Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fizzypetal.7936


Character Name: Neva Arejo (Norn Ranger, Order of the Priory)
Story name: Forging the Pact (Level 62)
Problem 1: When it comes time to escort the researchers to the southern exit with Trahearne, the Researchers do not follow and the quest will not complete.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metal Wing.7426

Metal Wing.7426


The 10/1 build should reset players who skipped forward back to the “Choose your order” step (which varies by race), though it’s a code-side change so I don’t know any details beyond that.

I know you said you don’t know any further details, but the wording has me slightly concerned.

My story has skipped (from 30 to 48), but I continued playing and am now on lvl 80 storyline quest. When you say will reset back to choosing the order… You mean I will have to redo 40 levels worth of storyline? (I don’t particularly mind, but just curious).

Thank You

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Officer Dk.5908

Officer Dk.5908

Character: Officer Dk
Story Step: Lv 70, greatest fear. Was following the fear of death of an inocent and it skipped at the battle of the fort trinity to the one to kill syska or something.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: kAce.9253


Character Name: Bjorg Warbear

I was playing the quest “Assault the Hill”. The level 30 quest for joining the Vigil.

Upon completion I got skipped to the quest “Forewarned is Forearmed” which is a level 48 quest of the Vigil.

So i did not got to choose which lesser race i want to help.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Tibierous.5784


Character Name: Ashimaine

Friends Characters Names: Frost Ashey, Deshiamo

Twice while going through the lvl 20-30 sylvari quests, we ended up on different quests.

The first time was when we had to choose the lvl 24 quest. Deshiamo started the instance and choose the ‘Blossom of Youth’ for us, but me and Forst Ashey ended up on the Priory quest instead after we choose to continue. After we did both quests we managed to choose the same option at the end of both and end up on ‘Bad Apple’ quest.

After we completed this quest I was making the choice and picked the Durmand Priory. My friends however ended up on the Vigil Branch.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: PhantomRaider.1529


When is the patch that fixes this going to be added? He said it was the Oct 1st build, but when will that be applied?

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Edge.4180



The 10/1 build should reset players who skipped forward back to the “Choose your order” step (which varies by race), though it’s a code-side change so I don’t know any details beyond that.

While I understand that the 10/1 update will be resetting players who skipped forward, is this also fixing the core problem that causes players to skip parts of their storyline in the first place? I have been holding off on doing my personal story missions because of this issue and would like to know when it’s safe to start questing again.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


The original issue that caused the skip has been fixed for some time now.

As far as I know, if you were skipped ahead, you will be reset, period.

I’m also seeing several posts that have nothing to do with this thread. If you have general problems with a story step, please post in the story forum. (After checking to see if there’s already a thread.)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CoreHawk.5197


The original issue that caused the skip has been fixed for some time now.

As far as I know, if you were skipped ahead, you will be reset, period.

I’m also seeing several posts that have nothing to do with this thread. If you have general problems with a story step, please post in the story forum. (After checking to see if there’s already a thread.)

The title of the thread is skipped or CHANGED. The on-going questions and posts are asking when our characters story will be corrected regarding the decision bug, which places characters on story paths that the character did not chose, thus changing their story.

I am also posting here because that was what i was instructed to do by the GW2 contact support. I was told “the best way to have your feedback or suggestions for Guild Wars 2 reach someone in development is to post it in a public area such as our Official Forums, Twitter feed, or Facebook page. The more people who view and comment on it, the more likely developers will take notice.”

So I am doing what i was told to do, posting in a thread made for the problem, much like others are doing. We are asking for answers and not receiving answers.

I understand we were supposed to only make 1 comment and not ask for updates, but isnt it better to ask here than spawn multiple threads?

(edited by CoreHawk.5197)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sahfur.5612


The bug with my characters storyline having been skipped does seem to be fixed.
Thank you!
However, there is now a problem with monthly achievements displaying ??? and this makes me believe there could be alot of bugs with this patch. Lets hope we don’t have to roll back!

