Ranger downstate
I’ve asked around and everyone agrees it’s intended.
I’ve asked around and everyone agrees it’s intended.
No it def isn’t if it were intended there would be a task bar available displaying it. Not be some secret thing that you find out by accident or testing (like finding out a skill hits more than once or the cd is broken) there would also probably be traits for it. I’m not saying it’s an exploit I’m just saying its a function that is currently not working as intended.
the only people who will say that it’s meant to be that way are people who like taking advantage of it.
I’ve asked around and everyone agrees it’s intended.
No it def isn’t if it were intended there would be a task bar available displaying it. Not be some secret thing that you find out by accident or testing (like finding out a skill hits more than once or the cd is broken) there would also probably be traits for it. I’m not saying it’s an exploit I’m just saying its a function that is currently not working as intended.
the only people who will say that it’s meant to be that way are people who like taking advantage of it.
In my opinion, this is not a bug but a class mechanic that should go on the Ranger’s forum for people to discuss. Rangers downed state has been this way since 2012. It’s something that is special to a range because they have pets. The other professions don’t have pets. To me the feature makes sense, just because your downed you should be able to give vocal commands to your pet. Being downed doesn’t silence your voice xD.
I’ve asked around and everyone agrees it’s intended.
No it def isn’t if it were intended there would be a task bar available displaying it. Not be some secret thing that you find out by accident or testing (like finding out a skill hits more than once or the cd is broken) there would also probably be traits for it. I’m not saying it’s an exploit I’m just saying its a function that is currently not working as intended.
the only people who will say that it’s meant to be that way are people who like taking advantage of it.
In my opinion, this is not a bug but a class mechanic that should go on the Ranger’s forum for people to discuss. Rangers downed state has been this way since 2012. It’s something that is special to a range because they have pets. The other professions don’t have pets. To me the feature makes sense, just because your downed you should be able to give vocal commands to your pet. Being downed doesn’t silence your voice xD.
I get what you’re saying but again I feel like this mechanic isn’t lost when a ranger is downed…you call your pet to res you…and it can actually fully res you which is more than many other downstate abilities can do…so in turn the synergy with the pet is still there with the down state skill. I’m aware it has been s way since 2012 and I’m dares sing it now bc I noticed nothing had been done about it….my view is this, either you add a taskbar in downstate to specifically to show it is a mechanic not just in regular combat but in downstate or fix it so that like every other class this unique mechanic only works in normal combat.
Because anet has never acknowledged this with the taskbar and no one has ever really brought it up anet has just failed to notice…and this happens….I mean the tonic exploit is still doable and they supposedly fixed it but no ones really spoken about it so anet hasn’t notice….I bring it to the attention of anet on this forum not to complain but for it to be fixed….either to show it that this IS the way that it’s intended and showing us evidence not just having it be a hidden thing to discover or remove that function from the downstate because that isn’t how it was intended…it’s not a cry to remove it just simply to address it in a clear manner.
Hopefully this explains what I mean with this post a bit better
Perhaps, the Devs feel it makes up for all the times the pet is dead, and thus hamstrings the Ranger by 30%.
Perhaps, as well, the Devs don’t feel every profession needs the same access to mechanics (see Revenant), but rather be comparable. /shrug
this has been in gw2 since i can remember and its meant to be a thing. until you are dead you can command your pet. i dont see any issue with it plus having no access to commanding your pet just leaves you with a static AI till you can use lick wounds for it to help res you. it helps since you can use the f3 key to call back your pet to you so when lick wounds is off cd saves time having your pet run to you and possibly dragging a boss onto your head.
sounds like you dont like getting feared by the wolfs f2 when you’re trying to stomp if its a problem pop a stab skill and there problem solved
Guild- JLAI (Dragon Slayers of Zhaitan)
This “bug” has been around since launch and is now a vital part of the Ranger play-style in sPvP.
If it was actually considered a bug it would have been fixed long ago as it greatly alters the competitive environment of the game on a primary class.
I’ve asked around and everyone agrees it’s intended.
