Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Orphan Laine's Letter Bugged
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Wow! Haven’t seen that message is quite some time. When did this occur? A Guildie opened his letter for the first time earlier today, and had no issues.
I have the same issue. I tried to relog and no help. Tried it approx hour ago and now, no help.
Make sure to use the in-game reporting system to report this bug. Since it is the middle of the night and a weekend at ArenaNet, you could try a -repair of the client in case of corrupted file(s). It might be worth a try.
Oh, and also make sure you are in PvE, as some items don’t seem to work in any PvP areas.
Top of Page – Support – Search (Repair)
Good luck.
If you have spoken to the chef at some point before you retrieve and try to use the letter, try getting a bowl of Bloodstone Broth and giving it to Grawnk. I tried this on the suggestion of a guild-mate and it worked.
Perhaps speaking to the chef beforehand broke the quest item somehow.
I have never spoken to the chef and the item is bugged for me. I cannot even remember what’s on the pages to advance ^^’
Here’s the text from the letter, the NPC dialogue, the items needed, etc., if you want to try and complete the scavenger hunt:
Good luck.
Well, this is an annoying bug, I hope Anet fixes it because its bugged for me as well.
[????] – HoD
Same bug…. :-(
Got the same bug. I think it’s just for all who haven’t completed it
I am also bugged. Letter just tells me to check back later.
I have the same problem..
I believe the content was deactivated because of an exploit (reported on this forum) that allowed people reading the letter to cap stuff in WvW while being invulnerable.
So probably not a bug, I guess they are working on it to make the item only usable in PvE or something like that.
(edited by Maxwell.7843)
Hitting same thing here.
You don’t need the letter. Just enter any Home Instance (or your own) and find the peppermint candy icons.
You were right! i didn’t see that icons before. Thank you!!!
Just a heads up, the icons don’t appear right away (at least, not for me). Only when I got closed and triggered the conversation.
Same Bug here, Is it because I am using a different character? Tried on several
Yeah bugged for me too.
As noted above, you don’t need the letter. Just step into your (or any) Home Instance and find the peppermint swirls.
Good luck.
This is why:
Update – December 22, 2014
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in which players could use Orphan Laine’s Letter to become invincible in WvW and PvP.