LFG bug
Im starting to feel like a stuck record reporting bugs ^^. Seen the same behavior in the lfg tool.
Same - whenever any member joins/leaves any LFG party, the whole set blinks back in. Makes it really hard to read, especially for large LFG categories (eg. open world).
It’s bad. You can’t even click on a party fast enough to join 90% of the time.
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It’s not just annoying, it’ downright unusable.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Please dial down the refresh rate before we go blind!!!
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Please dial down the refresh rate before we go blind!!!
It doesn’t have a refresh rate. It refreshes as soon as anything on a list changes (group gets added, group gets removed, or even a player in one group gets added/removed).
With longer lists it creates a nightmare of constant refreshing.
Please revert to the previous behaviour.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
it drives me really mad, i can’t join lfg until i spam clicking
Hello, LFG is still broken. It’s refreshing list everytime someone joins the party/leave so it displays “slide in” animation for every party listed in LFG / displayed list. Except first one of the list.
Since for the open world content it’s refreshing almost every quearter of the second, it’s almost stroboscopic and I believe it can cause epileptic attack.
It’s almost impossible to read the text on the slides, nor pick the group I am looking for, neither click the sliding button. So I started to madly spam clicking in the position where I have EXPECTED there would be group I am looking for.
Flash …blink….flash….fl…..fl …..fl….flash.
Interesting fact I haven’t ended in any group with this method, yet it displayed “You have joined too many groups and you have to wait”
Is there chance to revert LFG back into it’s elder version….or is there any alternative ? Something like addons in World of Warcraft ?
For clarity:
I heavily rely on LFG nowadays:
- taxi to/for populated SW maps
- taxi to/for breach time
- achievement parties
And still also taxi to world bosses such as Tequatl or the Karka Queen, taxi to/for Dry Top tier 5+ runs, dungeons and all the rest.
It’s not just a mild annoyance – right now it means that there is some current (Silverwastes/LS) content that I can’t efficiently do. Blocks progress.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Same here, constant blinking/refreshing, can’t click on anything.
I am also experiencing this bug as of yesterday’s patch. My LFG tool is flickering open parties, but I cannot join them as they disappear too quickly for me to click on.
The worst thing about this is that the refreshes don’t preserve the order. Previously, once a party was listed, it kept its slot (even if other parties came and went).
Now you can go to click on a SW party and find that between pressing and releasing the mouse button, the slot’s changed to a Tequatl run, a coil train, or (depressingly commonly) a mis-filed AC path 3.
Ÿea epileptic as hell looks like it blink everytime someone create new lfg
Tekkit’s Workshop
I think this is a test for eye-hand coordination.
The one who can still hit the right button more than 2 times getting hired by the CIA.
All others will going blind after 2 weeks.
By the way, i nominate this patch for the “most bugged patch 2014” trophy.
Please Anet fix it, is really annoying, cant read!
OH GOD THIS IS THE WORST. playing whack a mole trying to get in a group!
I also find the new LFG change completely unusable. I have missed out on so many taxis because it blinks ridiculously fast whenever a high-demand taxi party is posted to the Open World section and a ton of people join parties at the same time. Not to mention I’ve have joined parties I didn’t intend to join because the positioning constantly changes. I’ve also encountered the issue of trying to spam join to get into a taxi, only to find that I didn’t join any party, but have been suppressed from the lfg because I “joined too many parties.”
Please, please, PLEASE revert this change!
Henge of Denravi
(edited by Manoa.5897)
Yes, please fix this. The old way was working just fine. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.
For clarity:
Join 9K+ GW2 players: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GW2Gamers/
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Honestly, how can sth like that go live?
I’ve seen bad updates, really bad one’s, but this one is just s**t.
Worst thing is: You click on “join”, the ad you wanted to click on is gone, repeat that a few times and the “you joined too many parties” s**t pops up.
Either fix the lfg or remove the, in my opinion, useless restriction on party joining.
Please, please fix this. I’m sure it wasn’t intended to happen, but it’s nerve-wrecking! I just gave up using the tool until it’s fixed because it’s absolutely terrible.
can we get fast fix on this pls!
Worst of all, if you click and at that moment some other post comes up where your mouse is … you not only join wrong party, but your LFG bugs and you are not able to join another.
Same here. Please fix it ASAP, since the LFG tool is almost unusable this way.
