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Posted by: mathos.1078


I’ve been trying to get a group for a dungeon’s story mode for like 3 days now – and this issue obviously affects everyone since the entrance of the dungeon looks kind of silent and gets empty very often… Looks like it really needs some fixing

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Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


This is what I did ingame when using MapChat:

/map Dynamic Event Here @ [Waypoint Name]! GOO South! =)

This worked well until suddenly I got a message that stopped me from using MapChat.
The message goes like this:
“Your message has been surppressed due to excessive messaging”

Okie… fine…

I come back 20min later and I still cant use MapChat…
“Your message has been surpressed due to excessive messaging”

I wait 1 day… and I try this 3x and it gave me the same problem until… it suddenly works again! yaay!

I guess Im not sure if this is a bug or if I’m being punished for using MapChat and letting people know where Dynamic Events are occuring when those areas lack people.

I find MapChat to help gather players this way much faster and easier. Soo I was wondering if this was a 1 time bug or if this was working as intended…

If this is how its suppose to work… Plz tell me how come there is a limitation to this?
Why cant we just report spammers instead?
And most importantly, How offten can I use MapChat before this “Suppressed” occurs?

Anyways, I feel like a hit a bug but in the same time, unsure if its a bug. But I do know it’s definantly bugging the hell out of me. xD

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Posted by: HarryWolfe.9024


okay well to add my voice to the melee, last message before getting blocked was half an hour after my SECOND “LFG AC story”, the second message was 10 minutes after the first message.

thats about forty minutes between the first and third message over /m.

I agree with having a spam filter on chat channels, but i kinda feel that the current version is overly heavy handed.

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Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Wow, just relogging out of the game fixed it for me, this is bad!

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Posted by: Genthar.4029


I and other’s have been hit by this too. It’s hard to tell what algorithm they’re using to do the auto-squelch, but it definitely needs some tweaking. It seems to be particularly aggressive about successive sends that are similar. So if you say the same basic thing more than a couple of times you’re likely to get squelched regardless of the content of the messages. (e.g. it makes it very difficult to find a group or fill out a group using /say or /map). The timing between the messages seems unusually long as well. If someone is spamming the same thing more than once every minute or two I can understand squelching them, but there are instances where people are getting squelched even after several minutes between messages.

Someone else seemed to think that the “timeout” period resets if you try too soon, which I think is a little ridiculous. They don’t tell you how long you’ll be squelched for, but they reset the squelch if you try to send too soon…

Anyway, you’re not alone in running into this issue. It just seems to be in the “low-priority” bug bin unfortunately.

(edited by Genthar.4029)

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Yeah, this issue is EXTREMELY IRRITATING when you are trying to find a group (say, for a dungeon).

If we can’t have an LFG tool, then this ‘algorithm’ needs to be re-worked.

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Why has this not been addressed? kitten #8230;

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Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


lol… I did NOT know this topic was already made… Good thing im not the only one here with this issue..

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Posted by: Artighur.4079


Have the same problem atm … 3 messages in 5 minutes is not spamming …

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Posted by: Zipline.6197


This is ridiculous. No- this is kitten I have never done a dungeon before, I wanted to do one before the Lost Shores event begins. I get blasted from chat. I now have NO WAY to join a group. The LFG system? It doesn’t say what you’re LFG for. I can’t even join regular conversations! Half an hour I’ve been trying and I got so frustrated I just logged out. This is customer service?

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Posted by: TheRudeDude.1596


Yesterday i got “muted” for posting a waypoint three times to three different people, who wanted to know where an event took place.
I fully understand (and support) an anti spamming system, but there is a fine line between making normal conversations and spamming the chat.
The lack of group-search doesnt help either.

It seems like a minor thing, but looking for a dungeon group is really annoying with this system.

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Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


That is just it dude, the Anti-Spam system is broke and just going crazy. Every time you publically chat, you risk being muted because of a technical malfunction. In other words.

There is another bloody bug in this game!

