System Date Affects Daily Achievements [Merged]
I am, i tried uninstall game even and dont work. Its frustating.
Make sure your computer’s time is set to the correct date/time/time zone. The display of the dailies is using your computer time, even though the actual time is used to determine which dailies are active. It’s a bug.
Thank you very much solved my problem!
I’m having the same problem. Checked my date and time and it is currently correct. Already missed a couple of days of dailies. What are other possible solutions for this problem?
I’m not normally one to report things, i figure if i wait, they will go away soon enough.
I dont get to play a heap, yet I’ve had 3 opportunities to try the new dailies since they were launched. All 3 times, one of the 5 have been bugged and wont register.
The first time it was veteran slayer – i killed 6 or 7 and none of them registered. Yesterday it was kill variety – i had completed my events and killed many things, and was registering zero. Today it’s aquatic slayer – I’ve killed a number of different creatures underwater, and it’s still sitting on zero.
I’m getting sick of everyone else having a chance to try out laurels and the new reward system, whilst I can’t get anything. This is extremely frustrating. Please fix it and consider sending me some laurels.
Most likely your computer clock is not set to the correct time. Ensure that the date, time, AND timezone is correctly set and the correct dailies will now be shown.
Pandem, you are awesome!!
I was on the right time and date but had the wrong timezone settings. All works now… thankyou so much
4 actually. But I did complete the first day. However it reset in the afternoon after which I cannot complete anymore. Everyday, 2 out of the 5 categories will be bugged. There is no pattern to which particular ones, but always 2 out of the 5.
Submitted a tix and no reply. Already 3 laurels down and not sure when you guys are gonna fix it. This is not a farm-able currency. Everyday I can earn only 1 and every month 10. And each day I fail to complete is a laurel short. I am not sure if you are aware how scarce this currency is.
Fix it. Soon. Please.
Check your computer’s date/time/time zone. There’s a bug where the game will display the dailies based on your computer’s time, even if the day is incorrect. (The clock might be on PM instead of AM, or set to another time zone, etc.) For example, today’s dailies are:
Kill Variety
Daily Healer
Daily Crafter
Daily Gatherer
Daily Events
If your list is different, check your computer time. Note that you might have to restart the game after setting your clock.
First of all, thanks for the prompt reply.
Secondly, thanks for pointing that out. My computer was indeed displaying a foreign time. It did fix the problem, so to speak.
Thirdly, with all due respect, this is unacceptable. I don’t see why game content has to be affect by computer clock. Windows can display multiple clock and only 1 date. It can display 2:30am, 10:00pm and as many clock as it like but it is Saturday on my computer yet it could be Friday depending where I am now. If my work dictates I set my computer time to a different timezone, I can’t do dailies anymore?
Pardon me, this thing needs a hot fix fast.
Still, thanks for pointing me in the correct direction.
Simple fix would be to have all deadlines based upon the server time, not the player’s local time or his pc’s time set.
Ever since the 28th update ive been getting bugs with my dailies out of the five categories i am suppose to complete two of them always dont work and they dont record my progress like for aquatic slayer daily kills and veteran slayers nothing got recorded and i counted the kills manually and still nothing this is preventing me from getting laurels and completing my daily achievements even though i did everything it requires please help me
(edited by Sargentswiggy.1859)
Whenever I get a dailies reset only half of the dailies actually work
Yesterday I had aquatic slayer and vet slayer
BUT whenever I soled a vet or did aquatic combat neither actually got progress
today I have daily dodger and daily kills
neither of them are working even though daily dodger has worked in the past
any ideas?
I’m thinking its a problem exclusive to me so maybe I should try reinstalling?
This patch has really f’ed up my game lately…
Yes, those are today’s achievements. I’m not sure why the event veteran wouldn’t count… It had the veteran frame around its portrait, right?
Hi, there I got some proof to show you event veterans don’t count. In fact, I think all event veterans that don’t give exp don’t count? I don’t know why they don’t give EXP though…
Here are two good before and after pictures, I tagged that veteran wolf heaps and no exp and no count towards my daily. (it was 1/5 before, forgot to take a before screenie, I killed a jelly fish veteran in the water earlier, you might have to just trust me on that one!, I have 25 underwater kills so… ye)
I also experienced a lot of lag (i thought) then I realise it’s just because my 2nd utility wouldn’t work no matter how much I pressed it, the other 1 and 3 utility still worked fine and my weapon skills. After a lot of spamming it would suddenly work again. Then I got an Anet crash error, I didn’t send report because I had to hurry back on to retag all over again before jormag died.
(edited by Lafiel.9372)
Going by the mob of players in the screenshots, it’s possible you didn’t do enough damage to “contribute” towards killing the creature (hence no XP, no achivement credit.) Did you receive loot off the corpse?
