Please Fix Dodge
I have experienced the same issue as OP. Very annoying.
Yes, I have just experienced it too while fighting the Wurm at Kessex Hills. That mob tosses something at you that’s even marked with a red circle on ground. When that red circle began to show up I tried to dodge and where my char went? Yeah it was toward the mob and where there already was a lot of other red circles that made me almost instantly downed (I was at full health when started dodging).
My engineer always dodges in the wrong direction.. instead of telling the character to dodge backwards, he dodges forward for some reason.. this happens after skill 5 of the Rifle Jump.
Disabling double-tab to dodge in the options menu and assigning the dodge action to it’s own key will solve this problem.
Disabling double-tab to dodge in the options menu and assigning the dodge action to it’s own key will solve this problem.
Not always, I dodge using an assigned key instead double-tapping and it occasionally dodges to the wrong direction.
i always fight with the right click of the mouse pressed. Then i use Q W and E to move. I literally never ever use A or D, that way all my dodges goes to where i want.
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Disabling double-tab to dodge in the options menu and assigning the dodge action to it’s own key will solve this problem.
Not always, I dodge using an assigned key instead double-tapping and it occasionally dodges to the wrong direction.
That’s not happening with me,unless i do it myself on accident.
Disabling double-tab to dodge in the options menu and assigning the dodge action to it’s own key will solve this problem.
Not always, I dodge using an assigned key instead double-tapping and it occasionally dodges to the wrong direction.
That’s not happening with me,unless i do it myself on accident.
Dodging occasionally does send you in the wrong direction, but it is unrelated to double-tap or its assigned key.
If you are immobilized, knocked down, frozen, at the surface of the water, etc…. and you try to dodge roll, as soon as you are free, and most of the time, you will do a default backwards dodge roll, regardless of which direction your character is facing.
Try this:
Swim to the surface of any body of water (so your skills disappear)…
push the key assigned to your dodge roll…
Then wait any number of seconds or minutes….
then navigate your character to shore.
(don’t jump up onto land… just swim onto shore)
See what happens.
Can we please dodge in the direction we double tap? I hate dodging into the lava or electrical field then dying.