MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Fallen.4317



World versus world has become practically unplayable at times since the patch. This has affected all players from every server, especially T1 and T2. People are actually quitting the game until expansion because of the horrible server lag that we’re experiencing.

Any fight scenario with 25+ players on each side ends in utility, weapon skills, and weapon swaps being unable to be used completely, or having upwards of 10 second delays on their activation. There is no dodge-lag, so it is not the latency/internet connection, it has to do with the recognition and activation of player skills en masse.

I just ask that you fine ladies and gentlemen at ArenaNet bump this issue up your priorities list, or you’ll have a large portion of players who mainly WvW having an inability to play your game until a fix arises. Thanks.

Syndictive [Syn] #1 GvG Guild NA pre- Heart of Thorns
[Syn] Leader/Driver – Retired.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Fallen.4317



can we please at least get some recognition that this is an issue…………..

Syndictive [Syn] #1 GvG Guild NA pre- Heart of Thorns
[Syn] Leader/Driver – Retired.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: johnno.7543


I think that we deserve a response as far as to wether you are trying to fix this lag. Even if you aren’t planning on fixing it, the right thing to do would be to tell us all that, so we can uninstall Guild Wars 2 off our computer and move on to a different game. Not saying anything at all to all these posts/complaints about Lag is pretty much giving your player base the middle finger, and you still expect people to go out and buy the GW2 expansion when we know how you will handle our complaints after it is realeased. The fact that nothing has been said at all, not even acknowledged by the Guild Wars 2 staff is very insulting and not the way you would treat a customer if you plan on keeping their business. Don’t you think you should have the courtesy to atleast tell us if you plan on fixing this or can’t fix it before people go put money in your pockets for an expansion for a broken game that may never be fixed?

This has been happening every single night when i play wvw, I and everyone else in the map experience skill lag between 1-10 seconds long. This began happening right after the patch that changed how stability worked. Every night since then i have had the same horrible skill lag and have listened to everyone in teamspeak and in mapchat complaining about the same issue. As far as where im seeing this well, It happens on every WvW map.

Syndictive Exalt-human warrior
[Syn] Syndictive

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: zedixa.4063


It’s pretty obvious the lag in WvW is due to the fact that the server now has to do additional stability calculations for every player that uses a stability skill.

Lol, pretty amusing to see Anet making a change to their game that they can’t even handle.

Syndictive [Syn]
- Zed

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Sausagez.3519


I would really like to see this problem solved because i play on blackgate and the lag can be very unbearable when i play the game since the fights there are always so large.


MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: ThePlague.6192


Just went into WVW and it was unplayable the lag was so bad. Please address this issue. Skills are nonexistent not just lag its way over the top.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Morabi.4568


I can agree. The skill lag has been enormous. I actually have been finding excuses to play other games because of this as well. While I can understand that it may be bearable for some people, it is not for me. The skill delay as said before makes the game borderline unplayable.

Now some people have brought up that Anet is too worried about the expansion to fix anything regarding current issues, especially ones that deal with WvW. I think at this point the ones complaining are only trying to help make sure that the issue is noticed and therefor, it can be fixed. I really like this game but me and many others will not be playing while the lag remains as bad as it is. I have my ideas of what might cause it but that is Anet’s job, and that is why we buy gems to support them.

We aren’t asking for an immediate fix as we understand the need to deliver on the X-Pack promise, only someone to acknowledge that this is an issue and that it will be worked on in the near future.

Anyone trying to use their skills in WvW.

Sea of Sorrows – [EP]
It’s time to end this with Tempestoso.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Nate.3927


as weird as this may sound, I actually haven’t experienced any skill lag in the past 24 hours. Just like everybody else I did experience massive problems prior to that though where everything takes like 10 seconds.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Crabtree.3809


www == no money for anet so who cares what we want, lets make a new pve thing and add more outfits for ppl to buy yaaay

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: evalana.2514


Seriously. I’ve hardly ever had any skill lag but the past week… holy crap. I can’t even do anything but run around. So over it…

Eva Needs Swiftness – Necro – SoS

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Enox.5870


Bumping because relevant!

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Tyyphoon.5301


Bump. As I’ve said in another similar thread...this is an exigent and crucial issue, as experienced by all WvW players, especially those in T1 (and possibly T2). Please attend to this, ANet. Thank you.

