Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Sol Lir.3986

Sol Lir.3986

Character: Amalthea
Level 71 Quest Story: When returning to Trahearne he immediately started apologizing for losing Tonn when I had been dealing with Apatia on my previous missions.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: VynnDaan.5869


Character Name: Vynn Daan

Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): The Trap (chosen Order of Whispers)

Skipped to: Level 48 Suspicious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Character: Kaliyanei
Story: Picking the Quaggan/Skritt for Priory (Level 40). I picked Quaggan, but showed Skritt at the end.

Everything else story wise seems to still hold water, except the Orb thing they talk about in Fort Trinity (which is bugged for me), not sure what is up with that.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Coral.9816


I was questing with my boyfriend, we were both on the same Sylvari storyline quest and when he chose his order we wanted to choose Priory, but after he chose Priory and I accepted the progress I ended up on the Vigil quest.
Character name: Annamenel
Previous story quest: Trouble at the Roots
Current “changed” story quest: Forewarned is Forearmed
Intended story quest: Dead of Winter

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tonyecpm.2615


rayge mindbender
skipped from around 26-30 to lvl 48 story
yaks bend server
did not happen to person who activated the story

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: burny.9506


character: Radis Hawk
was skipped from “Stealing Secrets” to “Suspicious Activity”

also of note: I did not complete the quest when this happened:
I had failed a zone by crossing the zone boundary. I am not sure if “Stealing Secrets” was the one I was on, or the one I had completed before being skipped.
the user who created the instance did not have this problem(but also failed by crossign zone boundary)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Enygmatik.6598


My character skipped at the point of choosing the level 30 branch all the way up to a level 48 quest.

Character Name: Grimrage Snowclaw
Character Level: 39
Character Race: Charr
Character Profession: Warrior
Server: Dragonbrand


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Empkayin.9271


Character Name: Flex Mckenzie
Organization: Vigil
Found and “saved” Apatia then spoke about her at Hoelbrak. No idea who Apatia is, said I fought with her at Claw Island and found an orb with her. I think my personal stor yline got messed up at Forging the Pact or at the level 70 quest.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starla.5049


•lv 30 story: at the point where you choose an organization (Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers. – I was grouped with someone and he chose Vigil. I accepted the storyline. I skipped to level 48 Forewarned to Forearmed. He stayed at level 30 (Kellach’s Attack?)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Conradical.3475


Character Name: Hank Venture
Story Step: Level 30 – Stealing Secrets (Not Completed)
Skipped to: Suspicious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: XBLightz.2906


1. Character name?

2. Race, Lvl, Server and Profession?
Human, (Currently Sept 11th) Lv49, Sorrow’s Furnace, Elementalist
The Quest skipping happened when I was around Lv42

3. Quest which caused the skipping?
Stealing Secrets Lv30 (The part where you meet your friend)

4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well?

6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
Suspicious Activity – Lv48

8. Any other notes?
Quote from a previous post I read:
“I did not get a quest reward as the initiating player complted the quest, nor did I get a completion dialog such as “would you like to accept progress?”. "
Same exact thing happened to me.

I also did not get a banner, or any thing from the missed quests.


(edited by XBLightz.2906)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gary.3759


Character name: Gary The Skymage
Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): Lines of Communcation
Skipped to: Level 48 Suspicious Activity

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stagnant.4035


I’d just like to debunk the theory that only tag along characters are affected by the bug, as I’m seeing quite a few people claim that and I know for a fact it’s not true.
I was the host, and I was skipped 18 levels ahead while my friend, the tag-along, was fine.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inixyon.4673


Name: Eyron Brixx (Human Warrior)
Level 30 Story: We both chose the Order and we finished Stealing Secrets (lvl 30 mission). I know that I remember seeing it was a lvl 33 mission after that one, but then it randomly changed to lvl 48. I don’t know when exactly, but I believe it was when I went to Lion’s Arch.
Skipped to: Suspicious Activity (lvl 48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minx.2537


Character Name: Cyber Six
Level 30 Story (last quest completed): The Queen’s Justice – right after picking the Durmand Priory
Skipped to: On Red Alert (48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FrozenSoil.2943


In response to: “If anyone clearly remembers their story jumping anywhere outside of Lion’s Arch let us know.”

