“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I just found out about the howler sound… wth is Anets problem with this legendary??? it sounds absolutely stupid now.. why are they taking the legendary out of our legendary?
They aren’t, really. They’re just trying for a new type of legendary: Legendarily Awful. The next step will be to rename the horn to Farter, make the aura a sort of brown cloud, and make the footfalls look like little cowpies. Every nine-year-old in the game will love it!
I wish I didn’t have to take that seriously. ;_; And yet, I fear it’s true.
i officially bug reported it in-game as an audio bug, which it is. as a legendary, it should have it’s own sound effects (like the predator rifle does). and it should definitely have it’s previous particle effects brought back as well. Shameful we still have no response
Bring back the long-lasting wolf howl and fix this please. Bump.
Bumping this thread once more.
With the recent audio changes our Legendary Howler, feels anything but Legendary anymore. The unique audio we have for the Howler is not hearable thanks to the new sounds.
Please Anet do something about it, first the effects (which were really amazing imo) that got removed. And now we can’t fully enjoy the sounds of it anymore.
Page 6 of this. 100% negative feedback.
yet another bump until we get a response / fix
100% negative is right. Like we weren’t still sore over the effects. Now they just decided to corner us in the shower and pin us to the wall. Seriously, how is this okay?
ANet – your silence on this topic is appalling. Just tell us whether you give a kitten about this or not. I’d like you to improve Howler for sure but right now I’d settle for an acknowledgement that you have bothered to read this post and have no plans to do anything. At least we’d all know where we stand.
This is no way to treat your customers.
Customers, AND people who either put in the work crafting or farming—or, better still, outright buying—one of the most time-consuming/expensive items in the game. Maybe it’s all a ploy. They royally kitten over the sound effect, so when they turn around and fix that, we all say thank you and shut up about Howler’s effects. Like when they bump gas up to $4/gallon so we’re all thankful when it’s ‘only’ $3.50.
Seriously though, why does the super warhorn have a completely unique and instantly recognizable sound without the fart noise…but Howler doesn’t.
And I’d like those night time effects back too!
So… Still nothing? Howler is now just a very expensive war horn without anything else?
Any way I can get my howler transformed into a super warhorn? The super has better effects.
Absolutely agreed I have no idea why this hasn’t been fixed yet…
I’ve finally gathered enough gold to buy my first precursor and start to make a legendary. I was uncertain until recently if I should try to make Howler, Rodgort or the Minstrel.
…but a few ppl at Anet don’t want us to make Howler anymore…? Helping me with my decision, huh? Oh my, tyvm…! I guess…?
maybe if I bump this topic, someone pushes the warhorn audio feedback for me?
I’ve finally gathered enough gold to buy my first precursor and start to make a legendary. I was uncertain until recently if I should try to make Howler, Rodgort or the Minstrel.
…but a few ppl at Anet don’t want us to make Howler anymore…? Helping me with my decision, huh? Oh my, tyvm…! I guess…?
maybe if I bump this topic, someone pushes the warhorn audio feedback for me?
Out of all the legendaries, the only one I feel I’d want is Howler. But hearing how dissatisfied its owners are after putting in all that work… Just not worth it.
Glad to see this post still going! Keep it up guys! Bump Change the Howler, bring back our nighttime effect!
the thread liek this make me realsie how fortunate I am that none of legendaries really suits my tastes…. but then – you have my supprot folks – no matter how ugly legenadry is it should not have half of its graphical appeal removed!
(not mentioning being turned into fart machine amongst with regular variants of weapon)
still awaiting dev response/attention to this. The fate of our enjoyment of the new Tempest spec hinges on our warhorns not making “pooting” sounds. also, i just noticed that this thread has the highest views of any thread without a dev response.
The latest updates (9/15/2015) has added even more to Howler’s issues. Now that the warhorn sound has been changed again, the howl isn’t working when you use your skills.
I’ve got to admit that it is a real adventure to have the most variable legendary in the game. First it was Howler, then it became Farter, and now I have Wheezer. I wonder where it will take me next?
But I can hear the howl now. At least … I think it’s supposed to be a howl. Sounds a little more like someone stepped on a dog’s tail. (Poor doggie!) However, that’s still an improvement over Farter, which sounded just like every non-legendary warhorn.
