Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Valharick.5028


Character name is Skek Zok on Crystal Desert.
Personal quest skipped from “A Fragile Peace”, I chose Vigil, to “Forewarned is Forearmed”

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: JemL.3501


Character Name: Jeml

Previous mission before change/bug/skip happened: Breaking the Bone Ship

Everything goes find till Level 70+/- story mission: The battle of Fort Trinity
*Here i had to skip some mobs which where spawning forever and didnt let me go to the beach for re-take it and continue, so i had to pull mobs inside the green circle to be able to complete the mission, and the NPCs where talking about an orb which i didnt remember getting it.

This lead me to Level 70 +/- story mission: Liberating Apatia
*Practically here is where the Personal Story do a total 180, my guy never met Apatia.

But i think is before The battle of Fort Trinity, because thats the mission which goes bugged and start giving info regarding to something i never did, so checking the previous missions is a good idea too, even when i had no trouble, but something IN or Before The battle of Fort Trinity is what made my chain to go Liberating Apatia.

Thats what i think.


I took an arrow to the knee

(edited by JemL.3501)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Derob.6780


Character name: Caerwyn of the Dawn
It changed course at level 70. He played the mission sequence involving blowing up the ship, and then suddenly everyone was talking about some krait orb, and he was supposed to be mourning some norn lady he never met.

Character Rodina Moonsong
It changed course at level 40. She chose to help the quaggan, but when she got back to the Priory headquarters, Ftokchak was there and everyone was talking as if she’d helped the skritt.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Leiard.4532


Edit: Thanks for the responses! There should be a fix on the way for the bug.

I know you asked that we do not enter into a discussion or ask for updates on this thread. The last response from a Dev has been two days ago however. And that post from Alexandra was just to say thanks, with no indication as to how much longer this is going to take.

We’ve reported my gf’s problem on this thread, but since the problem occurred, we have completely stopped playing the game. (It’s been more than a week since this happened.)

Can we please get some feedback from a Dev on what’s going on? This (Story) is one of the most important parts of the game, imo and with it being broken like this, has spoiled the game for us completely…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: thedarkoblivion.9872


Character Name: Apocalypse Antics
Before Skip: Lines Of Communication (30)
After Skip: Suspicious Activity (48)

Character Name: Rinoa Greywinter
Before Irregularity: Breaking The Bone Ship (70)
Irregularity: Liberating Apatia (70+)
(Never met Apatia, teamed up with Tonn.)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Ateiru Mae.4138

Ateiru Mae.4138

Edit: Thanks for the responses! There should be a fix on the way for the bug.

I know you asked that we do not enter into a discussion or ask for updates on this thread. The last response from a Dev has been two days ago however. And that post from Alexandra was just to say thanks, with no indication as to how much longer this is going to take.

We’ve reported my gf’s problem on this thread, but since the problem occurred, we have completely stopped playing the game. (It’s been more than a week since this happened.)

Can we please get some feedback from a Dev on what’s going on? This (Story) is one of the most important parts of the game, imo and with it being broken like this, has spoiled the game for us completely…

As Leiard has said, me and my partner have the same problem. We have completely stopped playing the game, as he was getting exp where I wasn’t, and to carry on would be an unfair advantage to him. We are so disappointed that this has occured, but really hope a fix is soon! Thanks. ANY update would be great.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Boris.7291


1. Character name? – Finn Macmourna
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession? Lvl 66 (at the time, 75 currently) Norn Ranger – Jade Quarry Server
3. Quest which caused the skipping? Completion of The Lost Chieftans Return (Durmand Priory)
5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline? – Joined Durmand Priory, but upon completion of The Lost Chieftans Return, quest line changed to Vigil, telling me to report to General Soulkeeper, rather than the next Durmand Priory Quest
6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to? Forewarned is Forearmed (lvl 48 Vigil Quest)

(edited by Boris.7291)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Sind.4368


Character: Anberlin Hawk
Story Step: Breaking The Bone Ship (Fear of innocent dying)
Changed to: Liberating Apatia (Leaving a friend behind)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: tabs.7284


Affected the friend I was playing with – hoping for a quick fix to continue playing together.

