Ruined Ore
The masters mining pick is the same as a darksteel mining pick which allows you to mine platinum ore if you are trying to mine orichalum ore with it you have a very high chance of getting ruined ore.
You used the wrong tools. You dont get ruined anything from being attacked.
The masters mining pick is the same as a darksteel mining pick which allows you to mine platinum ore if you are trying to mine orichalum ore with it you have a very high chance of getting ruined ore.
Unless something’s changed in the past week, the Masters pick is actually a steel pick, I think. It won’t get platinum, but will get Iron and Gold.
You used the wrong tools. You dont get ruined anything from being attacked.
you have a chance to get ruined items if u gather/chop/mine while being attacked i tested it already even if you jave the highest tools available (it happened to me with orichalcum axe at a lvl 50 area)
By the Six you are a whiny little snot.
“I got ruined ore because I was attacked while mining! This game is terrible, I’m going to quit and go cry in a corner.”
Just kill the bloody thing before you mine. I don’t recall any other game that allows you do mine while you’re being hit.
Ruined ore/plant fiber/log come only from using the wrong tools. I’ve been attacked plenty of times while harvesting (including tonight) and I’ve never gotten ruined anything.
I support Tengu as a playable race.
The ruined items’ tooltip actually tell you about needing a better tool but it would have been better if the game just prevented you from harvesting instead. I guess they want to encourage people to just stick to Mithril tools once they are high enough level.
I am near-certain the master pick scales with your level, although that is irrelevant as I have also recently gotten some ruined things while using an Orichalcum tool.
I got a single ‘ruined rock’ from mining mithril with a mithril pick – all the others were ok. Possibly a rare higher gem in the node?
I always mine when I am being attacked and don’t get anything ruined unless I use the wrong tools
I like how a lot of people post about how it isn’t possible, because it hasn’t happened to them. Yes, it’s been implemented, grats on being lucky so far.
Now in regards to the master’s, I figured since it was green quality that it would be better then the blue orichalcum…. and since it just says “More efficient at gathering resources and uncovering rare components” and doesn’t state what you can farm with it, I figured it meant everything, just like the orichalcum.
Go some ruined ore while mining ori with an ori pick while being attacked by quaggan. I’d rather I just not be allowed to mine than ruining that whole node for me for x many hours. Guess il just kill the 10 quaggan and 4 krait that guard that one node. You’d think it was a rich vein or something.
And another thing to being a whining little snot. I saw an implement change that I did not agree with and gave my feedback of it and asking the question, why, and not only that but I was actually thinking of there answer too about getting rid of botters by doing it, which it didn’t.
So how’s about this, go troll elsewhere, because I would like an actual answer from a dev.
While i made gathering 50 times while being attacked so far. Not a single ruined. Just saying
and I’m just saying, it’s implemented, you should read what I posted, I don’t need updates from someone who doesn’t know. Thank you have a great day.