Missing Gold
maybe you got hacked? contact support.
I’m missing gold too, same with other people according to LA map chat. I think it has something to do with the TP earlier, if you tried to purchase anything. Hopefully we get refunded.
I’ve been logged for nearly 6 hours straight, I had 3g until 30 min ago and now it’s 30c. No way someone else accessed my account. And from map chat in lion’s arch, looks like it’s not just me.
Came here to say 12 gold disappeared from my inventory, I’m thinking trade post ate it………………………….I’ll never get back that hard earned money…..
Yeah, the trading post has most certainly eaten a HUGE amount of gold. I lost 6 gold when I tried to buy 10 gossamer =(
ABsolutely what happened, the market came up and I tried to buy a bunch of things with no luck. Later all of a sudden all my gold was simply gone.
The same thing just happened to me on my thief. I was sitting on 3 g one min and the next it dropped to 15 s. Im just as confused. I also tried to purchase a few things on the TP earlier to see if it was working.
Same here, tried to buy some items today on the AH but none of the transactions worked, then all of a sudden 20 minutes or so ago i just lost 5 gold from my inventory while i was playing.
Same issue here. This is brutal.
I saw the same issue. I had about 5 gold, or 4 gold and something like 82 silver. I attempted to buy gloves at the TP, it said they where not listed. So I would refresh the list and attempt to find it again. After my third attempt I walked away. 5 hours later I come back from a long run to find I’m down to only 2 gold (after selling a ton from an event grind, so likely only had a few silver to my name). I check the TP and sure enough 3 pairs of gloves sitting in there, only issue? They are only a silver each. Not near total to 4 gold.
I don’t grind, I don;t play at the TP very often. I run dungeons and events so it takes awhile to save up. A long while. I don’t know how they would fix this, or even how they would judge what player lost how much gold, but god I hope they figure it out. Very frustrating.
Guess the money sinks work then. :-)
why has there been no post to address this issue?
I lost gold and 250 gems (at least I never received the mail).
Try posting in this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/account/Gold-missing-from-Inventory-merged/page/3
Community Coordinator
Hi everyone.
We would like to ask you to keep on informing about your issues in the merged thread that StarsLife has already pointed out. In this way we can have a quicker look to each of your incidences.
Thank you very much.