Character Name: Arenios, Thief, Abbaddon’s Mouth
Tagalong Character: Tábitha
Story Change: After Trouble at the Roots the Order of Whispers Storyline A Tangle of Weeds was chosen but changed to Flower of Death.
Quest was initiated by Tábitha.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Nicodemus.1486


um, a part of my story was skipped, but i was only Level 1.

Character Name: Foldegaard
Race: Norn

I was in the Norn starting area, heading upstairs to join the Great Hunt. It seemed like an area event had started involving fighting the giant worm thing. But I was still on the stairs and not near the battle.

The beast was killed and it immediately skipped me to the concluding animation, saying I completed the quest and the battle was hard fought.

So I missed the whole opening boss thing I think.

Shame, too, I would have enjoyed that.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Desmotes.2194


World: Ring of fire
Affected character’s name : Desmotes
Order: Durmand priory
Quaggans selected.
Mission: Evacuation
didn’t get to choose a reward nor get any exp.
the story is continuing without any bugs. its just that i didn’t get what i “worked” for.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Alliestiria.8193


Effected Character: Calinne

My story started getting funky after level 70. I honestly thought that it had something to do with the fact that my boyfriend and I were doing our personal stories together.

During the scene where we had to chose our biggest fear we both chose, “fail at something and lose the respect of my comrades.”

For a bit after that we had similar story steps and then suddenly we were sent two different ways despite never having made differing choices.

I was sent on:

Tower Down
To The Core
Breaking the Bone Ship

These all featured a nice little Asuran dude who really loved his wife and was a genius explosives expert. In the end he sacrificed himself to blow up the bone ship and my character vowed that she would inform his wife of the news.

He was sent on:

Striking Off the Chains
Wet Work
Willing Captives

These involved a norn lady named Apatia and a quest to get some crazy orb thingy from the krait. We ended up discovering a largos lady, retrieving the orb, and Apatia gets captured.

We proceeded to the Battle of Fort Trinity… somewhat confused as to how our two stories had ended up differing but both story lines were cool so we enjoyed it.
My character initiated the Battle of Fort Trinity and the really weird stuff began. She acted like she personally knew the largos (even though that was the bf’s storyline), had gotten the orb, and was sad about Apatia.

After Fort Trinity my story switched to Liberating Apatia. I never got to follow up on my Asura friend and instead ran after some norn I didn’t know.

I find it interesting that these story lines were supposed to be based on our biggest fear. I had no idea… and honestly neither of the stories we played through seemed to relate to failing at something and losing the respect of comrades. Perhaps the bug lies with this choice?

Thanks for the hard work!

(edited by Alliestiria.8193)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Amatheira.8257


Character name: Erinthe
I believe I chose " fail at something and lose the respect of my comrades" as greatest fear. During the Battle of Fort Trinity there was talk about stuff I never did and afterwards it proceeded to Liberating Apatia, a character I never met.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Ravenfather.8537


Server: Miller’s Sound [DE]
Character name: Ravenf
Description: I got the quest [Flower of Death] instead of [Dead of Winter]

I was playing the Sylvari storyline with a friend. He was group leader when we did the quest [The Bad Apple] he chose the Durmand Priory and I agreed to go along with that decision. We didn’t do the next quest right away but after a bit I noticed that I had received the quest [Flower of Death] while he correctly had [Dead of Winter] because our questmarkers were at different spots. I made a report ingame at the time and have not continued the main questline further even though it was quite a while ago. (just made it to 80 yesterday) We had planned to play through the story together but I was very unmotivated afterwards and he understandably didn’t want to wait so long.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kirby.4951