Really annoying. Please fix.
Oh God.
It’s Anet, they can fix it today, or ignore it for years.
One can only hope.
Please dial down the refresh rate before we go blind!!!
It doesn’t have a refresh rate. It refreshes as soon as anything on a list changes (group gets added, group gets removed, or even a player in one group gets added/removed).
With longer lists it creates a nightmare of constant refreshing.Please revert to the previous behaviour.
Just make it so the group that changed updates. Not the whole darn list at the same time! Also, maybe not sliding in, how about a nice dissolve?
please fix before brain esplode
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
The New LFG is unusable.
Please give me back my old WORKING Beta LFG. The one which worked well and was readable and uasable.. Do it ASAP!
You made it from a release version to actually pre-bèta… it’s almost pronounced as pro-better, but it shows the level of quality which I doubt this would even be allowed as alpha software in the first place, and when testing it in a closed environment it probably looks s(l)ick but its driving me insane, it destroys part of the new the workings of the game..
AND THIS IS IMPORTANT so Ninja Patch it if you have to!
If you do not improve it, then by the love of the six gods, don’t change it.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
ANet pls
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
By the way, i nominate this patch for the “most bugged patch 2014” trophy.
No, September Feature Pack with its “shinny” NPE still wins it. :P
Another thing, if it was intended to auto refresh whenever a change occurs, why then the Refresh button was left there? lol As other suggested, refresh only what changed and leave the whole list as it is. And please, the sliding effect is unneeded. It was useless before, even more now.
(edited by shadow.6174)
Adding my name to the list of people who find this LFG bug annoying.
This is a horrible thing to trigger epilepsy or migraines, really. I’m not prone to either and I still got a massive headache after trying (and failing) to taxi to populated SW runs.
I tried really hard to join a taxi for sw for my daily events for about 10 min.
I joined:
2 x Arah Story group
1 x LS group
4 x group looking for a taxi to SW
2 x tequ taxi
3 x ascalon path 3
1 x CoF path 1
After that i get this lovely message “you joined too many parties”.
But i know it s a test. Don t know for what, but i m sure it s a test. It must be a test.
now except the constant blinking , there is a message that I have join too many parties recently and the option join is not available, even if I haven’t even try to join any party for the last couple hours . Please fix it, is very annoying
This cant be working as intended. Can we at least get a confirmation on that it being looked at.
This cant be working as intended. Can we at least get a confirmation on that it being looked at.
Yes, exactly.
I just love it when I try to join a party and because of the blinking I join a different group instead. Especially in the Open World Content LFG where the changes are so frequently that you can’t join any group at all.
Hello. I don’t know whether it was intended or not because their intention might have been to refresh the LFG tool instantly whenever there’s something new. And this idea seems to be a good one but this is without considering the number of messages.
The LFG tool is a very popular tool, players love it and use it very often. But since we’re that many using it, it’s become very difficult to actually use it properly with those instant updates.
You absolutely need to take a step back and make it usable again.
Thank you.
So, no hopes for fixing that before weekend? At least you didn’t forget to put message i can’t turn off about tournament. Thanks!
I wonder how many people had seizure
Still the same issue present, LFG refreshing like crazy. Not usable, not to mention readable. Please slow down the refresh rate and don’t make it refresh upon every party member joining/leaving. :/ Very frustrating.
eye’s fall out
How has this not been fixed yet?!? and how did nobody notice it in QA!!!
This needs to be fixed, fast. Yesterday i got blocked form lfg for over 2 hours, just because i misclicked few times because of all that flashing.
Best part is, if you try to join several times because of the refresh spam, it counts as joining and leaving a group, I’ve been supressed twice in the last 10 minutes without joining a party
the living story is on, I am trying to join organized silverwastes maps so i can play , and instead i end up with headache ,spending my time trying (and failing) to read properly the lfg because of that blinking and then click like mad trying to get to a party which end up been the wrong one.This is so frustrating and so not fun, please at least let us know that you are trying to fix it
It’s a shame that 3 days later this bug still exist. LFG is unusable especially when a lot of taxis are created. But hey, much more important that the newest update contains something like “Text was updated for the World Tournament Series special event for all regions.” This will make the players happier than important bugfixes…
And still no answer from Anet…. G to the kittening G.