No it def isn’t if it were intended there would be a task bar available displaying it. Not be some secret thing that you find out by accident or testing (like finding out a skill hits more than once or the cd is broken) there would also probably be traits for it. I’m not saying it’s an exploit I’m just saying its a function that is currently not working as intended.
the only people who will say that it’s meant to be that way are people who like taking advantage of it.
In my opinion, this is not a bug but a class mechanic that should go on the Ranger’s forum for people to discuss. Rangers downed state has been this way since 2012. It’s something that is special to a range because they have pets. The other professions don’t have pets. To me the feature makes sense, just because your downed you should be able to give vocal commands to your pet. Being downed doesn’t silence your voice xD.
I get what you’re saying but again I feel like this mechanic isn’t lost when a ranger is downed…you call your pet to res you…and it can actually fully res you which is more than many other downstate abilities can do…so in turn the synergy with the pet is still there with the down state skill. I’m aware it has been s way since 2012 and I’m dares sing it now bc I noticed nothing had been done about it….my view is this, either you add a taskbar in downstate to specifically to show it is a mechanic not just in regular combat but in downstate or fix it so that like every other class this unique mechanic only works in normal combat.
Because anet has never acknowledged this with the taskbar and no one has ever really brought it up anet has just failed to notice…and this happens….I mean the tonic exploit is still doable and they supposedly fixed it but no ones really spoken about it so anet hasn’t notice….I bring it to the attention of anet on this forum not to complain but for it to be fixed….either to show it that this IS the way that it’s intended and showing us evidence not just having it be a hidden thing to discover or remove that function from the downstate because that isn’t how it was intended…it’s not a cry to remove it just simply to address it in a clear manner.
Hopefully this explains what I mean with this post a bit better
Your follow up response makes more sense to me now, thank you.
The real problem for me here is that when you burst a pet down quickly so it cant use F2, the ranger can respawn it rather quickly with skill 3 on downes state, making them able to do it again.
I’ve played ranger for three years now and never have been able to control my pet or use its f2 ability. Yes it can attack and activate it’s standard abilities while you are downed but I find the pet extremely useless if you are in sPvP or WvW it takes a long while for the #3 to go off cool down. I’m usually staked within that amount of time unless one of my team mates can red me or get the attention of the other player. With you mentioning that other classes don’t have special downed skills they do. Thieves have two helpful downed skills being able to invisible and shadows step. Meanders can port and make a double while going invisible. Guardians can knock back, Warriors can get up and kill their opponent. Elementalists can smoke form and run away. Rangers and engies are the only ones with no mobility when they are downed and half the time the lightning strike doesn’t interrupt a stake. So yes in PvE the pet can be OP but in any player vs. Player section usually you are dead.
But if you are saying some how I can use my pet skills other than getting them to attack the person I have targeted then I have never seen it or used it. I will have to try but I’m pretty sure you can’t activate your f2 skill while downed. I have also never been able to change my pet while downed. You burst them and depending on the pet they will keep attacking or limp over to you. Yes the pet can still heal you but if they changed it to not heal then you’d be completely removing #3 from the downed state which would be like telling a mess that they can’t go invisible and create a double while downed.
(edited by ElijahFitzroy.5762)
Seriously??? Again? and likely some more that I missed. Please merge.
(edited by Blude.6812)
this has been in gw2 since i can remember and its meant to be a thing. until you are dead you can command your pet. i dont see any issue with it plus having no access to commanding your pet just leaves you with a static AI till you can use lick wounds for it to help res you. it helps since you can use the f3 key to call back your pet to you so when lick wounds is off cd saves time having your pet run to you and possibly dragging a boss onto your head.
sounds like you dont like getting feared by the wolfs f2 when you’re trying to stomp if its a problem pop a stab skill and there problem solved
Easy to say but not everyone has easy access to stab…so when you blind or just let them use their down state cc to get the secure stomp and all of a sudden wolf swaps out and fears u…it’s bs….if I were playing Mesmer and I used my f3 to daze you with my clones while you tried to secure a stomp you’d be livid.. And would kitten about it but technically it’s how the class works. But that’s not the case the clones won’t do that bc when you’re down you’re down you have a set number of skills
This “bug” has been around since launch and is now a vital part of the Ranger play-style in sPvP.