Kirby 80 Ranger
After Marshaling the Truth I met back at Fort Trinity for “The Battle of Fort Trinity” and suddenly npcs were talking about apatia which I had not encountered. My next quest after the battle was liberating Apatia.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Balia.3178


lv 30 story: at the point where you choose an organization (Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers.
Tidus Samson
Skipped from 30-48. :-(
I’m in Crystal Desert

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Vio.2809


Character name: Violetta Nightrose
Story step: Level 30 – pick an organization
Previous story quest: Trouble at the Roots
Current changed story quest: Flower of Death (Vigil)
Intended path: Dead of Winter (Priory)—completed but no credit given due to wrong path.

Notes: Was questing with friend, she chose Priory and it sent me to Vigil completely at random with no choice, didn’t notice until well after.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Linkstein.5038


Will ANet reset our Storyline? (to the point the bug skipped it?)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Chibigato.9832


Character Name: Chibigato
Story step I was on before it changed: Down the Hatch
Current Changed Story: Suspcious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Icewinder.9128


Character Name: Joilie
Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): Lines of Communcation
Skipped to: Level 48 Suspicious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Selfish Heals.6139

Selfish Heals.6139

Character Name: Selfish Dreams(31 Mesmer)
Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): The Queen’s Justice
Skipped to: Level 48 On Red Alert

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: StoogeMcDuck.3402


Character Name: Stooge
Server: Maguuma (US)
Story Step: Level 80 – Against the Corruption
Skipped: My first attempt at this story I died before I could establish the Grechen and Laranthir at the front of the tomb. After about 6 attempts at killing the mobs a cutscene played and asked me to talk to Trahearne after he mentioned coming to the tomb was a waste of time. After this I let myself get killed and exited the story and restarted it again. Now Trahearne is stuck halfway into the tomb and won’t move to the end. I’ve established the front (with Grechen and Laranthir), killed the mobs and I can walk right to the end where the sarcophagi are (I can’t interact with them) but Trahearne is not moving.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Choquita.4398


Character name: Choquita
Story step: level 30 – Kellach’s attack (vigil)
Skipped to: level 48 – Forewarned is forearmed
I was in group with my boyfriend; he started the mission and i accept the steps and the reward. Then our next mission was different, he got “A fragile peace”.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: wesgibson.4102


Character name: Stywick
My last Mission was “The Trap” and my next is “Suspicious Activity”

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Pakattack.3162


Character Name: Pakattack
Server: Yak’s Bend
Story Step: Level 80 – Against the Corruption

You start by zoning into the instance at the Cursed Shore in the Ruins of Orr. After approaching Trahearne and going through a short cut-scene, you are tasked with escorting Trahearne to the Royal Tombs. Along the way you are ambushed by a group of undead. After defeating them and continuing forward you meet an elite guarding the entrance to a cave.

After you kill the elite, Trahearne and the other guards that are with you stop moving. If you enter the cave and drag mobs back to them they will run up and fight, but they reset outside the cave after the mobs die.
I got a little further in the quest by always having trahearn lead the first hit on a mob or by bringing the mob to where he is stuck and ended up getting him up to right before the tomb room. I pressed “f” to talk to him and it just skipped the whole “finale” of the quest and went to the end dialogue scene but still was not completed. It is still asking to “escort trahearn to the Tomb”
It seems a lot of people are having this issue. I also attached a screen shot for better explanation.

Thank you


(edited by Moderator)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Tsukasu.2705


Character Name: Tsukasu

Level 70 Story (Before I skipped): The Battle for Fort Trinity
Skipped to: Level 71 Liberating Apatia
(Not sure if this is a skip): Skipped again to: Temple of the Forgotten God
I assume this a skip due to Sayeh refering to having met my character before when she has not.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: NocteDea.1054


Character name?
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
3. Quest which caused the skipping?
4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well?
5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline?
6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
7. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
8. Any other notes?

