Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Katlan.6301


yep… still broken. reset didn’t fix anything.

They didn’t change Ori/Saplings to only reset w/ the daily timer because some ppl aren’t affected and some nodes “still” do respawn regularly. But at this rate it looks like we are all laughed at while Anet won’t do anything about this until Monday’s patch

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Davez.4861


So far I’ve not seen any Anet response about this. How do you know that they will fix this on Mondays’ patch? Is it mention anywhere?

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Zeusifus.7625


I am having the same problem on Gate of Madness. I have also talked to alot of players with the same problem. I hope A.net gives this bug their immediate attention because mining Orichalcum and ancient wood for crafting/selling on the TP is the only reason I haven’t Played the new release of the other game that shall not be named DX

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Caveat Emptor.6032

Caveat Emptor.6032

Can confirm that all the nodes that was supposed to spawn, did actually spawn after the daily reset or something like that.

Been over 12 hours since I last mined and certain spawns have not respawned yet.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: aNTarTis.2561


I pretty sure Anet ninja update nodes to 24 hours respwan…. . . . . . . .. . ….

Commander of [XO] Xtreme Online – www.xogamers.com

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: TRON.1085


I just mined the rich ori ore in EB jumping puzzle and it was bugged or something.

Usually you get 3-4 (10 hits ) mines from rich nodes right? This only gave 3 hits before it broke.

It acted like a normal node not a rich node.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: InternetKillTV.5798


Same issue, mined at 10:30am this morning, 8 hours later no respawn.

Love you too Arena Net. I found the one thing you hadn’t blocked me from getting and you break that too!

“Choose Happiness”

5 Years Later, We’re There!

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Zumbaro.8376


Class: Guardian
Race: Sylvari
Level: 80
Server: Dragonbrand

Alright so my full report as I’ve experienced so far.

The night following the latest patch that required a client restart I spent some time between 1:00 am and 3:00 am PST surveying and mapping all of the Orichalcum, Orrian, and Omnomberry location in Cursed Shore. I found a total of 5 Orichalcum, 4 Orrian, and 4 Omnomberry locations at that time.

I returned at approximately 12:00(noon) PST to gather these nodes again and found all of them absent and in many cases I couldn’t even find the depleted node where it was. I did find a single Omnomberry that I had likely missed the night before at a different location from any of the prior node locations.

I again returned to survey at approximately 1:00 am (24 hours after the original survey) and did yet another survey. I found 2 Orichalcum, 3 Omnomberry, and 2 Orrian nodes. One of the Omnomberry nodes was the same one I had found previously that I thought I had missed in the initial survey. The other 6 nodes were all in locations differing from my initially surveyed locations for those nodes.

I returned again today at about 9:00am PST and found only the Omnomberry that I had previously figured I missed on my initial survey. Among my other observations through out these surveys is that Mithril nodes seem to be acting as normal and respawning as expected.

My conclusions having discussed this with others and perhaps restating what some have already said: This bug appears to be only affecting players whom mined a T6 node after the most recent patch but before some trigger (it was suggested perhaps the maintenance the following morning) early the following day. Any T6 node harvested in any zone during this time has become bugged in some way. I would agree that perhaps a longer spawn timer or random location system was in place but this is acting very differently for different users and individual nodes are even acting differently for single users.

Things worth looking into:
-Does the bug affect characters on the same account that didn’t harvest nodes during the mentioned time window?
-Does the bug affect characters on different servers if only a single character on one of the servers harvested nodes during that time.

The likely fix:
I expect that ANet will not have an easy time replicating this bug because of the window in which it appears to have been triggered. With that I also expect that the next server patch which resets node locations will likely resolve the bug without any required work from ANet and they are likely hoping the same. With that said it would be nice to see any response just so that we can verify that ANet is acknowledging it and looking for the cause to prevent a similar future issue.

It would be nice though to see ANet up the patch rate to deal with these kind of issues. Similar to the problems with last week with instance tokens these are the kind of bugs that can really take away from the game for many. I generally expect them to be adressed more frequently then they have been the last 2 weeks. Even if its just attempting a late night server restart to reset the node locations.

(edited by Zumbaro.8376)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Dmorin.9543


I was gathering this every 5 hrs and now i login too gather and there is none it has been 10 hrs since i last gathered,still none.this is fracking bull kitten
I am so kittening G D P
some folks were saying in ingame chat you can only gather Ori once a day now?

