Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Entombed.6593


Hi, my friend and I recently discovered the Tears of Itlaocol dungeon. And while we had a great time in the beginning, (especially figuring out the gong part), we stumbled over the actual puzzle at the end. While it took several minutes to figure the patterns of tears were supposed to represent the marks of the rocks, we encountered several bugs that were quite frustrating. Several of these bugs required us to go online and figure out how other groups overcame them.

1) One of the patterns on the rock would not appear.
2) Sometimes the patterns needed to be replicated by flipping the pattern. (inversion)
3) Sometimes we would place the tears in the correct order, and not have the success animation trigger.

I would love to see this fixed, thanks!

Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eirikr.8047


I experienced the same thing and was unable to complete it. When I arrived, one torch was lit and there were at least twice as many stones strewn about as were needed, most likely there were three times as many. After trying many different orientations of the patterns that I found in youtube videos I finally gave up.

Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I find that sometimes placing Tears onto ALL the platforms, then slowly removing them one by one until they match the pattern, gets past bugged situations where you place the Tears in the correct pattern but nothing happens.

Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eirikr.8047


Still bugged one month after it’s introduction.

Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BelleroPhone.4238


I completed it without any problems in the way Zaxares described it.
Btw, shouldn’t there be spoiler tags for the pattern solution in the first post?

Tears of Itlaocol Mini-Dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

i had to do it right after a server reset to get it to work