1: Dea of mechanics
2: human, lvl: 45+, Gunners Hold, Engineer
3: Kellach’s Attack lvl 33
4: No
6: Jumped to forewarned is forearmed lvl 48
8: party member who started the quest is Luna Nocte, lvl 45+, Theif


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: luckdemon.8619


Character Name: Luckdemon
Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): Lines of Communcation
Skipped to: Level 48 Suspicious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Caedrion.6104


Ereden Anor

Human, Lvl 63, Server : Ring of Fire :Elementalist

Quest which caused the skipping :
The Queen’s Justice lvl 30 Jumped to "On Red Alert lvl 48 , after completion.

Any other notes? :
Ive been doing the personal Story quests with my GF and we are making the same choices , aside from a few quests in the start which were different , we both decided to get things done at the same time since we are doing them together anyways, from the queens justice quest she has 7 more personal story quests until "On red Alert " and i have none ,also she has the introduction to durmand priory meta complete and despite making quests for them and having their vendors now open to me i am still missing.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: loudhearted.9602


Character: Tsutarja, Sylvari Ranger lvl 78
Server: Tarnished Coast

I completed the quest Forging the Pact with one other party member (Zinaida Jain Zar, Human Guardian lvl 76 belonging to amospiritus.5314). Zinaida was the leader; when the quest completed, I accepted the right to progress, but was progressed to “Tower Down.” Zinaida was progressed to “Striking off the Chains.”

Still partied, we completed “Tower Down”, which progressed me to the quest where Tonn blows up the bone ship, then to “The Battle of Fort Trinity.” We then did Zinaida’s Apatia quest chain (“Striking off the Chains”>“Wet Works”>retrieving the orb by ambushing the caravan) until she also was up to Battle of Fort Trinity.

I then entered Battle of Fort Trinity, entering first so I was the main character. However, at the end, I was told I had to confront Syska (I had NOT done the “Shell Shock” quest line), and was progressed to “Delivering Justice.” Zinaida chose not to accept this result, and we redid Battle of Fort Trinity with Zinaida as the first entering character. Zinaida was progressed to “Liberating Apatia” and then returning her to Hoelbrak as expected.

When we were at “A Light in the Darkness” when we had to choose our fear, we were paired up as well, and I was the first enterer. I chose “Fail and lose respect”, and Zinaida accepted this quest result.

(edited by loudhearted.9602)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kalico.9246


Character name: Raylee, level 80 human mesmer in the Priory.
Server: Isle of Janthir

Story quest: was on Breaking the Bone Ship, after The Battle of Fort Trinity changed to Liberating Apatia. Chose “being responsible for the death of an innocent” (I think, can’t remember now its been a few weeks since I did it.)

Have not completed Liberating Apatia as I want to be put back on the correct line.

Detailed here:

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Galinna.7583


Character: Galinna
Place where story skipped: Level 40
Skipped to: Level 48 installment

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: PortalScience.2159


1. Character name?

2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
Sylvari, 69, Crystal Desert, Elementalist

3. Quest which caused the skipping?
The Battle of Fort Trinity

4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well?

5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline?
My character followed the Priory storyline, where the fear was to lose respect
Teammate’s character followed Whisper’s storyline, where his fear was to watch someone die

6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
I was moved to his storyline, “A Sad Duty”, (involving a character that mine does not know), instead of whichever one continues my storyline

7. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.

8. Any other notes?
Since he and I both had the battle at fort trinity quest, he hosted, and I participated, since I can get credit that way. On the prompt to accept credit, it did mention the name “A sad duty”, but I had no way to know it was moving me to the wrong questline. I would prefer to be moved back to the correct questline.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Jinx.7945


Affected character: Vulpeus
World: Crystal Desert
Instance owner: Oemen
Organization: Drumand priory
Quest before skip: A Meeting of the Minds (level 30)
Quest after skip: On Red Alert (level 48)

Instance owner did not skip. Oemen went from A Meeting of the Minds to Dredging up the Past.

