Options reset every time I log in
It’s not April 1st Yet lol, A fix would be great. Settings reset each login.
My personal Settings that go back to default:
In-Game Clock
AoE Loot on interact
Autoloot: autopickup
Show All Enemy Names
Show All NPC Names
Show Skill Recharge
Double-Tap to Evade
Resets to maximum range despite where I leave it on logout and/or changing zones.
Show New Item Highlights-Revert to Hide
Show Bags-Revert to Hide
Last bug is guild items disappear on withdraw randomly and do not display a withdraw log.
My Build:
• Motherboard: Asus Maximus VI Gene LGA 1150 Intel Z87
• GPU: GeForce GTX 770 Classified
• CPU: I7-4770k @ 3.50GHz
• Memory: 8GB
• Hard Drive: WD Caviar Black 1TB 64MB 7200rpm
• Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
• Mouse: Razer Naga Epic
• Keyboard: Razer Tarantula
Using 32 bit client, last tested 64 bit was too buggy for me.
Thank you
(edited by RedGhost.3748)
64bit Windows 10 Pro (Version 1511) both 32 and 64 bit clients
- same problem on two different computers (different brand/hardware) with my account and my wife’s account
Win 7 64bit – using 64bit client
Win 8 64bit – using still 32bit client
Windows 10 Pro v. 1511 64bit – 64bit Client on [ C :\Program Files ] (saying this to exclude any permission issues)
Windows 10 Pro v. 1511 64bit – 32bit Client on [ D :\Guild Wars 2 ]
Windows 10. 64-bit client.
I tested on 32-bit client and the bug still occurs.
General Options resets, Hide bags resets, and Achieve Watchlist resets too.
I have 2 accounts and this occurs on both of them.
Windows 7, 64bit. Every time resets on log in.
Win10 64 bit; reset all time !
Win 7 Ultimate + Service Pack 1, 64 bits.
GW2 64 Bit version.
Windows 10 64-bit client. I thought it might be a client issue so I tried the 32 bit as well but the problem persists.
Win 10 64 bit, using the GW2 64 bit client. Is it a file writing issue based on admin rights?
Corsair Vengeance 8Gb @ 1866Mhz | ASUS GTX 970 | Kingston 240 GB SSD
Yeah, good job, Anet.
Win 7 Home Premium SP 1
64 Bit
8GB Ram
Quad Core 3,4 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti
Workaround for the Main issue:
- Do not use the ‘Exit to Desktop’ option either while logged in with a character or at character selection.
- Do use the ‘Log Out’ option while at the character selection screen and not while logged in with a character. i.e.:Game Menu -> Log Out -> Character Select -> Game Menu -> Log Out -> Log Out -> Close launcher using the X button
- If you use ‘Exit to Desktop’ there is a great chance, when inflicted with this bug, that the Main issue will occur.
- Testing involved using the above workaround method on one account about 20 times and it was 100% successfull at retaining settings. When ‘Exit to Desktop’ was used, it lost settings most every time.
This very much works for me as the remedy until the real ANet fix arrives.
This may also hint what’s not working during the logging out phase within the program & the networked settings data storage.
My system is the latest GW2+HoT Mac Beta (yes, still BETA…), on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.2. This remedy works on two (2) different Mac systems, that both had the same settings resetting issue.
Good Luck!
Two PCs, both Win7 fully patched, both 64-bit client, both used the same with respect to ‘Exit to Desktop’, etc .. one has the problem the other doesn’t!
Only obvious difference is they they each log in a different account.
I can go one better… I have two copies of the game on the same box on different drives (two accounts) – could easily be mere luck, but I’ve seen this on the one I use most (SSD, same partition as the OS) but not on the other (separate, HDD)!
Win 7 Home Premium, SP 1, 64 bit.
Windows 7 – 32bit
My screen looks like it’s stretched. I have a 1900 × 600 laptop screen resolution as well. And the camera is acting funny.
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)
Windows 7 – 32bit
My screen looks like it’s stretched. I have a 1900 × 600 laptop screen resolution as well. And the camera is acting funny.
It also changes the camera settings, all of them it seems, so that is probably why as Field of View can give that appearance, and all the other camera settings defaults are not what used to be the defaults so even if you hadn’t adjusted it before, it seems to be different now. From what I’ve seen the graphic settings do not get reset but then again, they are kept in a xml file on the computer, whereas all the other settings are pretty much saved in the local.dat and on the game server.
This is driving me insane. Please fix asap.
Windows 10 – currently using 32 bit client.
Win 10 – using the GW2 64 bit client.
64-bit client, 64-bit Windows 10
Guild Wars 2 + HoT // Client: 64bit
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K Skylake
GPU: MSI GTX 960 Gaming 4 GB GDDR5
Nvidia Geforce Driver: 359.06 WHQL
Mainboard: MSI Z170A GAMING M3
RAM: 16 GB G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 2400 Mhz
SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 500 GB
Hope it helps …
(edited by Lorin.9564)
windows 7, 64 bit client
mac os x el capitan v 10.11.2
settings reset every time I log in
I have this options resetting issue too.
My PC…
OS: Windows 10 Pro [Version 10.0.10240] 64 bit
CPU: Haswell-E 5820K
GPU: Nvidia GTX970 running two 1900×1200 screens. Nvidia Game Ready Driver version 359.06.
