Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Lori.6571


Upon logging in after the Oct 22 update I received a Pact Victory Token in the mail and was instructed to exchange it for a lovely new weapon by visiting Pact Requisitioner Hargrove in Fort Trinity.

One hitch…that NPC does not exist. About 30 or 40 players have spent the last half hour combing every square inch of the place and he’s nowhere to be found.

Could we please requisition a Pact Requisitioner with your next update.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Stormcrow.7513


Agreed, I left LA and a 10 min load time to find him not even in the zone. Our server believes he is in the area in the personal story that you can only get into once.

i7 3770k oc 4.5 H100i(push/pull) 8gb Corsair Dominator Asus P877V-LK
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

He is. I saw him there.

What is needed is to put him in the “locked room” in the south part of the Fort, and then put an “access guard” in front of the door (like the one letting you into the gate room).

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Sageofprofession.3012


Not present on Northern Shiverpeaks. Kinda annoying ‘cause I can feel the token burning a hole in my character’s pocket

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Posted by: Alarox.4590


Not present on Northern Shiverpeaks. Kinda annoying ‘cause I can feel the token burning a hole in my character’s pocket

I agree.

Same case on Sea of Sorrows.

Alarox – Human Guardian
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Mouse.3271


Not present on JQ.

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Posted by: Shining KoW.4683

Shining KoW.4683

Any word from Arenanet on this problem?

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: NickFireman.7243


It seems like it’s not working in the whole game… There is no point in giving a token with the vendor being in an instanced area which we can’t access if we have already finished the quests… Before giving the tokens, they should make sure we would be able to access the vendor.

Garrus Finiarel – Human Warrior
Raven Oakwood – Sylvari Ranger
Kal Vas Flam [KVF] – Jade Quarry

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


He is not present behind the locked door. I was able to get in and find that he was not in the area where he normally was in the instance. Here is a picture to show all that he is currently not at Fort Trinity at his normal spot.

EDIT: Btw, may I have a special achievement into getting into this area? Heheh jk


(edited by DragoTheWise.7256)

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Explicit.6580


how come i am not surprised by this. maybe fixed the bugs you already have before putting out new content.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Ocellaris.8362


Well this would be a really unfortunate oversight. I went looking for him as well, presuming he would be hanging around in Fort Trinity ready to hand out some free items…

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Hippie.5083


Well this is annoying, but not surprising.

They will probably fix it after all the Halloween stuff goes away. sigh. Now it will just sit in my bank taunting me for another few weeks….taunting me…mocking me….


Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


You have to finish arah story mode to see him, someone said they just did it, you can revisit the instanced version of fort trinity.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Lori.6571


I finished Arah SM (and I assume everyone else who got the mail had already finished it as well) and there is no “instanced” version of Fort Trinity available for me to revisit.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: MysticHLE.7160


Anyone wanna try this…?

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Kami.7369


I just spoke to someone that had an ArenaNet logo next to their name in game, and while he was busy with other bug fixes, I did bring this to his attention, and he said they’d fix it, if there’s a bug (he wasn’t 100% sure, as that wasn’t what he was working on at the time)

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Askeptykal.4138


Anyone wanna try this…?

That’s a negative, the area is completely empty.


My sylvari needs more Tyrian Tweeters to ramble at – find her @JaeaSylvari

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


I just finished doing Arah story mode again and yeah you can access him in the locked room but he will not talk to us. I am not sure why. We talked to Trahearne like the quest said and then went to talk to Hargrove in the room that is open in the instance and he would not talk to us at all. Please fix this and please make him be out of instance so we dont have to do this dungeon again. It is not anyones favorite. Just have him be an NPC in Fort Trinity that can only be talked to by peeps with these tokens to turn in as there are literally hundreds that need to do this.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: BillFreist


Gameplay Programmer


I’m curious, were any of you in a group when you finished the game and couldn’t talk to him?

If you can’t find him, he’s located in an instance of Caer Aval (Fort Trinity) in the Straights of Devastation after completing the game, too. He is NOT available in the public map, which is why its blocked off.

The entry to this area is southwest of the Fort Trinity Waypoint and at the north entrance to Caer Aval. There is no marker for the instance entry like you’d normally see for Story steps, so just approach the door and you’ll get the prompt.

Once you’re in, he should be spawned straight ahead. If you don’t see him, wait around for a couple minutes and he should appear.


Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: RenRen.5706


@Bill Approaching the door does not give me a prompt.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Sytherek.7689


Sorry, Bill, your description is wrong. I do not get any “enter” dialog, and I’m standing outside the door to Caer Aval, as are other people. I finished the main questline some weeks ago, and have the toke in my backpack.

Other people are standing here, equally frustrated.

I’ve also wall-crawled all around Caer Aval, no success.

I’m on Tarnished Coast.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: BillFreist



Gameplay Programmer


Investigating, sorry about that!

