Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Countach.3574


Charr footprints on snow are rotated backwards when moving forward (the arrow on screenshot indicates the direction my character is moving).

Race: Charr
Profession: Warrior
Sex: Male


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Amarantus.3968


Race: Norn
Class: Mesmer
Sex: Male
Armor: Knights Exalted.
Armor with issue: Heavenly Light Bracer skin.

On the left hand of the Heavenly Light Bracer’s, part of the bracer is completely removed and hovering behind the character at all time.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Marge.4035


Armor/clothing art issues:

(sorry if was reported before)

Recently I bought a cultural heavy tier 1 set for my female sylvari (loving it btw). As you see, she has an additional skin pattern, but this pattern is not displayed while wearing the bottom piece of the set, which results in the seam on her stomach.


No, No, No! Mummified flesh on the left! Dried bones on the right!

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Class: Necromancer
Item with issue: Eye of Rodgort

The Mystic Forge crafted Scepter, Eye of Rodgort, really needs a couple of very important tweaks; at least for Charr characters (and possibly other races, too). While ‘holstered’ the animated Eye is looking down/forward, instead of being visible from the back (the only real visible angle while holstered). Also, while in combat pose, the eye looks around at the ground and cannot even be seen.

This is a VERY expensive Mystic Forge crafted Scepter, requiring easily in excess of 100 gold in materials, the base Scepter, etc. It is very disheartening to [not] see the animation and the way it is currently held both in combat pose and while holstered, especially considering the cost of this Scepter. Please see screenshot #1 for these issues.

I humbly request that while in ‘holstered’ mode, the animated eye face upwards so it is highly visible, like other Scepters. Same could be done with the combat pose, just turn the eye upwards…

Please fix. :_(

Edit/Addition – While holstered, Eye of Rodgort should act like “Pirate Cane” (Pirate Karma Scepter) does currently; it has the skull facing upwards while holstered and highly visible. Please see screenshot #2 for a direct comparison of how the Pirate Cane is holstered vs. the Eye of Rodgort, with the Pirate Cane being correct and the Eye of Rodgort being incorrect.


(edited by Idolicious.6091)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: synk.6907


I have an armor disconnect/model seam issue on the character model.

Race: asura
Sex: female [though I suspect it might not matter for this race]
Armor type: light

My asura elementalist is wearing a Slayer’s Coat for the chest and a Magician Legs (modifiers/stats not included, as that shouldn’t influence the model). These are level 39 and level 41 required pieces, respectively.

There is a visible line across the character model that is see-through. A screenshot of this is attached.

Upon testing with a different top / bottom, it appears that the Magician Legs piece fails to connect; the top seems to play nice.

edit: added other attachment (no chestpiece, to highlight the legging being at fault)


(edited by synk.6907)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: synk.6907


Charr footprints on snow are rotated backwards when moving forward (the arrow on screenshot indicates the direction my character is moving).

Race: Charr
Profession: Warrior
Sex: Male

I’d like to support this post. On my female guardian, I had thought I saw my footprints being placed backwards, but I had not taken screenshots to post about it. If more would be helpful, I would be happy to gather some.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Highvoltage.7946


The Ghastly Longbow/Shortbow had a bugged animation during the night. Unlike other Ascalonian Catacombs weapons, which glow during the night, the bows glow just when you equip it and the glow fades away right after shooting the first arrow, although the bow retains it’s blue colour.

^this please fix! miss my glow

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Shadestrike.4372


Female Human Necromancer
Armour is Light Armour: Invader’s Acolyte Pants
Issue is the ankle clipping in combat and when running. The issue needs no highlightning as it is just that prominent.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Zil.3071


i have the red color appearing on gloves and boots like most post here ,i think after cming out of water, just asking, is anything been done about all this?

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Engel Angel.9076

Engel Angel.9076

Haven’t been through all the posts, but I’ve seen enough of them too see I’m not the only one with this problem:
-Female Human Ranger
-Vigil Female Medium Leggings with horizontal line on stomach.
Looks like a seam issue to me.

After testing with various top armors it appears the line appears on any armor skin that shows a bare belly.
That legging was made for having the top part covered by the Vigil top armor part, so the guy who designed it didn’t bother to make a clean finish as He though it would be covered and not seen.

Would really appreciate if this was corrected as it looks like my character as a disembowelment scar on her belly… kinda creepy


“A single picture is worth a thousand words”

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Keahi.3620


This may have been reported before but here’s a shining example of the problem

Male Norn
Tier 3 Cultural armor (Stag mail chest piece)

There is a really nasty neck seam where the skin changes colour, a real kick in the guts for bald characters (especially after dropping 30g on it :x)


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: blakkrskyrr.7413


the embroidered gear causes a seam in the lower back. i noticed it when my coat was broken and checked it without wearing it to see if it changed, but it didn’t.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Xar.1387


Here’s the problem with sylvari, male dagger. When character is breathing, then once dagger is visible, but in the next second its hidden in the coat. I know, thats hard to fix, but i hope one day it will look better.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Zamerayne.3256


Weapons with Issues: Corrupted Branch, Corrupted Trident and Corrupted Shard

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Elementalist

The placement on the “Corrupted Branch” and “Corrupted Trident” are placed too high compared to other staffs and tridents.

The particle effect on the “Corrupted Branch” and “Corrupted Trident” barely show at all unlike the other “Corrupted” weapons which completely cover the entire weapon, not sure if this is intended.

The particle effect on the “Corrupted Shard” is misplaced underneath the weapon instead of being on the weapon itself.