We’ve also experienced a similar change in quests in the Sylvari story line. After the story “Sharpened Thorns” I (party leader) chose the Order quest, but after my wife (tag-along character) accepted to advance her story she got the opposite quest. “The Blossom of Youth” vs. “Secrets in the Earth”. Didn’t notice immediately so I can’t tell you when this change occurred unlike the lvl. 30 to 48 skip she experienced later when going into lion’s arch.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadowSaint.7628


1. Character name?
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
3. Quest which caused the skipping?
4. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
5. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
6. Any other notes?
1. My character is named Blaque Varghart
2. My character is a human thief level 50 on Sea of Sorrows
3. I was on the level 30 Quest: Stealing Secrets. (Not completed”)
4. Jumped to level 41: Investigating Quaggans
5. I chose to join the Order of Whispers. Only found out about the skipped mission when it was announced on forums. Have since proceeded to lvl 51 mission (where Tybalt gets in trouble…)
6. Would love to complete the missing stories from 30-40, hopefully its possible even though I have progressed from 40-50 in personal story. Did not receive any rewards whatsoever when my story got jumped.

Thankyou for your time!

(edited by ShadowSaint.7628)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ginofelino.9246


Character name: Ginofelino
Was on quest: Breaking the Bone Ship
Skipped to: Battle at Fort Trinity (Trahearne spoke as if I aided Apatia instead of Tonn and the subsequent quest branch followed in that line.)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grognag.5914


Character: Grognag Clawtooth
Level 30 Quest skipped from Ever Vigilant to Forewarned is Forearmed (48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tana.9534


Character name: Ariel Soulforge
Story step: level 70 ( priory storyline, Apatia captured)
Skipped to: story about Tonn’s widow

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rparavicini.9450


Character Name: Ryba Shadowfeather
Story Step: level 30
Party Leader: Thalia Dimar
I was skipped to “Forewarned is Forearmed.”, the party leader is still on the right track.

I hope that a fix will be on its way fast, not only fixing the bug itself, but also fixing our characters.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minstrel.4079


Character’s name: Rae Kerr
Server: Whiteside Ridge
Quest I was on: Kellach’s Attack (Level 30)
Quest I skipped to: Forewarned is Forearmed (Level 48)

(edited by Minstrel.4079)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Character Name: Shunsui Kou Kyoraku
Story Step: Lvl 80 Victory or Death
The quest refers to only one objective of killing the Elder Dragon Zhaithan. I completed the Dungeon of Arah once before reaching this point in my story. So when I got to this point in my story, I wasn't exactly surpised it didn't auto complete. So I joined a guild members Dungeon in which they only have a couple of sections left of the Dungeon. We proceeded to kill Zhaitan, but I was not award story completion. I only recieved the standard Dungeon Completion reward.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Devious Immortal.2731

Devious Immortal.2731

Character affected: Grimvor Alemunster (Vigil path chosen)
Story line initiator: Devious Immortal (Order path chosen)
Server: Gandara (EU)
Quest: Lost Chiftain’s Return

Both characters were the same level and same quest. We went in did the quest together with me as party leader and at the end Grimvor’s chosen path changed to “Order” (on the loading screen he still appears to be Vigil).

By any means necessary…

(edited by Devious Immortal.2731)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illuminaut.8297


Character Name: Khalid Isaran
Server: Ehmry Bay
Last story step completed: Stealing Secrets (Lvl 31 I believe)
Skipped to: Suspicious Activity (Lvl 48)

I was a tag along on the quest Choosing the Orders, the primary initiator being player character ‘Giselle Fontaine’. We both chose the Order of Whispers. We both completed Stealing Secrets without a problem, however I’ve since found out that her personal story is without error, while mine has jumped to Suspicious Activity.

I’ve also submitted a support ticket in regard to this. Hopefully something can be done.