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: fellyn.5083


Been about 12 hours since I last mined and none of my nodes have respawned.

Some clarification on if this is working as intended or not from Anet would be really nice right about now.

If it’s working as intended that’s fine. But if it’s bugged. Not so much.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Stampede.2591


server maguuma:
only about 2-3 of ori nodes spawn, the rest havent for over 10-15 hours
in addition, most of my mithril nodes, in malchor’s leap, just disappeared after i gather 1 node, then they never respawn!

(edited by Stampede.2591)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

yesterday seemed like i was fixed i found 4 ori nodes in cursed shore, 8 hrs later only 2 ori nodes the other ones didnt respawn.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: zun.2905


3/5 spots bugged in both ML and CS for both of my chars.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Eve.1029


Yes bugged for me too. the nodes do respawn but i think i had to wait 12hrs+ for them to do so. Would really appreciate an official word on this. Do anyone besides moderators even read this section?

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Voqar.2349


I mined/chopped tier 6 nodes last night and they’re not resetting.

They used to respawn after ~6 hours.

It’s been way more than 6 hours and nada – can’t mine/chot anything. The nodes are there in tapped form.

Either they stealth nerfed the repop or something is broken.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Rimarlk.1529


Jade Quarry here. Yup same here. Been almost 14 hours and all the nodes I farmed last night are still not up. I guess this brings to light another issue. Farming orichalcum is really the only consistent way to make money in this game. That needs to change somehow.

Anyways…hoping that this gets fixed soon I just spent 10 of my 25g on armor for an upcoming alt and now I have no way to make money……….

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: TRON.1085


Looks like they just everything to be a huge gold grind fest in this game, if so its not the GW2 I am looking for.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: goldenarmZ.3607


This is definitely a bug, not a nerf.

I showed my brother round all the ori nodes earlier this afternoon (most of mine weren’t there, of course). 6 Hours later, his have regenerated and been mined again, but not a single one of mine has.


Very weak indeed.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Caveat Emptor.6032

Caveat Emptor.6032

Can confirm that all the nodes that was supposed to spawn, did actually spawn after the daily reset or something like that.

Been over 12 hours since I last mined and certain spawns have not respawned yet.

Update: It has now been around 18 hours, not touched a single node just to check if they all come back sooner or later, and the nodes missing earlier are still missing.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Andalamar.4201


I have heard from Malchor’s Leap map chat that the nodes are now on a 23-hour cooldown timer as opposed to the 6-hour it was on previously.

Hopefully that documents the issue. I found all 5/5 Ore and 4/5 Wood on Malchor’s Leap this evening and I’m currently exploring Cursed Shore for Ore. As a reminder, I was “bugged” yesterday night as well (I had mined in-between the two patches on October 1st).

Server: Eredon Terrace.

Remember that there is a difference between the majority of players and the loudest players.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


I have heard from Malchor’s Leap map chat that the nodes are now on a 23-hour cooldown timer as opposed to the 6-hour it was on previously.

Hopefully that documents the issue. I found all 5/5 Ore and 4/5 Wood on Malchor’s Leap this evening and I’m currently exploring Cursed Shore for Ore. As a reminder, I was “bugged” yesterday night as well (I had mined in-between the two patches on October 1st).

Server: Eredon Terrace.

This is untrue, as some people have all 12 nodes on 5hrs. Some of us still have 2-11 on 5hrs. The rest on 24hrs. So that said, it’s a bug as not everyone is the same.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Castiel.2485


You know I would really like to start making money again. Any type of acknowledgement from ANET would be nice

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: goldenarmZ.3607


Pretty sure all my orichalcum and orrian saplings just reappeared at 1am sharp… The ones in malchor’s did anyway, haven’t checked other areas yet.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Caveat Emptor.6032

Caveat Emptor.6032

All nodes seems to have spawned again with the daily reset.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Kant.5438


Diminishing return ore nodes?

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


Yes they respawn with daily reset, but then 2-12 respawn for each person (# depends on person, for me it’s 3 nodes,) respawn every 5 hrs.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


OK and some rich mithril veins only give 4 hits instead of 10 now.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: fellyn.5083


There is going to be a server maintenance tonight apparently. Hopefully they fix this kitten then.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


Let’s hope so. /15char

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Geff.1930


1.) Ori nodes are rare.

