Jade Quarry needs a reset
SBI main map bugged as well, pretty sure they’re aware of the issue though.
BG main same way, at least as of last night. I’d think this should go in the LS forum? Has there been posts there about this yet?
Same problem on Dzagonur. The miasma level raises as usual and we are also getting notifications. However, the counter is not only a display bug, we are really not getting any rewards.
Same problem on Crystal Desert
This just happened on HOD
This is happening on SoS as well.
Happening on Desolation and Gandara as well.This needs a Red reply, no idea if the devs are aware of this.
Far Shiverpeaks is also bugged for quite some hours now.
Hmm, 23 hours later, and still bugged?
Looks like all main instances are bugged again…Tarnished Coast is bugged as well.
Can’t you just disable the main instance and push everyone into overflows until you get this fixed?
Most main servers are bugged again,no bags for civilians.And the bags we get in overflows are the same for every tier ,while they should be different every tier
Same on Seafarer’s Rest.
Thank you for the continued reports, we are currently working on the issue with the tiered Citizen rewards not awarding correctly for main server maps.
[EU] Aurora Glade is also not getting the rewards for rescuing citizens.
Thanks for the quick response!
Please if you could also answer about the rewards for event tiers 100/300/600 etc. are they all supposed to be the same? I always get the same regardless the tier
The first 4 tiers of the Citizen Rescue award a Standard Citizen’s Rescue Bag. The 5th and final tier awards an Ultimate Citizen’s Rescue Bag.
The first 4 tiers of the Citizen Rescue award a Standard Citizen’s Rescue Bag. The 5th and final tier awards an Ultimate Citizen’s Rescue Bag.
Can you also tell us how many AP each tier gives for the first time completing it and why those achievements don’t shop up in the Achievement panel?
[Collection] Wardrobe/Skin Bugs & Anomalies
Will there be any compensation for those of us on SBI who have rescued several tiers of citizens and missed out on the bag rewards. Those bags have the hard to find heirlooms in them and it would be super nice to have those so I can go grab that halo potion. On SBI last night we rescued 1000 citizens. That would have been at least 4 heirlooms.
I’d like to thank Autumn Frazee for a quick reply. I have no idea how to tag people,sorry
Ferguson’s Crossing has been bugged all day. The Group complete event pops up, but no bag is rewarded.
Miasma counter is always max as well despite the time. The counter for civilians does seem to reset though.