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Posted by: Thorigrim.1342


It seems like a lot of you want to run dungeons and have to post in LA for an entire group. This makes me sad. You need a good friendly Guild with people who actually play.

My guild hall is open to you my friends. (As long as you have a sense of humor and a basic concept of respect.) ^^

Oh and also— 60 mins is quite excessive in my opinion. 20 mins is the harshest I’d put on a player.

Thorigrim ~ Circle of Honor ~ Ferguson’s Crossing

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Posted by: iceey.1607


Wow, this is terrible. Send three messages over 20 minutes, and that’s excessive? How are you supposed to find dungeon groups?

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Posted by: Altas.9064


Epic fail. Forced to grind, ok, but forced to wait 20-60 minutes between messages is utterly bullkitten. How I’m supposed to find party then, for bloody kittening sake???

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Posted by: Steffhilton.9304


Same here, I can type in /y for like 4-5 times then banned for OVER 20 min, so i rly need to get ppl for my dungeons on those 4-5 times. But it always ends up me getting angry and logging out to play something else.

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Posted by: Rinbox.2570


I’ve been trying to find a group to dungeon with but I can’t say anything due to my messages being “suppressed for excessive messaging”. I’ve run into the suppression system before, but it only suppressed my messages for around 2 minutes or so, but I’ve been suppressed for over an hour now and I can’t find any dungeons because of this. Is this intended, or is it just a bug? If this is intended, I hope you will please reconsider this system because it prevents players from finding groups to dungeon with.

this is a very irritating point you bring up. there is no dungeon finding tool to help people put together groups yet your constant LFM or LFG messaging ends up in you being suppressed from chat. there is currently no real viable way to build a group for anything unless you get lucky on one of your first attempts at spamming chat. Unfortunately a dungeon tool is not in the works and i dont think this issue will improve anytime soon. only way i get around this is to have other people in my group start spamming chat in my place. frustrating to say the least

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Posted by: ZinTrollborn.7921


Adding my voice here. I was just roleplaying with people….thank you Anet. >_<

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Posted by: andiratyme.2634


Really hard to find dungeons this way. Also I accidentally sent some stuff to chat I didn’t mean to and found myself suppressed. This was several hours after I’d had trouble with finding a group for dungeons due to the same problem. I could understand it if I was posting it like 50 times in 2 minutes, but once every 2 minutes or so isn’t excessive.

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Posted by: Awkward.1286


I rarely even use MAP chat anymore because of this reason.

I have sent in a ticket a while ago for the same reasons posted above, with just the normal cookie response, nothing changed.
I guess it’s to help fix the gold seller spam in LA, but for some strange reason.. i don’t get the Suppression in LA.. so not sure how that works.

Seems kinda weird to restrict chat like this, especially with the lack of a dungeon/group finder thing other than that website.

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Posted by: Selvae.4301


Imho this issue could be solved with ease:
1. create a decent lfg tool or at least an lfg chat channel
2. add an option in the context menu of players name for reporting spam. Then after someone is reported by 15 different ppl he’s muted for five mins. if reported from 25 for 30 mins and so on with harder sanctions if the player’s conduct persist. It could even work by % of ppl in map( i.e if you get spamreported by the 20% of ppl present in your area you’re blocked for 30 mins and so on).

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Posted by: Gaveroth.3285


Good job killing end-game Guild War2 ArenaNet!

Hmmmm no LFG system like WoW and now you cripple the only means of forming dungeon groups. Do you hate your players?


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Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


Bump, Please give priority to this. Very frustrating when trying to make a party and the only way is supressed after 3 spaced messages(1 every 2 mins) in map chat.

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Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

Your Message Was Suppressed Due To “EXCESSIVE” messaging…..

Fix this bug NOW anet…..I’m getting suppressed for 5 MINUTES when I have asked for a group 4-5 times….with like a minute in between each message.

Logging doesn’t fix this either…..FIX THIS BUG NOW! IT’S RUINING FINDING GROUPS!

