The outstanding Hatchery Bug

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


Quaggan can get creative, but it might be bad for Quaggan.


Quaggan hope this fixed soon. Quaggan would like to play again with very special quaggan friend again.


The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


Quaggan wants to point out that ArenaNet has only two titles (Two games. Same series. Not counting the campaigns and expansions for the first title).

Quaggan feels that hate for people should stop, and understanding should be used.

Bad water makes bad ice, and bad ice leads to bad things. Don’t make bad ice for Quaggan. It’s worse than dead friends for Quaggan.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: locoegv.8214


“The Hatchery” You can no longer do the final step before doing the intermediate steps.

and again…. lets better broke it, it was easy to do

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Halcyon.7352


“We don’t want to disrupt players by deploying an emergency fix.”
#in the middle of a dungeon# – your game will be restarted in 2 minutes
#looks at patch notes# – fixed dye drop rate

I quit.

Pretty much this.

I can’t help but feel insulted, as a loyal customer.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: LadyLogic.9074


I’ve been stuck on this part of the storyline for a month now. I have no desire to pvp, and I am certainly not going to start another character. I realize that fixing the problem may take a while, but a month? Seriously??? If you can’t fix it (which that is what it seems), then at least give us a way to remove it and choose the other option, or change us all to the other option.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: inazuma.7021


Yeah, I’ve been stuck on this bugged mish for over a week now. Already hit lvl 80, and still waiting for a fix.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: mexay.3902


The fact that they’re making us wait until the next content update is kittening disgusting.

This is pretty poor on ArenaNet’s behalf. The fix was supposed to come in ONE MONTH AGO.

Why isn’t it here? Why should we have to wait another WEEK for the fix? I swear, I should have just gone with the bloody Quaggan again


The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: sapiorion.3247


This is a pretty big issue that should have been addressed ASAP, “This is my story” tagline was a big seller.

I get that they have had alot on recently a major block in peoples progression is crazy not to prioritise.

I’m pretty disappointed.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Dane.9480


I have now put up a note on the webshop where i normaly buy my games,
letting people know that they are buying a beta release when they order the game.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StygSec.7163


I have now put up a note on the webshop where i normaly buy my games,
letting people know that they are buying a beta release when they order the game.

-EVERY- Massively Multiplayer Online game is a beta release. Every single game in the genre is a beta release when it comes out. Once you accept this the comprehension of everything becomes easier.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Dane.9480


I have now put up a note on the webshop where i normaly buy my games,
letting people know that they are buying a beta release when they order the game.

-EVERY- Massively Multiplayer Online game is a beta release. Every single game in the genre is a beta release when it comes out. Once you accept this the comprehension of everything becomes easier.

Well at least new buyers of the game will be warned about The Hatchery bug :p

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StygSec.7163


I have now put up a note on the webshop where i normaly buy my games,
letting people know that they are buying a beta release when they order the game.

-EVERY- Massively Multiplayer Online game is a beta release. Every single game in the genre is a beta release when it comes out. Once you accept this the comprehension of everything becomes easier.

Well at least new buyers of the game will be warned about The Hatchery bug :p

Yes, but stating that the game is still in beta release stage will further deter people into not buying the game. Just need to release an opinion that the game is great, but to avoid frustration don’t pick a race that has something to do with the Skritt.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


I’m starting to think that the Nov. 16th update will bring the slew of bug fixes needed for the whole personal story. There are so many new bugs with the missions in Orr. It’s not even funny… at all.

That could be why they’re holding off and fixing minute stuff like.. dye drop rates instead.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: jedbena.3795


I was so happy to hear that it’d be fixed 5th of November.
But now it’s 15th of November. :l

Now I think I’ll just start all over again… * Sighs *

If only you could just backtrack and say “you know, I’d rather help the Hyleks”…

If only…

I know… I should have picked the Hyleks instead… I thought it’s good to help those cute skritts, and regret comes in when i am on my way to the Hatchery. Sux

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


that really doesnt make sense though. why hold off on major fixes that people are begging you for only to fix junk that they dont even know is a problem. either they are really understaffed in the de-bugging department or they just cant identify these issues quick enough to fix them. some of these problems existed in the beta and are still in the live version today. they have probably received thousands and thousands of bug reports on the same issues over and over again so all of this stuff is on their radar

regarding the Nov 16th update. im cringing thinking about them introducing new content which only means one thing. new bugs to deal with. if they dont have a slew of fixes for that update like you think they might then this is just going to cause even more community frustration when people find all sorts of new problems with this island / new dungeon

Would you rather have a game with no new content, and every bug fixed? Or would you want new content with some bugs here and there?