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Thank you very much for the fix!
My asura girl and my norn are finally able to continue their storylines!!!
very happy face => =)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Takeko.8735


I just wanted to share the response I was finally able to get from support regarding the order choice changing

I understand that the time required to get to that story step is not insignificant, however we simply do not have the tools to modify your character data, and directly editing the database is not something we can do. I apologize that this has put you out of synch with your fiancee, and altered the armor skins available to you.

If you wish to continue with this character however, there is a bright side to this!

Since many people enjoy the story steps, but are required to level up in between each step, now you have twice as many steps to work on with your fiancee granting you both significant experience! This means less time between doing instances together. Also, each chapter only lasts 10 levels, so you can rejoin each other once each of you is done with your faction’s storyline.

Again, I apologize that we are unable to correct this for you and that all I can offer is a little optimism.

So while it’s certainly not the resolution I (or anyone posting here) was hoping for, there is at least an official response: “sorry, deal with it.”

(edited by Takeko.8735)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kalico.9246


The original issue that caused the skip has been fixed for some time now.

As far as I know, if you were skipped ahead, you will be reset, period.

I’m also seeing several posts that have nothing to do with this thread. If you have general problems with a story step, please post in the story forum. (After checking to see if there’s already a thread.)

I’m happy that the players who had their stories skip have now been fixed but is there any news on a fix for the other problems with quests going to the wrong lines and text missing from the story-quest logs?

I have stopped playing because I want to finish the personal story but every time I log in and see the wrong quest that I shouldn’t be there pop up on my screen it makes me want to delete my level 80 character (with almost 400 crafting in two professions and some pvp rank) and start again because it’s unfair that her story makes no sense because of a bug. It also seems like there are still reports of people having their quests change at several points in the story so is it even “safe” to do the personal story quests without fear of it bugging and changing on another character?

I really want to play but its just too depressing to play a character knowing I might end up deleting it because I’m unhappy with the locked story progression.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: csquirrelrun.3108



The 10/1 build should reset players who skipped forward back to the “Choose your order” step (which varies by race), though it’s a code-side change so I don’t know any details beyond that.

Character Name: Aethra Ageratos

I completed my personal story a few days ago and now I’ve been reset to the “The Sad Tale of the Ravenous (Level 26)”. Was this the intention of the fix? The only quest that I missed out on was the “Skritt-tastrophe” if I recall correctly, which in the end didn’t bother me.

In effect I now need to replay the personal story on this toon if I am interested in unlocking weapons or Armour from the whichever order I choose (I’d already bought a weapon and was eyeing up the armour). The upside is that I can choose a different Order seeing as I accidentallied the wrong one the first time but I’m not so keen on playing all the way through again on this toon (that’s what my alts are for right?).

Just hoping to hear a bit more about the situation and the options.

EDIT: This seems to cover my questions:

So while it’s certainly not the resolution I (or anyone posting here) was hoping for, there is at least an official response: “sorry, deal with it.”

(edited by csquirrelrun.3108)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Calisto Dragonblade.2756

Calisto Dragonblade.2756

Character Name: Elisel Bhetheir
Accompanying Character in Story: Xavier Blackthorn
Story: Battle For Fort Trinity
Skip: Both of us were on the storyline with Apatia. After BoFT, we were both put on the storyline to find Tonn’s widow.
Bug occured 2/10 at 9.15pm GMT+13

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: rparavicini.9450


The new build really fixed my characters quest. Thanks a lot.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: SunRoamer.5103


Why has this thread been unstickied? As far as I understood, people who skipped parts of their order storylines have had their personal story reset – however, there are many more instances of people having their personal storyline altered in the wrong way, many of which have NOT been resolved.
My Level 80 charr is still stuck on the wrong Level 71 quest, for example. Like I posted more than a week ago, I had helped the little asuran engineer out, and then my storyline suddenly switched over to punishing Syska.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Sahfur.5612


I apologize… but I don’t think this should be unstickied yet.

I appreciate the fixing of my personal story very much, but there are alot of people who still have problems with their personal story because their bug wasn’t a simple skip.

Maybe there could at least be a statement on whether they can have hope of a fix or not?

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shamash.4257


UPDATE: no change for my girlfriend and I. I chose Order of Whispers and she was in the instance with me. She ended up with Vigil.

It has been this way for several weeks.