Finished my Howler recently and very disappointing. Just found out the moon effect is gone, the mist is only when the weapon is drawn and even then unremarkable, the water effects are only on initial draw or switching weapons and the footprints disappear way too soon. 3 years to make a Legendary and no one even can see its effects. What makes it even worse is playing a necro the basic effects over shadow the wolf effect you can hardly see it.
ANET PLEASE FIX. This is a slap in the face to dedicated players.
Glad to see this post still going! Keep it up guys! Bump Change the Howler, bring back our nighttime effect!
As its a Legendary it needs more than just the night effect. The mist, which I really made Howler for should be at least on the level of the Foefire weapons. The howl should be very noticeable and the kitten footprints need to last longer. How about liquid wolf paw foot prints that don’t dissipate after 3 steps. Sometimes the foot prints don’t show up at all.
I just found out about the howler sound… wth is Anets problem with this legendary??? it sounds absolutely stupid now.. why are they taking the legendary out of our legendary?
They aren’t, really. They’re just trying for a new type of legendary: Legendarily Awful. The next step will be to rename the horn to Farter, make the aura a sort of brown cloud, and make the footfalls look like little cowpies. Every nine-year-old in the game will love it!
I almost wish they would make it like a large fart, brown cloud and cowpie footfalls.. At least it would be noticeable but right not I can hardly make out the effects at all. My necro skills cover up the wolf and the howl is way too low. The footprints only show up half the time.
For those who are wondering: YES. If you want to make the Howler, YES, DO IT.
It may not be worth it at the moment, but if more and more players make this weapon, Anet will eventually, probably, hopefully, realize that this weapon deserves a lot of love. This weapon’s name is Howler after all, so let’s howl together until they notice us.
For those who are wondering: YES. If you want to make the Howler, YES, DO IT.
It may not be worth it at the moment, but if more and more players make this weapon, Anet will eventually, probably, hopefully, realize that this weapon deserves a lot of love. This weapon’s name is Howler after all, so let’s howl together until they notice us.
or anet think: oh more and more players make this weapons, all is fine cause if the player dont like the status quo they wouldnt build it now . no need to change anything or love needed^^
Or.. ANET gonna be like “there is a problem with howler? Oh rly? Who cares?. O wait, you crafted one and wasted lot of time doing it? kitten that almost makes me wanna fix something… BUT i have a better idea. We releasing 3 totally new legendaries with HOT..awesome animation, effects and all.. the whole package.. choose one and start working on it… you gonna feel better about this problem when you finish it.. i garantee that.”
ANET already know about this.. they read this thread multiple times.. and yet decided NOT to say anything. Not even a" we are aware of the issue and are going to take a look at it on the near future". Even a fail reply like that would make most ppl here happy.. but no.. they prefered to just completely ignore it and whoever has this issue..
So the message can’t get any more clear:
They do NOT care.
Want a cool warhorn??
There are lots of them available on tp.
Want the ability to swap stats and build whenever??
You are stuck with this kitten weapon.
Want a legendary warhorn?
You are stuck with the kitten weapon.
It is up to you.. there are way better ways to waste money/materials/time than crafting this warhorn.
I have one.. i play the game with no sound cause the howl sound is disgusting and i’m getting something shiny for my main hand weap to have the effects.
I wish i didn’t craft it.. but i found oit about it to late..
So what i do is just spread the issue around guild and friends so that they don’t get kitten like i did..
Wan’t a real advice? DO NOT WASTE TIME ON THIS..
If anything was going to be done about it one of two things would have happened already:
1- the issue would be fixed by now. It was first reported on march 2014.. helloooo we are on september 2015.. that is enough time to make ehole hot expansions since it isvreally poor xpack…
2- they would have said something official about it somewhere.. here, ingame, on announces or anywhere..
Like i said i sent the link from this thread to more then 3 devs on multiple occasions by PM. I bumped it whenever it left main page. I created another thread on bug report area and also kept that one on 1st page for over 10 days or so.. they read both.. since i got infractions for bumping to hard.. they deleted my posts too and i got more infractions for spam..
So not knowing..ia not the case.. not caring is the case here..
Sad.. but truth
While I’m glad the general warhorn sound has been updated (not fixed, just changed to be not as bad), the lack of response on this thread is past obscene.