Which would you prefer? However with everything released there will be bugs. Bugs always exist in everything. Nothing is 100% bug-free (Even if people claim it is. That is just a sham to ensure you nothing bad will happen.)

Beyond The Hatchery there are bugs related to The Pact, and there are a lot of bugs in the personal story quests in Orr. If the majority of you can pull your Skritt out of your Quaggan for just a few minutes and look there are bugs everywhere in the personal story. The Hatchery is not the sole and only personal story quest with a game stopping bug.

While some of you are single character players, and some of you are experiencing this on alts there are a lot of bugs further along the chain that sometimes require more then 10 attempts if you’re lucky.

The idea of releasing new content is a method used by a lot of developers to ensure the player base that have complained, and whined about a lack of content to get their interests hooked again and get them back to playing the game.

Just releasing a massive patch that fixes -every- bug within a game is only going to satisfy only -one- majority of the game’s community instead of it as a whole. The idea here is marketing, and if everyone is patient enough it will eventually get patched and fixed.


While your rage is noted you do not have to go off the deep end and bash Arena Net about horrible they are and how they’re ruining your life over one bug that has taken a while to fix.

The majority of you in this thread just need a break. Take a chill pill, relax and do something else instead of camp this thread and tell everyone how much this game sucks and is stupid and horrible and should never be bought or played by anyone because of one simple story choice that people have made involving skritt.

Noteworthy mention: The Hylek, The Quaggan, and the Grawl work fine.

Also I believe the opposite quest of The Hatchery is not bugged, and working fine as well.

So, will the lot of you just settle down and take your rage down a few notches? Complaining violently will never solve anything.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Mirar.3465


So, will the lot of you just settle down and take your rage down a few notches? Complaining violently will never solve anything.

Gosh, what a rant. I totally see people being upset when they conceived being lied to, and told that they are unimportant; they previously thought that they were valued customers. Let them complain violently if the feel the need for it, they have earned the right to – at least as far as I’m concerned. It’s the only thing they can do.

I was going to rant here myself about being lied to, using a lot of words like kittens, puppies and panda babies, but since a lot of other people already did that, I don’t need to.

(And no, I don’t think it’s the ANet posters fault that someone completely different contradicted his words by putting in, our view, a completely unimportant patch ahead of this one. But from our viewpoint, it still seems like a lie.)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Lasagna Pyramid.8132

Lasagna Pyramid.8132

It is still bugged for me. and its november 6th and there was patches. whats going on? It is becoming annoying

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Mightwolf.1968


StygSec ? Are you a developer, tester or chief Marketing?

You really seem to want to defend a lot Anet for their mistakes not really bearables despite the fact it is only their second game (as you say, but I would have say that the Nightfall extension count more as a standalone than an extension)…

I would say it’s very nice from you to defend them but, as you said before in your reply, there are two communities in the game, the one that want new stuff, and the other that want “reliable” stuff. I did a lot of mmorpg before, and, without talking about WoW that didn’t have the same budget, and they always tried to keep some kind of balance between them.

I think, even if we can be tolerant with the responsibles of the updates, they should, at least make a hot fix and give some kind of deadline for us to hope for a solution.

So, yes, there is a lot of different path of stories working but, if one of your tire is flat, will you just continue to drive considering that the three others will do the job for him?

Sorry for the rant again, but let’s keep focused, it’s not us the problem until then, it’s Anet blocking the fix.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Caos.1470


so what? do we have to wait a little longer for a stupid game choice?
i really love who create this game… but i hate these bugs, sorry.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678


I’ve been stuck on this quest for about 3 weeks. Many have been stuck longer, and more are just encountering this. I submitted a report. I responded on the forums.

I love this game. You guys provide so much content. The Halloween event was great, and you have something more planned for this month. Fantastic.

That aside, it is in my layman’s opinion that the fact that this issue has not been fixed yet is wholly unacceptable and frustrating beyond belief. During the 5 weeks or so that this started, there have been numerous patches and hotfixes. The fact that your able to implement a hotfix which changes the coding of the game to fix an issue is proof that your team can respond quickly to a situation. So why haven’t you had this issue fixed yet?

