just flat out lie about it. I’m saying that they would try to fix it but in case it did not work as well as they wanted, still say that everything is fixed, yay. Also i don’t think i should list my reasons for being negative, anet has given enough reasons for negativity already.

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Posted by: Harrimur.7425


Can we get an update maybe… please

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Posted by: Lusteregris.2697


I would say it will take them at least until release of HoT. And im trying not to think about all 30 skins waiting for me in HoM.. makes me want to wear tin foil and make conspiracy theories.

Like the fact that this bug only hurts small portion of players. Majority either dont care or actually benefits from locked rewards(think about it, not a single person got these skins from a few months now..if it was a normal not-accountbinded item, it would have a price of precursor by now). Should it all be unlocked now? Hell no, take your time devs, no need to let others have our skins rush things!

Its been so long and were still on ‘shotgun solution, just turn that thing off’ stage. And information about HoM being disabled is so buried right now, new players have 0 chance to know that linking between gw1 and gw2 do not work.

Ehhh, i know its all paranoia. But gimme a break, every time i see a ranger with black widow running past me i die a lill bit inside.

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Posted by: Therodin.2970


Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Moi.5013


Well, considering I only started playing GW1 a few months ago, specifically to get the skins and rewards, yes I’m very unhappy that I have yet to be able to access anything at all. I do think its ridiculous that its taking so long to fix and I have never gotten a reply to my ticket asking for some sort of idea as to when I might be able to get my hard earned rewards. The vague answers posted to the forums are no help at all either and its very frustrating and makes me think they don’t really care to fix it at all….

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Posted by: CrimmsonWind.1475


Moi, they do want to fix it, and they will eventually. Yeah, it’s certainly a bit frustrating, but it will happen.

You can still work on getting HoM points in gw1 though. You just won’t be able to collect your rewards in gw2 immediately.

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Yes I hope a dev can update us on the situation as where it stands right now. I bought EOTN a couple weeks ago and was hoping to get the goodies, but alas “Content disabled try back later”

We’re close, seriously.

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Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

You have one option, and I doubt it will work: open a ticket with Support and ask them to send you an account bound copy of a particular skin that you have earned and are currently drooling over.

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


You have one option, and I doubt it will work: open a ticket with Support and ask them to send you an account bound copy of a particular skin that you have earned and are currently drooling over.

Why would you want to punish support like that?

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Posted by: bain of man.6857

bain of man.6857

another day of updates, another week (at least) before this gets fixed :/

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

another day of updates, another week (at least) before this gets fixed :/

See post above yours…

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Posted by: Ramethzero.3785



Today I went back to secure a few more levels in my hall of monuments track, and I managed to unlock a few. Upon returning to GW2, I went right to my portal stone and went to retrieve my new skins and such. Only, when I click on Kimmes the Historian, it gives me an error message stating this content has been temporarily shut off.

Skimming through some threads, I noticed this has come up before. Is there a fix anytime soon? I would love to be able to unlock my newest three skins, and unfortunately if this is a systematic problem that isn’t going to be resolved in any meaningful timeframe, I’m just not going to bother upping my track further.

For the Toast!
Tarnished Coast Server

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Ramethzero.3785


Understood. Waste of time. check. :/

For the Toast!
Tarnished Coast Server

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Understood. Waste of time. check. :/

Not really. Here is the latest Dev response indicating a fix is on the horizon.

Good luck.

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

While you can’t get them today, eventually it will be fixed. Speaking for myself, I’d prefer to be at 30/50 before then, so I don’t have more to do afterward. Up to you whether that’s a waste or not.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Eowyn.1702


When I go to my Hall of monuments to charm my pets that I earned through GW1 achievements I find it empty. When I speak to the NPC he says that the Hall of Monuments has been temporarily disabled. Does anyone know when it will work again?

Lady of Shalott

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Posted by: Ixeya.7083


Off topic: Question:
Why GW2 not have its own Hall of Monuments?

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

A fix is being thoroughly tested at this time, so we should see the HoM re-enabled soon.

You can Google all the latest Dev responses, if you so desire.

Good luck.