Yes, I knew about the problem with this before I made it, but in three years this has been my only precursor. I have been holding on to some hope that it would be addressed, but I really feel like they’re not trying. All we want is some communication.
Devs read the forums, we know that much. What’s the problem communicating with your player base? Anet wants feedback from players, here it is! 6 pages of feedback, just for you. Now how about giving us some feedback on your progress or plans. Not even a Homer Simpson line like ‘Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.’
I don’t regret the time and effort I put in to making Howler, but I both rue and lament it. Please put some polish on this Legendary lackluster.
Howler effects missing. No night time effects and the sound is not noticeable as its covered by the horn sound.. As a side note, though its not a bug per say, when playing necro the wolf effects are covered up by the necro horn effects so hardly notiecable.
I wonder if they are ever going to fix Howler? It’s one of the most talked about items and it seems they don’t give a crap about players.
Players reading this please make bug reports asking the devs to fix a problem they created. Their graphics and effects have nothing better to do than to make sounds worse (warhorn recently) and “fix” thing that were not broken like necro axe1 animation which everyone agrees looks horrible now. They spend time on that but can’t spend a little time fixing the effects on one of the Legendary weapons. Do you know how much time and resources people have spent to make this and you kitten all over them with a big middle finger up.
Can we start a campaign that reaches out past the people who have either made Howler or intend to make Howler? Everyone ask your guild mates to file bugs related to this and ask them to post on the board. If everyone got 10% of their guildies to reply this the devs would be overwhelmed with messages and possibly have to take action even its its just to say kitten. At least that would be a response.
I also started a thread in the Bugs forum and replied to the Sticky bug thread about items. Please go there and reply and post as well. Maybe they can ignore this 1 thread but if its in an essential section for them (where bugs are reported) they will have to see it even more than here.
Or.. as you can see.. they can just ignore the thread on bug section for 7 months.
I’m fed up. Screw Anet and the Howler. It’s been almost a year now. If they are too stubborn to understand that there are players who likes this warhorn, well, I’m out of here. I’ll just make the classic ascended one and keep my money and everything I have been saving during three years. If at least they’d communicate with us, answering to this topic at least ONCE to tell us that they are trying to fix it… But they don’t even do it! What’s the point?
(edited by Absolom.4931)
If anyone is at TwitchCon 2015 they should ask the Devs about this.
I’m fed up. Screw Anet and the Howler. It’s been almost a year now. If they are too stubborn to understand that there are players who likes this warhorn, well, I’m out of here. I’ll just make the classic ascended one and keep my money and everything I have been saving during three years. If at least they’d communicate with us, answering to this topic at least ONCE to tell us that they are trying to fix it… But they don’t even do it! What’s the point?
Yeah even to say “We know there’s a problem but we’re busy with HoT so as soon as that’s done we’ll look into it” would make us all satisfied for a while. Ignoring the problem and the players is adding fuel to the fire.
Anet, when are we getting a howler fix?
I guess they’re are not…..
It’s extremely low priority for them. The Dreamer is also extremely buggy and the sounds don’t work for it.
i wish they just remove the horn sound when u use howler so can hear the howl xD same with necros
The biggest thing kittening people off about it is that they don’t even acknowledge it. A post on the forums that they know about it and will fix it when they can would suffice.
Anet, when are we getting a howler fix?
Yeah keep bumping this. And the threads in the bug section. If this topic stays at the top long enough maybe we have a shot to get it fixed.
The biggest thing kittening people off about it is that they don’t even acknowledge it. A post on the forums that they know about it and will fix it when they can would suffice.
some ppl got problems with the dreamer to and howler < the weapons ( legendary ) should be something special but they dont care idk why
Just wanted to add my voice to it. I recently made the weapon and I was honestly left with a very bad taste in my mouth. It doesn’t feel Legendary. Merely a fancier Black Lion weapon skin with swapable stats. The footprints are barely noticeable, if they are even triggered which is not all the time unlike other legendaries.
A for effort
I would suggest to anyone making this weapon to hold back until it gets the modifications it deserves. It currently is not worth all the sweat and time I invested into it.