My enthusiasm towards this game is waning.

Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StygSec.7163


StygSec ? Are you a developer, tester or chief Marketing?

You really seem to want to defend a lot Anet for their mistakes not really bearables despite the fact it is only their second game (as you say, but I would have say that the Nightfall extension count more as a standalone than an extension)…

I would say it’s very nice from you to defend them but, as you said before in your reply, there are two communities in the game, the one that want new stuff, and the other that want “reliable” stuff. I did a lot of mmorpg before, and, without talking about WoW that didn’t have the same budget, and they always tried to keep some kind of balance between them.

I think, even if we can be tolerant with the responsibles of the updates, they should, at least make a hot fix and give some kind of deadline for us to hope for a solution.

So, yes, there is a lot of different path of stories working but, if one of your tire is flat, will you just continue to drive considering that the three others will do the job for him?

Sorry for the rant again, but let’s keep focused, it’s not us the problem until then, it’s Anet blocking the fix.

Yes, I am a Tester.

Beyond that I can’t say anything else. I understand how the barebones QA works, and a majority of the game industry pathway to design, develop, and market a game.

In other MMOs there are usually two majorities of people within each and every MMO. Those who want to conquer the newest content, and just crave new content more than the average person. The other majority is the people who only want things to be fixed before new content is focused on.

While both are good groups to partake in, and follow the two wants of both player groups clash together usually leaving Developers in the MMO genre to make decisions based on what they feel the community needs.

Without going into deal too much. Arena Net’s team of QA Testers more than likely have a fix, and they’re more than likely doing their best to delay it enough so they can take the extra time to double check it, triple check it, and so on. Making sure that there is nothing else their fix messes up, or the problem won’t show up again.

While this is one bug that has upset a lot of people, and pushed people away from the game. They’ve more than likely have cases upon cases of bugs that they may need to replicate, sort, and then send out to the Developers a document that in the very essence says “Hey. This thing here is bugged. This is the method we used to get here. These things also trigger it, and this is what the current build causes later on down the road.”

Just because there is a fix that is readily to be enabled the fix more than likely got delayed and removed from the Nov. 5th patch because they found it damaged something else and would’ve caused a more severe outrage than there is currently.

While patience and time is a currency when it comes to annoyance, and I understand the root of everyone’s rage in this thread. The consistent complains and idle threats will not help the situation at all.

The very root of what I’m getting across is that everyone is at fault here.

From the players for wanting an immediate fix for the problem, to the developer’s lack of communication about the problem. Then we have the player’s expectations that they brought over to this community from another game.

There is just a huge clash of everything going on in this thread, and the high expectations of everyone partaking in it will not be met..

Hold the phone… Idea.

Has anyone attempted to do the quest co-op with someone that is also stuck on the same quest?

I would like to know if that has any solution bearing to it.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

-EVERY- Massively Multiplayer Online game is a beta release. Every single game in the genre is a beta release when it comes out. Once you accept this the comprehension of everything becomes easier.[/quote]

I disagree not every mmo is a beta release- SERIOUSLY have you even played any other mmo? 330 PAGES (more if you take into account the ones that have been merged or closed) of bugs on the forums alone. . . Anet made it VERY clear when the game was being developed and tested that it WOULD ONLY BE RELEASED WHEN COMPLETED.
youve only got to look through the forums/facebook/twitter and see the discontentment in the community- AND PEOPLE ARE LEAVING TO GO AND PLAY SUBSCRIPTION GAMES. . . and Anet do NOTHING about it. . . The ratio of people that want NEW content Vs the people that want bug fixes is tiny. . . TRY IT ask in map chat – New content? OR bug fix?
There are just far too many fundemental bugs. . . 3 months into the game i just dont expect there to be as many bugs as there is. Broken dungeons/story zones that cant be completed [skill points/vistas].
BUT IT IS . . . so i believe Anet have a duty, that if they cant fix it, to inform us in game that what we are about to attempt [Dungeon/Story/Zone] is broken – I SHOULDN’T have to go to the website and check the forums for bugs for content that i am about to do. . . I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME NOT BROWSE THE WEBSITE
The concept of the game is awesome(as i have told anet many times) just the execution sucks
And the communication is terrible . . .
In any other “Production” industry, the way the product has been missold, would have resulted in trading standards investigating. . . but because its an mmo they can get away with it [and even have parties, cakes and photoshoots]
And seriously?- when they say go and do something different instead?. . .imagine getting your brand new mobile phone only to find it doesnt make calls and you cant txt, After Trying to contact the manufacturer you find out on a website that HEY it dont matter cos there releasing an upgrade that gives another 50 ringtones but not fixed the call/txt problem – would you be impressed?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StygSec.7163


-EVERY- Massively Multiplayer Online game is a beta release. Every single game in the genre is a beta release when it comes out. Once you accept this the comprehension of everything becomes easier.