(edited by Zamerayne.3256)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Topher.1684


Armour with Issues: Asuran Cultural Tier 1 Gloves
Race: Asuran
Sex: Female
Class: Elementalist

The gloves will not keep their dye change. If you try to dye it by itself, or with other items, the gloves will not hold their new colour (but any other items you dye at the same time will alter their colour).

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761



Tier 3 Charr Cultural Light Gloves
Magus Gloves

The texture and graphics are changed to a white and red graphics, this is also similar to the Svanir Gloves the HotW light armor, and this quite frustrating since I changed from the Svanir to the T3 Cultural Light gloves.


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

(edited by Avalanzhe.5761)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Masterj.4578


- Armor/clothing art issues.

I am a Male, Charr, Warrior.

Charr Tier 3 cultural armor called Dreadnought has dye issues when transmuted. Every piece is transmuted (the appearance of the armor is kept but stats from another armor are taken).

Can not paint the original color with dyes or even remove the dye to get it back to the original color. When you do this, the color changes to “dye remover color” when you exit the hero screen and go back to the hero screen. The color is seen in world also.

Picture 1 is what the armor should look like with no dye. Picture 2 is what it looks like when you try to get it back to original color via removing color option or trying to dye it back to the original color.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dinz.4120


Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Scholar Profession: Ranger
Weapon type: Longbow
Weapon name: Azureflame Longbow

Bow is too high on the back


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Alzarc.2138


I got an issue with the Abyss Dye on the Nightmare Armor.

- Abyss dye on Nightmare Armor is not the same as indicated when you press “H”. Nightmare Armor (From Twilight Arbour Dungeon) got a lot of grey/white on it when it’s suppose to be all black.

General Guidelines:
-Take a screenshot of your equipment on the Hero Panel (H)
- Asura, Male and Guardian

I will be waiting for your news.

Thanks !


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Melanis.8309


right sided dagger has bad position in hand when charr is running, left is OK

Race: Charr
Profession: Thief
Sex: Male
Weapon type: Dagger


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyr.2469



I recently found an Armor/clothing art issues (textures, placement, clipping…) with the “Heavenly Medium Bracers” on my Norn Ranger. This issue is to be found on the character selection screen as well as in the Heroes Menu (H) (see pic3) and in game (see pic 4).

Take a screenshot of your equipment on the Hero Panel (H)
Please find the following picture in the attachment:
— pic1.png: find issue as marked in red circle
— pic2.png: issue is gone when not wearing the “Heavenly Medium Bracers” (as per pic1)
— pic3.png: issue in the character selection screen
— pic4.png: issue in the game

Race: Norn
Sex: Male
Class: Ranger

Client: Mac Beta

For more information feel free to contact me and thanks for solving this issue.



(edited by Tyr.2469)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

For some reason, the Beaded Lancea and the Beaded Harpoon Shooter (spear and harpoon gun, respectively) each have the other’s model.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this happen, but I bought the spear for its skin so I’m a little irritated (I bought the harpoon gun temporarily for the sake of this post).


(edited by Hyper Cutter.9376)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Gill Halendt.2038

Gill Halendt.2038

Engineer’s starter headgears have their names swapped: the “Panscopic Monocle” appears as “Eagle-Eye Goggles” in game, and viceversa.

As far as I know, all races are affected.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: neonblueshadow.8592


The Raven effect for the completed Superior Rune of the Mad King set does not trigger when Lich Form is activated.

Addition Information:
Name: Xobin
Sex: Male
Race: Asura
Profession: Necromancer
Reproduction Summary:
Wear armor which completes the entire Superior Rune of the Mad King set, in order to activate the raven effect. Then attempt activating the ‘Lich Form’ elite ability.

– Nothing happens when Lich Form is activated.
– Ravens do appear when Lich form is ended by player.
– Nothing happens when Lich form runs out of time (30 second timer runs out).

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Zedd.8239


This is a follow-up to this post.

It looks like this same problem also exists with Durmand Priory light armor as well. Only in the case of this armor set, it also impacts the leggings in addition to the gloves.

Race: Asura
Sex: Male
Class: Elementalist
Armor set: Durmand Priory light armor

The cause and the solution are exactly the same as the Svanir armor. To produce the problem, fully submerge in water. The gloves and sometimes the leggings will end up with the ugly, white, red, and black look. It’s tougher to see with the Priory armor since the gloves and leggings cover most of the problem. However, the issue is still there. To fix it, simply remove the affected armor pieces and equip them again.

I’ve also noticed that the problem seems to occur MUCH more frequently than it did with the Svanir armor. With the Svanir armor, once the issue is fixed, it doesn’t show up again until you fully submerge in water after surfacing. With the Priory armor, it tends to happen almost immediately after equipping it. I haven’t been able to reproduce this second issue consistently but it seems to happen mostly after using skills.


(edited by Zedd.8239)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Jimax.6745



Human female Barbaric armor leggings clip through the legs.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Gamma.2435


Male Charr Necromancer

Issues with Citadel of Flames cloth set:
- Helm have problems on the neck
- Pants appear even if not worn


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Starlly.8530


Because of the Vigil Shouderpads my character can’t hold all weapons properly.

Race: Asura
Sex: Female
Class: Ranger L80

As you can see I’ve also try it many of the common white weapons that can be bought from the vendors, the effect is the same.
Everything goes to normal if I hide or unequipped the Vigil Shouderpads. I don’t have the same problem with other shoulders.
You can see that I’ve remodelled them with the shoulders from Twilight Arbor (dungeon), but I think that is not the problem, because few minutes before I reply here, I bought not remodelled Vigil Shouderpads and the problem is still there.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blakkrskyrr.7413


transmuted flame eye doesn’t show.