Tyyphóón (Lv 80 Thief) | Mini Tyy (Lv 80 Ele) [Maguuma]
Mag is the No.1 killer of WvW. -Exciton.8942
What does not kill me, makes me stronger. -Nietzsche

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Leery.2976


The skill lag is the worst that its been since the old days of attacking sm and standing around staring at each other waiting for your skills to go off. Add on top of it a massive problem with rubber banding as well, making it that much harder to coordinate midfight and even before engaging. Nothing like getting stuck in statics in wells and your stability skill just deciding to not work =/

Leery – Ehmry Bay
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Nevz.3058


True story, it is a normal day in the life of GW2 for me. Although I will have to agree with it getting worse with every god kitten patch.

Apex Prime [APeX] (dead), Critical Mass [CM] (dead)
The Disaster [TheD] (dead), Baewatch [Bae] (dead)

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: robotempire.2451


This “stability changes are causing the lag” meme is pretty cringe-worthy. Yeah I can see where the meme comes from, it kind of makes sense, but huge pieces of software like an MMO are so complex. 99.999% of the playerbase, let alone those that post on the forums (including me), are deep in “don’t know what I don’t know” territory. Get mad about the lag, sure, but don’t get your anger about the lag tied up in whether or not it was introduced by the stability change. Software devs reading this know what I mean. There’s usually some insane Rube Goldberg machine behind lowered performance after a patch, and the “simple” answer isn’t the right one… usually.

Anyway, regardless, maybe it is the stability changes, probably not, but who gives a hoot? The fact of the matter the lag is absolutely off the charts. I mean, sporadically over the past couple of years you might get serious skill lag of this magnitude. It might even be bad for a whole night (probably reset night). If I recall correctly a few months back it was pretty bad, bad enough that ANet responded.

But now this is a horse of a different color. The severe lag is sustained for hours, every night, on every server where there’s more than — just pulling a number out — 120 players (40 on each side). Like others said, I just want to have some acknowledgement of the problem and a note that it’s being fixed.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I have the worse internet in the history of internets. Seriously, 56k is probably better than the kitten that i’m using. That said…

The Server respone time in this game is terrible. I’ll give Anet a benefit of a doubt and say that its due to all the intricate mechanics like condi ticks, buffs, damage etc that’s all pinging at once… I feel the servers can do better at relaying this information. I don’t know anything about MMO servers in comparison to, say, call of duty’s dedicated servers. But I don’t lag on those games under heavy 10v10 matches. In GW2 I lag under 2v2 matches!
Somethings gotta give.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Morabi.4568


Lets just add this in here

Under observation of the last 2 years it seems a pattern has become apparent…

1. Game is Laggy
2. Patch: Game is more laggy
3. Players complain game is laggy
4. Players complain more
5. Patch: Game is not laggy
6. Patch: Game is laggier
7. Players complain game is laggy
8. Patch: Game is Laggier
9. Players threaten to leave game.
10. Patch: Game is not Laggy

Sea of Sorrows – [EP]
It’s time to end this with Tempestoso.

(edited by Morabi.4568)

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Wyrdhare.6890


It’s not just WvW anymore; I experience heavy skill delays in PvE (like Frostgorge Sound and Cursed Shore) as well.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Chronos.1046


You know what the WvW community could use right now? A lag fix, but no in all seriousness that won’t happen, but we could use some kittening feedback. Last time we heard from any dev/wvw admin/community manager about this matter was 3 months ago, yeah 3 kitten months.

Losing hope in all things WvW related because there is no communication, please Anet do a better job. Fire some people, hire some people. Just don’t ignore us, because that kittenes us off even more than saying “soon™”

But hell who am I kidding they won’t read this, in fact they might but i’ll most likely just get an infraction for using their trademark word.. at least they would’ve read it

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

I think the servers having to account for all the extra incoming stab and losing stab is having a much bigger effect than they expected. I’m not sure if that’s the reasoning for it, but I believe it’s the case, as I THINK that they said condi caps going above 25 would cause more stress on the servers, and this is basically the same thing.

But yeah, skill lag is much more prevalent since that patch for me and everyone on my server it seems like on any fight.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: bananaeater.1385


A-net, this lag is one of the biggest problems in WvW right now and has been for the past 7 MONTHS, but it has never been as bad as now since the stability changes, my guild has had to cancel 2 raids in this week alone because any encounter with any other guild caused 10 second skill lag and made it completely unplayable, please fix this.

