Necro minions die crossing areas in a zone
I am having the same issue as all others that play gw2 I’m sure. What is going on is when you have your minions up and you run into an area that either scales you up or down in level, the minions die. For some reason it is super bugged like this since the big update. It is like there is an invisible force field that when the minions try to cross they get zapped and die. Anet needs to look into this soon. This is a big problem. Today I had just spawned the flesh golem and took about 3 steps and my flesh golem was dead. That fast. I noticed that in those few steps I took it scaled me between lvl 7 and lvl 8. Anet please look into this.
Thank You
That’s a horrible bug. Hope it does get fixed soon indeed.
Do you run Flesh of the Master?
I believe it is related.
Having the same issue myself. Very, very irritating if you’re running a minion build.
Have not see this since MM has gotten worse (stopped playing necro), but I doubt Anet will fix this… They still have not addressed Minion-AI yet.
They still have not addressed Minion-AI yet.
I believe problem with that is that the AI affecting Minion behaviour is also tied to others as well (NPCs, mobs, pets ect.). So in order to fix Minion AI, they need to revamp the entire AI of the game. That is how I understand it and have read posts about it. Please correct me if this is false information. As you can see, the Minion AI issue is no small problem by any means. I think they did hire a special AI consultant this spring to take a look at the code? Not sure how much they can fix it, but they are trying.
However! I do think that they should communicate better with the community itself about the current state of the AI. Is it just bad programming? Are there still bugs in there? Are they going to do something about i? Can they do something about it? Because of the lack of information available, it does make it easy to come to the conclution that the issue is too massive to be fixed. And that the AI we (unfortunately) have to deal is at its best right now. The biggest fear that I have is that the AI will be ultimately fixed in Guild Wars 3… And that doesn’t really comfort me at all.
But who knows?
Theoretical build – MM/Reaper (WIP):
I believe problem with that is that the AI affecting Minion behaviour is also tied to others as well (NPCs, mobs, pets ect.). So in order to fix Minion AI, they need to revamp the entire AI of the game. That is how I understand it and have read posts about it. Please correct me if this is false information.
I correct you : that is related to ranger pets .. necro pets have always been much more stupid .. and i think they would have fixed that already if all hostile mobs would behave like necro minions and just stand there doing nothing most of the time instead of attacking.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I run a minion build too and am having the same problem. The minions die as soon as they cross that invisible level scale barrier. This was not happening before the update the other day. Seems like they could go back and undo something to get the minions back the way they were. At least they would not die from trying to cross over a level scale zone. They are fine if you don’t level scale up or down but if you take 2 steps and that causes you the be scaled up or down, Zap! , The minions die.
here is a related post
I hope they fix this soon
From the wiki:
Flesh of the Master:
Slotting and removing this trait now kills all previously summoned minions, preventing previous minions with incorrect health values from remaining.
It might be that when we are up/down adjusted in level, they have to un-slot/slot this trait in order to do the math on it. I can’t see a need for this trait adjustment, but somehow they might have thought others were exploiting trait adjustment on the fly.
Tonight I’ll switch out that trait and see if the result is the same. This way we’ll know if it’s related.
Hotfix incoming 2015 after they figured out what a necromancer is and that it actually is a profession played in Gw2..
I think they did hire a special AI consultant this spring to take a look at the code? Not sure how much they can fix it, but they are trying.
Would like to see evidence of this, as far as I know i have not seen anything like this.
Anet still has not said anything on either this post or the Minion-AI one.
I think they did hire a special AI consultant this spring to take a look at the code? Not sure how much they can fix it, but they are trying.
Would like to see evidence of this, as far as I know i have not seen anything like this.
Anet still has not said anything on either this post or the Minion-AI one.
I happened to stumble across it at the Necromancer forums:
Note that this is hardly anything solid. Hopeful wishing, perhaps? But if it’s true, that does show that Anet is taking this issue seriously. If people know more about this, please post?
Theoretical build – MM/Reaper (WIP):
Having same problems, hope it could be fixed soon!
As long as you don’t use that trait “Flesh of the Master” that they messed up. Then your minions don’t die. I just tested this a few minutes ago. The latest patch still did not resolve this issue. But we can still run a watered down MM build