Targeting Still Broken Please Fix It!
and there this thread goes being buried in the forum… :P
It boggles my mind that silly things get dev responses on the bug forum, but core issues with the targeting, that have been present since day one, and are crippling the combat in the entire game, do not receive one post. Not a single one! The biggest problem in the game right now has had ZERO dev feedback.
Maybe to get some dev attention we need to shift the conversation a little…
I heard a few guilds are running contests.
You keep track of how many times you target as intended, or shift targets as intended.
You also keep track of how many times you fail to target something correctly, or maintain a stationary enemy that is targeted correctly.
At the end of each week you do the math, subtracting fails from correct targeting and purchase that number of gems.
I ran Jormag and the Golem 2 times this week so far…. I think the game owes me around 15 gems….
Oh look, its affecting Gem Sales!!! What on earth should we ever do?!?!
This is another thread with the same issues from a while ago.
I second most suggestions, especially:
- auto-targeting only for reds and no yellow/whites (should be default, but may be an option)
- option for prioritizing the heaviest mob in the camera cone (that Lyssa targeting with all the players around which even loses the Ctrl-T focus is such a pain in the axe…)
Another features I’d like to see:
- auto-targeting mobs which are very close but behind camera (though that might be considered as exploiting common sense)
- REAL termination of auto-attack on target change (I just hate attacking a random yellow moa after killing the enemy, or even worse, pulling a pack of wolves…); or possibly an option that goes as “Initiate auto-attack sequence only after auto-attack skill has been triggered by the player once for the specific target”
- option to disable ally (green player/NPC) mouse selection while in combat (would really help in group events)
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Should it really be needed to explain anet how to implement a proper way of targeting players/mobs ? I doubt it…i mean guild wars 1 targeting system worked perfect,i wonder how hard it can be to implement it over to gw2.One and a half year time to implement such a basic feauture is far to long though.I still fnid myself having to click select players instead of just tabbing through them..and the slightest camera movement will usually deselect them again..Its honestly one of the worst targeting systems in an mmo ive come across.
Apologies Dev’s for my flippant replies (which I’ve now deleted). I just feel like I’m trying to climb a vaseline covered pole in getting a response to this.
Caedmon.6798 – This is a day one type fix. This is loads of players targeting crap instead of…sigh.. A pic is worth a thousand words (wish we had some…. sarcasm)? It makes us game like morons “Duh, I’ll target that thar Moa! Mesa no target dragon”
I think it’s different staff at ANet now, Minecraft and console trained folks (FoV lol). No offense but what kind of person makes a PC game have a low FoV when it’s not a console port wth an editable ini?
(edited by Paul.4081)
And here we go again.. during Claw of Jormag today I had to cycle mobs by using Tab a few times and in one of these moments guess who auto-target picked up first? Yes, you got it. Our beloved White Moa that was even hidden by a small slope >.< Not to mention Behe, I kept cycling Tab in order to select it as I couldn’t find a clickable spot to select it >.<
I had problems with targeting the great jungle worm, The target thingy is really up and i cant select it when i am near the boss so i use my tab to target… But targeting selects all the other mobs first, so its really stupid that targeting doesnt select real boss first that is targeted by everyone.
And they should lower the targeting thingy on the worm because its too high. People who fight in close combat they cant select it with mouse.
oh best thing is smc outerwall. massive zerg infront of u and your autotargeting goes to every single destructable wall.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
We’ve started another thread here :
Maybe we should combine our voices ?
Please arenanet stop killing white and yellow mobs, remove target selecting for non aggressive mobs.
During the harpies event at Victor’s Presidium (Plains of Ashford), I walked near one of the mortars before the harpies began to come in.. I turned my cam to face a group of harpies that was coming and there was a few Moas at left of my screen, but a bit far from the group coming.. Then, I quickly hit Tab to do some quick targeting and guess who the system picked up first? Yay, you got it, our beloved Crismon Moa (that was a few steps “behind” the harpy group comming..). :P
During the harpies event at Victor’s Presidium (Plains of Ashford), I walked near one of the mortars before the harpies began to come in.. I turned my cam to face a group of harpies that was coming and there was a few Moas at left of my screen, but a bit far from the group coming.. Then, I quickly hit Tab to do some quick targeting and guess who the system picked up first? Yay, you got it, our beloved Crismon Moa (that was a few steps “behind” the harpy group comming..). :P
So NOT EVEN the closest enemy!
I suppose in hindsight the only thing to do is laugh at the absurdity of it but dang, I’m sure that wasn’t your first thought at the time.
