Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Phun.4695


During the personal story “The Source of Orr”, the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan will sometimes will fail to transition to a new phase of the fight. He will just sit in the middle of his pool perma-invulnerable while he and Trahearne go pew pew at eachother. I’ve had it happen to me multiple times. I don’t think it matters what percentage of health the eye reaches, because it has happened to me when the eye was above 80% and below 20%.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: sheep.3178


it happen to me when the eye was left with 2-3% hp… i have to redo the fight and finally it works

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Pangie.3217


Had this happen to me also and it’s such an annoying fight. I’m kind of staying away from it which is a shame because I really want to see where my story takes me.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Derms.4758


happened to e every time i do the fight. sometimes at 10%, last time at 80%… the ‘determined’ buff doesn’t go away so i’m just watching him zap Trahearne the whole time

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Danny.3907


Bugged for me also..

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Dortmunder.9572


It happened to me the first time I did it.

Was late and was going to bed when I was done. So went to bed after it bugged and came back today and did it ok.

So if you have the patience to do it multiple times then it’s possible.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Luthan.5236


Had that bug too. First your troops are not coming with you. Someone said this was not a bug and was in the quest text that they are holding off the enemy. But strange that all the named guys are with you there. You would expect a big fight with them and some action and party lol. And no one was talking about them defending that entrance.

Then that eye was easy to hit and damage only with me and Trahearne. Thought it was an easy fight but did 25 percent damage and he went to perma invulnerable and shooting Trahearne.

And somtimes earlier when he still was vulnerable he was shooting my rocket turret in the center in that water. And somehow he managed to do no damage while only attacking that turret. Maye I should have attacked it… was doing nothing else and damageable. But I detonated the turret. Would probably have counted as exploit killing him while he effectevly is doing nothing.

Trying tomorrow/ later again. The more I progress in story the more it feels like the game is still alpha not beta lol. But certainly not finished. Hoping until october they will have fixed most of the major bugs.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Kuju.2153


I just had it bug tonight. After fighting him for 30 minutes he bugged at 1% after the cut-scene (which had bugged voiceovers); he gained the determined buff for 7 minutes. I waited it out and killed him, but then the story did not progress no matter what I did. NPC’s started to repop and everything, but the personal story just showed everything complete without anything actually happening.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Marz.2173


I have experienced this bug twice(eyeball goes immune) once at half health and another at around 5% health…. This just seems unacceptable for such an important story quest. Also this was the second quest in a row that was a bugged, the previous quest Against the Corruption also was a pain to experience due to non functionality.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Kirston.5728


This is happening for me also. After 80% he gets the determined bug which has a duration of 1hr. Please fix this as it is an extremely frustrating fight.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Kosh.6473


Yes My Ranger is in the same boat. Saw nothing in the state of the game updates about a fix…

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: smoked.2057


mine went immune for 1 hour and there is a new build in 30min…..

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: smoked.2057


forgot to mention mine is at 1% hp

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Luthan.5236


I manged to kill it at my 2nd try. Always had to stop attacking him completely. Sometimes I had autoattack on him while invulnerable then he just “defended” in invulnerable and did not stop and teleport to somewhere else. Also sometimes he still attacked my rocket turret and did 0 damage. Don’t know why. He seemed to attack 2 targets too sometimes. My rocket turret while doing 0 damage to it and then me at the same time. Maybe only visual bug and he only can attacke 1 taget: me. And the attacking of the turret is not really happening.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: SDurkee.9150


His health reached 0, cutscene played, looked like it bugged, after the scene 7 mins of buff. his health bar went back to 3% Killed him, nothing happened afterwards

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Plyturon.5301


This is happening to me as well. He’s invulnerable at 95% of his HP and sits in the middle of his well shooting Trahearne. I’m Human and the previous 5 missions are:

  • Cathedral of Silence
  • Against the Corruption
  • The Steel Tide
  • Armor Guard
  • Marching Orders
Menelya [Mya] @ Miller’s Sound

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Eauxfolles.9103


Invulnerable at around 40%.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andele.1306


The bug can be fixed with another bug, use a stability and blink abilites.
Go in, let yourself get knocked down, use cc break or stability before it (main thing is that Trahearne gets knocked down), before he gets up run out of the ring in the middle, go to the eye to port it back onto the platform (or if he goes right dodge the laser) and then wait. If you drop aggro on the eye while it and emo leaf boy are pwe pweing eachother with laser beams, it will force itself to teleport even if the model gets stuck for a while in the middle and sometimes it even skips adding the defiant buff and just teleports.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Jay Sees.2148

Jay Sees.2148

Same thing happened for me , he glitched at 10% HP. So sad.
Hahaha, I just returned to the gate, where you first come in to fight the Sovereign eye, he just reset himself.
After the reset, all went well.