I disagree not every mmo is a beta release- SERIOUSLY have you even played any other mmo? 330 PAGES (more if you take into account the ones that have been merged or closed) of bugs on the forums alone. . . Anet made it VERY clear when the game was being developed and tested that it WOULD ONLY BE RELEASED WHEN COMPLETED.
youve only got to look through the forums/facebook/twitter and see the discontentment in the community- AND PEOPLE ARE LEAVING TO GO AND PLAY SUBSCRIPTION GAMES. . . and Anet do NOTHING about it. . . The ratio of people that want NEW content Vs the people that want bug fixes is tiny. . . TRY IT ask in map chat – New content? OR bug fix?
There are just far too many fundemental bugs. . . 3 months into the game i just dont expect there to be as many bugs as there is. Broken dungeons/story zones that cant be completed [skill points/vistas].
BUT IT IS . . . so i believe Anet have a duty, that if they cant fix it, to inform us in game that what we are about to attempt [Dungeon/Story/Zone] is broken – I SHOULDN’T have to go to the website and check the forums for bugs for content that i am about to do. . . I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME NOT BROWSE THE WEBSITE
The concept of the game is awesome(as i have told anet many times) just the execution sucks
And the communication is terrible . . .
In any other “Production” industry, the way the product has been missold, would have resulted in trading standards investigating. . . but because its an mmo they can get away with it [and even have parties, cakes and photoshoots]
And seriously?- when they say go and do something different instead?. . .imagine getting your brand new mobile phone only to find it doesnt make calls and you cant txt, After Trying to contact the manufacturer you find out on a website that HEY it dont matter cos there releasing an upgrade that gives another 50 ringtones but not fixed the call/txt problem – would you be impressed?

What I meant that every MMO is a beta release as it is not a final product. Heck.. games are falling into the same category now. You just finished a game? Well give us $20 and we’ll give you 30mins more of missions!

Onto the semi-discussion at hand that should realistically be taken over to a new thread.

I would personally be impressed by that broken phone. I need more musical paper weights.

I can’t comprehend the majority of your post due to the structure, but I will say that you come onto the website instead of playing the game? Have you considered creating a new character and enjoying another storyline of the game? If you’re not that type find some other way to ease your frustration. I heard the internet is a big place to get lost in.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: xlion.3065


Just returtend from a long weekend and what do I see?
They hotfixed the drop rate for unidentified dye but still not the hatchery bug.
Well, I’ve got 5 other chars that are past this step in the story line (they made different choices).

Still, I doubt that ANet got the priorities right here. My thief (the affected char) is now level 52 (I happen to like playing a thief) and thereby way past this level 46 story line quest …

Seems that there is no need to rush as we are running into the next story line bug at level 50 on claw island …

(edited by xlion.3065)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Nanna Moon.6742

Nanna Moon.6742

Never been one to kitten about Anet cos I loved GW1 and so looked forward to GW2 but ive lost a LOT of respect for Anet over their handling of this issue.

I expeted more from them. The game is great, but they are letting a lot of people down over this.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: metalder.1826


Still to block(surround) has the quete the couvoir, my level is 50 and me can not finish this quete of the news(short stories) concercernant this quete would be welcome to see if there is a corrective or a patch for the couvoir

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: ekylok.2410


I love this game and have had great amount of fun playing it!…but honestly, being stuck at this point makes me not even want to log in.

I do not even want to progress any further through zones until I can catch up with my story…please fix this soon.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Farlow.8652


I am also stuck on my story line. I am almost level 68 and should have finished this part of the story long ago. I have sent in 2 bug reports.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Brownies.2901


Could someone please explain why this quest has been bugged since at least October 13th and many patches later the fix still hasn’t been released?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Day.4501


It’s not fixed because it doesnt affect gem sales.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Raigne.9846


Has anyone attempted to do the quest co-op with someone that is also stuck on the same quest?

