Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: blackthorne.4653


It seems unbeatable at level 16. The NPC’s keep dying off, and I get mobbed.

If I die and select “start from checkpoint” I can end up beating it, however, if I beat the end boss, nothing happens. Before beating the boss, I’d have to resurrect all the NPC’s and complete it. After I beat the end-boss the NPC’s congregate together and there is no one I can talk to or even an icon to leave the instance.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Tml.6835


What’s your race?

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


You need to say what race and options you picked when you made your character, or what the name of the personal story quest is: personal story is not by profession, it’s by race and creation choices. (ie: charr, blood legion, honorable father)

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: blackthorne.4653


human, uhhh, don’t really remember the rest. I think orphan, and fighter something like that.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


You can find out which options you chose by checking your story tab in the hero screen.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blackthorne.4653


Yeah, but in any case, what does what I selected matter?

As I mentioned, I have completed the quest after I’ve selected restart from checkpoint. I’d run back, resurrect some soldiers, and beat the boss. After I do, the NPC’s just gather with no one to talk to or any way to complete it.

The difficulty seems secondary as I am able to complete it, but not actually finish, that’s my main issue.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Fenyx.9760


What you selected determines what quests you go on. We can’t help you and ArenaNet can’t fix the problem because you haven’t given enough information to determine what quest you are actually on.

Most useful would be the name of the quest. It is in the upper right corner of your screen next to the green dot.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


Because the only description you have right now is “level 16 guardian story quest.”

There is more than one level 16 guardian story quest. Until we know -which- level 16 “guardian story quest” you’re on, it’s going to be very difficult for anyone to assist you, be that the players or ANet themselves.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blackthorne.4653


Because the only description you have right now is “level 16 guardian story quest.”

There is more than one level 16 guardian story quest. Until we know -which- level 16 “guardian story quest” you’re on, it’s going to be very difficult for anyone to assist you, be that the players or ANet themselves.

ahh, one of the things I didn’t know since I wasn’t able to look at any kind of forum until today sorry for my misunderstanding.

the name….I’m not sure, I’m at work at the moment so I’m not able to check but I’m a human, and I have to stop the white lions I think they are. You get split into 2 groups to attack this leader when a guy gives the signal. you go through a cut scene and he tells you to attack. you have a few archers, some soldiers, this guy THACKERY (i think his name is) and a couple of mages with you.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: DownyTif.2140


Can’t comment on your quest, though I wanted to say something. I’m a human Guardian, level 25 (up-to-date in personal quest) and I have no idea what you are talking about, which is great!

Even with the same class and race, my experience is totally different than yours!

Fenris Snowborn – 80 Guardian
MadCast Gaming [MCG] [SoR]

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Ramei.2715


Do you mean White Mantle?

The sylvari Mirror, Mirror quest is horrible. Its harder than 16. I had to get a pug to complete it on my ele.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Kazak.8459


Seems to me most personal quests are hard if done too early. If your quest is in red, don’t attempt it. It’s too hard.

I like to do my quests when I am 1 or 2 levels above the suggested level or on the suggested level.

Also, you could always bring a friend or a guildie to help you with your Personal Story.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blackthorne.4653


Do you mean White Mantle?

The sylvari Mirror, Mirror quest is horrible. Its harder than 16. I had to get a pug to complete it on my ele.

YES, the white mantle!! I don’t think that’s the exact quest, but as soon as you get into the instance, you have to walk over to a bunch of NPC’s then you all split into two groups and wait for this conversation to happen where you’re told to attack.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: blackthorne.4653


The Sting is the name of the quest.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Do you mean White Mantle?

The sylvari Mirror, Mirror quest is horrible. Its harder than 16. I had to get a pug to complete it on my ele.

I found the sylvari Mirror, Mirror quest to be quite easy, actually. A lot depends on picking the right strategy and gear that isn’t too underlevelled for the instance.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Ramei.2715


Mirror, Mirror is not easy at all. The Golems are useless and the other NPCs are little better. There’s no strategy. There’s just a mob of destroyers that can’t be pulled, unlike in GW1. The quest after Mirror, Mirror was fun. Mirror, Mirror was not.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

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Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

The golems are useless, yes – but I didn’t have much trouble pulling. The only problem I had is that I always pulled multiple – but each pull I could kill several of them.

I do agree that it would be more fun if those golems were more useful, though…