Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: jportell.2197


All over the mesmer forums there are accounts of the illusionary beserker (GS#4) Hitting for significantly less damage than before the feb 26th patch… Please can a Dev or CC or SOMEONE confirm or deny that this is a bug? Killing the damage of this attack severely weakens a GS mesmers damage output since it is easily the highest source of damage for this weapon. We need answers ASAP.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Please communicate about that issue with us. Is it a bug, is it intended? If yes: Why isn’t anything about that in the patch notes?

Jsut be nice to your mesmers :-)

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Oh, another thing. Please (if in any way possible) do not need such a long time to fix him (again) as it took last time. We know you are busy, but precisely because the berserker is broken again it should have a very high priority to get fixed.

Thanks. <3

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Jester.1236


I to, am interested in an answer on this.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: jportell.2197


Well hopefully something is said soon… Anet respond please you have more than a few concerned mesmer players on your hands atm.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


I am very interested in this as well, along with illusionary leap now being bugged and not applying cripple since the patch, as well as no blast finisher on the prestige now. All of these bugs will just go unnoticed and never fixed if ANET doesn’t see this.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: jportell.2197


Then we must keep this bumped to the first page as much as possible… The Presitge fix made it to where it is no longer a finisher, iLeap no longer applies cripple, and zerker damage is reduced… If there are any more bugs that have been noticed keep them posted here… It seems to get the most response from devs on issues…

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Aylaine.1036


I would enjoy an answer on this too. It feels out of place honestly. Zerkers do great damage but have a long cooldown between attacks. I think the patch messed something up honestly.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: kerona.3465


My zerker used to do damage similar to my other clones. Now it does less than 1/3.

What gives ANet?

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Nova.8021


After a few dungeon runs I believe I have found the problem. He appears to be missing a hit that previously he was almost guaranteed to make.

I base this on the notion that I was doing about 2k less which is about what he does per hit and I did see him do his usual damage, but only once so it does appear to be bugged. Also, he isn’t carrying the master’s sword when he spawns anymore which I hate.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: oruma.4092


some reply, better a hotfix would be ace

last time it took u 2 month to fix damage

i dont see why u permanent nerf/bug berserker dmg. i play sword i like the style and without propper berserker dmg its kinda pointless

how about screwing some other classes, bug backstab i.e, bet majority wouldnt complain about that ty

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Beachead.4127


Myself and two other mesmer buddies have all noticed the iberserker decrease in damage. It is hitting for about 50-60% less in damage then before. Can we please get an update or something that Anet is looking into this?

I used to hit for 6k-8k damage before on it. Now the max i have seen has been about 3k.

Ullrok – Warrior
Ullrom – Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: captaincrunch.6731


I think it misses (partially) more often now. I occasionally still get the 6-8k hits, just far less often.

(edited by captaincrunch.6731)

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Navi.7142


How about an update? :-)

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: jportell.2197


So there is no mis perception here it has been confirmed… Its the weekend these guys are prolly off but we expect answers on Monday… How many builds does this kill? Well any build that uses a greatsword which is a large population of mesmers…

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: PadmaN.7820


Confirming that damage is wayyy lower than pre patch. Anet fix this !

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Navi.7142


It has to be a bug. Otherwise they would have stated the changes in the patch notes.
We understand that it is quite confusing when one tries to have the mesmer and his illusionary friend berserker under control and they do things by themselves you never intentionally would have done (or even expected). (like last time..)
So the thing is: say it is a bug, say you will fix it and everything will be alright.
Yeah? <3

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: jportell.2197


Well let us keep this thread up and running until a response is made… In the mean time I am trying to defend mesmers from sPvP forum warriors claiming that they are still OP beyond belief even with the insane bugs that break builds in this patch.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Meh, I am mostly interested in the PVE mesmer. The pve mesmer has to stay viable. Whatever they do to the oh-so-mighty-pvp-mesmer they shall do, but keep it separated from the pve mesmer.