I have. Nothing changed.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: horus.7628


StygSec.7163 i would rather have a game witha few small bugs eg broken escort event over a game breaking personal story bug

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: horus.7628


as for the time and patience is currency id say a month is over budget 2 weeks max i wanna progress allrdy kitten -.- my necro is allrdy 80 and got another char to 35 by the time iv waited for this patch to HTFU

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: albieg.7021


The majority of you in this thread just need a break. Take a chill pill, relax and do something else instead of camp this thread and tell everyone how much this game sucks and is stupid and horrible and should never be bought or played by anyone because of one simple story choice that people have made involving skritt.

That’s because the story choice is popular AND broken. I don’t need to relax, take pills for a choice I made in good faith and I wasn’t warned. I can’t take a look at the Wiki before doing a storyline quest, that would deprive me of part of the fun, which is discovery. Then, there might be some particular attachment to a toon, as roleplayers know well. Put that together and you have emotional responses, although far less emotional than your accusations.

Noteworthy mention: The Hylek, The Quaggan, and the Grawl work fine.

And Skritt are considered funnier than the rest, as I came to learn during chats, so it’s likely the broken choice is the most popular in that quest branch. There’s no way to go back once you choose, so you’re stuck. I’ve stopped developing a toon and concentrated on another since I want to do the storyline the way it’s intended.

Also I believe the opposite quest of The Hatchery is not bugged, and working fine as well.

That doesn’t change the fact that The Hatchery doesn’t work and at the moment I can’t go on or back.

Complaining violently will never solve anything.

Oh, the violence, the horror. Hundreds of brutes and minions rampaging and killing everything in their path. The horror, the horror.
Please tone down your words, if I ever saw an attack that can be considered vicious, it’s yours. I guess you don’t realise that a lot of people work in the IT industry and, more or less, have their opinions on development and release process and times. I work in IT support and I have to know better how people react than how computers react, and I’m too old to lose my time reading confused and confusing things like “all game are betas at release” when this, formally, is far from being correct. I understand perfectly what you mean, but perhaps confusing Beta and Beta state doesn’t help your cause, because it makes a huge difference since the game is in Beta state but this isn’t Beta stage. That’s not what I paid for. Nonetheless, this bug has been handled very badly, also at PR level. I like the game, but this is worrying.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StygSec.7163


The majority of you in this thread just need a break. Take a chill pill, relax and do something else instead of camp this thread and tell everyone how much this game sucks and is stupid and horrible and should never be bought or played by anyone because of one simple story choice that people have made involving skritt.

That’s because the story choice is popular AND broken. I don’t need to relax, take pills for a choice I made in good faith and I wasn’t warned. I can’t take a look at the Wiki before doing a storyline quest, that would deprive me of part of the fun, which is discovery. Then, there might be some particular attachment to a toon, as roleplayers know well. Put that together and you have emotional responses, although far less emotional than your accusations.

Noteworthy mention: The Hylek, The Quaggan, and the Grawl work fine.

And Skritt are considered funnier than the rest, as I came to learn during chats, so it’s likely the broken choice is the most popular in that quest branch. There’s no way to go back once you choose, so you’re stuck. I’ve stopped developing a toon and concentrated on another since I want to do the storyline the way it’s intended.

Also I believe the opposite quest of The Hatchery is not bugged, and working fine as well.

That doesn’t change the fact that The Hatchery doesn’t work and at the moment I can’t go on or back.

Complaining violently will never solve anything.

Oh, the violence, the horror. Hundreds of brutes and minions rampaging and killing everything in their path. The horror, the horror.
Please tone down your words, if I ever saw an attack that can be considered vicious, it’s yours. I guess you don’t realise that a lot of people work in the IT industry and, more or less, have their opinions on development and release process and times. I work in IT support and I have to know better how people react than how computers react, and I’m too old to lose my time reading confused and confusing things like “all game are betas at release” when this, formally, is far from being correct. I understand perfectly what you mean, but perhaps confusing Beta and Beta state doesn’t help your cause, because it makes a huge difference since the game is in Beta state but this isn’t Beta stage. That’s not what I paid for. Nonetheless, this bug has been handled very badly, also at PR level. I like the game, but this is worrying.

I actually like your retort.