2.) There are no definite ori node spots, nodes can randomly spawn either mithril or ori with ori having a much lower % chance.

I myself have seen this as I was mining with a guildmate before. My guildmate saw an ori node in the same spot I saw a mithril node and vice-versa at a different node.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Subhuman.3958


1.) Ori nodes are rare.

2.) There are no definite ori node spots, nodes can randomly spawn either mithril or ori with ori having a much lower % chance.

I myself have seen this as I was mining with a guildmate before. My guildmate saw an ori node in the same spot I saw a mithril node and vice-versa at a different node.

I don’t want to sound too insulting here, but I don’t really like the spreading of misinformation. I don’t really know where you would get this impression, but the orichalcum spots are set after each build. They randomly spawn in new spots, and then stay there while respawning at intervals until there is a new build again.

5 spawn in cursed shore, 5 spawn in malchors leap, and 2 spawn in frostgorge. I can, and have, lead people to every one of those spots, and they will all be there for every person on the server in the same exact spots. Infact, people ask in map chat where the nodes are so often that I am not sure how you would keep this impression.

Up until the recent build that changed the spawn times around some, they would spawn in the same spot for everyone exactly every 5 hours like clockwork. My guild would often go gathering together for the nodes, and we would all hit up the same exact spots.

This thread isn’t even about the fact that this is how it worked, its about the spawn times being changed, and seemingly only on certain ones.

Edit: To further clarify the last part of your post, the nodes don’t change. You can mine an orichalcum and see the ruined base of it until it respawns or until a build hits, every time.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: FeebleFlame.2576


Orichalcum and Ancient Wood nodes are now re-spawning only on the daily reset timer. I’ve had people mine/chop right just before and just after the daily reset and all the nodes re-spawned in every case at the daily reset timer. This looks to be an intended and undocumented change in the last patch. I’ve yet to come across anyone who farms this stuff regularly who gets nodes to respawn outside of the daily reset timer.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Benethan.3657


After maintenance I’ve found the ori nodes were mined even tho they are at new spots, I’m starting to think Anet have applied DR to gathering, after daily reset I find every node up, second time half, third and fourth time 2 or 3.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Booler.6598


ok firstly the orichalcum ores shifting around on people after server restarts and patchs IS KITTEN NORMAL , they do this stop complaining about it. however if the ori node appears on your minimap and is a ruined mine (unmineable) that is a bug its happening to alot of people in my guild. i highly doubt this is a nerf more like an annoying bug whilst they play around with orichalcum in general . i hope a fix comes for you all.

Always in all ways

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Subhuman.3958


After maintenance I’ve found the ori nodes were mined even tho they are at new spots, I’m starting to think Anet have applied DR to gathering, after daily reset I find every node up, second time half, third and fourth time 2 or 3.

Same problem unfortunately. Some up, some down. Others report they are there as normal, I also wouldn’t be surprised if it is some sort of DR triggered by people who harvest them every chance they get. Equally likely its just a bug, whatever the case is I hope they fix it soon, I was hoping this was the patch that would do it.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: raito.4085


orichalcum are bugged now they respawn once every 24h for me now lolz

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Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Booler.6598


I farm them every 6 hours on the hour or after server patches. i dont have any missing or dud nodes.

Always in all ways

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Sahel.6480


Yesterday i was able to mine two time in Cursed Shore, but only one in Malchor’s Leap.. today after the reset i was able to mine in Malchor’s Leap, but i’m unable to mine any single orichalcum spot on cursed shore, i simply don’t see them… a guild mate that mined them yesterday with me, is mining them right now without any problem. So i think is not really working as intended… can we have some official word?

Raelynn Tylneine – Norn Ranger of Dragonlegacy (SFR)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Xuro.5861


Seems they decided to add DR to gathering too, since everything resets with the daily reset. Or it’s still a bug and they can’t figure out why either.

Still no official word on the matter. I find this very rude and disappointing from ArenaNet.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Sahel.6480


Seems they decided to add DR to gathering too, since everything resets with the daily reset. Or it’s still a bug and they can’t figure out why either.

Still no official word on the matter. I find this very rude and disappointing from ArenaNet.