(edited by Jay Sees.2148)

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Ormathon.4325


He didnt glitch out like that for me but when he entered the phase where he spawns 2 lesser eye’s he got stuck in that phase untill i killed him.
The part that bugs me is that the 2 eye’s where still spamming away even after the next part of the mission starts. It was a major pain to handle the next part with those eye’s spamming like mad killing all ur npc’s.
Managed to get it done tho, but when everything was done, the eye’s was still spamming away, kinda ruined the whole thing for me.
Even the music died completely during that story mission.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: DrLaMe.2086


Still bugged, they should really start fixing the higher level stuff. A lot of events/challenges/whatever is bugged at higher level. Specifically in Malchor’s leap and Cursed shore.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: SentinelBorg.4132


Happening to me right at this moment. Eye turned immune at around 60%.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Ricther.9083


Same here, invulnerable with 20% left.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Vietnamezz.2849


Still bugged. Most usually @ 80%.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Shanna.4762


there’s so many freaking bugs with the stories, I’m getting pretty irritated. Did they not test any of these out? Voice overs don’t always initiate, cut scenes bug out, fights are a disaster, difficulty is not scaled appropriately most of the time it’s too hard depending on your class.. It’s a nightmare at the moment. ALL the level 70’s quests on my human mesmer have been hellish to complete. I like a challenge, but I don’t like ridiculous levels of difficulty not on a storyline mission, sorry.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: abcruziii.9405


Somehow I was able to “discover” the workaround for the so-called Determined Bug for this mob and defeat him. Run under him when he gets this status and it should make him teleport to another position.

I did defeat him but now I encounter another bug: Nothing happens when the Eye dies. I can get out of the room and go to the NPCs at the starting spot. Nothing.

(edited by abcruziii.9405)

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shanna.4762


I’m generally a pretty patient person, but the amount of ridiculousness that are these story quests just makes me mad. Does the stupid eye really need a billion HP or whatever? Does this fight really need to take like an hour of my life? Is it REALLY that important for it to be a long grueling and horrendous fight, cause if their point was to make you feel sick and tired of the situation then that was a pretty bad idea. I’d rather be doing something else in the game than this, and I want to see how my story ends up and the feeling of such significant disjointedness that I will get from waiting forever for them to adjust these quests and fix them is enormously disappointing.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: abcruziii.9405


An update: To try and reset the story, I unequipped my armor and let myself get killed by Risen at the starting spot. However, this didn’t reset the story either.

I think I will just retry the entire story quest.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: abcruziii.9405


Update: Finally defeated the Eye and finished this quest! Some tips that I hope will help everyone while this arc isn’t fully patched yet:

When he gets Determined (i.e. invulnerable status) run beneath him to make him teleport to one of the wall areas.

Be sure to kill the Eye when he is at the pool/well and not when he’s beside walls.

Good luck and enjoy the cutscene!

(edited by abcruziii.9405)

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: lotharic.9513


Running under him didn’t fix it for me. Bugged out for me 3 times.

Reported a bug, but at the rate they’re (not) fixing things, I guess my personal story won’t get finished for a while. So much for shipping when it’s ready.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: urtv.8791


you can kill him by the wall.i did that this morning.he teleported and didnt enter a new phase.just kept his old attack pattern and i finished him like that

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Amlin.6041


I’d be lying if I said this bug is surprised me when I encountered it but I’m not. There’s just so many bugs I had to deal with in so many storyline missions it’s hilarious.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Absolutionis.9427


Twice, I had this problem. The Eye would go invulnerable and just pewpew with Trahearne indefinitely. For an Engineer like myself, the idea of engaging the Eye in melee-range never occurred.

However, there was this one time that the opposite problem happened. The Eye got engaged in a pewpew duel with Trahearne and it wasn’t invulnerable. It completely ignored me and I was able to kill it with no problem whatsoever. A pity too, I would have rather enjoyed the bullet-hell style of combat.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Relampago Blanco.3084

Relampago Blanco.3084

Bugged out twice back-to-back. Submitted bug reports for both.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: Heneral.8519


I am a human noble engineer and I already defeated the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan. The bug is after his death, nothing happened. No cut scene whatsoever. I tried running around and back to the starting point of the story, still nothing. After that laborious battle with the beast, I cannot make any progress in my personal storyline.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: NEXUS.7948


I just had the same bug as Heneral, defeated the Sovereign Eye and nothing happens. How frustrating especially when you’ve spent 20mins trying to kill the thing

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

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Posted by: toafarmer.8401


so is it true? is this but 7 months old? gratz anet! wasnt the personal story annoying enough, it is also bugged. since launch.

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (lvl 80 personal story boss)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I’d like to point out that this is still bugged. I just got this bug today. Over a year after launch and Anet still hasn’t fixed even the simplest personal story bugs.