It’s well supportive, and points out flaws in my reasoning.

While I do understand the difference between beta state and beta, and the PR mess this single bug has caused there is no reason to go out of your way and think you’re far superior than everyone else.

I have close family who in the IT field, and at an engineering firm. I do understand the whole majority of what people expect, and what they want. However realistically they’re never going to get that.

I’m actually quite fine with people whining about this because the situation warrants it, and it’s expected. However the majority of the people here feel like they’re wishing mass death on the QA team, and Jeffery for the lack of communication; which is another grave mistake.

I understand the frustration here. I have a character also stuck on this, and I’ve been trying to be reasonable. However it is ineffective to go out of your way and state in a rant “Are you really a Test, marking tech, or developer?” then go off and point out why you think I’m not.

With the “Oh, you don’t know much about IT because of…” is a majority of the reason why I don’t like the IT people. I have knowledge of almost every sect of a game developer, and the people who should come out with a press release on this bug is PR. Though I don’t think they’re do it if people get violent and press on with death warrants towards Anet.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dyzma.2346



Has anyone attempted to do the quest co-op with someone that is also stuck on the same quest?

If that helps, I tried it a fiew times with my friend who has the other storyline and its still not working.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ralja.6475


Don’t sink the discussion in all “i’m better than you, i know more”, there’s really no need.

Aside from that, in my experience i’ve grow to believe that people who complain are the ones who like the game: players who don’t like it just quit, without wasting time in the bug forum.

That’s why people who complain must listened and, reasonably, answered.

The pressing question now it’s not “when it get fixed”, because the Developer already non-answered: i think the new mumble it can be merged in a sense of frustration when we saw that they fixed quickly and without any “MONTHLY test run” the dye-problem, where a story-issue is still ongoing.

And yes, i’ve bought the game for the story content not for the dye drop rate, so i give the first some sort of priority.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: mohican.9415


It is very frustrating that this one quest can stop storyline progression, but this is the first mmo i’ve played that even has a storyline for every character and they’ve done a very good job. I also am insane with anger that I cannot get the rad xp and story experience. I’ve already paid my 60$ and don’t have to pay anymore so I must say I’m quite satisfied. I would like to progress my story some more but I won’t die if I have to wait a few weeks or even months to do it because It’s not draining my wallet. I understand the frustration but throwing things and punching oneself in the face never helps.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: CyberKnight.8941


The majority of you in this thread just need a break. Take a chill pill, relax and do something else instead of camp this thread and tell everyone how much this game sucks and is stupid and horrible and should never be bought or played by anyone because of one simple story choice that people have made involving skritt.

That’s because the story choice is popular AND broken. I don’t need to relax, take pills for a choice I made in good faith and I wasn’t warned. I can’t take a look at the Wiki before doing a storyline quest, that would deprive me of part of the fun, which is discovery. Then, there might be some particular attachment to a toon, as roleplayers know well. Put that together and you have emotional responses, although far less emotional than your accusations.

Noteworthy mention: The Hylek, The Quaggan, and the Grawl work fine.

And Skritt are considered funnier than the rest, as I came to learn during chats, so it’s likely the broken choice is the most popular in that quest branch. There’s no way to go back once you choose, so you’re stuck. I’ve stopped developing a toon and concentrated on another since I want to do the storyline the way it’s intended.

Also I believe the opposite quest of The Hatchery is not bugged, and working fine as well.

That doesn’t change the fact that The Hatchery doesn’t work and at the moment I can’t go on or back.

Complaining violently will never solve anything.

Oh, the violence, the horror. Hundreds of brutes and minions rampaging and killing everything in their path. The horror, the horror.
Please tone down your words, if I ever saw an attack that can be considered vicious, it’s yours. I guess you don’t realise that a lot of people work in the IT industry and, more or less, have their opinions on development and release process and times. I work in IT support and I have to know better how people react than how computers react, and I’m too old to lose my time reading confused and confusing things like “all game are betas at release” when this, formally, is far from being correct. I understand perfectly what you mean, but perhaps confusing Beta and Beta state doesn’t help your cause, because it makes a huge difference since the game is in Beta state but this isn’t Beta stage. That’s not what I paid for. Nonetheless, this bug has been handled very badly, also at PR level. I like the game, but this is worrying.

I actually like your retort.

It’s well supportive, and points out flaws in my reasoning.