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Malihk.2695


Tarnished Coast Server—- I and several others can not get into the instanced area, this was a giant disappointment following huge excitement, the fancy new weapon is gonna be a let down too isnt it?

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Trifuerza.5427


Investigating, sorry about that!

The door at the north entrance to Caer Avaldoesn’t generate the “instance join” prompt(Server Baruch Bay [SP]). I suppose its like Black Citadel instances. We go to the door but we don’t recibe the option to join the instance where the NPC is located. I hope that info helps you to fix it.
(Sorry for my bad English)

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: BillFreist



Gameplay Programmer


Good news, we’ve figured out the bug! We will have this fix pushed into the next build (not the build we just ran as I’m typing this) whenever that ends up being. I don’t want to leave you guys hanging, but I can’t promise any dates/times either.

But it will be soon my young grasshoppers, soon.


Edit: And when I say the “bug”, I mean the instance entry not being present.

(edited by BillFreist.1527)

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Neutro.3079


Nobody is getting the “instance enter” icon when coming close to Caer Aval door

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Udamar.4703


i think this is just a typical example for the big problem that GW2 has at the moment: it is just not rewarding players for doing something.

And than even while they try to react to the complains they fail to generate actual usable content because they probably didnt take the time to test it.

Such bugs can easily happen. but it is very unfortunate that it happens while trying to react to some serious complains about core mechanics of the game.

I really hope that Anet is going to do something about this and is trying to make the game rewarding at all.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Sytherek.7689


Good news, we’ve figured out the bug! We will have this fix pushed into the next build (not the build we just ran as I’m typing this) whenever that ends up being. I don’t want to leave you guys hanging, but I can’t promise any dates/times either.

But it will be soon my young grasshoppers, soon.


Edit: And when I say the “bug”, I mean the instance entry not being present.

I appreciate the update.

HOWEVER, as a professional, thirty-year veteran of the software industry, including game development, I am HIGHLY disappointed that ANet continues to push out broken code. I don’t expect perfection; I do expect basic testing. I don’t mind bugs; I do mind sloppiness in the name of saving a buck.

Yeah, you’ll say “it’s just a game” — and that’s a lame excuse for a lack of diligence. Don’t make the product if you aren’t willing to put in better effort on QA. This bug is just plain sloppy, and it hurts trust in the rest of the product.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Flakey.4892


Also does NOT work when you team up with somebody and get zoned into that zone. The NPC will not talk to you.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Nooka.8390


How do you not realize that
A) The main Halloween quest is broken
B) The token you mailed out this patch has no vendor that accepts said token

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Koolthulu.9682


Anet really needs to set up a test server and let us do their testing, since their internal testers seem to be having issues. You would think the mistake of just doing a couple of limited beta weekends would have taught them something.

Also they need to take a page out of Trion’s book and release patches quicker. If you have the issue fixed release the patch. This sitting on fixes for 1 or 2 weeks is getting old. And Anet has even less of an excuse, since they don’t have to bring down the servers to patch.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Foronisus.4138


I agree about test server, also i mean how hard can that be making portal or if you cant make it put a Open door model there (atleast that should fix the problem)

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Posted by: forrae.6708


a test server would work wonders. most other developers use this method, particularly blizzard, for whom it works excellently. every patch they’ve put out is generally pretty spotless and i assume it is because they have a larger set of data from all the people who try out new patches on their PTR rather than just the in house testers.

thugged out since cubscouts

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Toxic.4320


Seriously.. everyone calm down. ArenaNet will fix it and we’ll get our rewards. Less QQ about something they were nice enough to add in, eh?

Ethos Mores [KWBH] Commander, Ranger
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Foronisus.4138


Auctually we know that they will fix it but we are talking about time. Since they can make real fast fix for this

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: NukeM.7134


Anet team, Thanks for the quick response in your fixes and in listening to the customer. I’d rather have a bug on a feature that can be fixed than to not have the feature at all. I was frustrated trying to find the NPC; but I was happy at the same time to have the opportunity for the reward. In this case, I wasn’t expecting a weapon, although I was hoping for it. You made the effort to respond to our feedback about the quest rewards. This approach of continuous improvement will continue to make Anet successful. You know the customer is always right, so, you fix things as soon as possible.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

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Hey everyone,

While we have multiple points where we check for issues and multiple people watching for these (all part of that delay time between builds), there are times when we make mistakes that get into the game, despite our best efforts. It’s an unfortunate reality of game design and human nature.

That being said, we try to fix these issues as soon as they’re identified; and as Bill mentioned, we’ve found this issue and pushed a fix for it into our next full build. As this issue has been resolved, I’ll be closing this thread.

Thank you for your patience and understanding; we’re always working to improve our processes, and we appreciate your support!

ArenaNet Community Team
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