The problem is that if everything was going to resets with the daily reset, why i cannot mine today after i’m sure i’ve mined before the yesterday midnight? and i think you are right, is really disappointing to don’t have any official word… oh well, let’s hope they let us know soon.

Raelynn Tylneine – Norn Ranger of Dragonlegacy (SFR)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: ReDeViLdArK.6572


For me the problem persist also after the maintenance of today. All nodes change location but for me only 2 or 3 nodes in Cursed Shore are minable.
Anet please, we need an answer for clarify this problem.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


Yeah same problem.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Athanasius.3875


I’d just been doing my usual hunt for Ori nodes post-server-reset.

I found two in Cursed Shore near to Harbinger’s Torch PoI, one a short distance NE of it, the other a near-equally short distance ENE of it.

I mined the ENE one.

The NE one also disappeared. I can now see both ‘mined out’ models.

I definitely only mined the one (as due to a change/screwiness with Ori node respawns since Tuesday’s patch I decided today I would very specifically grid-search the maps and note the time I mined/chopped/gathered things to see if they were up again X hours later).

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: TRON.1085


Rich ori ore in EB WvW jumping puzzle is bugged and did not respawn. The normal node did respawn.

So yeah still bugged.

Still no word from dev on this?

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


I can only find 3/12 nodes this morning after mining all 12 after reset but before maint.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Rimarlk.1529


So logged out last night after farmin ore and there’s no orichalcum back up but I’m wondering if they changed all the node locations again…Was running through frostgorge and there was an ancient sapling in a different location than I remember it being in yesterday.

Edit: Ok wow so I just was running through frostgorge and came across a rich mithril and only got 6 ore from it? Ninja-nerf much? The rich ori in the puzzle also got nerfed or is bugged out too.

Also I found an ori ore! in frostgorge Great right? Nope. It had changed location from its previous spot before the maintenance AND said I had already mined it? It’s time to address this. This is a serious issue going on for several days now hence the amount of views on this thread. Being silent about this is a surefire way to turn people off.

(edited by Rimarlk.1529)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: TRON.1085


Both on frost map bugged for me and not respawned. Wasted silver on waypoint costs…

Anet communication on this issue = kittens kittenskittenskittenskittenskittens

(edited by TRON.1085)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


What is this kittens thing BTW?

And yea no communication at all. We know you know about it Anet as you merged a ton of threads into this one on first day it was reported. This is starting to get ridiculous. I did some math.

I want the combo Legendary GS (I didn’t buy game until mid Sept so i’m way behind, plus not knowing i prolly spent 250k karma and extra 100 SP I didn’t need to, so even more behind, but besides the point) so I need 2k Ore (2 gifts of metal=500 ignots, and 2 gifts of the armorsmith one for another 500 ignots).

OK let’s say I can average 3 rounds of the 12 nodes. That’s 36 ore per roundx3 = 108. So 18.5 days if I can get in 3.

With the way it is, 12 nodes once per day, 3 2 more times. So that’s 36+(9*2)=54. Half. So now that takes 37 days. Really? WTF Anet. So not cool.

BTW I saw a node despawn infront my eyes. So group of 3 mithril nodes together right. I mine the first one, fine. I mine the second, AS SOON as the 3rd ore is in my bags, the 3rd node just disappears. Um what?

BTW yeah some rich nodes still have 10 ores, some only have 4. Something is going on.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: Katlan.6301


for everyone who thinks this is DR related.. y ou are wrong. If it was DR then every single nod would respawn at the same time for everyone. Some ppl are not affected by this, others are. Those who are affected have a few nodes repop but the others don’t. This is a bug and has nothing to do w/DR.

The fact Anet has not made an official response for something so game breaking blows my mind. This directly affects the economy and people’s ability to farm and craft. At least w/ the dungeon DR stuff they acknowledged it, this they ignore.

companies need to start realizing that communication is almost more important than promptly fixing bugs. Communication makes ppl feel like they are heard and that the companies know of certain issues and are sorry about it. But flat out ignoring something, so critical like this, is a huge mistake and all it does is turn ppl off from their game

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

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Posted by: goldenarmZ.3607


Once again, my ori nodes are all dead today, after mining just post the reset last night (about 14 hours ago).

All the while, my brother is mining his every 5 or 6 hours.