Check your computer’s date/time/time zone. There’s a bug where the game will display the dailies based on your computer’s time, even if the day is incorrect. (The clock might be on PM instead of AM, or set to another time zone, etc.) Note that you might have to restart the game after setting your clock.
(edited by Jeffrey Vaughn.1793)
Going by the mob of players in the screenshots, it’s possible you didn’t do enough damage to “contribute” towards killing the creature (hence no XP, no achivement credit.) Did you receive loot off the corpse?
I didn’t scroll up the combat log, but if I did you will see it was all hitting that one veteran mob, I’m pretty sure I dealt at least half the HP of that veteran mob, there was no loot or exp from them but I find it’s not uncommon for me to not get exp or loot from some of these event mobs, regardless if they were champions or vets (some of them do give exp while some don’t?)
I’ll try do a more accurate test later on with the same type of mob :o
Just tried it again and Jeffrey Vaughn seems to be right, I tagged it again properly this time and I got the credit for it. Though I also accidentally tagged a few other vet ice elementals as well so can’t be certain hmm..
(edited by Lafiel.9372)
I’ve been having the same problem. After doing what was suggested above by Mr. Vaughn, my issue was resolved.
Today the veteran slayer achievement wasn’t getting credit when I killed veteran mobs. It took about 14 (yes) veteran kills for me to make the 5 required to finish my daily. After the daily reset, the achievements are exactly the same (veteran slayer, aquatic slayer, daily healer, daily gathering and daily events) and the veteran slayer is still not getting credit. About half the ones from the earlier try were in Cursed Shore (though 6 were not and 4 of those I did solo) and the possibility of the zerg and other characters getting credit is understandable. Now after the reset I solo two veteran mobs in Diessa Plateau (veteran minotaur and veteran devourer) and there were no players anywhere around and guess what? NO credit toward the daily. But gathering, healer and events are done fine. What is going on? I made a ticket last week about getting 100% map completion in Cursed Shore and getting NOTHING for it. No chest, no nothing, but it hasn’t been answered yet. A few days before I got an empty chest in Bloodtide Coast. I’ve been hit with various other bugs in the past month.
Wow, who knew that a simple fix like that would work!
Hi guys i have tryed to do dailyes sience when that new achievement thing started but i cant do them because of it is bugged : /
What should I change my date and time zone to?
I live in canada mountain zone
and my computer is set to the proper time
for some reason the 2 dailies: Veteran slayer and aquatic slayer, aren’t working
the only thing I can think of is reinstall
gonna give that a try will report back
What should I change my date and time zone to?
I live in canada mountain zone
and my computer is set to the proper time
for some reason the 2 dailies: Veteran slayer and aquatic slayer, aren’t working
the only thing I can think of is reinstall
gonna give that a try will report back
well for me the time wasent the problem the date was the problem my computer was off by one day and once i changed that it resolved my issue
Ive got a similar bug with Kill variety and Allies healed not counting.
Those were Jormag pre-event mobs, was the bug that caused event vets not to count for the daily already fixed? Otherwise I’m not surprised it didn’t work.
I have also some issues regarding daily achievements
I red the entire thread and the answer is I am not in the right time zone … indeed Im in the Paris time zone …
so I’d like to know what is today’s daily please ?
and is there a thread where we can see this everyday ?
thanks much.
So when I was doing the daily earlier it was already at 60% then there were 2 more tiers I had to do the healing and gatherer but I decided to switch toons after switching I found healing and gatherer disappeared and went to veteran slayer and crafting I try to craft but it doesn’t go up and I killed like 20 veterans already it also doesn’t go up… please fix this this is the 2nd time it has happened already yesterday this also happened and I just let it slip….
As the poster above stated, ensure your computer’s time is valid and set properly. Deviation from the current real time will result in broken dailies.
Yersterday i was cutting it close, very close
Just finished my daily achievements a minute before reset.
On the right side of my screen the message with 100% completion popped up, i was really happy… until i realized that i didnt get any rewards for it
It was exactly 0:59 when i finished it and at 1:00 there was the reset.
I would REALLY appreciate it if someone from tech support could look into it.
Thank you!
So I was just doing my daily and saw the crafter thing I already did that once (till now everything ok) but an other day I saw it again and when I started crafting the quest tracker didn’t go up and I couldn’t get my daily (and the laurel ) and the next day it was “get 60 kills” I kill 10 monsters and I realise the thing doesn’t go up
so no laurels that day too and it also happened today
arenanet pls help !
I had this same issue. It’s your system time. Down on the system tray of your computer make sure it is at the current date & time for your region. The quests will then work flawlessly. Simple fix, but nothing you would care to think about.
its a bug where sometimes the dailies from the day before still showup in your daily list and wont go away until you do one of the new requirements for the new daily which is kinda hard since you dont know what that daily is since the list is bugged, you would have to find out from someone else, i have had it happen to me where my dailies reset and it looked like i had all the new dailies completed except one new one because all my full bars from the dailies from the day before where still there, its been around for months, maybe reloading the ui would fix it i dunno
If you do what I said, It will work. 100%.
