Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Ravina Gray.4719

Ravina Gray.4719

This bugged out for me at the defend the front gate part with my mesmer last night. Nothing happened after the first half a dozen mobs there were NO sneaky Risen left anywhere (I was solo didn’t skip cutscenes).

No choice but to log out and start again and here’s where it gets interesting. When I logged back in all the undead that should have been in the instanced story were on the entry point…

Bypassed the bug by running to the gate after logging camp letting the NPC’s handle the first wave which killed them all ofc! Then pulled all the waves in small groups dragging them just inside the fort gates and killed them there by myself. It worked but took ages!

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lordzap.4013


Had this issue at the gate today.
Was in there with my wife.
Now it sorted itself when i went in by myself.
Tryed again with Wife to see iff it was still stopping at gate.
And guess what it did stop there.

Oooh well gonna run her through on her own.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Griim.5142


For those having issues, my wife and I had to redo this story quest multiple times before we had success. This, however, did not come without having to work around some of the bugs during the quest. For example, the “retaking the docks” portion required us to have to skirt around the large pack of mobs at the bottom of the ramp. None of the NPCs followed us out of the central portion of the fort and there were just way too many for us to handle. So we went around to the right and pulled things singly from the dock (in back) and worked our way back to the ones at the bottom of the ramp. We were able to pull them singly from that location (behind them) until the quest acknowledged we killed a sufficient amount.

Long explanation made short, keep trying and it will work.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fallconn.6480


Stuck here with my wife’s char also. Gonna try again and see what happens.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kopiart.3486


I’m stuck in here also. I play solo.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drain.8765


This stupid quest STILL has issues. I had to retry this chain about 6 times on my newest alt just to get past the gate step. It hangs for no apparent reason. Undead stop spawning and there’s nothing to fight or do. I even hunted the whole area hoping to find 1 straggler just so I could kill it and move on; but nothing. Finally, after trying AGAIN AND AGAIN, it moved on. I still can’t explain why it kept failing or why it suddenly decided to progress. If your code is this unpredictable or broken you should just rewrite it from scratch or change the quest to allow us to immediately close the gate and move forward. Or put in some kind of last resort timed trigger that “forces” it to go forward instead of just letting us drop into an uncompletable state.

It says “Defend the gate” while I’m staring at an empty area tapping my foot with nothing to fight and no progression. Do something about this already. Story quests should not have game breaking bugged triggers this long after release.(Technically they shouldn’t have had it at launch either, but now it’s just getting sad)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: daoteci.6924


Add my name to the list of unable to complete The Battle of Fort Trinity due to the stalling of Defend the Gate. After killing the first two groups of mobs, it just goes to nothing. I can move, the NPC’s follow me like they should, I can even shoot with the arrow carts.

I’m stuck in My Story until this is resolved. I think this is a recent development because I tried this last week and got plenty of combat. (More than I could handle and I gave up.) Earlier today, 10/28/12 I was in the middle of trying this when the system had a shut down and since I’ve gotten back, I can’t seem to get it to work.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draganHR.1705


Also stuck on “Defend the gate”

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iggard.5160


I’m also stuck on the battle of fort trinity at defend the gate has anyone had any resolution?

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lord Sepentor.5487

Lord Sepentor.5487

i had to do this quest 11 times before it managed to work sooooo annoying!!!!