Please provide an NPC to allow people who are on the first step of their order quest to either reset back to the story step where they make the choice, or to simply change their minds. It is OK if once they do the first step that they’re locked in IMO… they’re already receiving rewards for that order.

this would not be an exploitable situation, and would allow someone to easily correct being put into an order they didn’t originally want.

The same thing happened to my fiancee and me. I joined the Order of Whispers with her but she got sent to the Vigil.
It worries me that this thread has been unstickied without a response to this issue.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Sahfur.5612


There you have it, the bug still exists and is effecting peoples characters, I suppose. Again, I appreciate my character being fixed but it seems to leave a bitter taste in my mouth that others with more complex storyline bugs have not had theirs fixed and that the storyline is still bugging up peoples characters.

To be clear, the quest skipping bugs seem to be fixed, but the storyline alteration bugs seem to be in full swing.

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Identity Crisis.8540

Identity Crisis.8540

I didn’t ‘get’ my issue at first and did put in a bug report. I don’t know what I need to do to get reset (since I eventually did finish the story) but I would like to get reset for fix my choice. Reading about them (the choices) this evening made me see what initially went wrong.

Character name: Necro Enirria
Story: Battle For Fort Trinity
Skip: I chose “Fear of being dishonored by one’s comrades” but during “Battle For Fort Trinity” I was put on “Fear of forcing someone to suffer” where I rescued Apatia which I only then noted as being odd and inconsistent with what I did in the story before that. The mission itself (Battle For Fort Trinity) was also hard to continue since the NPCs/Trahearne kept bugging out (not progressing) but I somehow finished it after 3 tries.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Edgee.5036


I just leveled until I could continue my story quest and picked it back up at lvl48 only to log in after the most recent patch to discover that my quest chain had been forcibly returned to lvl 26, really not impressed I was on lvl 62 Forging the pact.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatalyz.5270


Character: Fatalys
Story Step: Level 70- Picked “dishonored allies” but ended up on “liberating apatia”(making another suffer)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jal.9281


Include the names of any affected characters on your account
Include the story step you were on before you skipped content or were put on a different story branch.

Character Name: Ameryca
Server: Gates of Madness

Story Quest I was currently on: Munitions Aquisition (level 66 ish?)
Skipped back to: Speaker of the Dead (level 25ish?)

I finished Munitions Aquisition, then zoned out of the instance and was skipped back.

Has there been a fix for this? or do I need to re-do up to where i was?

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ombar.3469


All I can say at this point is that I am very hurt and disapointed by ANet’s dismisal of this problem for people who got switched to a different order. My wife and I bought this game to play together, and at the first sign of trouble ANet has shurged and said “though luck.” It now appears that ANet is hopping this problem will just go away by unstickying the topic.

Real classy…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shamash.4257


Please, everyone who has been sent to the wrong faction in their personal story, raise awareness by posting in this new thread:

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kingslayer.1784


I just wanted to update this thread that my character was reset back to the correct quest and I was able to re-continue my personal story with my wife. Playing the game with my wife is the only reason I even play the game. So, I am happy with the fix and the reset of my quest line.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I wanted to restate the fact that we have reset the accounts that were impacted by the “story-skipping bug.” This took place on October 1st. Your character now should have all the options and quests that it should have in order for you to progress the story as you desire.

Thank you for your patience and I hope you have a lot of fun catching up on the story bits that you missed and choosing the path that you desire.

There are two other semi-related bugs that I’ll update about in a few minutes.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Now, we are aware that there are a couple of other bugs related to story steps.

  1. The first involves a split in parties paths upon selection of one’s Order. I’ll update a separate thread about that and you’ll be happy to know that this one has been repro’d and a fix tentatively developed. Upon successful testing, it will be rolled to live.
  2. The second involves a similar kind of split when the party chooses their greatest fear (at level 70). This fix is under review by QA and the details are not yet fully known. It will be addressed as soon as we are able to replicate and then develop a fix.
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Edge.4180


Now, we are aware that there are a couple of other bugs related to story steps.