Officer in [echo] armored spearhead on Piken Square
Sucker for WvW

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: gavyne.6847


This is quite strange, a year ago I posted a video I uploaded about skill lag. And it was almost exactly a year ago (March 30, 2014). Here’s the video:

Anet actually fixed the skill lag issue within a few weeks after that post.

So I uploaded a new vid showing the skill lag, hopefully they can fix the issues this time as well.

Fingers crossed. The issue seems to happen whenever 3 servers are in close vicinity, even if 1 server stands off to the side while 2 others engaged each other. I love WvW but I dread any 3-way battles right now. Please fix Anet, thank you.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: adrielle.2109


I’m not sure that it’s fair of us to blame the server lag completely on the new stability change. I’m sure it isn’t (that) complex of an equation that it would cause 1-5 second skill delays for everyone.

However, I think we can all agree that whatever IS causing it needs to be addressed by Anet immediately.

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Relakos.6439


Bump for relevance, seeing as WvW is the only gamemode that I enjoy and its now basically unplayable.

Relokas the Hammer | Tempest Wolves [TW]

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: TrueNoodles.3850


The lag in wvw this week is probably the worst I’ve experienced on this game. It would take me about 20-30 button mashes just to pop out my heal.

Mesmer – Amras Inglorion[BLNT][Ae]

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Lawrencii.1356


75% chances are it is all Fallen’s fault.

In any case, I gave up on WvW this week.

Fix my game mode please.

¬ I A Euphy ¬ SoS ¬

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Zakuti.4672


Bump, still no changes after the stability patch

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: MadBomber.3719


terribad lag is bad. Anet if you want meta to be blobs at least make it lagfree blobs. come on.

shit guardian on maguuma

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: beeefcaake.4236


Bump. The lag has made T1 unplayable during NA. Skills queue up but nothing comes out, and the only thing that anyone can do with certainty is their auto attack 1 skill. Please fix this ASAP or at least acknowledge the issue; it’s really killing the remaining good will any players have left in your company/game.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: arron.7348


even on lower tier servers, the lag is ridiculous. i couldn’t even stay connected to the game last night, i disconnected at least once every 15 minutes

traceroute shows that the server simply halts sending packets, but continues to receive them from me

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Kvothe.1467


It’s cuz we ain’t playing the game mode the way Anet wants us to play it.

Learn to WvW the way they intended or get out!!

I feel emotions when I think about you.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Kvothe.1467


….or decrease server caps…

I feel emotions when I think about you.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Sergie.7865


Ok Anet…for crying out loud..the lag is stunningly obvious and bad. It did happen after the stab changes. Not sure that is the reason but that’s not the point. I have good gear, great connectivity but for any reasonable sized fight in WvW there is at least a 2-5 second lag. pooooor. Please fix.

Svid -FiST – SoS – “Here Since the Earth Cooled”

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: WhimsicalWalrus.9760


skills are taking 5-20 seconds to activate…. honestly you can barely even auto attack half the time
I don’t experience any lag in any other game modes but I barely see the point of logging on anymore

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Reverence.6915


Fix your cacking servers or get new ones ANet, pls. It’s unplayable in WvW right now

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: casantis.3106


Horrible lag in WvW, i am from Fort Aspenwood… but i think is the same in the others servers.

Por la Razón o la Fuerza [CL]

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Has anyone here run the TraceRoute as suggested in Anet’s “Lag/Latency” guide?

It seems that players from all over the world, including most NA players, are being routed through the same IP address in France, & seeing the majority of their problems start there. The IP address is , so if you run Anet’s Diagnostic Test, check to see if you are being sent through that IP, especially if you are located in an area (or continent) where there should be no reason that you would be sent through a French IP to get to your servers.

PS – this same IP address was popping up in player complaints on these forums the last time that Skill Lag was unbearable, roughly 1 year ago.

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Zaruna.3812


Has anyone here run the TraceRoute as suggested in Anet’s “Lag/Latency” guide?

It seems that players from all over the world, including most NA players, are being routed through the same IP address in France, & seeing the majority of their problems start there. The IP address is , so if you run Anet’s Diagnostic Test, check to see if you are being sent through that IP, especially if you are located in an area (or continent) where there should be no reason that you would be sent through a French IP to get to your servers.

