Greetings! I recently started doing this said collection for the Minstrel and encoutered 2 bug with the first part, with that said the second bug isnt tied to this collection only, ill explain in abit.
First of all I need a recipe in plains of ashford from drottot, a chef recipe which is account bound, so is the food. so no workaround here. and the problem is the vendor that sells this recipe never unlocks; i tried waiting with the event, tried doing it. the NPC never unlocks as a merchant.
The second problem is more complex as I said this isnt tied to this collection since I dont know if the item drops or not because i cannot kill the assosiacted champion. The collection i need here is Swifty Scrambled Eggs, and the drop I need to process is Swift Egg. The mob (or champ) that drops this is Three-Toed Tootsie in Dry Top. And agian I dont know if it drops or not, it probaly does. But this champ is unkillable let me explain;
Three-Toed Tootsie is a Champ Moa in dry top, that tries to flee every now and then, prior to HoT it worked like this; apply one cc to interupt it. Since HoT came we got introduces to Break bars, first of all the bar is always blue here, which could make some think that you could stun regardless of it fleeing or not. However even tho the bar indicates you can break it you cannot prior to tootsie trying to flee. Which is not gamebreaking per say. I dont know if the fleeing is time based or % based on HP.
I tried killing it with roughly 10-15 man, and we could not burst it down so breaking the bar once the timer starts should be the way of killing it. (you get an timer under the champ event that says tootsie will flee in for an example) in that given time frame i told all playes to use CC to break the bar. I applied CC as good as i could, I saw some incoming CC aswell from other players. But the bar did not get punished well enough. (I think the bar was at roughly 90%) So this indicates there is some scaling issues with this champ. at first i thought i was the only one breaking it, but after 5 tries or so the result was the same.
To wrap up three-toed tootsie, there may be a way of killing it (given the retreat of the champ isnt HP % based) but that would probaly require a full Dry top map, to burst it down before said mechanic happened, so it may be possible. but its a simple champ in a zone that not many even know are there, and is also not seeing so much play in dry top, as the map isnt relavant as much anymore. And i cannot gather the required 75 ppl (for an example) to bring down this champ, as there are no reasons to kill it outside of the minstrel precurser hunt.
I sincerly hope you rescale this, and fix the recipe bug from drottot in plains of ashford. so i can continue my legendary precurser hunt!
Im sorry for possible typos but I do hope you understand what im reporting
Have a nice day and im looking forward to a fix in the close future!