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Posted by: KratosAngel.7289

KratosAngel.7289 is your friend.
Thanks to it, say good bye to this boring error

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Posted by: beren.6048


A website you have to alt-tab to is hardly a good solution. A good lfg tool is a top priority must have in any game.

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Posted by: Raijjn.8256


I’ve noticed this is waay to sensitive, I’ve said LFG twice, 15 mins apart, and still got suppressed.. this is ridicules. and the website thing, that’s just stupid to have to go to an outside website just to find a group in game

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Posted by: Clair Simpson.5230

Clair Simpson.5230

I find this happens far to often when using ‘Say’ chat. I was doing grenth temple which as a war taking on shades is borderline suicidal mission sometimes I was just saying ty to the people kind enough to res me, said it twice then was forced to look like a thankless person when people did res me cause i had been excessively messaging apparently politeness to fellow players isn’t allowed either nowdays. This needs more filters to prevent things like this as on map chat someone was being abusive to other players for failing to keep Jonez alive and could keep going whereas someone saying ty was unable to speak.

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Posted by: nightfend.4072


I get this message all the time in WvW. Mostly from saying “ty” or “thanks” after someone saves me from death.

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Posted by: Darkorical.9213


mail suppression is also annoying when I am in a group and trying to pass out food to everyone I send two then have to wait to send more I wish there was some kind of system to give people items directly …. you know some kind of TRADE window

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Posted by: Fade.7658


I’m sitting in Lion’s Arch for around 15 minutes, and decide to try to find a fractals group. So I type “LFG Fractals level 4” and get the above “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging”.

I haven’t typed anything in any chat for at least 10-15 minutes but get that message immediately. Is there any aspect of this game that isn’t bugged?

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Posted by: Frvwfr.4307


Is there any aspect of this game that isn’t bugged?

Yeah, I think they spent about the first 3 weeks getting the chat censor working

So that one works at least.

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Posted by: Mininas.3197


This is getting annoying. Especially for making a guild. If you are trying to get new members you NEED to advertise. And if you come across someone, you can’t even use the “/say” chat. Just dumb.

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Posted by: Miriam Mjolnir.8619

Miriam Mjolnir.8619

for me, it was “no worries”. i was helping a new player, and he kept thanking me. every time he thanked me, i said “no worries”.

interestingly, HE didn’t get suppressed, despite saying “ty” exactly as often as i said “no worries”. so clearly this is entirely random.

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Posted by: Momentkiller.8304


I suffer from it terrible, I don’t even get the minute or two mute anymore. It is hours of the excessive messaging mute. I actually can’t even play anymore, because if i answer someone’s question in two many ways or add on bits and pieces i become muted. I try to do the Fractals of the Mist dungeon and I have been stuck on the same level for two weeks because every time i try and find a group after my second message, my chat rights are gone.

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Posted by: Vlix.7910


I am having the same prob, tryed to get into a grp with two post over 2 mins apart and am now suppressed, 30 mins and counting doesnt matter what map im in or charactor or even logging out I mean, really??!!

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Posted by: Rage Mourn.4280

Rage Mourn.4280

This is happening to me as well. I typed 2-3 LFGs for AC and got suppressed. This has got to be fixed! I have a very limited time to play the game and I need to find a group fast whether it’s on my lvl 80 warrior or Necro or my lvl 30 elementalist. I don’t have time to wait for the lock to leave.

If you are wanting to discourage this, GW, then fix the dungeon finder to where it is actually useful!

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Posted by: inscribed.6849


I got hit by this too. Tried helping someone on map chat find a missing POI, linked three and I was muted. Very annoying.

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Posted by: Darklordvyperx.3280


I got muted yesterday while LFG for 2 Tixx dungeons. After that, it was pretty much impossible for me to get into one of the dungeons after I got muted. It has been a full 24 hours since I got muted, and I am still muted. Thanks a lot GW2 for screwing me out of 2 days worth of Tixx dungeons.

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Posted by: Todd.8162


This bug must be fixed immediately.

It has been reported for months and has affected hundreds of players.