If it was actually considered a bug it would have been fixed long ago as it greatly alters the competitive environment of the game on a primary class.
1. It is not vital once you’re down in a fight usually you’re done
2. It’s not vital bc Rangers like every other class has been given 3 downstate a skills those of which ARE vital because they’re meant to be what can stalk out an opponent
3. There are plenty of bugs that the secs miss so just because they didn’t fix it does not mean it’s not a bug
4. You’re right it would affect competitive play because it would erase ranger’s ability to use their pet to apply an extra cc.
Again if this is an intended function the secs should acknowledge it both visibly in game and on the forums. But if not remove this function.
Like I said it’s something that needs to be clearly address to remove any confusion on the matter
This “bug” has been around since launch and is now a vital part of the Ranger play-style in sPvP.
If it was actually considered a bug it would have been fixed long ago as it greatly alters the competitive environment of the game on a primary class.1. It is not vital once you’re down in a fight usually you’re done
2. It’s not vital bc Rangers like every other class has been given 3 downstate a skills those of which ARE vital because they’re meant to be what can stalk out an opponent
3. There are plenty of bugs that the secs miss so just because they didn’t fix it does not mean it’s not a bug
4. You’re right it would affect competitive play because it would erase ranger’s ability to use their pet to apply an extra cc.Again if this is an intended function the secs should acknowledge it both visibly in game and on the forums. But if not remove this function.
Like I said it’s something that needs to be clearly address to remove any confusion on the matter
It was moved out of the bug forums. Confirmed not a bug.
1. we have no downstat teleport
2. no down state stealth
3. no down stat fear
4. no downstate blinds ect
so ya i’d say its intentional because without that pet CC or Pet Res we will die Much much Faster than the other downstates Since we Can’t Prevent Cleaves or Move while downed we only have thunderclap which dazes which interrupts and prevents the target from using skills for a period of time for 1second max or two seconds with Moment of clairty but that needs a interrupt on the interrupt to prepair the Clarity so in this Case the PET INTERRUPTS and you the ranger gains moment of Clarity which is 2seconds of Aoe daze when using the thunder clap.
so other classes get 2-5 seconds of Prevention base line by ports, fears , blinds , or a KD + second chance to get back up and quickly kill , while ranger only has his Combo of PET+thunderclap to make up those 2-5seconds same as all the other classes and it only has lick wounds because it can’t not Escape from the cleaves .
unlike other classes the pet is a Seperate eternity not par of the rangers Build its a Stand alone Mechanic which is why its Unique , very prone to killing itself or is also very hard to use effectively as the trade offs go for , it gives the player a Wider Use of ways to use the mechanics rather than just pressing a f2 or using “steal” and since you pointed out " steal" don’t work in downed you know why it don’t work Its because the user is Downed prone on the floor , you expect a eternity or charater on the floor being able to move pshyicaly or even have the energy or life to perform such a large attack , no he wouldn’t his on deaths door it would be impossible to perform .
where as a ranger only has to use a Voice to command his pet no psyhical actions , this is a reason why i’ve always been a ranger , I get vastly Bored if single use Mechanics which are very very limited with the ways you could use them .
so instead of blaming or trying to get it " so called fixed" maybe the other classes need there downstates looked at so they provide more synergy with the mechanics they have.
like using the mesmer downstate Clone port > shatter blind, which i have no idea if its possible or not but if the UI is gone in downed state the shatter ability should still be active while you have clones to shatter , if it doesnt work while downed , there is the Lack of syngery between downed and mechanics for other classes.
so instead of trying to point out the only thing we have that is good for us , why not look deeper into other classes and if what they are missing Mechanicly just like you have pointed out.
it is all intentional XD .
