Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FxDelusional.8624


I will continue posting this until something is done. If i get banned, then others from server will continue the post until this is acknowledged. This has been posted in WvW and ANET has refused to acknowledge this issue.

There is a thief from the PINK guild, that is contesting SMC and Garrison from TC, for 5+ hours at a time. They are constantly using Thiefs arrow and climbing up the walls, then teleporting inside the respective keeps. This has been mentioned a few times in the forums, yet not one thing has been done about it. So, is ANET allowing this bug to go on even though its been reported for days, or is this something that will be fixed? OR is this something that is intended, and we all should be abusing Theifs Arrow to contest and take over every part of the map?

Seeing the lack of reply on this matter is beyond my comprehension. All the post from ANET about banning modders, hackers, exploiters, etc, never seems to matter when it comes down to it. However, someone such as myself who gets tired of seeing this being taken advantage of, reports it in a way to get ANET’s attention, just to get a temp ban. Seriously, where is the common sense in this?

This could be a pistol skill too, however Ive seen it happening on the SW corner of SMC for hours, and its the same person from the same guild on SoS. They wont accept party invites so I cannot log the name, but I do have SS of them and the contested areas. One of the other post has an actual video posted.*


Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FxDelusional.8624


Just one of a few post with the same thoughts on ANETs allowance of this bug.

Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crawford.4135


ArenaNet doesn’t consider fixing a bug until every person that has purchased the game has complained 5x each.

I’m a Thief myself, and what this Thief is doing is wrong.

This is what happens when you don’t build a team within your MMO company to deal with game bugs head on and fix exploitation. DUCK! More incoming temporary content on its way.

If you were somehow to convince ArenaNet that this was effecting your temporary content, it would be fixed to put a stop to Thieves doing this. Till then, I do wish you much luck.

Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

OMG. I think I saw this on youtube! Was it something like this:

This thief was flying around like crazy and teleporting on the walls and rezed back in about 2 sec to fight again. I seriously thought they fixed since the video has been out since Oct and this hacker’s act apparently crashed the WHOLE WVW afterwards when the Orb got all funky.

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Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FxDelusional.8624


This Thief is flying through walls, its really odd. This plus the invisi forever (Just about) ruins the mechanics of WvW. If the contesting was legit, I would not say a word, but this is out of hand. Past few days and nothing is done. Can really report if you lose target as fast as you get it. Cant get a name unless they accept party invite. Rather old, yet nothing gets done.

Thiefs Arrow WvW Bug, ANET allows hackers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Such a shame that people have to come this this and ruin the fun for everyone else. They (the hacker) obviously have no sense of sportsmanship or fair play and just in it as a glory hog.

Aslo to what FxDelusional was saying, it’s hard to ping these guys down because you can’t see names in WvW, which I can understand so that there’s no trash talking players personal it’s only, Hey you Guild Tag/Server, you suck.
Also, you never know, the hacker could be playing on a stolen account and doesn’t care if it gets banned if ever caught. All around, it’s just a shame. Luckly I haven’t had this problem during the rare times I ventured into WvW, but I could imagine the frustration that hard-core players must have.

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(edited by Aerin Dark Water.6283)