Vulpeus chose to accept the choices and progress while in Oemen’s instances.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Solus.8503


1. Character name?
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
3. Quest which caused the skipping?
4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well?
5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline?
6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
7. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
8. Any other notes?

1. Epoc Solair
2. Human 53
3. Unholy Grounds
4. No
8. Unholy grounds was completed but i was kicked form the instance after the quest host left the instance. when this happened I lost the ability to choose my quest reward and did not get experience for completing it but did get credit.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Amarais.4376


Character Name Eroswen
Race: Asura
Profession: Necromancer
Server: Dragonbrand
Story step: Level 42- Doubt (Grawl Mission)
unable to select the option to prove god is fake (other option is to help shaman talk to the people)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: TheZoobler.8073


Character Name: Thalann(me) Vendeera(friend)
Race: Sylvari
Profession: Warrior (me) Elementalist(friend)
Server: Tarnished Coast
Story Step: Lvl30 Flower of Death (me, guest) Dead of Winter (friend, host)

Yeah as above I entered my friend’s level 30 story step (the one where Destiny’s Edge gets talking together in LA) and when we exited the completed story step, my friend was on track just fine with her first Durmand Priory mission whereas I was skipped ahead to level 48 Forewarned is Forearmed. Just been levelling in the meantime :X almost 40.

I was wondering, does skipping the level 30-48 story arcs mean your character can’t earn the account banner for “completing initiation” in a given order? Not sure what actually earns that banner lol.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: IceCreamMage.3942


Character Name: Fuzzywuzzyface
Race: Charr
Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): Ever Vigilant
Skipped to: Forewarned is Forearmed (48)

Like the above post, my character skipped straight after choosing to join the Vigil in the Charr story line. I was questing with friends who were able to continue along with the quest perfectly.
Help is greatly appreciated.

(edited by Moderator)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kaamos.9250


Character Name: Shiai Mahouran
Race: Norn
Alliance: Vigil
After the “Lost Chieftain’s return” that i completed by accepting the same endas that of my friend’s (who was on the Order of Whispers side), i got the quest “Suspicious Activity” which belongs to the order of whipers. I want to get back to the vigil story side.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: JoshAxey.6543


This is taking so long…. can we get any update on where this is at?
I’m losing interest in waiting quickly. I can only level so many alts.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Cyran.2108


1. Character name? Caidrian
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession? Human, 37, Drakkar Lake, Ranger
3. Quest which caused the skipping? lvl 30, Stealing Secrets
4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well? No
5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline?
6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to? lvl 48, Suspicious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kurisu.5710


Character Name: Neoptolemus (Sorrow’s Furnace)
Story lvl 36(before the skipped): Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Skipped to: Level 48 Forewarmed is Forearmed

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: SmudgerUK.4715


Character Name: Dante Storm
Personal quest jumped from Suspicious Activity to The Battle for Claw Island.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: aristeia.9246


My affected character is Gwyneira Twinborn.

My error occurred circa lvl 30 in the personal story at the point of decision between the various orders.

I was inside my friend’s personal story instance at this point, and she opted for the Order of Whispers, which is also what I wished to experience. So at the following prompt I selected to accept her progress for my own story as well, thinking that I too would be joining the Order of Whispers. Alas, it gave me the quest for the Vigil instead, which was a rude surprise when we went to go onto the next step.

To recap: I selected to progress my own story from inside another character’s instance, but was not given the same Order selection.

If you could repair this I would be much obliged!

“Faster! Faster! Faster would be better!”
-any WvW roamer ever on seeing a zerg

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: CoreHawk.5197


Character name: Will Kudzu (Slyvari warrior, level 32 at time of)
Character in party: Daylight Dancer made Order of Whispers decision in Trouble at the Roots.
Realm: Sorrow’s Furnace
Have been doing the personal story together since the beginning of the game.