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
This doesn’t even have to be a bloated discussion lol It’s simple. Pets are ranger’s allies. They are separated entities. If a ranger is lying down there, he can still command the pets to help him. They are independent from each other. Pretty much intended (otherwise this is probably the oldest bug ever, most likely not)
It’s irritating. I’ve asked around agree and everyone agrees that it’s actually not supposed to function in downstate yet no one has made a complaint about t and it is abused I’m pvp all the time.
Please fix this.
Good thing you’re friends with so many Anet devs. Perhaps asking them why they haven’t fixed it is in order?
I will trade you one downed state pet mechanic for a downed state teleport.
Am I good?… I’m good.
They would have fixed this if it wasn’t intended by now.
Am I good?… I’m good.
They would have fixed this if it wasn’t intended by now.
For sure.
Also, things like necro minions, ele summons and guardian spirit weapons still works while they are in downed state, don’t they?
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
As Guardian, I can just f1 + f3 , spam blind and make both ranger and pet miss, and use aegis just to make sure.
As Thief I can just use stealth and stomp.
As Warrior I can just pop the stability.
As Ele I can pop stability or invulnerable to stomp too.
As Mesmer I can click f4 and use distortion stomp.
As Engi, I can use stealth or stability or invulnerable to stomp too.
As Necro, I can use shroud stability trait to stump too.
It’s actually EASIER to deal with than Thief and Ele downstate.
Conclusion: L2P
(edited by Aomine.5012)
When the devs patch 3 traits that apply to the F2 commands to work in a downed stated, I’m pretty sure it’s intended.
- Go for the Eyes: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from activating while in a downed state.
- Wilting Strike: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from activating while in a downed state.
- Beastly Warden: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from activating while in a downed state.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Somebody recently got killed trying to stomp a ranger ;-)
It’s intended.
It’s irritating. I’ve asked around agree and everyone agrees that it’s actually not supposed to function in downstate yet no one has made a complaint about t and it is abused I’m pvp all the time.
Please fix this.
The only irritating things here are your posts.
And the fact you clearly missed to read a lot of threads and patch notes.
Yes! I absolutely agree. Finally someone that can think outside of the box instead of this mainstream crap! This game breaking bug has been in the game for 3 years without the devs noticing ( after all it is pretty hard to notice ). Seeing as ranger is already OP as heck in all 3 game modes, I think this bug should get fixed ASAP. Rangers have been on the top of the food chain for far too long.
(edited by TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275)
Ranger can lose 30% of their dps at anytime during a fight. Food and other consumables don’t affect the pet. Most boons don’t affect the 30% damage this is our pet unless we trait it. Pets stats don’t scale up when the player is wearing ascended gear.
But you think ranger down state is broken and unfair. Look at classes as a whole and not just in a vacuum.
Stop trying to dps down and just stomp.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)
They would have fixed this if it wasn’t intended by now.
Exactly. It would have been fixed a day after it was discovered.
Not only is it intended, but they have made bug fixes for traits that were not functioning on F2 use while downed. It is intended and an integral part of being a Ranger. The pet is a separate entity and can perform actions on its own.
This topic is ridiculous. You are downed, not your pet. Of course it can still act. TC….are you really this simple?
One of the very first videos (THE first video I think?) we ever saw of ranger gameplay, before beta weekends, was of a ranger dev PvPing and using his pet in downstate. Thread over.
Anet fixed a bug in a recent patch where you couldn’t use taunt while you were in downed state. They fixed it so you could. I’m pretty sure it’s intended if they are willing to fix something like this.
I agree it’s intended-the argument is that it seems to be a “hidden mechanic”, but apart from that, from many points of view it not only makes sense, but it’s just right, and most certainly not “OP”. Though it’s one of the best downed states in the game, would you choose a Profession based on its “best downed skills?”… I assume not many would.
Downed state is not dead. If you want the effects of being dead to be applied to downed state then kill all necro minions, kill all mesmer illusions, kill all engi turrets cancel all aoes previously placed by the player that is downed etc
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard
I agree OP pets are kitten OP… wait a minute…
Once other classes get pets, they’ll be able to do it too. But, you know, you’ll also have to sacrifice a large portion of your damage in order to get one.