Here we go again… the tales of beloved Moa… during Claw of Jormag last night I was just shooting it with charrzuka just at the sideway, out of the area where the crystals would spawn, and then when the phase for attacking Jormag directly began I dropped the charrzuka and walked toward it, then I quickly hit Tab in hope of targeting something (how naive… jk). There wasn’t any other mob in my field of view but the Jormag itself and a icebrood veteran that got out of my view quickly. Guess who auto-target picked up? Are those little things now learning how to disappear huh? lol
I’m seeing my target shift unpredictably even after clicking on an enemy player or pve enemy. It’s making a hash of PvP dueling when several spectators are around. It’s also making WvW harder for an admittedly mediocre player.
yeah targeting is terrible atm. when im standing on outer smc wall and wanna attack it autotargets the outer wall and never the players first…..oi. yeah and its always great when there is like a 60 man zerg infront of me and my autotargeting selects this really scary doe behind me…yeah this really threatening doe could have backstabbed me, thats why it gets targeted.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Targeting won’t even target the Cobalt Great Jungle Wurm, when I’m standing right next to it! I press “closest target”, and it selects a Husk. I press tab, it selects a husk. Press tab again, it selects a grub. I click on the wurm, it selects a husk. And Cobalt is back up again…. ARGH!
Have someone even noted that it doesn’t stick with selected enemies but stick with allies? When you target a enemy it loses target so soon you cam around. But if an ally or a player is targeted it keeps selected even if you walk several steps away from them…
Have someone even noted that it doesn’t stick with selected enemies but stick with allies? When you target a enemy it loses target so soon you cam around. But if an ally or a player is targeted it keeps selected even if you walk several steps away from them…
It’s not something I’ve ever noticed! Will now check in game to see if this is happening to me as well. I’ve since PM’d a mod to find out if we can merge all the threads about the need to fix AI/auto-target and see if we can turn it into a mega-thread.
If they “acknowledge” that there are 20 threads on this, then they “acknowledge” there is an issue…. Good luck with that!
Plausible Deniability…
I think 20 separate threads is also better than 1 long thread, they almost have to see all these threads on the issue, whether they acknowledge the existence of the issue or not, its stares them in the face multiple times…
If they “acknowledge” that there are 20 threads on this, then they “acknowledge” there is an issue…. Good luck with that!
Plausible Deniability…
I think 20 separate threads is also better than 1 long thread, they almost have to see all these threads on the issue, whether they acknowledge the existence of the issue or not, its stares them in the face multiple times…
I can see what you mean but I will continue to post about this problem until a mod tells me otherwise. I am also looking at some more unconventional routes as well – stay tuned!
And new LS threads has buried this one…
And new LS threads has buried this one…
How has this happened?
And new LS threads has buried this one…
How has this happened?
lol, I just meant that due the flood of threads about bugs with the new LS, this thread had gone to page 5 or 6 of the category.
And new LS threads has buried this one…
How has this happened?
lol, I just meant that due the flood of threads about bugs with the new LS, this thread had gone to page 5 or 6 of the category.
Well here’s hoping that more peeps reply to this thread and keep it firmly on the first page!
We cannot let this issue die…
I think that posts should be able to be voted for to make sticky…
Or maybe put the +1s to good use, and have the top 3 posts based on +1s are displayed at the top of the forum with the red posts….
Oh wait, what am I thinking, they cant even get the search function to work….
This should definitely be a sticky. Today again I was fighting several champions, and the targeting system kept selecting the wrong target. Then I was fighting the Toxic Wurm Queen, and again it could select this enemy while it was right in front of me.
What still bugs me is almost all time it keeps aiming random moas around instead the closer mobs that’s about “to jump on my throat”… :S
I’ve experienced same, dangerous hostile NPC pummeling me to ground, and I try to quickly target it, instead pick the Neutral NPC far off of me.
Hmm. I wonder if this extents to downed state too.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
Hmm. I wonder if this extents to downed state too.
Yes, it does, sadly enough…
I have meant to post something here to bump this for some days now, but I had no news to tell.. until yesterday…
I think the pic tells it all but let me tell what happened secs before it. I was walking that area when several Sons of Svanir came and then we went to fight them.
At a point I got into direct fight with one of them at the spot showed in the pic. After I killed them autotarget tried to pick up another target and guess what did it choose? You can see a Son of Svanir at my left, however the autotarget picked up a Veteran Icebrood Mauler that was behind that wall in front me. The outcome was obvious: Obstructed! spamming on my screen.
Not to mention that mins before that autotarget kept picking up a mob far from me while another was running just a few steps after me.
However, I could note something: when autotarget has to choose a target due triggering a skill, it gives these laughable fails. But when triggering “Closest Enemy” it picks up the right target more accurately than when triggering a skill.
And this thread is going deep into forum pagination while issue still exists… :P
And the saga of the nosey Moas keeps going on… :P Also last night at pavilion I had two Flame Legion mobs just in front me and during an attack I realized I wasn’t doing damage to the one just a few steps from me, it was then I saw I was shooting at the one behind it that was almost out of range but straight in line in front me :S
Once again this issue has came up… While fighting with you Arid Devourers at Dry Top I got surrounded by around 3 or 4 of them, but at a point I noted that even though I was shooting them their health bar wasn’t lowering down. It was then I realized I was targeting one far away from me while 2 or 3 of them were just at my feet. :S
In Caledon Forest I was killing spiders, and whenever I used “Target Closest” the game would prioritize a neutral Moa Bird over a hostile spider. How is that even possible?!
