Obsidian Sanctum game crash

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

I can go into WvW just fine, but going into the Obsidian Sanctum (for the kite) causes my game to crash. Did this twice in a row in the exact same spot. The crash report said it was caused by some kinda buff, I’m assuming it’s the invulnerability buff when standing on the ledge of the entrance. Whatever it is, it’s keeping me from getting the kite and chest in there. Some input or help or anything would be appreciated, thank you!

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leroy Brown.6419

Leroy Brown.6419

I’m having the same thing happen. I can’t even make it past the drop down area between the three way points before I crash. This is quite frustrating. It’s definitely just from this update and I haven’t seen a work around anywhere. Pretty lame

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: mad blood.5740

mad blood.5740

It’s happening to me as well. The game crashes after I’ve entered Obsidian Sanctum for around 30 secs. Tried 3 times and restarted client but it’s still crashing.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: Micronut.6584


Same here……

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

Good to know it isn’t a local problem then. Something in the patch recent patch must have screwed something up. Hopfully it’ll be addressed soon.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tathorpe.8572


Still happening apparently, I can’t get 2 steps from the entrance without crashing.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

As I posted earlier, my entire party crashed simultaneously in Obsidian Sanctum. At first the JP loaded fine, and we were all in. But a few seconds later we all crashed to desktop. We are playing on Aurora Glade.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: tehkaarl.2435


Same thing happening to me.

I like that stuff is being included in WvWvW, but is super frustrating also – even when my realm had dominance for SkyPirates I was unable to get the Sanctum Cache cause of campers. And now i can get into there, and it crashes. Fun times.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: Caittus.7436


I had the same problem yesterday while standing around near the WP. The crash logger mentioned something about a gw2buff routine.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: Caittus.7436


And again just now.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

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Posted by: Erics.3517


This is happening to me right now. Just happened twice in a row.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


This keeps happening to me as well. Very annoying. Sometimes I will be able to drop down but when some1 starts attacking me I will crash which results in them getting a free kill and me having repair bills. It really kitten es me off.

Obsidian Sanctum game crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BillFreist


Gameplay Programmer

I was investigating this late last week. I have a pretty good understanding of what the issue is and hope to have a fix this week sometime. Assuming that I can get a safe fix put together, we’ll probably try to sneak it into a hotfix later this week. Can’t make any promises at this time, though.
