Norn Arm animation broken.
Bump. (since is still haven’t got a respond from anyone)
This is not your end it is definitely something that came after a patch or something.
My Female Norns arm does the exact same thing, and it’s not only with dancing, the arm also twists when you do the kick dirt into a hole animation, even the idle animation with a rifle makes the arm become distorted.
(edited by VeronicanPlay.1945)
Well, considering the haven’t fixed the Asuran “periscope neck” yet, don’t expect a fix any time soon. Fixing stuff like this is obviously not a high priority…
Just updating that this issue seems to have been fixed.
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Not completely fixed yet.
Previously it was the wrist/forearm that was being…deflated, and that was for all female Norn and only during /dance or throwing animations.
Your screenshot seems to show you as being in a combat stance and it appears that it is now affecting the upper right arm. I’ve tried to reproduce the issue with my female Norn, but I could not.
- What gloves are you wearing?
- What rifle is that you are wielding?
Perhaps it is one of those items specifically that is causing the issue now. If you’d like to include all other gear you have equipped, including a back item, that’d probably be really helpful.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Not completely fixed yet.
Previously it was the wrist/forearm that was being…deflated, and that was for all female Norn and only during /dance or throwing animations.
Your screenshot seems to show you as being in a combat stance and it appears that it is now affecting the upper right arm. I’ve tried to reproduce the issue with my female Norn, but I could not.
- What gloves are you wearing?
- What rifle is that you are wielding?
Perhaps it is one of those items specifically that is causing the issue now. If you’d like to include all other gear you have equipped, including a back item, that’d probably be really helpful.
This only happens when you are wielding a rifle, having it out and leaving her idle. She will lift it up for a few second and look from side to side. When she takes the rifle down again the arm deflates and inflates again.
Tried all sorts of armour, and rifles and the result is the same. Even tried looking at Sylvari and Human but the glitch is not there, only the Norn.
(edited by VeronicanPlay.1945)
Very nice. So it is only with the rifle and during the idle animation with it drawn.
I made a new Norn and tested it and saw the issue first hand. I’ll record a video of it shortly and attach it for others and devs to see, though your method of reproduction is very quick and easy to do if others want to see first hand as well.
Added video. Also going to post it to the Issues with character art, weapons, or armor thread.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)