Level 30 story: The end of Trouble at the Roots mission, partner Choose Order of Whispers, which i agreed with.
I never played the end of Trouble at the Roots mission to even choose a different option.
My next mission was Flower of Death (Vigils), partners next mission was A Tangle of Weeds (Order of Whispers.
Played with partner through A Tangle of Weeds, realized it had branched when I didn’t get a prompt do move the story forward.
My mission was Flower of Death instead.

If possible please correct so we are the same story again.

(edited by CoreHawk.5197)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Yaniv.9706


Server: Gunnar’s hold

Name: Yaniv

Lvl : I dont actually remember, it was after “The trap” quest. I was suppose to meet with my mentor in Lion’s Arch but the quest skipped.

Skipped to lvl 48 quest: “Suspicious Activity”

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Pikkumyy.7529


1. Character name?
Cahira Truemay

2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
Human, 72, Gunnar’s Hold, Guardian

3. Quest which caused the skipping?
The Battle for Fort Trinity: Playing it in a group with a player that had Asura Detonation Team story; my own story was Vigil, with Apatia the Norn having been left behind. After the Battle, we both moved on to finding the Widow; my step for finding Apatia was overwritten, and it is still the case 1 quest down the line. The game now completely ignores my earlier choice.

4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well?
No – his quest works as intended.

5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline?
See above – can’t save Apatia, instead it’s switched from Vigil storyline to Whispers storyline. Last own personal story was Intercepting the Orb before the derail.

6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
Derailed into A Sad Duty line of events.

7. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
No choices were offered, derailing occured on its own.

8. Any other notes?
Would want to have the storyline reset into proper mode so Apatia can be saved/resolved, if possible, omitting redoing of the Battle for Ford Trinity.

Please let me know how long the wait on fixing such things is, won’t be doing the story until it’s resolved.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: booraddly.7025


marshaling the truth bugged and i left the instance and now i can not continue it. it is telling me the go to the vigil keep up near the under construction area…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Starsky.4186


While I appreciate that you guys are working on this, I think some of us really need an update. When is the soonest we can expect a fix? Is it still a priority for you guys? Can our existing characters be fixed?


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Sahfur.5612


Please read:

This thread is one of the longest threads on the forum and is also mostly individual people who are providing data and asking for help. It is not a small issue.

I think we need to be more vocal. Sorry. Either that or they need to give us an update. There is really no number to call at all?

I opened up a support ticket when this happened, posted on the forums, read every bug fix update… Nothing has been done so far to fix my character.

The exploits I hear about pertaining to people who have this bug, likewise, have not been fixed as far as I know. You’d think they’d at least fix our characters since there are ways to exploit the situation that some players could try. Why hasn’t this been fixed?

Today I logged into the support website and my issue had been closed. Closed.

However, I logged onto my character and the issue persists.

I really, really hope that doesn’t mean they are ignoring us, but closing an issue which I opened without fixing the issue is a slap in my face and a slap in the face of other people here.

I have sent people here to post and give Anet data, I have sent people to the support ticket thing.. I have tried to make sure they had plenty of data and that plenty of people get their characters fixed.

This is one of the longest bug fix threads and the issue that causes it is still not fixed and neither are the characters of people who have been waiting weeks.
Weeks to get a fix while people who took advantage of exploits were prioritized to be unbanned for exploiting.

Further response from the ANet team is warranted! Maybe they aren’t reading this thread.. might be a good idea to make others. I really don’t know at this point.
I hate to think that we might be being swept under the rug.

I cannot believe that my support issue was CLOSED without a fix.
It was, though.
Has anyone else heard back from the support team about this? Has anyone else had their support issue closed without any fix or compensation?

I am guessing alot of other people will have their issue closed and ignored as well.. and thats just fundamentally wrong.

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

(edited by Sahfur.5612)