  1. The first involves a split in parties paths upon selection of one’s Order. I’ll update a separate thread about that and you’ll be happy to know that this one has been repro’d and a fix tentatively developed. Upon successful testing, it will be rolled to live.

Would appreciate more information on this and how to best avoid running into problems.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Would appreciate more information on this and how to best avoid running into problems.

Short answer: if you’re playing a Sylvari, don’t group with someone when they choose their order. The issue I’m aware of happens to secondary players who choose to advance their story past the “choose your order” story step, but never actually chose an order. (The player who “owned” the story step will be fine.)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: satomz.1764


Leaving a forum record of my swapped story.

Character Name: Chalina
Race: Human partied with another human instance owner (not affected)
Story Flow: Lv 70 – Willing Captives (Making Another Suffer path) -> The Battle of Fort Trinity -> A Sad Duty (Letting an Innocent Die path).

I’m more concerned about potential complications caused by the inconsistency than having an inconsistent story.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: swandancer.9648


Is this the thread I should watch for the fix mentioned by GaileGray and/or will it be noted in the game update notes? My husband and I just got hammered by this bug (both sylvari, I chose whispers and he got stuck with Vigil). Hoping the solution comes quick since we won’t play these characters until we get some news. Thanks!

Now, we are aware that there are a couple of other bugs related to story steps.

  1. The first involves a split in parties paths upon selection of one’s Order. I’ll update a separate thread about that and you’ll be happy to know that this one has been repro’d and a fix tentatively developed. Upon successful testing, it will be rolled to live.
  2. The second involves a similar kind of split when the party chooses their greatest fear (at level 70). This fix is under review by QA and the details are not yet fully known. It will be addressed as soon as we are able to replicate and then develop a fix.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Thank you very much for the updates, Gaile and Jeffrey. I won’t progress my other character’s personal stories once they get to 55 just to be sure I don’t get broken by the greatest fear choice. Hopefully that issue will be sorted soon!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nimorid.5082


Character name: Sidhe Annwn (sylvari)
Friend charcter name: Ariael aes Nysien (sylvari)
(my friend and I assisted each other on personal story all the way, usually doing Ariael’s story first)

Story point: lvl 40
My character is in the Order of Whispers and I chose to help quaggan. After the quest I was summoned and promoted in the Durman Priory. I stopped progressing the story at this point.
(my friend is in the Vigil)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amen.2630


Im not sure if this is a bug,
but while fighting the eye on the lvl 74 or something personal quest,
where you have the window-thing open to lure him to kill him off, you fight him, everything is good, then he absorbs power summon minions get healed again, so you think ok i will finish him off now! you do some damage on him, traherne is crying about that he cannot hold him anylonger, and in the middle of the sentence … bam you get teleported to the other end, and the story conitnues like nothing special happened, you meet those sun-frogs help them out and meet over with the durmand girl to kill the eye in a complete other place then before … i was confused, what?

felt like a bug tough…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Character name: Skaggos (race: asura)
partied with another character in Battle of Fort Trinity that wasn’t afflicted with the bug.
Story jumped from fear “dishonored by allies” to fear “letting an innocent die”.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Destructulus.3751


Now, we are aware that there are a couple of other bugs related to story steps.

  1. The first involves a split in parties paths upon selection of one’s Order. I’ll update a separate thread about that and you’ll be happy to know that this one has been repro’d and a fix tentatively developed. Upon successful testing, it will be rolled to live.

This doesn’t only happen upon selection of one’s Order and it doesn’t only happen to Sylvari. I was playing as a Norn and was already on the Order of Whispers storyline—well into it in fact. My vigil friend and I both chose to help the Ogres. Upon completion of that story segment, of which my friend was the “owner,” I was switched to the level 48 Vigil quest “Forewarned is Forearmed,” the next quest in his story. I have already submitted that information earlier in this thread and submitted a ticket in game. However, none of the language I’ve seen from moderators and such seems to indicate an awareness of this aspect of the bug, which is all rather unfortunate, as I’m becoming somewhat disinterested in playing. I can be very patient for a patch, as long as I know the devs are aware of and working on the issue.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Valash.8495


My group of friends and I had our story reset to level 26 step “The sad tale of the Ravenous” .
We were on a level 57 story step after speaking to the Pale Tree, I don’t remember the name of the quest but I think we had to defend the Vigil HQ.

