Obsidian Sanctum game crash
I’m having the same thing happen. I can’t even make it past the drop down area between the three way points before I crash. This is quite frustrating. It’s definitely just from this update and I haven’t seen a work around anywhere. Pretty lame
It’s happening to me as well. The game crashes after I’ve entered Obsidian Sanctum for around 30 secs. Tried 3 times and restarted client but it’s still crashing.
Same here……
Good to know it isn’t a local problem then. Something in the patch recent patch must have screwed something up. Hopfully it’ll be addressed soon.
Still happening apparently, I can’t get 2 steps from the entrance without crashing.
As I posted earlier, my entire party crashed simultaneously in Obsidian Sanctum. At first the JP loaded fine, and we were all in. But a few seconds later we all crashed to desktop. We are playing on Aurora Glade.
Same thing happening to me.
I like that stuff is being included in WvWvW, but is super frustrating also – even when my realm had dominance for SkyPirates I was unable to get the Sanctum Cache cause of campers. And now i can get into there, and it crashes. Fun times.
I had the same problem yesterday while standing around near the WP. The crash logger mentioned something about a gw2buff routine.
And again just now.
This is happening to me right now. Just happened twice in a row.
This keeps happening to me as well. Very annoying. Sometimes I will be able to drop down but when some1 starts attacking me I will crash which results in them getting a free kill and me having repair bills. It really kitten es me off.
Gameplay Programmer
I was investigating this late last week. I have a pretty good understanding of what the issue is and hope to have a fix this week sometime. Assuming that I can get a safe fix put together, we’ll probably try to sneak it into a hotfix later this week. Can’t make any promises at this time, though.