As Guardian, I can just f1 + f3 , spam blind and make both ranger and pet miss, and use aegis just to make sure.
As Thief I can just use stealth and stomp.
As Warrior I can just pop the stability.
As Ele I can pop stability or invulnerable to stomp too.
As Mesmer I can click f4 and use distortion stomp.
As Engi, I can use stealth or stability or invulnerable to stomp too.
As Necro, I can use shroud stability trait to stump too.
It’s actually EASIER to deal with than Thief and Ele downstate.
Conclusion: L2P
sigh….another ‘elite’ player trying to teach someone how to play….
One the thread is to bring attention to a hidden mechanic to either specify that it is intended or to remove it if it is not.
Two I’m fully aware of how to get a safe stomp. Regardless there are things called cool downs sometimes you’ve already blown your cd’s in the fight and managed to down your opponent now you go for a stomp….no stab no f4 as a mes no stealth as an engi….etc….and steal thing isn’t even safe btw the wolf can still cc u even through blind fields.
I’ll try and say this as easy as possible so you can understand
Anet the ppl who manage this game and help keep it balanced have dedicated THREE skills to every class in downstate in which these skills are the only skills available. Rangers in downstate unlike any other class have a hidden mechanic that still allows them to use their f skills to rotate pets and use pets attacks…when every other class can not use their class mechanic….Because it is a HIDDEN mechanic…the very valid question considering the state of all other classes downstate of whether or not this is intended can be asked as it is NOT specified neither in the description of ranger downstate skills on the list of downstate skills per class or shown in game as a task bar so that everyone new and old to the class can know that this IS intended.
Does that help ser?
I agree it’s intended-the argument is that it seems to be a “hidden mechanic”, but apart from that, from many points of view it not only makes sense, but it’s just right, and most certainly not “OP”. Though it’s one of the best downed states in the game, would you choose a Profession based on its “best downed skills?”… I assume not many would.
You’re absolutely correct I wouldn’t choos a profession based on its downed skills…I’m also glad you get my intent in what I was trying to say.
Downed state is not dead. If you want the effects of being dead to be applied to downed state then kill all necro minions, kill all mesmer illusions, kill all engi turrets cancel all aoes previously placed by the player that is downed etc
Glad you brought this up…if you downed a necro and he was able to hit his elite key to make his golem minion bile you over after having used his down state fear to cc you once….you would probably be crying for anet to fix it as you cannot trigger your elite in downed state. Might I add that necrosis life siphon is really strong in downstate so there’s always the chance they’d kill you if they were able to do that…YES the minions can still attack you there is nothing wrong with that but using skills separate from the given taskbar is what the argument is about.
Mesmer clones are the same imagine u down a mes he makes his downstate clones then uses his 3 skill to summon that stupid HS spamming clone then goes and gift f3 to daze you several times and ur in a pvp match and trying to get him off point and he’s stalking out ticking precious points for his team using a hidden mechanic…you’d again be crying for this to be fixed or rather addressed at least.
No you’re not dead in downed state but your last hoorah your last chance to stall out or res are your downstate 1 2 and 3 and if you have access to other skills or should be displayed or you shouldn’t have access. Get me?
Once other classes get pets, they’ll be able to do it too. But, you know, you’ll also have to sacrifice a large portion of your damage in order to get one.
Anet said professions won’t be mixing like in gw1 (although that can change) but I’d take their word for it for now…and rangers despite giving up that damage still have high dps and from crazy range…I’ve had rangers hitting me at mansion from the clock tower (standing outside it me running into the point then getting out of range as I get to about the center or further)
That’s inane range and after dodge rolling you just have to take damage till u can LOS them. Rangers aren’t really lacking with dmg imo I think they could use a bit of love in other places but def not dmg
Ranger can lose 30% of their dps at anytime during a fight. Food and other consumables don’t affect the pet. Most boons don’t affect the 30% damage this is our pet unless we trait it. Pets stats don’t scale up when the player is wearing ascended gear.
But you think ranger down state is broken and unfair. Look at classes as a whole and not just in a vacuum.