Character names:
Yuan Kalahari (my account)
Van Drayin (Keji.1256)
Walla Walla (Chips.9245)

(edited by Valash.8495)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: dogg v.2934

dogg v.2934

My story has been reset to a level 26 step “Trouble at the Roots”……

I was up to the last story step " defeat Zhaitan" in the dungeon… i was on the vigil path the whole way through..

My character Name is Twigz Barkley..
I did pretty much all of my story with Khaleesi Willow except the start parts which havent been affected…


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


As noted earlier, if you have a character who was jumped forward in their story (a while ago), you were reset back to the L26 step where you choose an order, so you won’t miss any content.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JLee.1794


Affected Character: Jetset
Possibly also affected since he tagged along: Rinyou

At the Pale Tree, I chose the option “Being responsible for the death of an innocent”. We did the quest again and Rinyou chose “Losing respect of comrades”.

After this I started to receive quests on the “Losing respect” path (Shell Shock, Volcanic Extraction, Marshaling the Truth) and after The Battle of Fort Trinity quest, I was back on the “death of an innocent” path with A Sad Duty quest.


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


How did you do the quest twice? Did your friend NOT accept progress the first time?

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: JLee.1794


How did you do the quest twice? Did your friend NOT accept progress the first time?

Yes that is correct. My apologies for not being clear on that. We ran it once for me (my instance) and I chose one option and he did NOT accept progress. He wanted to choose something different so we ran it a second time (his instance).

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


At what point did your next quest change? Did it suddenly go from “Tower Down” to “Shell Shock”? What was your next listed step when you finished “Forging the Pact”? Just looking at the journal there’s no apparent issue, it looks like it would for any character that chose that story branch.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Nurien.4136


I’m wondering whether I’m going to run into problems with this, and how I would know when/if I can be sure it’s safely fixed.

A week or two ago (not sure if it was before or after the 10/1 update), I did the quest with a friend in which the characters pick a greatest fear. The instance belonged to my friend, but I was given the choice to accept the progress for my own story too.

Since I didn’t particularly enjoy that quest, and would have selected the same fear as my friend did, I chose to accept the progress, and am now on the next step in my story.

Is this going to lead to bugs or rollbacks when I get to the point of the story where the greatest fear comes into play? Or will I just be assigned to the same choice as my friend made?

I did not discover this issue until after taking the actions described, and am now hesitant to continue with the story on that character.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: JLee.1794


At what point did your next quest change? Did it suddenly go from “Tower Down” to “Shell Shock”? What was your next listed step when you finished “Forging the Pact”? Just looking at the journal there’s no apparent issue, it looks like it would for any character that chose that story branch.

I never received the “Tower Down” mission. After the pick your fear quest, I just played like normal and thought I was on the right track. After “Forging the Pact”, my next step was to meet some artillery squad in “Shell Shock”. In my journal in the screenshot you can see the regular progression of the quest line if I would have chosen the “Lose respect of comrades” option (Shell Shock, Volcanic Extraction, Marshaling the Truth). I chose the “Letting an innocent die path” and you can see that I was put back on that path in the mission “A Sad Duty”. It was then that I realized something was wrong since they started referencing characters I had never met.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Character Name: Aznable Ashclaw

Compelted the “Light in the Darkness” quest while in a party with my wife’s character, Milindria. At the end, she chose “making an innocent suffer” as her greatest fear. I declined to advance my story, and we both ran through my LitD quest, where I chose the dishonor option.

When we finished up the arc, we both wound up on the “suffer” plotline with “Striking off the Chains”.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

my warrior is fully decked, but the story level (75): Estate of Decay is bugged
it starts normally,

  • (not to spoil) first task is complete
  • second is also
  • thrid
  • forth starts, we hear the speech from the NPC but then when i try to follow, i am stuck in the small room, no doors open or anything can happens, all the npcs in the room talk normally, half of them move from my grp the rest stay still like they are still viewing the scene of the speech

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

cant edit on the above post for some reason, but Character name is: Sir Leon Belmont, Charr, Solo