Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Seuss.7420


Was just playing through with a party and when we came to the part, where you have to kill 2 guys and champion mob, while Queen is in a bubble, when I encountered a bug which prevented me from finishing the dungeon. When we killed the champion, it would still show as 2/3 mobs killed. We went back and forth, killing them several times, hoping to finally finish the dungeon, but we had no such luck.

TLDR: Last champion mob won’t get counted as being killed which prevents you from finishing the dungeon.

(edited by Moderator)

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Jaykelvik.2473



Been attempting to do this Dungeon with my Guild yet it causes our clients to crash every time we attack the first boss (prototype)

other issues are we cant use party chat no one can see what the other is typing ?

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Zeitzbach.9608


The boss, Captain Seperatist, does not count toward the amount of Seperatist killed.

Because of this, it will never reach 3/3 but only up to 2/3 for the kill count and Jennah won’t put down her shield.

You can then run out and the event will reset, allowing you to free farm as much rare loot as you want as well.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Fyrehawk.1674


Bug report submitted.

Two separate runs, the final battle to ‘Find Queen Jennah’ requires 3 separatists to be killed. However on both occassions only 2 were present or the final Captain is not being counted as the third.

As a result the final objective is stuck on 2 of 3 separatists killed with no means to complete it and thus the story mode dungeon.

Unless anyone else can shed some light on the issue?

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Anubis.8065


Same here. Wasted an hour! Had to quit.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Same here! This dungeon is annoying enough, now its buggy >.<


protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Sacrosanct.1657


We’re supposed to kill 3 separatists + the captain, but only 2 separatists + the captain spawn, so we can’t finish the story mode. The newest update did not fix it, as we tried two times, both with the same result.


Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: BroShiro.5178


this just happened to my group :c

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: SixtPackm.7169


same thing happened to the group i was with today.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Gbennets.9037


Same bug arghhhhhh!!!!!

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Gbennets.9037


As in the other post.. Same to us!!! Ufff

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Aozora.5347


Same thing happened to me as well! Its really frustrating especially now that i’ve tried twice and it’s “bugged out” on the same part both times.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: JUNGALIST.9160


Had exactly the same issue. Our paty returned to WP and they respawned but kept happening. No xp. Bad Times

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: kittkat.9450


Same here, on Ehmry Bay server. Couldn’t get past 2/3 killed and had to quit.

Mena Fowler – Ranger || Jezza – Engineer || Cailet Ambrose – Elementalist

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Minty.9453


Same exact thing

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Bjerven.8136


For me and my party as well.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Jason King.2647

Jason King.2647

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Thanks for the reports, everyone! We’ve verified this issue and are investigating.

ArenaNet Community Team
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Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Just happened to me as well. Thanks for your response, I’m glad you’re looking into it.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Ironbark.7502


at the final boss there is supposed to be 3 seperatist and then the boss only 2 appear….

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Xapheus.1235


Same happened to my group. Running back to the sniper tree and then forward again would respawn that last battle..

League of Omnipotents [Omni] @ Fort Aspenwood

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Muramasa.9075


I played the storyline to help a Guild member the other day, and at the very last part, where you have to free the princess, the task is to kill 3 of the mobs. We killed all three and it displayed as 2/3, we tried multiple times in the same instance.

Anyone else have this problem recently?



Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Desruc.2709


Last night I ran Caudecus Manor with guildmates and we encountered this same problem.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: creekstone.6531


Same here…all that time and silver spent for nothing…
Does this happen all the time or just randomly?


Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Valca.1234


Same problem here, tried to do Caudecus Manor – Story Mode and the final part of killing 3 separatists is bugged.

Tried to do them again by allowing them to respawn but to no avail. Unfortunate experience for someone who rarely does dungeons. :/

|House of Wiegrahf|

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Xapheus.1235


Happens all the time now. Devs verified the issue in a similar topic:

League of Omnipotents [Omni] @ Fort Aspenwood

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


I ran into the same problem last night as well. I’m on Tarnished Coast, if that helps any.

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
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Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Muramasa.9075


I’m on Gunnars Hold, I managed to do the story a while ago, and it was fine, it’s just recently it’s started to bug i think, at least we know now it’s more of a widespread problem, hopefully it’s fixed soon.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Coffinmaker.3894


At the last fight where you have to kill a Captain seperatist and two others by Queen Jennah, only two of the kills register for the objectives. When you kill all three seperatists, it will only register as having killed 2/3 making you unable to interact with the Queen. Anyone else have this problem?