It’s no bug. You simply have to check your sytem date and time. If they don’t fit, the lists shown and the lists active on the server don’t fit together. That’s all.
This has been said often enough and there is a thread for this too.
Different daily bugs.
Laurel vendor page opened but no credit given, picture and bug report submitted.
Crafting not registering for daily, bug report submitted.
Events finished but no credits( 0%) for kill variety, not even one kind. We know you can’t do 5 events and not kill something….. report and photo submitted.
two dailies unable to complete because of bugs, the rewards lost because of bugs. If this keeps up I guess I will never get my monthly finished….
When reviving allies with Rangers pet shout “Search and Rescue” the credit is not given for the daily achievement Daily Healer.
Reviving with guardians Signet of Mercy in this case grants full credit for the achievement.
Edit: This post was moved here by moderator. I don’t think the bug I described is related to wrong system date topic but anyway …
(edited by Liliana Moore.4237)
Waah it’s as easy as that (still didn’t try it) but arenanet will we got some laurels back ? Because I have 5 laurels and some 10 just because of that bug. If you can’t well never mind
Computer time is set correctly.
My issue is actually just with veteran credit. I’ve killed at least 15 veterans today, and I got credit for 2. I tried in a group, solo, logging out, restarting, zoning to a new waypoint. Nothing worked, and the only ones I got credit for happened randomly without me changing what I was doing.
I got rewarded the daily achievement despite not having completed the dailies.
Also received daily again after completing them.
(edited by wildcode.5403)
Occasionally, maybe once every 3 or 4 days when I’m playing my daily will reset early (around 5pm) and I will see tomorrow’s daily. If I have completed any sections of the true daily that are repeated then it will still show them as completed, it will also show any progress I’ve completed on the current daily.
eg. If todays daily is kills, gathering, crafting, underwater kills, and dodges, and I’ve fully completed kills, gathering and crafting. Then 5pm rolls around and my daily resets, so now under my achievements tab, it will say the next day’s daily, for example, kills, gathering, crafting, veterans, and healing. My achievements tab and the daily progress bar in the top right of the screen will still show 60% done and register me as having completed kills, gathering and crafting.
If I try to complete what my computer tells me is now the daily, it does not register. There also appears to be a correlation to this happening and my game experiencing “a serious error has occurred” and crashing. Both of these never happened before the January 28th update. Today, when my daily reset early, I tried to continue playing but my game would crash about every 5 minutes and I would have to restart it. Here is the game details from the latest crash.
—> Crash <—
Assertion: categoryDef
File: ..\..\..\Game\Ui\Widgets\Alert\RewardProgress\AlAlertAchievement.cpp(297)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3680
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 16597
When: 2013-02-12T00:39:03Z 2013-02-11T16:39:03-08:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:04:23
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 3555MB/ 8052MB 44%
Paged: 4454MB/ 9780MB 45%
Virtual: 2000MB/ 4095MB 48%
Load: 55%
CommitTotal: 5326MB
CommitLimit: 9780MB
CommitPeak: 5552MB
SystemCache: 4128MB
HandleCount: 35269
ProcessCount: 101
ThreadCount: 1199
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1357MB
WorkingSet: 1134MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1140MB
PageFaults: 1288729
—> Game Context <—
MapId: 28
Flags: 0×241
ElapsedTime: 00:03:09
—> World State <—
