Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JaxomNC.5381


It’s been months and months and months that I cannot enjoy anymore what used to be one of my most favorite activities: Mario K… err, Sanctum Sprint which happens to be once again today’s activity for the daily achievements.

Will you ever got those buggy skills, mainly the targeted and un-targeted versions of Lightning Pull, work correctly on medium-to-high ping (375-650ms) and bad latency connections?

I do not mind loosing when I make a mistake or someone uses a 6-9 skill on me, but it’s very very unnerving when you are in the lead and… and you are suddenly unable to continue forward because you need to cross a chasm and the un-targeted version of Lightning Pull make you land 3 meters away behind the receiving pyramid and your character keeps rolling until he falls down from the platform… When using the un-targeted version of the skill I expect to fall exactly on the pyramid not 3 meters away from it… and I certainly does not expect my character to continue moving with some kind of momentum.

The targeted version of the skill is no much better because 1) you need to find a place where it will activate instead of the un-targeted one and 2) it usually jumps too short even if the AoE indicator was green making you miss the platform and fall to your death as well.

In the mean time and without any skill 0 (teleport to next point) I am forced to keep trying to jump (and die subsequently) while others player keep moving and reach the end of the race. Usually the race time expires with me never ever reaching the finishing line unless I get lucky and find one of those teleport skill…

It’s not fun anymore

(edited by JaxomNC.5381)

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Well I’m totally +1-ing that, I love Sanctum Sprint but the lightning pulls don’t work for me at all any more.

The thing is, they used to work just fine during the annual Zephyr Sanctum event. Then when Dry Top was introduced, it stopped working for some reason. The one at the crash site in Dry Top didn’t work, and from that moment, nor did any other lightning pull anywhere else. So something must have been changed. Although my internet is terrible, I know that isn’t the issue, because it USED to work and now doesn’t and my internet is exactly the same kitteny line as it’s always been lol

I still keep trying to do Sanctum Sprint though. It’s one of the only activities that’s actually fun to do And I always get excited when I hear that music! I’d probably get so much done if rl activities had that music lol

edited because spelling is a thing

(edited by Greyhound.2058)

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

probably due to the lag/skill lag , my ping is so far really good so i have zero problem with lightning pull .. but i see often other player totally miss the platform .. and its not because they are bad .. i see them rubberbanding in the air before falling … anyway even if i have a good ping i’m always last at the finishing line : Crystal Obsessed achiev i collect all crystal before the timer expire ..heheh and i can enjoy the music too ..

It must be a pain … i see tons of player lagging like hell … i mean when i do the Steam Ogre after the Fire Elemental i see entire zergs of players running across the platform and fall ….

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


It’s not lag/skill lag, as others stated something changed. I was used to have issues with it during bazar but I could easily workaround it. Now, on past months, I hardly pass those areas requiring Lightning Pull. If it would be skill lag other skills would also suffer but they don’t, skills 6-7 triggers almost like immediately (time between hitting the key and start of cast time).

The “symptoms” is like mentioned: untargeted version tosses you far from that pyramid thing, targeted version either does a shot jump or also tosses you past the target. Curiously I noted a thing today: when I had to use the untargeted one at a platform, if I just hit the skill without using any movement keys it would toss me past the platform and I would fall down. If I would use the backward key to prevent the excessive momentum it would do a short jump and I would fall mid way without even reaching the platform.

Once I got so mad because this kitten skill that I just did a /sit for a bit and then kept messing around until the time was over…

Another thing: wth does it have to make calculations at client side so it ends affected by lag? Why can’t the untargeted version just do as said: put you into that pyramid thing?

(edited by shadow.6174)

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gudy.3607


Another thing: wth does it have to make calculations at client side so it ends affected by lag? Why can’t the untargeted version just do as said: put you into that pyramid thing?

It’s not so much untargeted as auto-targeted, I suspect. Also, it actually moves the character through 3-d space instead of being a teleport/shadowstep to a fixed location. Movement in GW2 is at least partly handled client-side (hence the existence of flight hacks and similar things) and therefore susceptible to lag when the client and server disagree about where you are.

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rhea Ravenseeker.7105

Rhea Ravenseeker.7105

This is still an issue, I am on 310 ping at the moment, which is about the best you can get from Australia to Europe, and I cannot get past the first canyon. This is even worse because they insist on making this a daily. Can you please report on progress on this? Oh wait, remembers that anet are well known for not reporting on anything. Darn.

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

Sanctum Sprint - the not so fun activity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

Fix suggestion: Like gliding, make this stupid skill client side instead of server side.