In Caledon Forest I was killing spiders, and whenever I used “Target Closest” the game would prioritize a neutral Moa Bird over a hostile spider. How is that even possible?!
Yay our “lovely” Moas attack again :P
oh hey... targeting is still playing joke on us...
*glances at a moa nearby:* "You! Stay there and mind your business.. no, no aggroing... da**.." :P
Once upon a time, while a mesmer wandered around Dry Top…
[20:01] You hit Earth Elemental for 195 using Mind Slash.
[20:01] You hit Earth Elemental for 197 using Mind Slash.
[20:01] Earth Elemental hits you for 253 using Unsteady Ground.
[20:01] You hit Earth Elemental for 195 using Mind Slash.
[20:01] You hit Earth Elemental for 197 using Mind Slash.
[20:01] Earth Elemental hits you for 253 using Unsteady Ground.
[20:01] You gain 359 experience and 1,013 exploration bonus.
[20:01] Earth Elemental hits you for 246 using Unsteady Ground.
[20:01] You gain 359 experience and 1,013 exploration bonus.
[20:01] Earth Elemental hits you for 246 using Unsteady Ground.
[20:02] Earth Elemental hits you for 246 using Unsteady Ground.
[20:02] You hit Pink Moa for 315 using Mind Slash.
[20:02] You hit Pink Moa for 541 using Mind Slash.
[20:02] You hit Pink Moa for 313 using Mind Slash.
[20:02] Earth Elemental hits you for 246 using Unsteady Ground.
[20:02] Pink Moa hits you for 449 using Screench.
[20:02] Pink Moa hits you for 674 using Screench.
[20:02] Pink Moa hits you for 449 using Screench.
I do find it rather irritating that issues like these are allowed to persist for so long. I get that they want to focus on new content, but issues like this that players have been asking for a fix for so long should take priority.
Same here. “Target closest” seems to randomly choose a distant, often out-of-range target. Lame coding.
Same issues here. I’ve been playing this game since May 2014.
Issues: pressing the tab key to select a target most of the time selects a target that is further. Sometimes the target is close enough to be hit and I end up aggroing something I didn’t want to fight. The same goes for clicking a skill to automatically select a target. I could have an enemy right in front of me attacking me with melee attacks and still end up targeting/hitting something else. Some times I’ll press the tab key again and again to try and target what I actually want to attack but it just cycles through everything further away. I often times have to resort to clicking the ground to deselect the target then left click what I actually want to fight. And often times I just left click what I want to fight ahead of time. It is quite frustrating to say the least.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
If they “acknowledge” that there are 20 threads on this, then they “acknowledge” there is an issue…. Good luck with that!
Plausible Deniability…
I think 20 separate threads is also better than 1 long thread, they almost have to see all these threads on the issue, whether they acknowledge the existence of the issue or not, its stares them in the face multiple times…
Lol long threads do not help, Check out the Traits thread in Gen Discussion for example….. going on 44 pages now
Latest news: targeting is still broken (or even worse) :P
Recently while killing some destroyer crabs in a cave at Mount Maelstrom I was reminded about it. While inside a cave an even with several destroyers poped up. At a point I was being attacked by one just a few steps in front me, my camera was almost perpendicular to the ground. When I hit a skill, guess what happened? Yes, it selected one that was far from me and behind a rock >.< Using tab didn’t help, it cycled through the ones near that one behind a rock, also behind a rock. I had to tilt my cam down in order to get Tab to select it.
Targeting priorities were definitely changed in the September update. Hostility and range seem to take a back seat to the direction a character faces. I also have difficulty tabbing through targets. That, too, could use improvements.
Yes I have noted the changes and some of them deserve some praise indeed, like targeting World Bosses and champs, it’s easier to select a World Boss now also it prioritizes champs and elites. However, when it comes which one of the same type it must to choose it still picks up the one far and not the one at your throat instead.
I haven’t tried Ulgoth after the changes to see if it stopped preferring environmental things like Centaur Racks instead mobs attacking me, but it was one of the changes if I’m not wrong.
Another example—Demongrub Pits when going after the chest by the vet spider. I jump over and kill the minor spiders, face the vet spider as it drops in front of me and WTF, the game has targeted the massive egg sac, or the hatchlings on the level below where the chest is, and sometimes even spiders on the bottom of the cave.
Terrible targeting system.
And it keeps targeting mobs just sitting behind me while I have some others at my throat…
Target nearest enemy should do exactly that…..
Target the enemy closest to you.
I have not had any issues since they changed the way the system works.
It is wonderful.
Before they implemented changes, I would have kitten like this happen.
Can’t target the closest Ettin because he is “hiding” behind the tree.