While I do understand the difference between beta state and beta, and the PR mess this single bug has caused there is no reason to go out of your way and think you’re far superior than everyone else.

I have close family who in the IT field, and at an engineering firm. I do understand the whole majority of what people expect, and what they want. However realistically they’re never going to get that.

I’m actually quite fine with people whining about this because the situation warrants it, and it’s expected. However the majority of the people here feel like they’re wishing mass death on the QA team, and Jeffery for the lack of communication; which is another grave mistake.

I understand the frustration here. I have a character also stuck on this, and I’ve been trying to be reasonable. However it is ineffective to go out of your way and state in a rant “Are you really a Test, marking tech, or developer?” then go off and point out why you think I’m not.

With the “Oh, you don’t know much about IT because of…” is a majority of the reason why I don’t like the IT people. I have knowledge of almost every sect of a game developer, and the people who should come out with a press release on this bug is PR. Though I don’t think they’re do it if people get violent and press on with death warrants towards Anet.

Really? I can not believe you just said this…..

“However the majority of the people here feel like they’re wishing mass death on the QA team, and Jeffery for the lack of communication; which is another grave mistake.”

The majority of people feel that way? Way to assume how people feel. I have red every locked thread and almost every post to do with this bug.
I see anger, I see disappointment, I do not see the majority of people issuing death threats.

Your initial post, the one with all the CAPS in it was an “I am better then you” post then you tell someone else not to be like that.

Ugh dude just quit while your way behind.

P.S Add me to the list of new people to have run into this bug.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Oujii Kaeru.1425

Oujii Kaeru.1425

Wow for crying out loud , this bug has had the more reports of broken content than anything else in the game as of yet, stop giving us bullpucky excuses about why you cant do it and just fix it, thats your job, its what we the players pay you for when we buy the game .
If we wanted to start a whole new character just to do a different path than we might as well play a different game all together right ?
Enough excuses , stop acting like irresponsible investment bankers and fix what is broken geesh …
If you gave me that many excuses at my job , I would straight up fire your expletives ..
Dont get me wronge I love 90% of the game and totally appreciate the effort that has gone into this game .
But why would you waste your time trying to figure out about crashes wich are happening mostly players side , caused by non updated or incompatable drivers , when you could totally fix the things you “can” control like a broken MAJOR part of a quest ? sounds a bit crazy and slow witted to me …
Again I love the game , but this one terribly irrisponsible actcould cost you more than you think .

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: nitewolf.7482


well ive had this problem for about 2 weeks now and i was hopeing it was fixed so i continue my story quest if not shouldnt they change the story to one of the outher selections u get when u choose the next part if its that bad they cnt fix it would save alot of time and effort

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: WarMykel.2706


Nov 7 still bugged T_T so dissapointed… they should give compensation for this. we don’t buy the game for this inconvenient

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: albieg.7021


Really? I can not believe you just said this…..

“However the majority of the people here feel like they’re wishing mass death on the QA team, and Jeffery for the lack of communication; which is another grave mistake.”

Why not? I believe it. Inability to read emotions is an enormous problem, in this case. This was why I consider his posts way too emotional (as I said before) to be useful. Besides that, I have a problem whenever someone drops his “you don’t know who I am” hammer and “won’t say more” about it while using unconvincing, technically wrong language (which should completely be avoided by a tester who understands his role)… I mean, I could easily think such self-proclaimed tester tested The Hatchery, and I’d say to myself “Ha-ha. Understood.”

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Pelda.4015


I’ve been stuck on this bugged so if it is so difficult to update the game (huge impact on the other player) so please update my (maybe other players which are blocked) account and delete from my story the last mission. I will play again and I will choose different way.
Is it possible?

Thanks for your answer

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Mightwolf.1968


I actually like your retort.

It’s well supportive, and points out flaws in my reasoning.

While I do understand the difference between beta state and beta, and the PR mess this single bug has caused there is no reason to go out of your way and think you’re far superior than everyone else.

I have close family who in the IT field, and at an engineering firm. I do understand the whole majority of what people expect, and what they want. However realistically they’re never going to get that.

I’m actually quite fine with people whining about this because the situation warrants it, and it’s expected. However the majority of the people here feel like they’re wishing mass death on the QA team, and Jeffery for the lack of communication; which is another grave mistake.

