This issue has been raised multiple times in the Revenant forum, but appars to be being ignored there, despite many other less serious things being fixed in patches since HoT release, so I thought I’d bring it up in the bug report forum instead seems as I would presume it’s a bug and an unintended oversight, as it is inconsistent with the underwater mechanics for every other class in the game, for reference:
The Issue(s)
There is an inconsistency with the Revenant class over every other class in the game when it comes to in-game mechanics underwater (#1), which is compounded by the incompleteness of the class in underwater content (#2, #3), the issues are thus:
1: Every other class in the game has access to a different set of selected utility skills and pets when switching from land combat mode to water combat mode, as pre-chosen by the player. This however is not the case for Revenant, and whatever Legends you have selected while you were on land you will retain underwater.
2: This issue is made worse by the fact only two of the five possible legends have any access to a heal skill, three utility skills, and an elite skill when underwater. This means that if you have Jalis (Legendary Dwarf Stance), Ventari (Legendary Centaur Stance) or Glint (Legendary Dragon Stance) slotted as your Legends when you enter water combat mode, you will only have half a skill bar (your weapon skills only) available, even at level 80. It is not possible to swap these out for the two Legends (Shiro – Legendary Assassin Stance, and Mallyx, Legendary Demon Stance) that do have underwater skills if you are dragged underwater mid-combat, due to slot locking while in combat.
3: The starting Legend for Revenant’s is Jalis (Legendary Dwarven Stance). This means that before a new player unlocks their alternative Legend Stances, they suffer from a crushing inconsistent handicap in underwater that prevents them from healing themselves while underwater, as Legendary Dwarven Stance does not get a self-heal skill (slot 6), while underwater.
Please do try and address these issues (or at least acknowledge you are aware of them) as soon as possible (at the very least issue #1, which at least players could then use pre-equipping the Shiro and Mallyx Legends underwater as a workaround for the other issues); Much of the core GW2 content is underwater, and as Revenant has equal access to this content as every other class in the game, it is a major and crushing handicap to the completeness and effectiveness of the class in core areas. Thankyou.
(edited by KotCR.6024)