Stop trying to dps down and just stomp.
The post inst about the class as a whole it is about a particular mechanic that is functioning but hidden and often times when that has occurred and Anet catches wind it’s address. The inner of this post is to bring it to light and address it. This has nothing to do with how the pet behaves in combat to food or armor buffs but to the fact that it can still be controlled in downstate despite the downstate ui not showing that this is a capability, thus making it hidden, thus raising the question of why is this possible when there is no clear indication that it was intended? Is it? Yes…then fine? No then please remove it. As long as it’s ignored that question can never be resolved.
I don’t really understand the logic behind your request.
When a ranger goes down the pet just goes into “I must defend my master”-mode and will keep fighting till it’s dead. We can respawn it with skill 3 yes, but that takes way longer than the cooldown on the teleport skill for other classes.
And it’s not like a pet is super useful when you are downed. For the small chance that a pet can heal you in PvP (and maybe WvW, I don’t know) you have to keep the pet close to you (so it doesn’t have to run back to you and waste time when you hit 3). Meaning you are easily downed in all the damage people might throw on your pet.. and while it is healing you it is so easy to kill (while you take AoE or cleaving damage as well).
If you want my advice, don’t try to stomp a ranger just attack it normally, and when the pet runs towards the ranger to heal in downed state just switch target and fear/knockback/etc it away.
-Genetta Tigrina – Cicadina – Genetta Victoriae-
I had a footage of me being in downstate for nearly 30 sec on our homepoint where enemy mesmer had used all his cds n was rly low after a 1v1. He tried to down me but i rotated my downstate rupt + pet swaps n their taunt kd fear inbetween self res from pet and eventually i downed him n won He was so infuriated haha.. thats a word right
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
I had a footage of me being in downstate for nearly 30 sec on our homepoint where enemy mesmer had used all his cds n was rly low after a 1v1. He tried to down me but i rotated my downstate rupt + pet swaps n their taunt kd fear inbetween self res from pet and eventually i downed him n won
He was so infuriated haha.. thats a word right
You’d be surprised how frustrated if you down together with a Warrior, only to let him get up, pop a stability, and stomp you instead.
I agree that a Ranger can stall for a pretty obscene length of time while in downed state… But have you never tried to stomp a Thief who doesn’t just spam their downed state skills? The second before the stomp animation finishes, they shadowstep. You reposition yourself to stomp again. The second before the stomp finishes, they stealth… Rinse and repeat until either they bleed out, they get res’d or you get downed in the process.
It’s not the same idea as a Ranger being able to use their F skills while in downed state but if the problem you have with it is how long they can stall while downed… Thieves and in some cases Engineers, can be just as difficult to stomp.
And no I’m not saying Thief downed state needs a nerf. I’m just saying that they can stall a stomp just as well as a Ranger if not better at times because they can shadowstep vertically while downed, lol.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I personally would like to see everyone have function key skills in downstate. It would add to the variety of downed state and give greater odds of getting up…. Though in some cases (elixir r) too great a chance.
Stop come here criing for nerf! Ranger have a lor of problem to fix first.
Just use stealth stability or some invulnerability skill and press F.
For me downed state ele, thief, guardian and mesmer is a lot more boring.
lol, Rangers are the easiest class to finish. Together with Engineer and Necro and Guardian and Warrior. All you need is stability for a 100% success rate.
Thief and Mesmer are basically OP in their downed state. They can both stealth and move.
Elementalist downed state is totally OP in WvW. They have instant access to their best downed skill, for which other classes have to wait 20 seconds. It allowes them to move to their allies for help and it can even be used to run into structures.
Stop come here criing for nerf! Ranger have a lor of problem to fix first.
Just use stealth stability or some invulnerability skill and press F.
For me downed state ele, thief, guardian and mesmer is a lot more boring.It’s not a nerf it’s a possible bug fix….and even if it is a nerf you’ve lost the fight, it’s to prevent you from stalling forever on a point in pvp. Btw pet fears still work in stealth and through thieves blind field.
Lol I’m actually glad to see how many ppl responded to this