(edited by Illuminaut.8297)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rAggaah.4958


Character Name: rAggaah
Level 30 Story : Rakt and Ruin
Skipped to level 48: Forewarned is Forearmed
Server: Far Shiverpeaks

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aalleyn.3054


Character name: Kenna Drokken
Last quest completed: Assault the Hill (lvl 28)
Skipped me to: Forewarned is Forearmed (lvl48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: yayforsteven.6054


Character Name: Mesmomo
Level 30 Story (Before I skipped): A Meeting of the Minds
Skipped to: Level 48 On Red Alert

(edited by yayforsteven.6054)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Allers.2753


Alex.2834 already posted but:

My IGN is Allers. We went to Logan Thackeray in Lion’s Arch after deciding to join the Vigil. After we finished talking to him and the other Charr, Norn, Asura, and Sylvari, Alex’s quest changed to the level 30 quest A Fragile Peace, while mine changed to Forewarned is Forearmed, a level 48 quest.

It’s been probably close to a week and it hasn’t been fixed yet.


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Edit: Thanks for the responses! There should be a fix on the way for the bug.

Thanks. And patience is not an easy thing

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the fix will be there very soon.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PhantomRaider.1529


Character Affected: Ezia De Nox Aeterna

I just finished the Level 36 Mission for the Orders Of Whispers where Tybalt turns into a girl. My next mission was then a level 39 mission. I logged off and logged on the next day. I now am on the Level 48 mission “Suspicious Activity.” This has been broken for at least a week and a half

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krystal.2593


Charackter name affected: Krystal Ridgway
Story Step: Level 30 story. Speaker of the dead ( where i had to talk to the spirit of the dead pirate)
I choose in the end i wanted to be part of the Vigil, but than the game skipped to queens justice and said i had to speak to josir who welcomes me to the durmand priory.
I did this quest together with my boyfriend. First i finished my quest and i choose to be part of the Vigil and that was fine. Afterwards we played my boyfriends quest he choose the Durmand Priory, that went well. I never got a warning that my quest would suddenly change. Suddenly the game says i have to speak to josir and join the Durmand Priory at queens justice.

(edited by Krystal.2593)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lichu Enigma.8493

Lichu Enigma.8493

Character: Susannah De Vrie

After Willing Captives story I wasn’t able to do The Battle of Fort Trinity (first cinematic didn’t started), eventually, when I entered it with my friend being leader we were able to finish it, but instead of Liberating Apatia we were forced to do Delivering Justice which was totally unrelated with either of our storylines (my friend chose that with Tonn earlier).

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: balinorelle.6159


Character Name: Aliya Nocht
Story line before jump occurred: The Trap
lv 30 story: at the point where you choose an organization (Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers).

The story line jumped to Level 48 Suspicious Activity.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Higgymo.2081


Character Name: Kogun
Server: Gates of Madness
Story step: Level 42- Doubt (Grawl Mission)
unable to select the option to prove god is fake (other option is to help shaman talk to the people)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Takeko.8735


Character name: Takeko
Story step: Level 30 story Sylvari branch
Details: I was in a party with a friend (Deaterrae) who initiated the instance. She chose to join the Durmand Priory and I accepted the results only to find myself aligned with the Vigil while she was with the Priory as expected.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sajuuk Khar.1509

Sajuuk Khar.1509

Character Name: Sajuuk Khar
Story Step: level 70 Battle of Fort Trinity
Details: Trahern talks about a Krait Orb, and Apatia getting taken, when I had previously done the Breaking the Bone Ship Mission, and had lost the asuran explosives guy.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lady krottos.7940

lady krottos.7940

Character name, Lady Krotos.
I was on the level (31) quest “The Queens justice”.
It jumped to the level (48) quest “On Red Alert”
I didn’t even start the task from Queens Justice

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaecaeks.4716


Character name: Marloes Horst
Last completed quest: Kellach’s Attack
Skipped to: Forwarned is forearmed

Extra note: After choosing vigil I was sent to meet with almorra, but instead of meeting her at Lion arch along with my other friends, it sent me to the lvl 48 quest.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daemondai.5764


Character Name: Kunimin Stormhammer
Quest Stage: Approximately Level 30. Properly completed Silent Warfare. Skipped to On Red Alert.