Storage (System): Samsung 840 EVO SSD 256GB
Storage (Data – where GW2 binaries are): Samsung 850EVO SSD 512GB
(edited by Ash.5034)
Windows 7 64 bit
32 bit client
Win 10 pro, 64 bit client.
By picking “Log out” instead of “Exit to desktop” (or clicking X to close), it seems the settings are saved for now. As soon as I use X or Exit to desktop, settings are once again lost.
Something goes wrong with the Local.dat file when choosing exit.
Sice of “Local.dat” for me at the moment is 57692 kB.
- Do use the ‘Log Out’ option while at the character selection screen and not while logged in with a character. i.e.:
Game Menu -> Log Out -> Character Select -> Game Menu -> Log Out -> Log Out -> Close launcher using the X button
For me it works just fine using the Log Out option directly while logged in with a character, I don’t have to log out to character select first and from there log out again.
Had no issues, then dc’ed tonight. When I returned, I got errors about not being to access log in, even though I was in game. Had no access to pm’s or guild chat. Re-started client and got hit by the options reset bug
Mine was fine through this morning, on my login a few minutes ago, mine reset.
Windows 7 pro, 64 bit client.
Win 10 64bit, 64bit client
Same problem. Windows 7 64-bit client.
Same problem. Windows 7 both normal and 64 bit client.
This bug just got me and its terribly disorienting. Play feels all wrong even after I make the changes, its impossible to know what settings are off.
Is there any chance that it can be restored to how it was or is that information now lost for ever?
Started happening only last 2 days — First page of Options settings cleared (autoloot and other checkboxes, range indicator combobox, rotation, mouse invert, etc.)
64bit Win7
EDIT: another, probably related! just noticed Achievements tracking bug. Regular PvP things I checked off under “Daily” yesterday are still up today. When I set a new one to Track, the 5 ones I had go away and the new one comes up by itself. When I un-Track it, the old 5 are visible again.
(edited by icy.9250)
Hey everyone
We started seeing this yesterday, some people were fixed with the hotfix but not everyone. We are currently investigating the issue and trying to isolate what makes some accounts different from others. A bug has been opened and I"m linking this thread in there, so if people could post their OS and which client they are using and any other information you think might help we’d appreciate it!
I am using Windows 10 64bit and the game client 64bit.
It seems that even though I reset my options yesterday, I had to do it again today?
What is going on?
Windows 10 Pro
32 bit Client
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Ok, so now I have relogged for the new build and again, all my options have been unchecked.
You guys need to fix this issue…its annoying to have to reset everything when you log into the game every single time.
New post here: “Option Reset Bug” from Gaile @ ANet:
After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death.
Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue is being tested right now, and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.
This started happening for me as soon as I logged in today (12/16). Camera and targeting options reset every single time I log in now. Also camera shake and double-tap to evade get reset (and probably others — I noticed these right away in PvP).
I played fine yesterday without any issues. I’ve never had this issue before. Been playing since pre-release beta weekend.
Windows 10 and Windows 8 (two separate machines), 32 bit and 64 bit clients are both bugged.
Whatever was done today broke my settings.
Edit: It’s possible that things worked fine yesterday and broke upon logging out. I think I only logged in for one session on 12/15 so I wouldn’t have noticed things breaking for subsequent sessions.
(edited by Kharr.5746)
Just making a note here, this bug was introduced with build 56,345
Same for me, extremely annoying!
After the last build, a bug developed where
some> all players’ options were resetting.
a few players (one or two) have some minor little tiny bugs
QA ftw
Fight the queens
Windows 10, 32 Bit, just happened to me
Windows 7 64 bit and using the GW2-64 client.
mac beta fuiwhefiuhwefiuhwe
Windows 7 ultimate. 32 bit client. Happens every time i log off and back in.
I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I made an interesting observation. When you launch the game, on the character select screen, hit F11. The 3rd checkbox under “User Interface” should be “Autoloot: Quick Interact,” but it isn’t there. Only when I login to the world do I see that option. Then, when I logout to the character select screen (don’t relaunch the game), that option is still there.
Maybe this is somehow screwing up the save order of the checkboxes?
I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I made an interesting observation. When you launch the game, on the character select screen, hit F11. The 3rd checkbox under “User Interface” should be “Autoloot: Quick Interact,” but it isn’t there. Only when I login to the world do I see that option. Then, when I logout to the character select screen (don’t relaunch the game), that option is still there.
Maybe this is somehow screwing up the save order of the checkboxes?
Im getting the same thing but mine should not be grayed out because my mastery is maxed.
You know what else? My views of this forum are getting reset. It’s forgetting the last post in this thread that I looked at and taking me to the first post. Has happened to me twice now.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
My auto loot settings vanish every log in- Guild Bounty is also bugged. Brekabrekk couldn’t be talked to, and was in a different position on every guild members screen. Its a complete cluster with these stupid festivals and its not like any new content was added-its the same coding from last year so why is it breaking everything?
Last bug is guild items disappear on withdraw randomly and do not display a withdraw log.
That guild bank bug has never been fixed, sadly.
However, you can get around the bug and force the withdrawn item to show up in your inventory and be logged appropriately by withdrawing an additional item from the guild bank. It forces the previous, intended item to plop into your inventory. You can then replace that 2nd withdrawn item back into the guild bank.
I hope this helps. I need to do this constantly (every 2-3 items) when I am withdrawing items from my guild bank.
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