Being a cooperative and helpful player through sharing news of Events, seeking groups to join or simply saying “thank you” should NOT result in “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging.” COMMUNICATING HELPFUL INFORMATION IS NOT SPAM!!

I, for one, am thankful that most Map chatter is not frivolous, Twitter-like nonsense and that most people post SHORT messages of USEFUL information.

This bug must be fixed immediately.

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Posted by: Wise.8025


Happened to me recently as well. Thought I’d wait a couple of minutes, didn’t matter. Logged out and back in, didn’t matter. Went and explored LA and went afk, took about an hour, I was able to make 1 comment then was suppressed again… wtf.

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Posted by: MidgardSerpents.4158


You would think with this many people having issues with this they would make it a priority….i have enclountered soooo many problems with GW 2 …. I have been hit with the bancruptcy bug, locked out of Black lion trading for over a month now, killed bosses with no drops…Now i can not even chat with people….Sounds like its time to BOycott GW until a major fixx is done…….we can live with a color or sound on an item messing up and those get soved ASAP ….Get moving GW2 ….customer service makes or breaks a game ….ask the everquest people….whoops wait …there no longer their……

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Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Has this issue been fixed yet?

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

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Posted by: MarMaster.6241


Been hit by this in WvW (so they will probably say I am in the wrong forum). “Hills Timer 0:30”, “Hills timer 0:10”, “hill time 0:04” and then boom silenced for quite some time. Another stellar move by the chat system. Note the messages are not identical, but that seems to not slow down those clever folks.

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

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Posted by: Foxkoy.3821


I have only sent like 4 messages and it already says I can’t send any more messages. I’m trying to find a dungeon group and I can’t ask anyone if they want to join…

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Posted by: Obed.7629


When I started GW2, I saw that I had two mails from guidies thanking me for stuff I had sent them. Sending “you’re welcome” to the 2nd letter was suppressed because of excessive messaging.

This is broken. You need to recalibrate your spammer detection.

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Posted by: Nozphexezora.7168


I’m sure everybody understands that, judging from the title, I’m referring to that little message which pops up saying “your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging.” Granted, the message is employed to genuinely stop spam from griefers and gold farmers, but over the past few months it has stopped at nothing to hinder my gaming experience, as well as my role playing experience. Just about 4 or 5 weeks ago it started blocking my say/map/emote chat, despite little messaging while role playing; and slightly changing the words made no difference. I often had to wait 15 minutes just to speak again, before being blocked yet again.
This is where it gets too frustrating:
I recently took a 3-4 week break from my pc, due to it getting repaired and me being on holidays, and today I decided to log on. I logged on one of my favorite characters with the intention to role play, but I decided to whisper “Hi” to somebody I knew. Apparently, that “Hi” via whisper chat was enough to set off a 15 minute block on map/say/emote chat, regardless of what I said in the following chat.

Is there any way to stop this? Or have I been reported or something? It’s gotten exponentially worse to the point that I can’t LFG nor role play at all, and it’s extremely frustrating.

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Posted by: Mazrim.2167


There’s NO way to stop this from happening it seems. Once your account gets “noticed” by the server, you’re hosed into only being able to say ONE THING every hour.

So this begs the question, and I challenge ANet to answer the community thus:

HOW in the SAM HELL are we, the legit players, supposed to find and join groups, communicate freely with each other in the same region, and enjoy the SOCIAL aspect of YOUR ONLINE GAME when we’re — “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging”

See what I did there? Or do you not care about this, nor the players at all ANet?

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Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The ingame chatfilter is too strict. It can block you for as little as 3 similar posts in 10 minutes, and if it does, you can’t post for nearly an hour.

And this is for things like asking in the map chat for people for a dungeon. So it’s not spam at all.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

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Posted by: Dufaunce.9147


Yep, this is getting pretty frustrating. Can’t seem to say more than 3 things in map chat before being suppressed. Making looking for dungeon groups pretty impossible. Same complaint as almost everyone on this thread but hopefully if enough people complain AN will take notice and sort it out.