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Account.9832


I think pretty much everyone. There’s a thread about it in the “dungeons” forum, too.

- Al Zheimer

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


The story mode is now hugging out at the VERY end if the dungeon. The point where Queen Jenna is with the 3 Separatists and she is in the Bubble, the quest indicator says to kill 3 Seperatists to advance yet only 1 and the champion spawn. Therefore after you kill them the quest is stuck at 2 out of 3 separatists killed and queen Jenna gets bugged out in the bubble!

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Anyone else experiencing this?

It’s the 2nd dungeon that new players will see, I tried running a group of brand new players through cm story and the ending is bugged and the dungeon cannot be completed… I was trying to explain to the new players that this isn’t normally how dungeons go…

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Xukavi.4320


I don’t know if 3 veterans are supposed to spawn with the champion or not. But I know for a fact that its bugged and it won’t consider the champion as one of the separatists.

Really pissed off about the bug because me and a warrior friend duo-ed the whole dungeon and managed to kill the final boss only to find it bugged. Just tried it with a full 5 man group now and its still bugged.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


Did not get reward for it cuz it bugged out on the very last cut-scene.

That was good Anet, tricked me into believing that it was fixed. Aww — you got me.

EDIT: Okay. So it works sometimes (according to other people… who I’m not sure if I trust)… but yah, it bugged out on my group about 15 mins ago [that was when I last tried to run the dungeon].

(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Gbennets.9037


Again?? How it’s possibile to have a so stupid bug for so long time? 3 patch after it’s explained and still no adjustment? Incredible.. you just need to add the tird veteran!!!! I Don0t think it’s so difficult!!!!
We have 8 dungoens and one is bugged … (Well I tried just 2.. and one of them it is.. don’t know if other are too)

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: xEpsilonHero.1403


In my experience, all 3 spawned. The problem was that only 2 of them were counted. Encountered this twice now. Send in those bug reports people!

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: DerLola.5732


Recently I did the CM dungeon with a random party of people. We played it in Story mode and right at the end, it got stuck. We found Queen Jenna, killed all three mobs, but it kept saying we needed to kill one more. We waited for 5 minutes or so, nothing happened. Quite anoying after trying hard to get through the dungeon! Please not the screenshot as proof and possible hints of what went wrong.

Hope you guys can fix this.


Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


CM is currently bugged. My group reached the point where you fight the captain, but, when we killed her, she didn’t count towards the 3/3 separatists killed, and Queen Jennah just stood there like an idiot.

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Anuxdei.2175


Really im bored to facing with bug on the last boss in cm story.I did it 4times and faced with same situation this is really stupid . Everyday some patches for coming (for halloween for pumpkins for smiling pumkins) but when the game officers start to make SERIOUS patches like dungeon fix ????

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Gbennets.9037


Completly Agree… we are stucked beacuse 2 friends cannot do exp mode -.-

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Lavish.1623


Cm story is bugged at the end quest and ac explorable on path 1 has had a 50/50 chance on working for me and others who i have talked to. The part where you have to get the scepter pieces doesn’t activate.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: rakis.2914


Only spawned us 2 mobs instead of 3 what made it impossible to finish the quest.
I got bsod before that happened.
1 guy relogged and it respawned with 2 mobs again.


Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: SimplySuccor.6387


Confirmed. The Captain and two mobs are spawned. We need either another npc separatist spawned to count for the “3/3 separatists killed” or the Captain needs to count for the kill count.

Succor / Guardian

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: corvo.8341


When you get to Jennah and you have to kill the 3 seps, the Captain won’t count as a sep kill and you can’t complete the dungeon.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: PatternSpider.7608


My guild and I just got the same thing. Three separatists including the Captain spawned, but killing the Captain didn’t count as killing a separatist, leaving the count stuck at 2/3.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: PatternSpider.7608


According to a walkthrough on the official wiki, one separatist sergeant and two separatist fighters are meant to spawn along with the Captain. Only one separatist fighter spawned both times we tried the encounter.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I second this. There are only 2 Seperatists spawned (excluding DeLara).

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Anuxdei.2175


no answer nice… happy halloweens..

(edited by Anuxdei.2175)

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Sothdargaard.8394


cm IS bugged and they know about it, just haven’t fixed it yet.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Sothdargaard.8394


They just haven’t answered this post because they have answered posts in the past:
They know it is bugged, just haven’t fixed it yet.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Sothdargaard.8394
