Ranked PvP not even counting certain matches
hi i just had that today as well
I’m fairly certain the match was recorded
i was on a win streak and won a match whilst on the fourth pip of the fourth tier in emerald. if i’d had my points i would’ve been into the fifth tier and unable to lose it. however i didn’t get them and then lost two in a row. kinda sucks as i lost the days progress. hope this can be fixed and would be nice if they could be restored.
I lost the following match, so I have no way of knowing whether the streak would have continued after this match. If anyone else has had a similar problem but won the following match, this would be helpful information. Again, though, the match did not appear in my match history, so I have no idea what occurred.
5 Minutes ago I won a ranked match on temple. I didn’t get pips for it and it isn’t in my Game History. :-(
Luckily I had ShadowPlay running, as you can see no change in Pip on the League Screen.
Thank you for merging the threads.
An answer or a notice that you are working on this would be nice, because doing a season and then not counting games and don’t giving earned pips isn’t cool at all.
If this is helpful I can upload the whole video of the match.
We are indeed working on this issue (it’ll be added to the Known Issue Tracker shortly. Unfortunately it’s proven a very difficult one to solve. We’ll keep you posted on the progress, though.
Edited to add: please do post the video, Shylock! Especially if you managed to grab the game history at the end.
(edited by GM Awesomeness.8619)
We are indeed working on this issue (it’ll be added to the Known Issue Tracker shortly. Unfortunately it’s proven a very difficult one to solve. We’ll keep you posted on the progress, though.
Edited to add: please do post the video, Shylock! Especially if you managed to grab the game history at the end.
There is a 2 page thread on this in the PvP sub forum. I’ve lost a total of 6 pips to this.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
It’s not only on Ranked PvP but Unranked to.
It’s possible a bug on button “Leave Match” because after I don’t have clicked on button, close the window and exit clicking on right bottom icon I don’t see any lost match.
Edited to add: please do post the video, Shylock! Especially if you managed to grab the game history at the end.
You have a PM with a Google Drive link to the video. The game history is at timestamp 19:49.
Thanks all! This should, in theory, by fixed now. Please let us know if you see this problem again.