The biggest thing kittening people off about it is that they don’t even acknowledge it. A post on the forums that they know about it and will fix it when they can would suffice.
some ppl got problems with the dreamer to and howler < the weapons ( legendary ) should be something special but they dont care idk why
I don’t understand it myself. I mean its a HUGE part of the game. LOT’S of people play the game as much as they do mainly to craft their Legendary. Some players even spend money for gems to purchase things to help them grind for mats or even convert gold to buy mats for crafting. Then when you kitten on them by screwing up the look of the Legendary you make them not want to play anymore. It’s sad the ANET doesn’t understand what makes their players happy. The only thing keeping so many players is lack of a subscription fee. I’m not saying the game is crap but the Devs are so out of touch it’s not funny. Like the saying goes “it’s the little things that matter”.
(edited by Akrasia.5469)
Just wanted to add my voice to it. I recently made the weapon and I was honestly left with a very bad taste in my mouth. It doesn’t feel Legendary. Merely a fancier Black Lion weapon skin with swapable stats. The footprints are barely noticeable, if they are even triggered which is not all the time unlike other legendaries.
A for effort
I would suggest to anyone making this weapon to hold back until it gets the modifications it deserves. It currently is not worth all the sweat and time I invested into it.
I’m in the same boat as you. I just completed it a couple weeks ago and was super excited to be in the Legendary club.. then after the initial excitement disappointment set in. After some research to find what happened to all the cool effects I read about on the wiki, I find that they totally ruined this “Legendary weapon” UGGG.
Please keep this thread on top.
No, they won’t.
They don’t give a kitten about it.
They busy doing random stuff on the poor expansion pack.
Get over it
Anet, when are we getting a howler fix?
Yeah keep bumping this. And the threads in the bug section. If this topic stays at the top long enough maybe we have a shot to get it fixed.
its just a feature not a bug^^
Anet, when are we getting a howler fix?
Yeah keep bumping this. And the threads in the bug section. If this topic stays at the top long enough maybe we have a shot to get it fixed.
its just a feature not a bug
It’s because of a bug they got rid of Howler’s cooler features but they never brought them back or compensated with something equally cool
In case my post gets deleted when I quote you, I reply this way.
How sensitive can one be to feel offended by this post? I don’t see any unrespectful or unconstructive feedback, just another attempt to censor things they don’t want to read. You name a bug and the fact that it doesn’t get fixed no matter how often or how many ppl ask for it, nothing wrong happened there. Maybe it is not unconstructive but rather “unwanted” feedback? It would be nice to add this word in the “How-to-Give-Good-Feedback” topic ;p Sorry for being a bit sassy, but this just screams for it
BBT: I will also keep bumping this until we get some “constructive” feedback from ArenaNet why they don’t feel like adressing this issue. My last bump was deleted because, you guessed right, no constructive feedback. So here is my construcitve feedback for this post: Howler had the effect, but is now less stylish than before so readding the effect would be appreciated.
edt: Holy cow, I forgot to remind them of the farting sound. A legendary weapon shouldn’t sound like this.
(edited by ShelBlackblood.7826)
And don’t forget about footprints..
On howler they are on 80% of the time almost extremely hard to notice.. and on the other 20% they are just not there at all.
The moon effect that once was implemented with the wolf is gone. It looked great and now is just not there.
The wolf effect when you use it vanidhes to fast and can barely be recognised by players.. they should last a bit longer and maybe get redesigned to actually look more similar to a wolf.
Depending on the situation if you are running it just look like a cloud of dust that came out of the horn.
The sound is just terribad.
Thats for warhorn in general.
Legendary could use a unique sound but all warhorns needs a new sound cause this is so bad
Sorry to bump this again, but since it got moved from general discussion to the bug section, then fused with some topic from 2014 aaaand didn’t appear on the first bug page automatically, I feel…. weirdly responsible to pull this thing back up.
The fixes I still would like to see:
- Nighteffect returns
- A new, more “horn-sounding” audio. (Honestly, I can’t take those farthorns anymore, they are driving me insane x_X and I have to show my insanity on the forum from time to time if this doesn’t change)
- Footsteps should be more visible, ty BassHunteR to add this
I saved up alot of gold for an anniversary characterslot sale that never happened, now I can use that money to finally start making my first legendary. Howler is a candidate on that list that should not be excluded because bugs make the weapon less exciting than a random exotic.
Now that this thread and several others regarding Howler are merged, dare we hope for an official dev response? I don’t like bumping threads for the sake of it, but I don’t want this one to get lost in the swarm of other bugs.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.