PS – this same IP address was popping up in player complaints on these forums the last time that Skill Lag was unbearable, roughly 1 year ago.

That IP is unreachable for me atm, so if I were to passby there I wouldn’t be able to log at all. They don’t change the routing themselfs, and the rubberbanding and more lag happend after the stability change patch. I’d look at that first, 1: The stability change sucks, 2: The stability patch made me lag more, revert it, it did nothing good for the game.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Menaka.5092


Skill lag has been really horrible in the last few days, and it’s not network lag like I had in the past, since it affects everyone at the same time (and my guild has players from all Europe).

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: GROMIT.7829


role back the patch to before stab changes, listen to your community, stop cherry picking crap that makes you look good and stop burying valid complaints about your quite frankly woefull community support.

There are MMO betas i’m playing with the capacity to handle greater numbers in one area than you god kitten awful server provider.

You’re killing the one part of the game you’re playing up with a new map and you don’t even see it, your company is like a child with it’s fingers in it’s ears going lalalalalalalala.

GROW UP and fix your game, coz in comparison to every other game i play (of which they are varied and many) your company is by far the most dismissive, disrespectful, inept and incompitent i’ve seen so far, even EA’ handling of Battlefield 4 is better than yours of any problem in this entire games history.

you made an amazing game now do us the courtesy of fixing it while we continue to dump more money into your gem store, Which btw is a form of support and not a license to do what the hell you want. We invested money in your game now it would be nice if you treated us with the same respect you treat your share holders.


(edited by GROMIT.7829)

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: JediYoda.1275


about 5 sec lag, watching treb hit the wall of a tower then about 5 sec later the wall takes damage after impact.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Wandering Quill.7689

Wandering Quill.7689

Just bumping this again.

I’ve been fighting this skill lag and random disconnects ever since the latest patch. This is my favorite game and I’ve put in quite a bit of REAL money as well as almost 4 hours daily to play.

But as of today (when I lost out on ALL my dailies after an hour of disconnects and skill lag rendering me not getting credit and random deaths to Level 11 trash mobs……)

Basially, I’m going on hiatus until the next patch comes out. And if it doesn’t get fixed after that and we’re not getting any response to these issues, then maybe it’s time to try another mmo. Heck, some of my friends do ESO and i’ve turned them down because GW is my obsession, but i’m about ready to try it. at least I’d get to play something.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Hambone.4267


Blackgate here. I just came back after nearly 2 years out of game – to find it the same; WvWvW is the best and only interesting part of GW2 it’s sad to see it in the same state I left it in (changes seem to be 10x currency inflation matched by rank inflation and 1 horrible PvE map that is inexplicably in the WvWvW queue).

This problem existed when I left and I was hoping that it had been fixed by now. Popular opinion on BG TS and elsewhere seems to be that it had been and has made a comeback to how it was in Beta, aka unplayable (I didn’t play Beta so I don’t know, I got the game on release day).

The matches are fun until you get more than about 20 v 20 and the really big 3 way fights of 50 v 50 v 50 or so are a joke since no one can do anything. Please fix it. Your CS department needs some serious house cleaning as well. Having someone I contact via email say someone will contact me in game and then a week later no one has followed up in any way is unacceptable and doesn’t lubricate wallets.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: MidgetMonk.5487


T5 EU – Unplayable when 3 servers meet, Cant cast skills – reminds me of T1 3Way Lords room fights.. Fix it.

Leader of [RiOT] The Civil Rebels.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: PulsarianDevil.8125


Signed. Large-scale WvW is unplayable right now.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: geezy.3501


BUMP—-so much lag in WvW since last patch

Asami Sato

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Luvpie.8350


lag has been terrible since stability patch…

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Relakos.6439


bump (15 char message limit rly?)

Relokas the Hammer | Tempest Wolves [TW]

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Sol.6213


T1 NA. Small fights you can move normally and activate skills.

Large scale fights, somewhere in the range of 100 opponents, skill lag gets to the point where many skills won’t ever activate.

Movement seems to be relatively unaffected.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

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Posted by: Smartcat.2130


T2 NA and OCX fights almost impossible to play. I’m taking the week off and focusing on farming some gold and doing some good ol’ pvp.
But if this isn’t acknowledged soon I’m just gonna quit. There are plenty more mmo’s out there.

define normal…