<WorldState BufferCapacity=“39496544” BufferUsed=“14439826” DrawCalls=“407” Fps=“21” EffectLights=“0” ImageMemory=“5973264” Lights=“14” Materials=“192” OcclusionQueriesOccluded=“0” OcclusionQueriesStalled=“0” OcclusionQueriesUnoccluded=“0” Particles=“1939” Submodels=“407” TextureLoadsPending=“0” TextureMemory=“567586513” Triangles=“144889” VerticesSoftwareTransformed=“0” VideoMemoryTotal=“75472416” CameraPos=“9843.45, -2438.24, 22” CameraFwd=“-0.822032, -0.110528, 0.558612” MapName=“wZY+N.r5jOv” MapNamespace=“7bzex” MapSector=“IJwR+.VdJvq” MapType=“Public” MapFloor=“1” MapId=“28” MapTimeOfDay=“1.000000” PlayerFacing=“-0.987539, 0.00975271, 0.157069” PlayerPos=“9657.14, -2463.29, 233.09” PlayerVelocity=“0, 0, -0” />
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.2.9200.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×9a4 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:004a864f Fr:36f7f98c Rt:004a597e Arg:00000001 0dd75c90 0e650140 36f7f9b8
Pc:004a597e Fr:36f7f9a0 Rt:004a5f0e Arg:0e650140 0f85e02c 116cefb0 016e0450
Pc:004a5f0e Fr:36f7f9b8 Rt:00b31ce3 Arg:0e650140 016e03bc 016e03bc 1001d824
Pc:00b31ce3 Fr:36f7f9dc Rt:00b32c0b Arg:016e03f8 101319ec 01471000 00000003
Pc:00b32c0b Fr:36f7fa04 Rt:00b66b77 Arg:000001bf 077cc198 1001d780 101c71e3
Pc:00b66b77 Fr:36f7fa20 Rt:00b69513 Arg:000001bf 101319f8 0e631684 0e631620
Pc:00b69513 Fr:36f7fa90 Rt:00a82d3a Arg:36f7fd28 36f7fd8c d50001c8 00133f01
Pc:00a82d3a Fr:36f7fd60 Rt:00406537 Arg:1a00d0b4 00000273 36f7fd8c 36f7fda0
Pc:00406537 Fr:36f7fd94 Rt:004067ba Arg:00000273 1a00d0b4 36f7fdc0 0040b1d1
Pc:004067ba Fr:36f7fda4 Rt:0040b1d1 Arg:00000273 1a00d0b4 0f87c170 36f7fe04
Pc:0040b1d1 Fr:36f7fdc0 Rt:0040b49e Arg:1a00d0b4 00000273 0000000c 00abfa6f
Pc:0040b49e Fr:36f7fe10 Rt:00abb6f4 Arg:0700a340 0700a584 0711c010 0000027f
Pc:00abb6f4 Fr:36f7fe48 Rt:00abb82b Arg:00000021 0000027f 00000000 00000000
Pc:00abb82b Fr:36f7fe90 Rt:00abbd39 Arg:00000001 06c2b34c 03525498 7757439b
Pc:00abbd39 Fr:36f7fee8 Rt:00abc189 Arg:a242bf89 00000001 06c2b34c 03525498
Pc:00abc189 Fr:36f7ff20 Rt:00abc25f Arg:00000000 07012f50 00672b6f 00000000
Pc:00abc25f Fr:36f7ff40 Rt:008cf5fd Arg:07012f50 a242bfd1 00000000 03525498
Pc:008cf5fd Fr:36f7ff78 Rt:008cf6a5 Arg:00000000 36f7ff90 75538543 03525498
Pc:008cf6a5 Fr:36f7ff84 Rt:75538543 Arg:03525498 36f7ffd4 7757ac69 03525498
Pc:75538543 Fr:36f7ff90 Rt:7757ac69 Arg:03525498 e4f90a7b 00000000 00000000
Pc:7757ac69 Fr:36f7ffd4 Rt:7757ac3c Arg:008cf623 03525498 ffffffff 775f1d8e
Pc:7757ac3c Fr:36f7ffec Rt:00000000 Arg:008cf623 03525498 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=36f7f548 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000044 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=004a864f esp=36f7f964 ebp=36f7f98c
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246
eax-32 36F7F528 012c2080 00678755 00000000 36f7f5a0
eax-16 36F7F538 75a34b62 36f7f5a0 75a34b32 36f7f548
eax 0 36F7F548 80000003 00000000 00000000 75a34b32
eax16 36F7F558 00000002 00000002 139e79d0 008d31b7
eax+32 36F7F568 36f7f650 00000280 0000123c 00000044
eax+48 36F7F578 36f7f8d0 36f7f650 36f7f5a4 008d3203
—> Code <—
004A862F 5dec8b03 8b10578b cbffd28b f885ff75 ]…..W……..u
004A863F 14682901 0000ba90 df2601b9 dcdf2601 .h)……&….&.
004A864F e8bc021d 008b4e08 33c0837f 3401ba02 ……N.3…4…
004A865F 0000000f 94c08945 08e8039e 61008b55 …….E….a..U
004A866F 088bc8e8 99816100 8b4e0833 d2e8ef9d ……a..N.3….
004A867F 61008b55 088bc8e8 85816100 8b138b52 a..U……a….R
—> Stack <—
36F7F964 004a8654 00000129 12a155d0 0dd75c90 T.J.)….U…\..
36F7F974 0f85e02c 1001d80c 36f7f988 0cf1cc88 ,……….6….
36F7F984 00000019 00000001 36f7f9a0 004a597e ………..6~YJ.
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36F7F9B4 016e0450 36f7f9dc 00b31ce3 0e650140 P.n….6…..e.
36F7F9C4 016e03bc 016e03bc 1001d824 36f7fa00 ..n...n.$......6
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I forgot to mention I’ve already seen this post and my internal clock is correct
Also I don’t know if this is relevant, but it says that all these forum posts were made about 3 hours ago when it’s really more like 3 minutes (if that).