Keg Brawl - Things to check

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

  • Players can spawn consumables in the arena and use them. Seen in the attached file (gw269), the player has spawned some sort of ice rifle and used it to damage and chill other players. They were also able to kill the Ale Keeper in this way, preventing one team from scoring for some time. Green Fireworks were also brought into the arena and were usable.
  • Dive Roll while holding a keg allows players to dodge. Dive Roll while not holding a keg does not dodge.
  • Player traits should be checked to make sure they are turned off. I have seen at least one instance of a ranger with Opening Strike. That, to me, is an indicator that other traits may work such as those that give extra speed under certain conditions (elementalists attuned to air) or extra endurance for more dodging than others. After checking myself, it seems that traits do not work, as desired.
  • At the beginning of the game, very rarely is it possible to pick up a practice keg and still be holding it when the match starts (I have seen this occur once only and am unaware of how to duplicate it). by passing a keg to another player who is already holding a keg, the keg that falls at that player’s feet will not disappear when the game begins.
  • At the beginning of the game, if you throw a practice keg to the keeper and score, the chute will launch a new keg into the game that will not disappear when the match begins. This allows a second keg to be introduced early into the game.
  • Kegmaster does not increase in progress when other keg “skills” have been maxed out. See attached (gw274).
  • When struck by Punch, the daze effect
  • * prevents kegs from being picked up;
  • * sometimes locks players into motion, often because they try to do things (pick up kegs, use a skill);
  • * can bring knocked-down players back up faster than normal;
  • * does not prevent the use of the Throw skill.
  • Charge sometimes reaches the target before the channel expires, idles the player, and then knocks them down as if they had not reached the target.
  • Assists are not given when players who have been passed the keg by another teammate score the keg by talking to the Keeper NPC instead of tossing it in with a Throw or Lob skill. Fixed 9/25/2012.
  • The autobalance mechanic does not take into consideration the contributions of players. This means sometimes that players who score many kegs for one side may be balanced to the other side near the end of an almost complete game. See attached (gw260). Fixed 10/1/2012.


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Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

(edited by Moderator)

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

  • Players can score kegs on the enemy keeper for points and score. This will also count towards their achievements.
  • Assists do not count if the scoring player takes too long to score after being passed the keg.
  • Doing things before and after the game will count towards the achievement tracks. For example, kegs scored before the match begins count towards your kegs scored.
YT channel - GW2 Activity vids and more
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

  • When a player holding a keg that has been knocked down uses their Throw skill, the keg will follow the path set by their camera at the moment that the player was knocked down instead of the path they set when using Throw. Irrelevant due to update on 10/1/2012.
YT channel - GW2 Activity vids and more
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Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

(edited by Shayne Hawke.9160)

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

  • Pets, when they exist, will intercept kegs. Instead of dropping at their feet, the kegs are lost similar to how a keg disappears when it is thrown into a wall.
  • Two players of opposite teams can stand close and pass one keg back and forth to each other to quickly rack up interceptions.
  • Two players of the same team can stand close and pass one keg back and forth to each other such that scoring the keg will grant the non-scoring player multiple (often two) assists.

I have finished uploading a video which showcases some things you can do in Keg Brawl pre-game. This video is unlisted and may be found here.

YT channel - GW2 Activity vids and more
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

(edited by Shayne Hawke.9160)

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

  • A player activating Pour Ale does not become interrupted by the loss of their keg when they are struck by Disarm.
YT channel - GW2 Activity vids and more
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leonim.5327


First, thanks to Shayne for the accurate report list.

I should add that the new long throw of the keg bearer allow some people to instantly send the keg 2/3 of the terrain length away without any risks to be intercepted, lowering by leagues the balance and interest in this addicting mini-game.

By Leonim

Keg Brawl - Things to check

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

There are three exploitative methods of getting points/stats in Keg Brawl that I shall outline below:

Method 1: Recoveries

Using this method, a player can obtain large amounts of recoveries in a short period of time without playing the game as it may be intended.

- One keg
- Two players of one color
- One player of another color

Setup: Let two players be on Blue team and one player on Red team. Choose one player of Blue team to hold the keg. This player is the “carrier”, denoted player C. The other player on Blue team stands on the same spot as player C. This player is the “receiver”, denoted player R. The Red team player stands next to but not on top of players C and R. This player is the “fumbler”, denoted player F. Player F always has player C as a target.


  • 1. Player F uses Disable to knock the keg away from player C. Player R immediately catches it. Player F gains one fumble, player R gains one recovery.
  • 2. Player R steps aside such that no players are between players R and F and that no players are between players F and C.
  • 3. Player R uses Throw to quickittenhrow the keg to player F. Player F gains one interception.
  • 4. Player F uses Throw to quickittenhrow the keg to player C. Player C gains one interception.
  • 5. Player R returns to standing on top of player C.
  • 6. Repeat steps 1-5 as desired.

Result: For as many times as this process is repeated, player R gains one recovery, player C gains one interception, and player F gains one fumble and one interception. The speed of this method is determined by the longest recharge, which is how fast Disable recharges. Considering wind-up time, this process can be repeated every five seconds.

Method 2: Interceptions

Using this method, two players can very quickly earn interceptions.

- One keg
- Two players of opposite teams

Setup: Let one player be player A and another player be player B. Let player A begin by holding the keg. Both players should be standing very close to each other, but perhaps not on top of each other.


  • 1. Player A throws the keg to player B. Player B gains one interception.
  • 2. Player B throws the keg to player A. Player A gains one interception.
  • 3. Repeat steps 1-2 as desired.

Result: Players A and B each get one interception for as many times as this is repeated. This method is extremely fast since Throw has no recharge and is an instant cast.

Method 3: Steals/Fumbles

This method allows two players to gain steals and multiple players to gain fumbles.

- One keg
- One (or more) player(s) from Blue team
- One (or more) player(s) from Red team
- The number of players from each team should be equal.

Setup: Let Blue players be denoted B1, B2, …, BN for N Blue players, and Red players be denoted R1, R2, …, RN for N Red players. Let B1 hold the keg. Player R1 stands on the same spot as player B1 (melee attack assist should be turned off for players B1 and R1). Players B2, … BN, R2, …, RN stand next to but not on top of B1. Blue players should always target R1. Red players should always target B1.


  • 1. Player R1 uses Disarm on player B1. The keg is immediately caught by player R1. Player R1 gains one steal and one fumble.
  • 2. Player B1 uses Disarm on player R1. The keg is immediately caught by player B1. Player B1 gains one steal and one fumble.
  • 3. Repeat steps 1-2 for (N-1) times. Disarm should be used in sequence for players R2 and B2, …, RN and BN. Players B1 and R1 each earn (N-1) steals, and the players B2, …, BN, R2, …, RN each earn one fumble.
  • 4. Repeat steps 1-3 as desired.

Result: For each time this method is repeated, each player earns one fumble, and players R1 and B1 each earn N steals. This method takes about five seconds to repeat. However, there are more rewards earned in that time if more players are involved.


  • Remove kegs that are taken “out of the arena”, which could be considered as any area outside of the fenced area that players normally fight within.
  • Prevent players from earning same stats from same players for some period of time. For example, a player that earns an interception from another player can not earn an interception off that player for the next 10-15 seconds.
YT channel - GW2 Activity vids and more
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

(edited by Shayne Hawke.9160)