Background: Questing with someone, other player chose faction and I was given the option to complete quest when they chose. “Silent Warfare” was initiated by myself. Was given quest after killing Vyacheslav to go to Lion’s Arch. Took an Asura gate to Lion’s Arch, but then was given quest “On Red Alert” (48)

Edit: A bit of thinking on my part which may or may not be helpful. It seems that the bug happens as a result of the player not choosing his/her own faction at level 30 (and perhaps the later quests too… unsure as I haven’t reached them as a result of this bug), and instead accepting the quest progression from their instanced partner.

In my understanding of character ‘flags’ it seems that the quest is being flagged as completed, but the “decision” choice flag is not being applied. So it skips to the next quest that does not require that “decision” flag.

Also, while NegativeFusion below might be a little more harsh than I’d have put it, it would be nice if we could get more informative updates than what we’ve been getting, such as estimated timeframe and such.


(edited by Daemondai.5764)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NegativeFusion.3712


Edit: Thanks for the responses! There should be a fix on the way for the bug.

I understand Starsky, I would be frustrated too. We’re looking in to what we can do for you guys.


This level of responses are lacking. Please keep the affected players in the loop. It’s been over a week, and I am forced to “explore” on my guardian, rather than be guided through my natural path in new maps.

I missed an entire zone trying to level while my quest says 48, which put me in a level 40 zone at 30

As others have said, we don’t want the quest fixed, we want the BUG fixed.

It shouldn’t be hard to track down the affected quests (THE TRAP) in my case for instance, which put us on the next quest (SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY) in my case. And just wipe the next quest off of our log, if this means we get a second reward for THE TRAP, then so be it. But I don’t want to miss 28 levels of story mode (as per my main message, I was 21 when I finished THE TRAP…)


Also, I have purposely refrained from doing ANY OTHER PERSONAL STORY QUESTS on my character because of this to not make the issue any more weird to fix… After all, if I grinded to level 48 and did the quest, and then got a roll back, one would imagine I’d be rewarded twice for the quests going 48 and onwards, depending on how many I did. So that’s not an issue on my character.

(edited by NegativeFusion.3712)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HansWursT.2341


Character Name: Grimrok (Charr – Warrior)
Server: Riverside
Level 30 Story (Last in Story Journal): Ever Vigilant
Skipped to: Forewarned is Forearmed (48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Titan.9372


My wife and I were doing the story quests together, and mine (Davian Wrynn) progressed fine, but heres did not, despite her starting the quest:

Character’s name: Narlyn
Tag along: Davian Wrynn
(Level 30) Quest we were on: Kellach’s Attack
(Level 48) Quest skipped to: Forewarned is Forearmed

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tektr.9463


Character Name: Vermona
Level 28 Story (Before I skipped): “Flower of Death”
Skipped to: Level 48 “Forewarned is Forearmed”


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Valdiis.3602


I, too, have had this issue! I was questing with Zigor Itzal and we both intended to choose the Order as that point came up at level 30. He was in control of the instance and made his choice, I clicked to agree to go on with it. I received no reward and my personal story skipped ahead to “Suspicious Activity (48).” His character remains able to continue his story. My affected character – Zurine Haizea of the Tarnished Coast server – is unable to progress.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LayneCramato.9106


Character Name: Deejoan Mustard
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Story Step: (level 30) – Kellach’s Attack
Organization: Vigil
Party Leader: Mandsome Boldcoif
Skipped to “Forewarned is Forearmed.” (lvl 48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathbringercow.1605


Character Name: Brahumm
Level 39 Story (Before I skipped): Quaestors Siege
Skipped to: Level 48 Forewarned is Forearmed

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MiaMisery.4328



My character’s name is Mia Misery. When doing my level 30 story quest in a group, it advanced to a level 48 quest called Suspicious Activity. My leveling partner at the time did not have any problems. Please fix this soon!! =D

(edited by MiaMisery.4328)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CalChak.2796


Character Name:Warsah (Charr Warrior)
Level 30 before skip:Ever Vigilant
Skiped To:Forewarned is Forearmed

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HyperLimited.7935


Name: Alana Skaard
Level 70 Story: Breaking the Bone Ship
Everything after this mission was completed contained elements my character had never encountered or deeds she never performed.