And to be on topic: The pve mesmer is not viable if they (unintentionally) change the berserker damage.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jportell.2197


Meh, I am mostly interested in the PVE mesmer. The pve mesmer has to stay viable. Whatever they do to the oh-so-mighty-pvp-mesmer they shall do, but keep it separated from the pve mesmer.

And to be on topic: The pve mesmer is not viable if they (unintentionally) change the berserker damage.

I do mainly WvW but the only change to Mesmer that was split is the confusion other than that any Mesmer change to cater to pvp carebears has affected my game play elsewhere and until ANET fixes that I will voice my concerns… If it does get split.. then nerf PvP Mesmer into the ground for all I care..

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: oruma.4092


Meh, I am mostly interested in the PVE mesmer. The pve mesmer has to stay viable. Whatever they do to the oh-so-mighty-pvp-mesmer they shall do, but keep it separated from the pve mesmer.

And to be on topic: The pve mesmer is not viable if they (unintentionally) change the berserker damage.

I do mainly WvW but the only change to Mesmer that was split is the confusion other than that any Mesmer change to cater to pvp carebears has affected my game play elsewhere and until ANET fixes that I will voice my concerns… If it does get split.. then nerf PvP Mesmer into the ground for all I care..

signed spvp which i still dont think anyone gives a s*

game shouldnt be balanced at all arround it, if you want esports then seperate it of the rest of the game

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Kusa.6438


I have noticed two MAJOR bugs that has me putting my mesmer on the shelf (my main since day one) until its fixed.

iZerker damage has been DRASTICALLY nerfed.
Illusionary leap no longer cripples foes.

I refuse to change my play style… the staff play style is horrible.


Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: zaxon.6819


not sure why they are so active the day or 2 after the patch then just go on vacation and refuse to reply to anything. say if the change was intended. say what your plan is for the future of the ability. soon as a tear hit the floor about the torch bug there was a response.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Arosa.2647


It’s weekend, don’t expect an answer till tomorrow xD

[DA] Disaster Area | [HiNe] Hijos de Némesis
Togame la Estratega – Engineer
Marga Sorin – Druid

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: oruma.4092


well hopefully we get an answer tomorrow this is a pretty big issue when u play 2 handed sword

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Would love to see an answer to this. I don’t expect one, but I would love to see it.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Wryn.7089


Oh my… I really hope it’s just a bug. I really love my GS… Y_Y

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: jportell.2197


GS is fun and we have other options but we shouldn’t be forced to choose other options simply because the one we enjoy most was destroyed.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Kusa.6438


Has there not been any response by anet yet? I need to know if I should start making a new main.

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

It’s the weekend; if they respond, it won’t be until late on Monday probably.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Any dev has some news related to the berserker bug for us?

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


The more I play the more I notice iBeserker is bugging out. The damage has dropped immensely on it, making the greatsword a pretty bad choice right now.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


No hotfix for this. The only hotfixes mesmer gets are gcds to our shatters. A temporary fix that has no sign of going away….

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Cid.6301


Is it just me or does the warrior’s whirlwind attack also deal less hits now :O

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Kusa.6438


So it’s monday… Do you think anet will even acknowledge this?

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Bluedarknesss.1685


Come on A-net let us know whats going on!

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Beachead.4127


Can we please get a response on if this is being looked at? Not only is the damage down but they removed the finisher on it. Why? And can we get an explanation

Ullrok – Warrior
Ullrom – Mesmer

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Harbinger.9645


Darn, was hoping we would have some extra information on this today. Just want to know if it was intentional or not. Anet, you guys really need a better way of managing your patch note information.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

Mesmer illusionary zerker Nerf?

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Posted by: Moderator


The bug reports subforum is only for reporting in-game bugs. As this is not a bug report, this thread will be closed.

If you would like to discuss game changes, please post in the appropriate sub-forum.