I understand the frustration here. I have a character also stuck on this, and I’ve been trying to be reasonable. However it is ineffective to go out of your way and state in a rant “Are you really a Test, marking tech, or developer?” then go off and point out why you think I’m not.

With the “Oh, you don’t know much about IT because of…” is a majority of the reason why I don’t like the IT people. I have knowledge of almost every sect of a game developer, and the people who should come out with a press release on this bug is PR. Though I don’t think they’re do it if people get violent and press on with death warrants towards Anet.

Well, as I said, I don’t usually reply on forums, that’s mainly why I didn’t answer to your post (and I didn’t really see either where the need was for me to reply or where your question is).
So, I didn’t run off, as you said, and keep myself informed about this post nearly every 2 hours while I’m playing (Yes, I’m unemployed for now, so I have some time to spend/waste^^).

I think you definitely misunderstood the meaning of my question about the developer/tester thing.
About that, I did notice that the vocabulary you employed was more specific and that your logic about the process of testing and so on was pretty accurate, and that’s mainly why I wanted to know if you were part of the process or not, as it could have been interesting to have another point of view of the thing.

That’s why I was glad when you said you were tester and that’s why I didn’t push forward, I didn’t see the need to.

So, I’d say that, considering your tester job, you could maybe keep us informed about the status of the update, as you seem to be willing to communicate to us (and I’m really glad that someone of the team seems more concerned about the issue; in fact, I’d say that it’s more or less everything that we ask for).

Another idea that came to my mind is that, if they (I mean Anet, developers and so on) want to double-check or triple-check a new fix, why don’t they use the gamers to do it.
I remember when I was playing WoW years ago, lots of gamers were used to beta test the future updates, it’s only if the players want to do it and it will not affect the other players cause it can be handle in an closed environment like a dungeon.

I know you may say that the players would not like to do it, but considering the two “communities” we talked about before, I’m more than sure that the community liking the “new” stuffs, would be more than happy to test new stuff even if there is some bugs in it.

Well, an idea as another, but it would be great if you could give a word to your bosses about that, it would simplify your life and ours

And, just to finish, because your sentence has really “shocked” me, I think the gamers here that post about this topic don’t want the deaths of the programmers cause:
- we need them to keep playing
- we love them for giving us this beautiful game
- we know that their jobs is harassing, frustrating (cause they cannot communicate everything they would like to) and we respect them for doing that
- we don’t even know them so why would we like their deaths?
- and so on (I’m a bit tired cause there is so many reasons I could give, from “everybody loves everybody” reasons, to “it’s forbidden by the law” reasons )

Well, another rant, sorry guys, I’ll try to not reply too oftenly on this topic as I may get “emotional” to quote another of the authors of rants I love to read in this topic

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Arkvan.3561


I just saw the news. Lost Shores is going to be added in November. Does this have any influence over the Hatchery bug?

EDIT: I can imagine the Lost Shores patch taking priority over storyline bug-fixing.

No one hears you.

(edited by Arkvan.3561)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: grimmyboy.7942


well me and my wife got to this bug as were playing together now were lv 65 and still no joy she has got that sick of the bugged out events/storymode and game that she has uninstalled and gone back to rift cannot blame her tbh

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


Now they edited the topic of my thread? I mean, why?
It was “The Outstanding Hatchery Thread” which was so titled due to the first thread being locked while the bug is still outstanding.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ofelion Equitas.8706

Ofelion Equitas.8706

This is STILL bugged. It has now been bugged for 2 days short of a month. That’s really… unbelievable.

I’m just lucky I only recently came upon this quest, as opposed to those who have been waiting for 28 DAYS!!!

What annoys me is the insane time of amount it apparently takes to fix this.
You could at least have made it impossible to CHOOSE this quest 27 days ago!!
There are new players encountering this bug BY THE MINUTE.

PLEASE, for the love of god, FIX IT! Because the latest update did NOT.

Off to play some other game until it’s been fixed, cause NO, I don’t want to make MORE characters.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Koroshiya.9270


I have been waiting for you guys to fix the quest and read that this bug would be fixed on 6:th of Nov. so i tried this kitten hatchery quest and it still doesn´t work, It feels like you guys dont take this bug seriously and i am beginning to regret that i have bougth Gw2 now. So please fix the story quest or give us the hole Hatchery quests completed so we can move on with the personal quest. Leveling without the story line takes ages to get to 80